Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 287: Spoiler Naruto and the Veteran


What the hell are evil gods

Not to mention Konoha's people, maybe the Cult of the Evil God doesn't even understand it.

They make killing, enjoy killing, and gain power in the killing ritual. From the perspective of Akabane's understanding, they are a group of lunatics who have mastered some kind of research ability.


They are incomparable with Orochimaru in the comics.

Orochimaru in the comics is also a lunatic defined by Akabane, but he is a lunatic with reason and pursuit.

And the cultists...

In short, cultists must die.

Akabane was not lazy, leaving two shadow clones responsible for updating—one for Naruto and the other for One Piece.

Although he really wanted to get the Navy Type 6 as soon as possible, the current priority was to solve the problem of the Cult of the Evil God.

As a coordinator, he needs to maintain a considerable amount of chakra, so he only left two shadow clones, which means that each volume in his update today has only five chapters.

But that's okay.

If you can quickly solve the evil god religion, it is the same to come back and continue to update.

Although there are all kinds of abilities in the Cult of the Evil God, there is no one who threatens Akabane, even if they create a second flying section, it will be useless to him.

There is no armed color in this world, and elementalization of the body can solve all problems.

It is worth mentioning that after Orochimaru heard the news, he quickly volunteered to participate in this hunting activity against the cult.

These are living experiments.

Human experimentation is very inhumane, but are the people taught by the evil gods still human

For this, three generations are allowed by default.

A group of people set off from Konoha and quickly went to the border area of the Land of Fire near the Land of Water. In addition to the reconnaissance team, many experts in the guard team also participated in this operation.

In total, there are about three or four hundred Chunin and more than fifty Junin.


Before leaving, Akabane saw an unexpected person.


He was still carrying the big black cauldron, with a knife hidden in the black cauldron, and his attire did not look like that of a Chunin or a Jonin.

Like Akabane, he is also a coordinator.

During the dispersal, Kosuke walked with Akabane, holding a small knife in his hand, and was distracted while running while carving wood.

It can indeed be done if the knife skill reaches a certain level.


This is him.

For a samurai family like Hatake Kazami, they would not do this.

When he arrived at the border, Gu Jie had already completed a wood carving.

This is the statue of the Second Hokage.

"Let's settle down here. This is the central area, and we can support anywhere around us."

"Yes, Senior Kosuke."

Akabane has no doubts.

Compared to strength, he must be much higher than Kosuke, but compared to battlefield experience...

Ten of them are not Gu Jie's opponent.

Gu Jie sat down, put down the cauldron behind his back, and then made a shadow clone to go out to find something to eat.

He himself sat and continued to carve the unfinished work.

Akabane took a look.

The wood carvings in the Thousand Hands Door are very exquisite, almost perfecting the details and faces, and there is a feeling of calmness and prestige at first glance.

It can be seen from the wood carving that he has a very high status in Gu Jie's heart.

Halfway through the engraving, Kosuke saw no one around, and asked, "Akabane, what do you mean... both jinnin and jonin are ninjas, and both can contribute to Konoha, so why must you stick to the difference in positions between jinnin and jinnin? "

"Senior, in my humble opinion, the top ninja and the low ninja are mainly about command ability. An experienced high ninja can correctly command everyone to fight and avoid unnecessary casualties, while the low ninja just follow other people's plans..."

Akabane didn't say anything more.

Gu Jie is a well-known ninja for ten thousand years. Although no one despises him except for the new generation in this era, everyone looks down on him somewhat in their hearts.

He obviously has the strength of a ninja, but he still wants to be a ninja.

From the perspective of Jonin, Kosuke wasted his ability and failed the cultivation of the Second Hokage.

"Commanding ability, like Kakashi?"

Gu Jie was thoughtful.

Three years later, Kakashi was not much stronger than Naruto in terms of strength, but his combat experience was crushing compared to Naruto.

experience, command.

It is these two points that Xia Ren lacks.

Afterwards, Gu Jie told him what happened back then.

The content is similar to that in the manga, that is, the command made a mistake back then, resulting in the tragic death of two of his teammates, and then he made an oath with the second Hokage...

Akabane listened carefully.

After Gu Jie finished speaking, he thought for a second or two before he said, "Senior Gu Jie, if I must give you understand the consequences of inadvertent command, right?"


Kosuke knew what Akabane meant.

Now that you understand it, you must be brave enough to bear it.

Being a renegade for a lifetime is just avoiding responsibility.

This is also what the third generation wants to say.

He sighed, not knowing how to answer, so he continued to carve the wood carving in his hand.

next second.

"Senior, there are two chakra fluctuations, one is eight miles to the south, and one..."

"I'll go to the northeast, and you go to the south to help. After the battle, come back here to meet up."

Gu Jie made a decisive decision immediately.

Each team carries a special kunai, and Akabane's support is definitely much faster than him.

Akabane set off quickly.

In the next second, Flying Thunder God rushed to the battlefield.

The enemies are five very large guys who seem to have the ability to grow bigger that the cultists have shown before.

"Akabane, be careful..."

Leading the Jonin to remind.


In the next second, all five people froze in place. Various injuries appeared on their bodies, and then they collapsed to the ground and fell into a coma.


Although it doesn't work against Madara, it's completely instant kill level for these little guys - even if they have the evil god Chakra in their bodies, they still can't resist the illusion of the Kurama clan.

"You guys deal with it."

Akabane let go of his perception, and soon became aware of another battle.

Flying Thunder God, Illusion.

In an instant, the enemy fell to the ground.

In a few breaths, Akabane eliminated the enemies in three or four battlefields.

Seeing is believing, hearing is believing.

Although everyone knows that Akabane is very powerful now, but there is no concept of how powerful it is. Until today, the gang of jounin and chuunin have no idea how strong Akabane is.

To put it simply, killing them is only a matter of thought.

Not an exaggeration at all.

What worries Jonin the most is that Akabane is so strong that he can't take Madara, how strong is Madara

No one has an answer, because except for Akabane and Uzumaki Mito, everyone who has seen Madara is dead.

Akabane returned to the assembly point.

Kosuke hasn't come back yet, he sat down to restore Chakra.

With the physique of the Uzumaki clan, it doesn't take too long to recover Chakra. After recovering his physical condition, Akabane pondered for a while and sat down to draw.

This episode is called Naruto and the Veteran.

It is a part of the story recalled later. After hearing the story of Kosuke, Akabane decided to draw it in advance.

there are many reasons.

On the one hand, Kosuke's experience touched Akabane very much.

on the other hand…

I hope that this volume of plot can make Kosuke make a choice.

He began to write.

In the battlefield, Akabane couldn't concentrate on drawing, so the speed was relatively slow, but after drawing page by page, due to the hand speed, the content of a chapter was quickly completed.

Kosuke is an anime character. His plots are very fragmented, and most of them are spent in memories, but his ability to survive is really strong—from the second generation period to the fourth Ninja World War.

Akabane thought for a long time before continuing to draw the next chapter.

Changing the plot of an anime into a manga requires some adaptation, especially this one that belongs to Gu Jie.

Story, memories, plus combat.

When Kosuke came back, Akabane had already finished all the plots.

A total of five chapters.

The content is not too much, but it incorporates some things that Akabane wants to draw-Junin's duty, and the will of fire.

"It's so fast... Hey, I didn't expect to go to support. You have already completed the support on the other side, and you came back to draw a bunch of cartoons."

Gu Jie smiled.

He was bloodstained, evidently having endured a terrible battle.

"Just happens to be restrained."

Those cultists are very resilient, but they have no resistance to the illusion of the Pommel Horse Clan, not to mention Chibane's spiritual power has reached 215 points.

It's too easy to kill them.

"Senior, this volume... I hope you will be the first to read it."

Akabane compiled the manga into a volume from the beginning to the end, and handed it to Kosuke.

Gu Jie glanced at the cover.

Naruto and the Veteran.

He who has been supplementing the manga knows that the story in this book is not in the regular plot line, but it is also related to the manga plot, which belongs to something called "Fanwai".

Gu Jie took it and began to look through it.

The beginning of the story is the eve of Konoha's collapse plan, the third generation asks Kosuke to say something, and then the plot comes after the collapse plan.

The team travels and is responsible for monitoring the movements of Iwanin's side.

He is in this column.

From the beginning to the end, Gu Jie became more and more silent. After reading it, he returned the stack of manuscript papers to Akabane, and then said with a long sigh: "It's a wonderful story."

"Adapted to your situation, hope you don't mind."

Akabane put it away.

Gu Jie shook his head and said nothing.

Afterwards, the shadow clone came back and brought back a lot of food such as mushrooms and bamboo shoots. He put down the cauldron, lit a bonfire and started cooking.

Halfway through the cooking, Gu Jie continued: "Son, you want to say that the top ninjas have power, but they must also charge forward and be the first to sacrifice, while the low ninjas..."

"The Genin is the future of Konoha, they belong to the protected class, at least... the second generation means so."

Akabane said.

Why did Senshou Feima create a ninja school

The original meaning was actually to keep children away from war.

After all, most of his brothers died in the war when they were young, and Qianshou Feijian and Qianshouzhujian were unwilling to repeat the same mistakes.

In the comics, Kosuke is powerful, but like Naruto, he is a low-level ninja, so under the command of the high-level ninja, the rest of the people sacrificed and died, but he and Naruto are still safe.


This is also the reason why Naruto and Kosuke are strong, but in the priority of sacrifice, Genin belongs to the lower position.

Gu Jie understood this, so he began to doubt whether his approach was correct—is it really a way to atone for his sins by being a forbearer for the rest of his life

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