Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 29: The rules depend on the strong


"Class Seven."

At this time, the young Shimura Danzo walked to the door and shouted briefly.

Sure enough, it was the weird guy who bought the book yesterday.

Akabane sighed secretly, feeling sad for the days to come.


Zi Xiao got up and walked out first.

Danzo didn't wait, and by the time they got outside the door, Danzo had disappeared at the end of the corridor.

When they came around the corner, they found that Danzo had disappeared.

"Isn't that the beginning?"

Akabane sighed helplessly.

"This is an examination question, and we can only become teachers' students if we find him."

Mitarai Zixiao said in a deep voice.

"Let's go to the front first, there will definitely be clues."

Akabane said calmly.

It is impossible for Danzo to leave unsolvable questions, because the other party is just testing them, not deliberately refusing to accept apprentices.

When she reached the stairs, Mitarai Zixiao glanced around and quickly fixed her eyes on a corner, saying, "Master Danzo has left us a clue."

It's a rag, obviously left on purpose.

Hatake Sakumo bit his finger, and then pressed his hands on the ground in seals.

The psychic spell appeared, and a dog appeared in front of everyone. Although it was still very young, it was indeed a dog.

"Langya, help us find the owner of this piece of cloth."

"Wow woof."

The little milk dog moved forward quickly, walking along this passage.

Akabane immediately felt relieved, these teammates are very reliable, he is not afraid that he will not be able to find Shimura Danzo, and he can fish happily again.

Walking upstairs, Spike stopped.


"There are probably traps on the second floor, everyone be careful."

Mitarai Zixiao made a hand seal, and Langya stood up again in an instant, and went upstairs.

"It seems to be illusion, which is my specialty."

Akabane did his part, and took the lead in stepping into the trap set by the illusion. The moment he stepped in, dozens of shurikens flew towards him.

"Illusion · solution."

The powerful mental power instantly dispelled the low-intensity illusion.


A group of people walked up, and they figured it out. There are always five floors in the teaching building. It is estimated that each floor has a problem. If you solve them all, you can see Shimura Danzo.

The third and fourth floors are full of traps, and everyone passed through without any pressure.

"The third floor is a shuriken trap, the fourth floor is a compound trap of illusion and shuriken, and the fifth floor may be more dangerous, everyone be prepared."

Mitarai Zixiao said with a solemn face.

The first four floors are not difficult, and the test is insight, survivability and teamwork. According to this guess, the fifth floor may be the real battle.

How strong is Shimura Danzo

After the first World War, in Konoha Village in this era, Danzo can be called the number one person besides the Three Hokages.

Not to mention the three of them, even the three Zhongren would definitely not be able to stop them.

Akabane seemed lazy, but he was extremely vigilant.

They went from the fourth floor to the fifth floor rooftop. There were no traps or illusions, only a figure with a knife on his back.

"I don't have a bell here. I only have one clone. The condition is very simple. This clone only takes one shot, and those who survive will be able to advance."

"Of course, I gave you another way!"

At the end of Danzo's speech, his tone was cold and murderous.

With an unparalleled killing intent, the three of them were like thorns on their backs, and countless fears were born in their hearts.


Mitarai Zixiao shot instantly, several shurikens flew towards Danzo.


"Konoha-ryu swordsmanship · dance of the crescent moon."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that Danzang had turned into three paths, killing them from three directions respectively.

"Throw smoke bombs."

All three are clones, but Akabane didn't hesitate to let them throw smoke bombs.

Without any hesitation, Zi Xiao and Shuo Mao hit the ground with a smoke bomb, and the surroundings were immediately enveloped in smoke and dust.


Danzo's indifferent voice came from outside the smoke.

This kind of smoke might obscure the sight of ordinary ninjas, but for a master like him, even the fog concealment technique could not block his perception, let alone a mere smoke bomb.

He could sense a figure moving upwards.


Below, there is still the breath of three people.

Shadow clone

Only one of the three can use the shadow clone. Danzang knew what was going on, but he didn't intend to pay attention to it.

Akabane's illusion is very strong, but he still needs to be found, and he doesn't have to choose Akabane as the target at all.

But when the smoke dissipated, three identical people stood in the center of the roof, and there was another person in the dark, whether it was a clone or a real one.

"Admirable use of the rules."

Laughter came out, but the killing intent became more and more intense, and the sabers of the three clones continued to kill the three of them.

Danzo was observing his emotions, and the three of them were very clear, but with such a tyrannical murderous aura, who could resist showing any flaws

A knife strikes like lightning.

Target - three people in the field!

There is no rule that one knife can only kill one person. Danzo's murderous intent is true, and the target of the move is also true.

But at the moment when the knife came out, Akabane formed a seal with both hands: "Illusion, the art of seeing Naraku."

The seal was fast, hitting Danzo in an instant, but in an instant the opponent released the illusion, but this instant was enough for everyone to react.

Stand-in technique!

The knife fell, and the shadow clone that was replaced turned into pieces.

At the same time, Hatake Sakumo's short sword suddenly came out, and Hatake's sword skills were as light as lightning, and he went to kill Danzo.

Zi Xiao was stunned for a moment, and also shot without hesitation, forming seals with both hands.

"Fire Escape·Dragon Fire Art!"

Sakumo's sword, Zixiao's fire, and Akabane's possible use of the Kurama clan's illusion in the dark, this is indeed a crisis for Danzo.


"Wind Escape · Big Breakthrough."

C-level ninjutsu, but it spewed out from Danzo's mouth like a terrifying tornado, with wind blades hidden in the wind.

Sweeping everything and being unstoppable, Shuo Mao and Zi Xiao dodged, but it was too late.

Akabane was in an illusion, and although it was released in time, the knife was already in front of him.

Just when the three of them were facing a life-threatening crisis, all of this dissipated in an instant.

"You guys, pass the test."

The avatar disappeared, but on Sakumo and Zixiao's side, with the appearance of Danzo, the storm created by Fengdun Ninjutsu was difficult to overcome and gradually disappeared.


A cold sweat broke out on Chi Yu's forehead, and the second the knife was in front of him just now, he could feel the coldness on the knife and the killing intent.

"Thank you teacher."

Zi Xiao bowed respectfully to Danzo.

Akabane appeared from the darkness and stood in a row with Shuo Mao and Zi Xiao.

"Just now is my first lesson, never trust the rules that the enemy says, because they can override the rules at any time."

Danzo said lightly.

"The rules are determined by the strong."

Shuo Mao had a clear understanding.

"I can renege on the rules and make the second or third move, but I can't kill you, because I am under Konoha's rules."

Danzo continued.

Akabane nodded to show that he understands that the Danzo at this time is indeed different. He still has the will of fire and the bottom line in his heart, not the person who was used to darkness and unscrupulous methods in the later period.

"Get here today, start the mission tomorrow."

The first class ended in an unexpected way for Akabane.

Unlike Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo's teaching is simple and rough, which really impressed Akabane.

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