Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 290: Master Shinnosuke changed?


To be honest, Akabane himself didn't expect that this book would have any impact.

He just copied it completely...


That afternoon, the third generation went to him to discuss whether Yuyin Village might unite with Madara and Heijue, and Akabane realized that Yuyin Village was to some extent blamed.

The disappearance of Samana definitely has nothing to do with Yuyin Village, but what Shayin Village thinks is hard to say.

Pick the persimmon softly.

Compared with Yuyin Village, Muye is still easier to deal with in Yuyin Village. As for whether it is done by Yuyin Village or not, it doesn't matter - doesn't Shayin Village know that it wasn't done by Muye

They just want a reason.

The reason for the third generation to find Akabane is very simple-intensify efforts, and the actions of Heiyuyin Village will not stop.

According to the original plot, the follow-up Akatsuki plot will also seal Sanwei and Yunyin Village Jinzhu Rikito, and then there will be a new generation of Ikacho and Kakashi playing Kakuto and Hidan together.

However, since the third generation has requirements, conditions must be created if there are no conditions.

Akabane went back to the manga shop and thought for a long time, and finally decided to draw another volume—this volume is about the part where Kakashi sneaks into Yuyin Village to find Sansho Hanzo.

This episode took place in the new Chunin exam after Tsunade took over, and Kakashi went to Yuyin Village to check the internal situation of Yuyin Village.

The three generations demanded more efforts, so we can only start from this aspect.

However, regarding Akatsuki's "purpose", many people in the village were discussing, and even these people gathered in the refreshment hall that Akabane had just renovated, chatting about these things while eating and drinking.

Here, even ordinary people can talk and point to Yuyin Village, Shayin Village, etc., but it is a pity that Yuyin Village cannot hear these remarks, otherwise it must be very exciting.

in addition.

Akabane learned from the third generation that Sand Hidden Village has officially increased its manpower to the country of Kawa.

But obviously, they didn't know that Uchiha Madara was in Sand Hidden Village, so... Konoha also didn't say anything.

Rogge Town is located by the river on the west side of the Kingdom of Kawa, and is relatively close to the Land of Winds. Sand Hidden Village's invasion of the Kingdom of Kawa must go to the direction of Rogge Town.

Seeing is believing, hearing is believing, let Shayin Village witness whether Madara is alive or not.

While thinking about the plot, Akabane thought about the plot of One Piece.

The plot of One Piece is still on Long Island. Akabane once considered deleting it. After all, judging from the composition, this plot is really boring, comparable to the original animation.

However, it really is the plot of the comics.

More than that, in this episode, a very important role will appear—one of the three generals, the owner of the frozen fruit, Aokiji.

Akabane liked this character quite a lot when he read manga in his previous life.

Aokiji's strength is very strong, and he can be regarded as a strong candidate for the next generation of Marshal, and his definition of "justice" is not as extreme as that of Akainu.

If he or Yixiao could become a marshal, maybe the navy would be very different.

Unfortunately, the next generation is Akainu.

Akabane sighed with emotion for a while, it just so happened that today I did not need to be on duty to finish drawing the plot of Changchang Island, which just happened to let the plot quickly enter the water city chapter.

When C9 comes on the scene, the navy six can be exchanged.

The six forms of the navy are powerful, even in the Naruto world, it is quite a practical ability. If it is not necessary to prepare chakra, he can maintain four to five shadow clones working together at the same time.

That way you don't need to worry about updating at all.

It's not like now.

Three shadow avatars, one main body, although the number is not small, but Akabane is still in charge of the update of Naruto, Naruto and One Piece, and it is still a bit difficult and exhausting.

"Is Akabane there?"

A voice came from outside, it should be Moonlight Night Dance.

"Go in and have a look, I don't know either."

Kurama Yunlang sighed.

Ever since Flying Thunder God came into existence, it was difficult for him to be sure whether Akabane himself was there, after all, he didn't go through the main entrance when he returned here...


Akabane poked his head out and waved to him.

Ye Wu carried something in her hand and went into the house, seeing the posture of the "four" Chi Yu, she couldn't help being slightly startled.

Afterwards, he couldn't help sighing: "You are really good at maintaining so many clones working at the same time."

The shadow clone cultivation method has become popular now, but after experimenting, everyone understands how much this cultivation method requires Chakra and spiritual will.


It is such a burden to maintain a shadow clone to speed up cultivation, and Akabane maintains three or four shadow clones to participate in painting work every day, which shows that there is a lot of consumption and burden here.

Ye Wu looked at each other, then looked at herself, and she couldn't help but doubt her life - she also came from a frail and sick family, why is there such a big gap between them

"It's just that the mental burden is greater. The most important thing for our pommel horse family is mental strength."

Akabane was humbled.

Ye Wu rolled her eyes, sat down unceremoniously, and handed over the small package in hand.

Akabane didn't bother to pick it up, and said while drawing: "I didn't save you for the sake of benefit, we friends still talk about this?"

"My father must give it to you. Besides... it's not a valuable thing, and you just lack these."

Night Dance spread out the package.

These are two title deeds.

"I am this..."

Akabane originally wanted to refuse, after all, his original intention was really just to save Ye Wu, but seeing the location of these two land deeds, he felt that he was going to be really attractive.

The value of the land deed is quite high, especially one of the two is almost the best shop in the Konoha area, and this land deed alone is worth a lot of money.

The other is a land deed in a remote location, a mountain forest.

It can be said that the value of the two land deeds is very high.

But if it's just a land deed, he doesn't necessarily want it. Recently, he just needs shops and forests—the trees in the forests are used to make wood carvings, and the shops are used to sell handmade figures.

Every patriarch has two skills, even though Yueguang Xinghuo is close to retiring, but this gift completely hits Akabane's itchy spot, and it is certain that he will not refuse it.

He was a little confused.

"Okay, without you, even if I didn't die in the Land of Winds, I would still be half disabled. Besides... what's so polite among friends, you just need it, and our family happens to have it, so you can accept it."

Night Dance is clear.

Although his own strength is much stronger than before, but at most he is particularly jonin.

Located in the hinterland of the Kingdom of Wind, it is impossible for him to escape by himself—it is in the interests of Madara and Heijue that both sides will suffer.

"It seems that Uncle Xinghuo has done some research on me."

Akabane smiled wryly.

Speaking of this, it would be hypocritical not to accept it.

But when Ye Wu said this, she rubbed her hands wretchedly and said, "If you really feel embarrassed, tell Senior Gu Jie that I will carve a three-knife version of Sauron next."

"no problem."

Akabane Miao agreed that the new store was originally for selling figures, so it is normal to give some gifts in the early stage to increase popularity, not to mention that the two land deeds of Yewu are quite expensive.

"Very good."

In Ye Wu's eyes, the value of the first batch of figures may exceed a land deed, and he will definitely be a proper ninja otaku in the future.

Akabane thought for a moment, then asked, "Uncle Xinghuo, is there any interest in woodcarving?"


Ye Wu originally wanted to sneer, but when she thought of her father's weakened body due to injury, she fell into deep thought.

In the past, it must have been of no interest.

but now…

I remember that yesterday, I saw a lot of comics in my father's room, so it is probably possible.

Thinking of this, Ye Wu thought for a second or two and replied: "I'll go back and ask. If it's possible, I'll come over and tell you right away."


Akabane answered his efforts and completed another page of manga.

Save more manga, and you can spare some time to paint and color the wood carvings before the figurine shop opens, but this is the first batch of figurines, and it needs to be done with the utmost effort.

At the back, you can exit the "civilian version"-shape with Tudun, make the shape of the figure and then color it.

It is more troublesome to preserve the figure of Tudun, and it may show signs of dryness, cracks and other signs after a long time. The quality is definitely not as good as that of puppets, and the price is correspondingly cheaper.

But besides these, there is one more thing.

Jiraiya's side recently had to send a shadow clone to see what's going on, especially the bird that ate the human fruit. I don't know if it died or was kept in captivity by Jiraiya and the others.

This will have to wait for the manga to be updated.

In the evening, the update was basically completed, and Akabane happened to use the waste, and sent a shadow clone and some comics to Haijiraiya.

This time there is no need to hide.

The shadow clone appeared directly beside Jiraiya. At this time, Jiraiya was sitting outside a small room. There was a gap in the place directly facing him, from which the situation inside the room could be seen.

Inside the room is a bird in human form, and in Jiraiya's hand is a painting of a "bird girl". The figure has already been drawn, except for the facial features, hands, etc.

"I didn't expect you to be like this Ziraiya, the taste is too strong!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I..."

Jiraiya was about to refute, when he suddenly realized—isn't that Akabane's voice

He turned his head suddenly and saw Akabane. When he saw the manga in Akabane's hand, he forgot about Akabane and quickly grabbed the manga.

This is all baby!

After flipping through it, he couldn't help complaining, "Master Shinnosuke hasn't updated yet?"

"Not yet."

"Wow, so many comics, I'm so happy, Akabane, you are a lifesaver!"

I'm going crazy too.

For almost a week, the comics in his hand have been flipped to pieces, let's fight... In the vast sea, it is normal to sail without seeing people for several days, and all he can do is stare at the bird.

At any rate, she is a female in human form, and regardless of her origin, after transforming into a human form, she looks small and cute, with a different kind of beauty.

The shadow clone glanced at it, nodded approvingly and said, "Not to mention, your drawing skills have improved a lot, hasn't your goal been achieved?"


Listen, is this human speech

If you are locked up at sea, you can't see anyone for more than a week, and you can only focus on doing something, you can also make rapid progress.

To put it bluntly, what is the difference between him and the labor camp now!

Jiraiya complained in his heart, took those comics aside and read them by himself, with comics, all "bird girls" were forgotten.

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