Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 294: Lonely and widowed old spots, chat online


Akabane poured a glass of fruit wine, then raised it: "It's a great honor that Kakuzu-senpai agrees with me. Let's toast to our consensus again."

"It's okay to celebrate, but I don't want to drink a toast. I don't drink with brats."

Kakudo drank a cup by himself, obviously dissatisfied with Akabane's resignation to death.

He pondered for a moment, and then said: "Since we have reached an agreement, some things need to be settled first. I will inform you of the information that Madara gave me, but also if I am in danger, you have to come to my rescue." .”

The longer I live, the more afraid I am of death, especially now that Jiaodu is living a happy life, and I want to live a few more years in this world.

In the past, Jiaodu felt that he could go anywhere in the world, who could kill him who had "fighted against the first generation".

Now there is a spot...

There is no way, sex is bound to be strong.

However, further cooperation with Akabane means that he will lose some aspects of independence.

It is these that follow.

Akabane knew it well, Danzo must have guessed that he was going to cooperate with Kakutsu, and when the information was sufficient and he was not inflated, the old fox's brain was very good.

Therefore, such requests as information exchange must of course be mentioned.

There is no problem with these corners. Collecting intelligence itself is the job of the subordinates, and does not require any effort from him. Not only that, intelligence is also a very valuable commodity at certain times.

From this perspective, intelligence gathering can also be developed into a business.

The other thing is, you can't shoot Konoha ninjas—at least you can't kill them.

This is also fine.

Konoha is afraid of Kakutsu, but Kakutsu is also afraid of Konoha's strength, especially when Akabane has Flying Thunder God and that kind of weird illusion, if he really angers Konoha, all his foundations in the country of Sichuan will be burned.

Of course it would be best not to have a war, Akabane and Kadoka reached an agreement, and then left Rogue Town.

Then, Kakuto saw today's cartoon.

One Piece is just fine.

Arriving at the Seven Islands of Water, the plot of the manga officially entered the chapter of the City of Water, and the plot became relatively exciting.


What the hell is Naruto, I'm going to explode right now

After reading the smuggled Naruto manga, Kakuzu resisted the urge to bring Akabane back.

Although Xiao didn't make a few appearances at the moment, the last time Xie took off his coat, he immediately got a lunch box, and Didala looked very unreliable, and he was stable with his clothes on until now.

After his conclusion, in the plot, "undressing will kill you"!


If it's just the plot, he doesn't care, but no one would tell all their weaknesses in front of the enemy, right

Retarded character!

Kakudo absolutely doesn't recognize himself in the comics - he would have died if he was so stupid.

in addition…

You have written down the weaknesses of Earth Resentment and Yu, how can I walk in the ninja world in the future

The corners are all black.

After flipping through the pages, he figured it out.

I am the stepping stone provided to the "protagonist" to improve his strength. Although Naruto's spiral pill shuriken missed him in this book, "I" must die from this move in the subsequent plot.

After realizing the reality, when he read this manga, he always felt that the words "miserable" were drawn all over the paper, and at the same time, he seemed to see Akabane saying something like "I have foreseen your death" to him.


It's hard to judge, and I don't want to make these boring judgments.

He believes that both Akabane and Madara will need his help, as long as he shows enough value, the two of them will not be able to kill.

That's right.

When they met again, Jiao had a strong feeling that he probably couldn't beat Akabane at all.

If you can't beat the opponent, of course it's easier to talk.

Akabane left Rogge Town and headed west along the route, releasing his perception while moving to check where Madara might exist. His current perception range is very large, as long as Madara enters a certain range, he can be noticed immediately.

All the way to the border, Akabane sensed Madara's whereabouts.


In the next second, Madara approached quickly, and within a few breaths, he was already beside him.

Akabane doesn't need to fly Thor, he can't run Madara at all.

Really old and strong, all I can say is...

Spot awesome!

The intercolumn cells are amazing!

It's a pity that it can't be popularized, otherwise, when the three-generation pervert gets old, it is estimated that the intercolumnar cells will be transplanted at a high price.

Akabane guessed maliciously in his heart, and at the same time was more curious about what Madara wanted to do, so he stopped.

The big deal is to throw the simian demon psychic scroll given by the third generation, and then fly to the thunder god to run away, even if Madara uses the ability of reincarnation, it is impossible to stop it.

Not long after, Madara was in front of him.

He stared at Akabane and said, "Although you have used the transformation technique, you are just like Senju Hashirama back then, and you can be spotted from the vast crowd at a glance."

"How can I compare with the first generation adults..."

Akabane smiled humbly.

"It really can't."

Madara didn't realize that Akabane was talking modestly, after all, what Akabane said was the truth.

He sucked a stone over with one hand, and then sat down. The old god said on the ground: "But you are very similar to us when we were young. You are energetic, talented, and most importantly, you are not afraid of death."

Akabane frowned slightly.

Not afraid of death

This sounds very uncomfortable no matter what!

"It is a very bold and desperate idea to put many secrets of ninja villages into comics, beautify the experience of ninjas, and show them to the common people."

Madara ignored Akabane's expression and continued talking to himself.

Akabane didn't speak, and quietly listened to Madara continue.

He knew what it meant.

In the eyes of ordinary people, ninjas are mysterious and powerful, and it is difficult for them to get in touch with this field, so even a ninja has a very high status in front of ordinary people.

But this manga clearly exposes the class of ninjas.

Ninjas also have high and low, strong and weak, good and bad, and countless open and secret fights. Ninjas are not noble, but stronger than ordinary people.

The strong are supreme, and the blood is supreme.

This is the essence of this manga in Madarayan's eyes.

"It's not just the blood, but also the country... No matter how many strong people come out of a small country, they can't defeat a big country, because when a small country tries to challenge the rules, the big countries will join hands to defend their status."

Madara glanced at Akabane.

In fact, originally he just wanted to talk to Akabane about the Thunder Fruit, but after reading the update a few days ago, he has a lot of things to complain about, and he has a secret thought in his heart...

In fact, Akabane understands this feeling very well.

The lonely old man has been alone for a long time, and suddenly a guest comes to the house, and he always wants to talk to the guest about his usual thoughts.

Akabane is the poor child who was caught.

He made a stool out of earth tunnels—this was done by Xinzhi Zhuxue.

Madara spoke very excitedly, and he could say one, two, three in various categories. If he lived in Akabane's era, he must be a Zhihu boss again, but now he only has one audience like Akabane in front of him.

After listening for a long time...

Akabane couldn't help but interrupted, "Master Madara, you've been squatting here for so long to catch me, just to say these things?"

"Of course not, I just want to see when you can't help it."

Spotted said something lightly.

The voice is impatient, but this kid is very calm...

Then, he got up and kicked the rocks away, and said, "Your lightning ability should be the power of a devil fruit, right?"


Akabane looked at Madara with a properly surprised expression.

"The thunderous fruit can allow a person to control the power of thunder and lightning that is close to a god. It is because of this that you and Fei Leishen dare to know that I am in the country of Sichuan, and dare to come here to save people."

The voice was surprised, but the emotion remained the same.

But at this moment, Akabane gradually guessed Madara's intentions.

This guy ate the fruit of whispers. Although this kind of fruit can only hear whispers that others are willing to share in anime, it is obviously not the same thing in Madara's hands as in the hands of a little girl.

Chatting is fake, but temptation is real.

The series of conversations just now made Akabane let go of his guard step by step, making him think that he was just "chatting"...

Figured this out, he quickly came up with a solution.

For him who is proficient in illusion, it is not difficult to control his emotions and thoughts in his heart, so he amplified his "shock" emotion at the right time and said: "I didn't expect you to guess... Indeed, I was careless, I shouldn't directly use The ability in the comics."

Spot frowned slightly.

This is a little different from what he guessed.

He paused for a moment, and then said, "No, I'll guess just because I also got a devil fruit, which just so happens to be the frozen fruit that appeared in your manga."

"Frozen fruit?"

Akabane was "surprised" and "worried" again.

In the next second, he didn't stay any longer, and flew directly to Thunder God to run away.

Madara didn't go to grab him, and frowned, thinking about Akabane's emotions just now - flat at first, followed by sudden violent fluctuations...

This kid, set me up!

"Forget it, it's just an experiment anyway. But Lian Jue can't stop my snooping... This kid is very suspicious."

Madara pondered secretly.

In terms of mental strength alone, Kuroze is definitely stronger than Akabane, but Kuro never knows that Madara possesses this ability, and it is easy for him to detect his emotions without any precautions, but the fruit of whispering has hit a wall with Akabane...

Maybe, this kid knows his abilities

Madara pondered for a moment, a little uncertain about the situation.

No wonder he is suspicious, Akabane is the creator of One Piece, that kid may have a way to distinguish the ability of a devil fruit.

After thinking for a while, he turned his head and went to the Kingdom of Wind.

Hei definitely has a lot to hide, but there is one thing that is true - the three generations of Kazekage from the Land of Winds are indeed worth using.

On the other hand, Akabane returned to the caravan shop.

I just pretended my emotions, but when I came back, I thought that I was still too flustered in front of Madara, and I acted too hard in many places, I am afraid that Madara could see something wrong.

However, this is not his fault.

Madara acted like a lonely old man on the street at the beginning, Akabane didn't think about that at all, and it was a bit late for him to react.


What kind of garlic do you put in a whisper fruit, and you freeze the fruit...

So save face

Don't be afraid of making fun of everyone in the ninja world if you say it!

Akabane sat for a while, not knowing where to start complaining.

After thinking about it for a while, he found that the information here was almost the same, and he felt that he had better go back as soon as possible.

Anyway, the situation of the country of Sichuan and Madara's whereabouts can basically be guessed, and there is no point in staying, it is better to go back to be safer.

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