Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 297: I don't want you to think, listen to me!


The Sixth Form of the Navy is very strong, and through the Sixth Form of the Navy, many physical moves can be derived,


The price of exchanging the six forms is relatively expensive, and each requires 1,000 points.

However, this price is nothing compared to the current income - even affected by the war, Akabane still earns more than 8,000 points a day.

Especially in today's big outbreak, it is estimated that there will be more than 10,000.

Without hesitation, Akabane directly exchanged for the Navy Type 6.

The essence of the Six Forms is the use of muscles and body strength. Akabane is indeed lax in physical training, but he can't support high attributes, so he also meets the requirements for using the Six Forms without any effort.

Akabane experimented a bit.

All the moves are not too heavy for him, and he can practice them easily, but this is not the case for ordinary ninjas.

Such as Moonlight Night Dance.

With his body, it would be extremely difficult to practice the Sixth Form of the Navy. At most, he can practice Shaved and Moon Steps, and iron blocks must not be suitable for him.

Right now it's just an experimental teaching, and Akabane doesn't plan to call too many people.

After thinking for a while, he came to the Hatake Clan.

Shuo Mao is good at speed, and his physical strength is also quite high. He has a very high aptitude and should be able to quickly learn the six styles.

Plus Dai and Orochimaru...

Well, Orochimaru has just arrived at a group of heretics, so I'm afraid I don't have much time to practice the Six Forms.

After thinking for a while, he vetoed Orochimaru and changed it to Tsunade.

There is nothing to say about Tsunade's physical fitness. If he can practice the Six Forms, combined with his strange strength, his strength is also quite good.

Shuo Mao had a mission to go out during this period, but happened to come back two days ago, and is currently practicing in the clan.

Judging from the training situation, Sakumao should be practicing Chidori Style and Chidori Sharp Spear. One of the two can be considered as a combination of offense and defense, and the other can attack at medium and long distances, which is a good variant of Chidori.

Of course, there is absolutely no need for Akabane to study these. The Thunder Fruit is much more powerful than these mutant ninjutsu.

At first, Akabane asked him to go to training together, but Sakumo was a little reluctant—his Chidori style was almost finished.

As soon as you hear the "six styles"...

Shuo Mao agreed without hesitation, and the quick change of face was astounding.

After using Flying Thunder God to bring people to the training ground, Akabane stopped by the research institute to find Tsunade.

Tsunade was indeed at the research institute. She and Orochimaru studied these cultists together, and they worked so hard that she let her temporarily put down the work at hand.

Counting the gym special class, there are always six people—in addition to Dai, there are three other students, and Akabane didn't let them go.

These three people have been practicing hard recently, and they have been able to open the second door.

Akabane wanted to see if a ninja who had opened the second door like this could master the superhuman art of the Sixth Form of the Navy.

The six-style distance itself is relatively simple, and the knowledge attached to the system exchange involves a lot of training methods. He only needs to follow the scriptures, and there is no need to make many changes at all.

Tsunade wasn't interested at first.

Because she hadn't seen the latest plot of One Piece, she didn't know what Six Forms was. If Akabane hadn't invited it by herself, she wouldn't have given up her precious research time to learn it.


Every time she heard the content and exercise method of a move, her eyes brightened.

In the end, she became more positive than anyone else.

Akabane sat on the side, he had directly mastered the six styles, so he didn't need to exercise at all, he just needed to observe their training conditions.

Mastering the six styles is a long process, and it is basically impossible to do it overnight.

Akabane took out his painting tools and prepared for a protracted battle.

He draws an update of Naruto.

Naruto has already arrived at the plot of Sasuke's confrontation with Didara. These ten episodes did not cause much disturbance. There is also a small group of people like Uchiha-they are amazed at Sasuke's growth, and at the same time they are proud of the potential of Sharingan.

Other than that, no one cared about Sasuke's situation.

Even Akabane himself is the same.

Erzhuzi almost pretended to fail and was killed together. The way the plot ended was a bit joyful. As for the plot itself, he didn't feel much about it.

What really matters is what happens next.

After this period, Sasuke went to Jiraiya to Yuyin Village to find out the secret of "Pain" - he will be buried in Yuyin Village, and there will be no Ziraiya in the world from then on.

Akabane is drawing exactly this paragraph now.

When he read manga and anime in his previous life, this passage gave him the deepest feeling.

Zilai is also lustful, but I have to say that he is a great person. He lived in the prophecy of the immortality of Mount Miaomu all his life, and taught many outstanding disciples diligently.

If the Fourth Hokage, Nagato, Naruto, and even Yahiko survived, he could become a peaceful and powerful ninja.

Unfortunately, his life was not satisfactory.

He failed to save Minato's life, died at the hands of the disciples he taught, failed to call back the companions he valued, and even Naruto didn't take good care of him...

Hey, that old immortal!

When he thought of this, he couldn't help wishing the Immortal Toad to go away as soon as possible, so that he would not live in the world again and cause harm to the world.

Akabane began to write.

During the painting, he would occasionally pay attention to the training status of the others.

Tsunade and Sakumo had the strongest background and quickly mastered some skills, but their main attack directions were different.

Sakumo gave priority to practicing shaving, while Tsunade focused on Arashi's feet and finger guns.

By the afternoon, Tsunade was able to initially use the haze foot and the finger gun with the cooperation of the strange power, but she couldn't do it without the strange power.

That's pretty fast.

After all, Akabane's most promising Dai has not figured it out yet, and is in the initial stage of training iron blocks and finger guns, let alone the other three children.

But Dai is very hardworking.

Especially after getting the Niu Niu Fruit, his recovery power has accelerated, and he is basically exercising except for a short time to sleep and eat during the day.

The next day, it was confirmed that Yamano Izumi had sent the new update, and Akabane came to the training ground to check the situation.

The content of his drawing was not updated yesterday, because Naruto only updated to Jiraiya's return to Konoha, and did not set off for Yuyin Village.

Here is part changed by him.

The friendship between Jiraiya and Tsunade actually has that kind of taste at this point in the comics.

But here, he changed it to friendship between partners.

I'm not dead yet!

This is also the reason why only five chapters of Hokage were updated yesterday. He wanted to revise the manuscript and couldn't send it out immediately.

There are disadvantages as well as advantages.

Counting the content of my painting here, I can finish the plot of Jiraiya's death in Yuyin Village in one breath today.

It's a pity that Jiraiya is not in Konoha...

Akabane was filled with emotions, and Zilai also wanted to be here. It was interesting to see the "death" plot for the first time.

"Iron Nugget! I have trained to be an Iron Nugget. Okay, I will complete the finger gun before this evening, otherwise I will run a thousand laps around the training ground."

Not far away, Dai's voice came.

He has become a block of iron.

Akabane was not surprised, Dai was undoubtedly the strongest in physical skills among all, even though he looked very stupid...

But on the other hand, Sakumo and Tsunade also completed their main attack of shaving and hazing.

According to this rhythm, the three of them may be able to fully master one or two abilities by tomorrow. This speed is already quite fast. After all, normal people are at the speed of the other three—

Up to now, they still haven't mastered any of the six moves.

But they are not incapable.

After Dai succeeded, the three of them also started to attack the iron block, wanting to master the iron block first.

"When they have mastered some, we can arrange a wave of illusion trials to familiarize them with their abilities..."

Akabane thought to himself.

His current ability has increased, and he no longer needs to use those simple maps in the illusion trial.

LAN RG production can be put on the agenda.

Well, wait for them to practice some.

Thinking of this, he continued to paint.

In these dozen or so episodes, a lot of abilities are involved, and Akabane draws quite attentively.

Their training here is in full swing, but in the country of Kawakawa, Kakuto's "find someone" operation is not going well.

The country of Kawa is too chaotic.

Konoha and Sand Hidden Village all sent people into the country of Kawa, and the war was about to break out. The rebels living in the country of Kawa were very nervous, including Kakuzu himself.

Once the war started, his trade was all over.

However, at this time, Hidden Sand Village has not yet decided whether to launch an attack. It was originally held today to discuss this matter, but...

What is being discussed now is the issue of guarding the crane.

Sasuke wants to become Renzhuriki himself.

"I don't agree, Renzhuli has a lot to do with it, in case you can't grasp it quickly..."

"I can!"

Sasuke got up and stared at Ebino solemnly.

He was very serious, and with an unwavering tone, he looked at Ebizo for a few seconds, and then he looked at Chiyo again.

Chiyo masters the sealing technique, she is the key to determine whether she can become Jinjuriki, Sasuke thought for a second or two, and then said: "Elder Chiyo, I don't need your advice, I am Kazekage, listen to me! "

"this… "

Ebizo looked at Chiyo with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Sasuke, is this... reverse psychology

Chiyo was also a little bit at a loss, because although Sasuke was fascinated by the power of Shukaku before, he didn't intend to become Jinzhuriki.

Perhaps the disappearance of the Second Kazekage had dealt him a great blow...

Chiyo thought for a long time, and finally sighed heavily and said, "Master Fenfu is very good at controlling Shukuru, but you may not be able to adapt quickly to you... But you are Kazekage, and if you insist on doing this, I can't help it. "

"Thank you, Elder Chidai."

Sasuke got up and bowed, and then explained in a soft tone, "I know that my attitude is wrong, but Hidden Sand Village must resort to some abnormal means if it wants to be strong. The tailed beast is the power we can grasp the fastest now."

"Konoha also has nine tails."

Ebizo reminded.

"They have Nine-Tails, but Jinchuriki is already rotten, unless they change to another Jinchuriki like us, but is this possible?"

Sasuke's thoughts are very clear.

There's credit for Madara's hints here, but more of his own thinking of it.

Chiyo frowned slightly.

If you want to put it this way, it is true that Kamijinjuriki has the upper hand in Sand Hidden Village, but she always feels that something is wrong—isn't their original purpose to force Konoha to give in to benefits

How come now, with the Tailed Beast, the situation is completely different.

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