Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 298: Teacher, please play the BOSS


However, without Samana, the teacher of "Konoha Fuki" and the third generation of Kazekage, after Sasuke made a decisive decision, Chiyo and Ebizo were a little bit overwhelmed.

Chiyo hesitated in her heart.

The Tailed Beast has always been called the strongest weapon by the major ninja villages, and Sasuke's own magnetic escape and ninjutsu are very powerful. If Shuzuru is added, then he is definitely the strongest Kazekage in history.

This kind of power may indeed have the power to fight against Konoha.

Like many ninjas in Hidden Sand Village, she is not reconciled to the status quo, and is eager to rise one or two from the weakest position of the five villages.


After thinking about it, she agreed with Susuke's choice, and was willing to help transfer the Shukaku seal together, so that Susuke could become a new generation of Churiki.

As for the original monk Fenfu, no one cared about his life or death.

Because although that guy can control the power of the tailed beast, he is very stubborn in thinking that the tailed beast will harm the world, and he is unwilling to use that powerful power.

In the last Bird Country War, they exhausted all kinds of scheming and rhetoric before Fenfu agreed to make a move.

She had had enough of this situation.

Ebizo was very worried.

He made the initial decision of Shayin Village, but now everything has deviated from the original track, which made him feel lost.

Back in Anbu, he sat down and thought about countermeasures.

At this moment, an Anbu appeared.

"You're not in charge of the Fire Nation, why did you come back to the village?"

Hai Laozang frowned slightly.

He knelt down and said with great shame: "My lord, I was exposed. Danzo found me, let me give you a message."

"What words?"

"He said that the plot of Scorpion is very exciting."


Isn't that the character in the comics

His first reaction was... Are you mocking me

That Anbu was at a loss and didn't understand why Danzo asked him to bring this sentence.

But after thinking about it, Danzo has a dark mind, but he is not so bored that he has to work hard to find out the secret of Shayin Village just to convey this sentence.

Ebizo found the Naruto manga books in the closet, and after looking through them one by one, he finally found the ones where Scorpion appeared.

At this moment, he raised his head and said, "Go down first, it's not your fault that your identity was discovered, take a good rest, the village still needs your help."


The Anbu ninja then left.

Hai Laozang began to read the plot from the beginning, from his appearance, his appearance to the explosion of his strength, to his memory and death, he didn't miss a single page.

After reading it several times, he frowned slightly.

This episode is very exciting

Indeed, from the perspective of a bystander, this story is quite good, and the characters, strengths, emotions, etc. of each character are portrayed perfectly.


From the perspective of Hidden Sand Village, the third Kazekage was turned into a puppet by his subordinates. This is definitely not something worth celebrating.

When he thought of this, he was stunned for a moment.


Is this what Danzo wants to say

"No, you can't make such a decisive conclusion. This is probably Danzo's strategy, trying to drive a wedge between Sasuke and me."

Ebizo took a deep breath.

He kept telling himself not to fall for tricks, not to trust Danzo, but Sasuke's performance today appeared in his mind...


Insidious and cunning Danzo!

This guy didn't say anything directly, but it was just a hint, coupled with Sasuke's completely different performance before and after, made Ebizo himself think of the word "puppet".


This puppet has many meanings, not directly referring to the original intention, it may be spiritual, or thinking, or it may refer to the two of them monopolizing power, making the three generations of Kazekage look like puppets.

Interpreted from different angles, have different meanings.

Yuyin Village did not share the news with Shayin Village, because the two are completely hostile and there is no possibility of relaxation.

This caused him to not know that Uchiha Madara might still exist in the world, so Ebizo had no clue for a while.

Danzang doesn't expect him to understand it all at once, and it's unrealistic to directly expose the truth.

It is not so easy to trust each other between villages, especially those who play tricks like Danzo and Ebizo, their hearts are dirtier than the toilet, and they will not believe what others say directly.

Danzo told him directly that Madara was still alive, and now he was doing trouble in the land of the wind, and Hai Laozang might think that Danzo was a tactic to slow down the army, and wanted to make Sand Hidden Village retreat.


Danzang also didn't want Shayin Village to understand the truth too quickly.

The more losses in Hidden Sand Village, the more beneficial it will be for Konoha. As for whether Madara will benefit from it, he has not cared about it for the time being—whether Madara gains or loses, it is unlikely that Konoha's family can beat him.

Therefore, he hopes that Madara's troubles will be as big as possible, and it is best for ninjas from all over the world to join hands, so that Konoha can minimize the loss.

Now he is in Anbu, quietly practicing the six-style training method that the third generation obtained through the "telescope technique".

Among the six techniques, Lanjiao, Shaved, and Moonstep all need to be practiced in a wide space, so what Danzo is practicing now is paper painting and iron blocks.

Mainly on paper.

Because Danzo feels that this ability is more useful, no matter how high the iron defense is, it can't stop Madara's attacks and ninjutsu.

In the past two days, he felt that he had mastered "paper drawing" and "iron block" and could go out and practice the other four.

But before that, he wanted to see how Shuo Mao and the others were doing.

Come to the training ground of the reserve department.

However, before Danzo could meet Akabane, he found a strange force enveloped him.


No, it seems to be an illusion.

He felt bad, but wanted to fight the dream with his own means, but found that he couldn't do it at all.

In the next second, Danzo was pulled into a dream.

"Akabane, what the hell are you doing?"

Danzo shouted angrily, he knew that Akabane could hear it, because this was a dream created by him in cooperation with the nightmare...

Speaking of which, isn't the psychic scroll of the Nightmare Tapirs mine

Thinking of this, he was in a bad mood.

"Teacher, please help play the role and test the training effect of Shuo Mao and the others."

Akabane appeared.

He originally did this work, but since Danzo came, he happened to be able to sit down and rest.


Danzo frowned slightly, not quite understanding what it meant.

"Now the background is Water City. You are Lu Qi from C9. You can play normally according to the comic plot."

Akabane explained what role-playing is.

Substituting a character can not only use the abilities it knows, but also automatically equip the character's own moves.

Danzo's eyes lit up slightly after hearing this.

This is an interesting thing!

So far, C9 has not taken too many shots, mainly for Lu Qi's role, so only one Danzo is enough to play this part of the plot, and the rest of Akabane and Little Nightmare can be replaced by illusions.

"All right."

After Danzo agreed, he came to another venue in an instant.

This is the plot where Lu Qi and his gang are in the hospital, threatening the mayor to hand over "Pluto".

Originally, Danzo only wanted to fight, but after taking on the role, he became more playful and really acted like in the plot.

Not long after, Luffy arrived.


In the next second, Luffy's head was stuck on the wall and he couldn't move.

He yelled, "Guys, come help me, I've found Robin."


What the hell, isn't there only Luffy in this episode!

While Danzo was in doubt, he saw the wall shattered and rushed in with Sakumo, Dai and Tsunade. The three of them didn't save Luffy right away, but worked there for a long time before releasing Luffy from the wall .

Afterwards, Luffy rushed up bravely, and the rest of C9 took action, entangled Luffy...

Maybe it's time to shout "Help everyone" again

Danzo glanced at Luffy and Sakumo, then at the "Mayor" on the ground, and fell into deep thought.

I always feel that I am playing some kind of unknown role.

"Guys, I'm entangled with other people, you help get rid of that person who wants to harm the mayor and blame us!"

Luffy shouted.

Danzo wants to flip the table, this is a crazy plot, it's completely different, okay

He just agreed, he can't have an attack yet, he can only follow the plot.


"Damn guy, you actually put the blame on us, my youth is boiling... ouch~~"

With a loud roar, Dai directly opened the first door of the Eight Dunjia.

Then, whoosh~

Luckily, Danzo reacted quickly enough, using paper painting to control his body to avoid Dai's shadow dance leaf attack.


With a blur in front of his eyes, Dai activated the Niu Niu fruit ability, which rapidly swelled and became larger, and the chakra in his body also increased rapidly.

The third door, the door of life.

Niuniu fruit, transform into a bison!

At the same time, Tsunade and Sakumo made a move - shaving their hands, followed by a haze, a three-sword style, and a chidori-basana. The speed was so fast that it dazzled him.

If it weren't for this body's quick response and extremely high mastery of the six styles, Danzo might be defeated at this moment.

But when Dai opened the six doors, Sakumo and Tsunade opened fire...

A minute later, Danzo left the illusion with a blank face.

This is not a test of strength, it's just being a target and being beaten on one side - one side can only use six styles, and the other side can combine ninjutsu with six styles, can it be the same

Such as Tsunade.

Lan didn't have enough feet, and she also mastered the finger gun, shaving and moon steps, and combined with the terrifying strange force technique, she didn't know where her next kick would come from.

But the most perverted one is Dai.

Danzo didn't care about Dai before, thinking that he was just a silly boy with better individual skills, but it was only when he really faced it that he realized that this "some" is not a star.

In the end, he was beaten to death by Dai.

Liumen pointed at the peacock, and the effect...

Not to mention, it's all tears.

"Teacher, hey... this... what do you think of the training effect?"

Akabane left a shadow clone on Sakumo's side, and the main body came to see Danzo.

"Very good, keep up the good work."

Danzo was expressionless.

How are you

Lao Tzu was beaten like that, didn't you see it as the dream master

Brat, I'll arrange a job for you when I get back!

Just as the war is about to start, the reserve department needs to step up training...

Thinking of this, he had a revenge plan in mind.

Akabane laughed dryly for a while, and could only watch Danzo leave. He didn't know that Danzo really didn't use ninjutsu.

How can you beat three without ninjutsu.

Don't think that Dai is just forbearance, but his six doors are six without side effects. If he forcibly bears the side effects, he can open at least seven doors.

Elite Jonin can only be beaten when their strength explodes, let alone Tsunade and Sakumo.


He understands Danzo's mood very well. At least there is an excuse for not using ninjutsu. Isn't it more embarrassing to be beaten like a grandson after using ninjutsu


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