Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 302: Manga Update, Prophecy Leaked!


Three generations of adults, today..."

A group of ninjas did not return to Konoha until the next day, and Uchiha Motokai came in with a batch of reports, ready to talk about the results of the guard yesterday and the promotion of the sentry box.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Sandai sitting on a chair, reading comics leisurely.

Compared with yesterday's anxious appearance, he is a completely different person.

The third generation was fascinated, and only raised his head when he heard the sound. After looking at it, he pointed to the seat and said, "Yuan Hai, sit down, what can I do?"

"Third generations, you see, this is some actual combat situation about the liaison of the guards yesterday, you see..."

Uchiha Motokai glanced curiously.

He just came back from the outside, and he didn't know that the manga had been updated, but judging from the title page and the plot of the previous volume, this volume should be the main plot of "Jiraiya".

Well, it's the main exit.

Uchiha Motokai was itching curiously, but unfortunately he had something important to do now, so he couldn't go to the store to buy a copy right away.

"Ahem, my... Let's look at yours first."

Midai closed the manga with some embarrassment, and took the report.

After all, people are living and dying outside, and he was caught on the spot reading manga in the office, which is somewhat inappropriate. Uchiha Motokai sat down and waited for Sandai to finish reading the report.

From the beginning to the end, the third generation put away the report and pondered for a moment and said: "It seems that Akabane's idea is very useful for the security of the country of fire, but if you want to spread it on a large scale, I'm afraid..."

"It may be necessary to communicate with the daimyo, and most of our guards will even affect the rule of the daimyo, so... there is a high probability that they will send someone to do it together, right?"

Uchiha Yuanhai continued.


The third generation nodded and did not hide it. This kind of thing can't be hidden from Uchiha's patriarch, and there is no need to hide it.

Uchiha Motokai said without hesitation: "Our Uchiha side is fine."

"Let you Uchiha suffer, but since you took the initiative to mention this matter, the daimyo and the village will not forget Uchiha's credit."

The third generation took a puff of cigarettes and didn't make any detours.

This kind of political method is used against "enemies", and Uchiha Yuanhai is currently an out-and-out "own man"—

Konoha wants to deal with Madara, Uchiha's information is very important, so the attitude of the third generation is very friendly.

"Uchiha is now recognized by everyone based on Konoha. This is already a great favor, and the credit is secondary."

Uchiha Yuankai said.

"Well, you're tired too. Danzo and Anbu will take over the follow-up of Jinjuriki. Go back and have a rest. It's just a matter of replacing all the missions from last night and letting them go to rest together."

The third generation was rushing to see off the guests, and he hadn't finished reading the manga here, and Uchiha had finished talking about the matter here, so how could he have time to talk about this with him.


Uchiha Motokai was also in a hurry to buy manga, and went back to the guard to direct the overall situation. He also didn't have time to stay here. After Sandai said this, he got up and left.

Three generations reopen the pages.

Previously, he had seen all six of Payne's appearances, and Zirai also broke his arm, and the next step was...death!


How can a person beat the eye of reincarnation

Even Zilai also has the immortal mode, and is assisted by two immortals from Mount Miaomu, but facing the incomprehensible eyes of reincarnation, he was still severely injured and unable to escape.

The reason for everything is the lack of information.

It is precisely because there is no intelligence that a strong person is needed to come to investigate, and the weaker, the infiltrator will die without the help of Liu Dao.

Unsolvable puzzle.

Turning page by page...

When Jiraiya sank into the sea in the end, the third generation unconsciously shed tears.

This scene was too sensational for him.

There is no doubt that Orochimaru is the favorite of the three generations, and it is also Orochimaru that he recognizes. It is still Orochimaru that he hopes to pass on his will.

As for Jiraiya...

He is a wanderer, a wanderer, at least three generations have viewed him that way.

However, at the end of the manga, it is precisely Jiraiya who inherited the will of fire, and his whole life has been devoted to a vague "prophecy" and protection and recovery.

At present, Zirai has also completed the first half very well.

He did his best.

"Jiraiya, hey~"

Sandai let out a long sigh, he was in a strange mood, obviously this was just a manga, but when he read it, he felt like tomorrow.

It's as if... these are all real.

Of course, this is simply not possible.

No one can predict the future, even the big toad sage can only know some undecided future through dreams, in the eyes of the third generation, this is not so much a "prophecy", but a kind of guidance.

But I have to admit.

Regardless of manga or reality, without Mt. Myogi, Jiraiya would not be as good as he is now.

Except for the third generation, many other people also had mixed feelings after seeing it.

Such as Tsunade.

In the comics, Ji Lai also left, she seemed to be the lone star of the gods, and there was no one in her generation, but a few scourges who were older than her were still living in the world to make trouble.

Not only that, the stalk of Tsunade's betting that winning must be bad has also spread throughout Konoha. Although she has a high status, some close friends and elders will still make fun of it when they see her.

Especially today.

Just updated, everyone has to ask if there is such a thing when they meet, and Tsunade is so angry that he almost demolished the hospital, so no one dares to ask.

In addition, there is Mt. Myogi.

Ever since Miaomushan opened a worm meal restaurant in Konoha, no one cared about the weird worm meal at the beginning, and even passers-by avoided it.

But later, the toads adapted to local conditions and learned some tricks from Akabane's food comics, using various techniques such as frying and stir-frying, with fragrant seasonings, special ingredients from Mount Miaogi, side dishes, etc., and gradually attracted many likes. Diners who eat such exotic foods.

Because of the booming business, the relationship between the toads and Konoha has deepened day by day. Basically, there will be one or two toads suitable for stationing in the store every day.

These two toads can get the updated manga first-hand, after reading the manga...

Immediately, a toad went back and gave it to Fukasaku and Immortal Shima to have a look. After all, today's content involves a lot of things.

Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Shima each held a copy, and after reading it, they stared wide-eyed, not knowing what to do next.

The plot is well drawn and sensational.

Changing places, they want to fight side by side with Jiraiya, watching Jiraiya die, maybe it is also a mixed feeling.

But the most important thing right now is something that is covered in the comics.

Immortal mode, Immortal method, Mt. Miaomu inheritance, prophecy, especially the last one...


This is the most miraculous ability of the Great Toad Immortal. It can see the future. In the eyes of the Miaomushan group of toads, this is the secret to save the world.

But now, all the secrets and prophecies are exposed in the space of a comic book.

The old couple stared at each other for a long time, Immortal Zhima was full of anger, clapped his claws and said angrily: "I'll settle the score with that kid!"

"Come on, old lady, we have to be able to fight, last time the big toad fairy let us do it."

Shenzuo Immortal let out a long sigh.

Those who disturb the dream may also disturb the future.

The last time the Great Toad Immortal met, why didn't he want to take the opportunity to take Akabane's life, but why did he stop in the end

It's not cowardly yet.

Immortal Zhima choked for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Although the big toad immortal has strong supernatural powers, but his body is old, it is really inappropriate for him to deal with Akabane. The other toads in Miaomu Mountain may not be the opponents of that young boy.

After all, that guy's illusion skills...

Thinking of this, Immortal Zhima had a toothache.

She thought for a long time, and tentatively said, "Use illusion?"

"No way, he is an expert in illusion. Besides, judging from some ninjutsu that appeared before, this kid has already started to study sound ninjutsu. Our illusion may be cracked, and with the technique of flying thunder..."

Sento Fukasaku continued to sigh.

No way!

"Jiraiya also said that Uchiha Madara is still alive, and he fought Akabane and Uzumaki Mito before, and was beaten away to the country of wind."

Wen Tai said abruptly.


Immortal Fukasaku was a little startled before he knew the news about Uchiha Madara, but soon...

"You bastard, when will you dare to eavesdrop!"

"Asshole old man, now is the time to care about this? Bunta, tell us carefully what happened to Uchiha Madara."

Immortal Zhima's tone was extremely serious.

In the dream behind Immortal Toad, there was someone like Madara Uchiha.

She and Fukasaku didn't understand what it meant before, but if Uchiha Madara hadn't died, all of this would be very possible, but wouldn't that mean that Madara might have the eyes of reincarnation

"I don't know too much about Zilai, he's floating in the sea."

Wen Tai took a puff of cigarette calmly, saw that Fukasaku and Shima were so angry that they wanted to tear him apart, so he put down the cigarette in a panic and continued, "But he can be sure that Akabane is very strong now, and Madara is said to have the eyes of reincarnation."

"Why didn't you say it before?"

Fukasaku Immortal's complexion was cloudy and uncertain.

They didn't know such important news. Isn't this a scam

If I knew about this earlier, it would be a fart to discuss it.

Kurama Akabane was able to wrestle with Madara in the Eye of Reincarnation, so it's nothing if a mere piece of news gets out, and if it leaks, it's leaked.

"You didn't ask either."

Wen Tai said angrily.

He and Zilai also drank at that time, both of them were drunk alone, how could they remember clearly... Besides, Zilai would tell him the news if he was not drunk

That kid Jiraiya looks like he has no brains, but he is actually smart.

Immortal Fukasaku thought about it for a while. Anyway, there was no conflict with Kurama Akabane, so the problem was not too big.

in addition…

He rolled his eyes and said cheerfully: "Perhaps Kurama Chibane is the son of prophecy in the mouth of the big toad. We also discovered Chibane's potential through Xiao Zilai, and Xiao Zilai also guided Chibane through his own influence, so that He's on the road to fighting Madara..."

Mrs. Wen rolled her eyes, you always put it so hard, wouldn't it be embarrassing to say it

"Is this... suitable?"

Immortal Zhima couldn't hold back his face, it was indeed too forceful.

"It's okay, I'll go discuss it with Master Toad."

After Sensei Fukasaku figured it out, he shook his chair leisurely, was kicked by Sensei Shima before he hurriedly got up and went to the place where Sensei Big Toad was.

The Great Toad Immortal is sleeping, but the Immortal Fuzuo senses that he is about to wake up.

This is the summed up experience of accompanying and serving for hundreds of years.

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