Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 304: renew! Uchiha's event


Of course, this kid also has a lot of tricks in his head.

Uchiha Motokai returned to the office from the outside, and took a deep breath before entering the door to stabilize his mentality.

This is the experience he gained after dealing with Akabane.

Before chatting with this kid, you have to calm down first, because there may be some shocking news coming out of his mouth—for example, last time, Madara came back to life out of nowhere.

Next, he forced a smile.

As soon as he entered the door, Uchiha Motokai smiled instantly, and walked over cordially and enthusiastically: "Akabane, if you don't look for me, I will have to look for you. The thing about the guards is really thanks to your help in designing, otherwise there would be no such thing. A well-thought-out construction plan."

"You are joking, these are all the credit of my father."

Akabane smiled slightly.

Uchiha Motokai smiled and said nothing, whose credit he hasn't counted yet

However, within the team, it was indeed claimed that it was Chiaki Kurama's idea, so that Chiaki Kurama's position could be more secure.

Akabane exchanged pleasantries for a while, then cut straight to the point and said, "Uncle Yuan Hai, I'm here... I want to prove some conjectures about Sharingan, so I can use it in the next manga."

"Used in the comics... Is it the next battle between Itachi and Sasuke?"

Uchiha Yuankai was stunned for a second or two.

Sharingan will be used for some things. There is no doubt that it is the plot of the Uchiha clan. In the Uchiha in the comics, there are only two brothers and the "Blade".

Combined with the recent plot, there is no need to think too much.

"Yes, Itachi will die, and will tell Sasuke a bunch of secrets about Sharingan, including... kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the kind of eyes above kaleidoscope."

Akabane lowered his voice.

Even if these contents will be updated tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it is still a very hidden secret and cannot be made loudly.

Uchiha Motokai's eyes widened after hearing this.

The kaleidoscope is nothing more than a secret, but the eyes above the kaleidoscope are not even sure what kind of situation he, the patriarch, is.

After a long time, he finally opened his mouth and said, "This... the eyes above the kaleidoscope are just guesses. We don't know what the ability is. I'm afraid it will cause a commotion!"

"After the immortals of Mt. Miaomu knew about Uchiha Madara's news, they found me and revealed some secrets. Back then, Indra's Sharingan evolved into Liugouyu's Sharingan."

Akabane has no pressure now, so what kind of blame is thrown at Mt. Miaogi, anyway, it is impossible for Uchiha Motokai to go to Mt. Miaogi to verify.


It doesn't matter if you ask for proof, these are facts.

"Six hook jade?"

Uchiha Yuankai's eyes widened, and he quickly thought of many things.

Madara, Quanna.

What happened back then has been passed down to this day, and no one knows the truth, except that Madara became stronger after Quanna died in the end.

If it is Liugouyu...

Uchiha Motokai thought of a bad thing.

Brothers fighting

In other words, the two brothers Sasuke and Itachi may also give birth to a Liugouyu kaleidoscope.

"Before we guessed that Madara's Sharingan may not reduce vision, so I temporarily named it Eternal Kaleidoscope."

Akabane said.

"Eternal Kaleidoscope, will Madara stare at you if you draw these?"

Uchiha Motokai thought for a while, releasing these news, Uchiha's side will inevitably cause an uproar, and the one with the biggest impact should be Uchiha Madara—after all, this is a secret that belongs to him alone.

In this way, the risk of Akabane being assassinated is further increased.

"Madara's grades are getting older, the more frequent his hands, the faster he will age, I am looking forward to him coming to me."

After Akabane finished speaking, he "casually" mentioned Fukasaku Sento's words.

His tone seemed to be that he didn't believe it, he just shared this ridiculous thing with Uchiha Motokai, and laughed at the "Mt. Mt. Myogi" who said it.

However, Akabane "wouldn't worry about it", but Uchiha Yuanhai couldn't do that.

Pommel horse family may be descendants of Indra

The news was a bit explosive.

Uchiha Motokai's first reaction was that it was impossible, but after thinking about it later, Miao Mushan had a great background. According to his understanding, the big toad fairy in the comics is real.

Toad Daisen, who has lived for thousands of years, is a bit exaggerated to say that he knows everything, but he definitely knows a lot more than Uchiha.

In addition, the Kurama clan is indeed good at illusion, and the blood-successor limiters are born with powerful spiritual energy, which has certain similarities with Uchiha.

It is said that the pommel horse family will also generate negative spiritual monsters...

Not impossible!

The more Uchiha Motokai thought about it, the more he felt that there was a certain possibility in what Fukasaku Immortal said. Maybe the Kurama clan had something to do with Uchiha a very, very long time ago.


Just like Senju and Uchiha, they are relatives dating back to the oldest period, but they have been passed down for hundreds or thousands of years, and these kinship relationships are not counted.

at most...

Coincidentally, you also have the blood of Indra.

What's more, from the Kurama family to the Akabane generation, it seems that all the talents are in Akabane, and the rest of the awakened five senses have no control.

Such a family, even if it has Indra's blood, is very thin, otherwise it would have awakened Sharingan long ago.

But Akabane is different.

This kid is extremely talented, he swallowed Ido in one gulp, and his accomplishments in the blood successor limit even surpassed that of the first ancestor. If they have the blood of Indra, they may one day continue to surpass like Madara...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

When that day really comes, I'm afraid I can't help cheering, after all, Akabane's strength has improved, and he will have more confidence in dealing with Madara.

"Hey... the more I understand this, the more I feel small."

Uchiha Motokai let out a long sigh.

When he first awakened the kaleidoscope, he felt that he was not far away from Madara, but the reality told him that he was at least one Akabane away from Madara.

The mountains look up.

After ventilating with Uchiha, Akabane was satisfied, without showing any emotion on the surface, just as if he was telling a story.

Uchiha Motokai knows the general plot of tomorrow in advance, and has some ideas in his mind - it is best for everyone to watch it alone tomorrow.

Watching it together, some emotions can't burst out.

He still wants to use these plots to explode a few three-gou jade, preferably the thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy generation...

I don’t want to think about the kaleidoscope, this thing can’t be seen by reading a few comics.

He didn't tell his family what the Immortal Shen Zuo said.

Although the pommel horse clan has cleaned up a wave, but because the awakening of the blood succession limit is relatively low, there are many people who are thinking about various ways, and those who say these idiots may be serious.

too difficult!

When Akabane returned to the shop, he was naturally condemned again, because he actually only completed two or three episodes, and most of the work was done by the avatars.

Naruto has updated ten chapters, which just completed the battle between Sasuke and Itachi, and at the same time there are some preparations and transitions for the next plot.

One Piece started to salt fish after getting the six styles.

However, the speed of ten episodes per day is still very good, and it is completely full.

Ever since Akabane's four avatars have been working, Yamano Izumi has been overwhelmed every day. Recently, he has been instructed to expand, reorganize and upgrade the printing factory, so that he can keep up with Akabane's progress.

Their delivery time is becoming more and more fixed, and they basically arrive at Konoha at noon, and then go back after delivering the goods, without staying at Konoha's side.

Akabane is no longer responsible for the delivery.

As we all know, as long as there is no war, he never leaves the house before noon, so these things are all taken over by Kurama Yunlang.

Uchiha Motokai didn't wait for Akabane.

Anyway, he was just buying comics, so he didn't have to wait for this lazy pig to get up, but in order to ensure that no one peeked ahead of time, he made a special trip to buy today's comic updates in person.

To bring it back to the clan, he first summoned all the children.

Without posting it first, Uchiha Motokai talked about family relationship, brothers and parting, etc. first.

If there is peace for too long, children will not feel these things too deeply, but the turmoil in this era has never stopped, and even children know what it feels like to part and lose their brothers and partners.

However, in order to maximize the effect, Uchiha Motokai used illusion to relive the sweet life of Sasuke and Itachi.

Everyone doesn't know what's going on.

But after the illusion is over and the manga is obtained, all the children understand that Itachi and Sasuke are going to die.

How sweet the illusion scene is, how cruel the comic plot is now.

Obviously the elder brother who loves his younger brother, because of various hardships, step by step he induces his younger brother to take his own life...

I can't worry about this feeling anymore.

Even the mysteries of the kaleidoscope and the eternal kaleidoscope cannot attract these children, they pay more attention to the plot itself.

See the last scene—

Itachi swayed weakly, walked up to Sasuke from a distance, and poked his forehead in Sasuke's extremely desperate eyes.

At this time, all the children couldn't hold back, some wept silently, and some wept softly.

Itachi is the elder brother in the comics, but in the minds of these children, he may be a parent, uncle or elder brother in the clan, etc.

The identities are different, but the emotion is the same.

As a result, Uchiha Motokai was excited to find that many children had opened their eyes, and some children who had already opened their eyes had further improved the power of their eyes.

Among the people who opened their eyes this time, the youngest was only seven years old, and the oldest was eleven years old.

Maybe not everyone in this group of people can open three gou jades, but even if there is only one gou jade, it is not a small force for the family.

In the eyes of Uchiha Yuankai, the eyes of all children are treasures.

Children are the future of the family. They are very young and there are too many uncertainties.

For example, with soil.

In front of the awakened writing wheel, who would know that Obito's eyes are so powerful


He was so excited that his hands were shaking slightly.

Knowing part of the plot earlier, he is not so keen on the plot of the comics. He only has the next batch of people in his heart.


Older people are more easily moved, but it doesn't matter, Uchiha Motokai thought up a full set of illusion content yesterday.

What ages are moved by what illusion scenes, from children to middle-aged people.

No one wants to run away today, all have to read comics obediently!