Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 314: The name of Guoying is expected by all


The status of Renzhuli in each village is similar.

They are the strongest weapons in the village, but in the eyes of the high-level people they are weapons, in the eyes of the common people they are monsters, no one treats them as normal people.

Uzumaki Mito is a complete exception.

The curse seal was originally progressing slowly, and with the current knowledge reserve of Orochimaru, it was impossible to research it based on theoretical knowledge alone, but with the help of Akabane...

In just one day, he felt that he saw the door of the curse seal.

"This guy."

It was already evening, and the shadow clone had already dissipated automatically.

Orochimaru is not bothered about this.

What he cared about was, why did Akabane work so hard to lead him to discover the mystery of the curse seal

"Master Orochimaru, the sealing team is in place and can assist in the sealing at any time."

"very good."

Orochimaru nodded, took a deep breath, extracted part of the power in the curse seal, and then used a special technique to penetrate into the body of the cultist.

This cultist is quite special.

In order to ensure that the seal can be fused, all the chakras of the cult of the evil spirit in his body were removed, and then he sealed the seal of the curse into the body of the cult of the evil spirit...

The avatar disappeared, and Akabane naturally sensed it.

There were not many important things on the third side, so he had no choice but to go back to the manga shop and help them work together.

After all, tomorrow's comics also have quite a lot of updates—of course, the number has not increased, but the content needs to be original to a certain extent.

Because next, it was the scene where Payne invaded and killed all the way, and finally used Shenluo Tianzheng to clear the field.

Danzo has a lot of appearances here, but now they are all replaced by Mitomonyan.

In order to save Mitomon Yan's "Insidious", he redraws the manuscript several times, and it is not until the evening that he actually completes the update of this volume, and the effect of the drawing is quite good. These ten episodes Danzo only came out with Zhuanshu Xiaochun Show your face, and nothing else.

However, no matter how few appearances some people have, they still have a sense of explosion.

Danzo is exactly such a person.

In order to check the effect of the changed manga, Akabane got up very early the next day. At this moment, the manga had not been delivered to Konoha on the way.

Even so, there were already many people sitting in the small teahouse at the entrance.

Not all of them come here specially to wait for the update, but more often they come here to drink juice, tea, wait for the update, chat and fart by the way, which has become a daily activity for many people.

Akabane has considered opening a chess and card club next to the small teahouse, bringing the "national quintessence" of the previous life to the ninja world, but on the one hand, he has some concerns, and on the other hand, the venue is not big enough, and there are many projects at hand, so temporarily the chess and card club adjourned.

What is worth mentioning here is that Gu Jie has sent two woodcarvings.

One is the second generation of Hokage - Senshou Feijian, and the other is the childhood version of the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto. For this reason, Akabane will draw a shadow clone to color the "figure".

For this reason, the task of updating has been aggravated, and the update of the next ten episodes is not easy to draw, and the difficulty of various complicated battle scenes is quite high.


The main reason is that the climax of Naruto and One Piece came together. The plot of Penn’s invasion of Konoha is wonderful and the style of painting is complicated. The same is true for Judiciary Island. The characters, buildings, and characters are no less than Hokage’s.

To this end, every shadow clone has paid its full strength-except the main body.

It's really difficult to change the salted fish in a short while, but the shadow clones didn't expect him to change it, and Amitabha was the only one who could contribute more or less.

After all, in the beginning, this dead salted fish was powerless, but now at least he is willing to draw two or three episodes a day, what more can he ask for

From morning to noon, Akabane was bored to complete the update content of the two episodes of One Piece.

At this time, Yamano Izumi finally delivered the comic books printed today, and the guards took boxes of comics out of the car. Without their hands, many ninjas had already come to get the comic books.

"Everyone… "

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the money must be indispensable to us."

Yamano Quanhong wanted to stop them from taking it, but was stopped by Kurama Yunlang.

How much are these comics

These days, the bulk of the real income is juice snacks, and comics are just a side income.

Besides, everyone in Konoha doesn't know who owns this manga shop, Konoha's second-in-command shop, whoever is found out about fare evasion today will go to Anbu for tea tomorrow.

Although it is unlikely to be a major event, it is certain to lose face.

With the "help" of the spectators, there is no need to pack two or three boxes of comic books, which greatly reduces the workload.

Hearing that the manga was delivered, Akabane took a detour and used the transformation technique to disguise himself and sit down in the small teahouse to see what other people think of today's book.

Everyone's opinion is related to how Akabane will arrange Danzo's next place. For this reason, he and his avatar gave priority to drawing One Piece and not Naruto.

Anyway, I got up early, and there was still half a day left.

The first person to sit in the small tea hall has already got the manga and started to read it first.

At the beginning of the chapter, the two big shit-stirring sticks are in battle.

Danzang, transfer to Xiaochun.

But at the beginning of the chapter, there was a snicker in the small tea hall, which made Akabane confused - I thought, there is no funny content in these ten chapters.

"What are you laughing at?"

Akabane couldn't help leaning over to the Chunin next to him to ask about the situation.

"Cough, this..."

He hesitated a little, and glanced into the room with some trepidation.

Afraid of Akabane!

At this time, an honest old man next to him said: "In the comics, it looks like Mitomon Yan made it, but in fact, no one knows that it was Danzo-sama's idea. I didn't say... just Mitomon Yan..."

"Hey, watch your words."

The Chunin next to him pulled the man.

Although Mito Menyan has fallen and was imprisoned in the Anbu, the Mito family is still a small family, and it is not good for the common people to say it so straightforwardly.

Akabane took a closer look and saw that the ninja sitting next to him was wearing a vest, at least a ninja above Chunin.

"No matter how you look at it, it's what Danzo-sama did."

Chunin said in a low voice.

"Master Menyan is also very strong, but it's more likely... On some decisions, this decisive and ruthless style really doesn't suit him."

No one dared to answer Akabane's words before, mainly because they were afraid of Danzo, Mitomen Yan and other leaders. After all, although it is a manga, the character design is substituted with reference to reality.

Someone started, and everyone immediately echoed and spoke.


In fact, you can be more blunt—Mitomonyan basically has no policy opinions of his own, nor does he have the courage to do such things.

The name of Guoying is well-received by everyone.

Akabane sighed in his heart, in this way, he can only feel sorry for the teacher.

You should take this pot back.

After thinking about it, he had a plot in his mind, and he was about to leave and go back to draw the follow-up content.

Comic plot well thought out.

Anbe, Danzo got up early and came here. After dealing with a bunch of chores, he happened to take a break, and naturally thought of yesterday's manga in his mind.

According to the time, it should have been updated today.

So he called his men over and asked if there were any comics for today.

Previously, Danzo had ordered that unless he was away on official business, the comics would be delivered as soon as possible, so it didn't take long for an Anbu ninja to come to his office with the comics.

Danzo picked it up and opened it casually, and soon saw the content of the first chapter.

From a rational point of view, there is no problem with the decision of "he" and Xiaochun who turned to bed. Xiaochun's goal is to capture Kyuubi, so the way to make Akatsuki fail is to prevent the other party from getting Kyuubi.

The surest choice is undoubtedly to hide Naruto, it just so happens that Naruto is in Miaomu Mountain, that is an excellent hiding place, there is no need to call Naruto back.


From the perspective of trusting Naruto to defeat Payne, Tsunade's decision is also correct, and doing so can save the lives of the villagers to the greatest extent.

Two-phase choice, Danzo will be more in favor of the approach of "Mitomonyan"-although he does not think that Mitomonyan can be so courageous when encountering such a problem.

When he saw this, he couldn't help but pause for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "What do other people in the village think about this?"

"Uh... Danzo-sama, this..."

Anbu ninja hesitated.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything because of these things, and I'm afraid the people I want to arrest will be all over the ninja world."

Danzo knows the concerns of his subordinates.

"Most people mean that Lord Menyan doesn't have the courage and determination. Most likely you are behind the scenes, and you are the one who really disagrees with Naruto's return."

The dark ninja spoke more and more quietly.

However, Danzo is already fully prepared. After all, looking at the situation of his subordinates, he knows that other people have no good comments.

He nodded slightly, then waved and said, "Okay, I see, you go down and do your own thing first."


It's hard to see Danzo's mood just from the outside, and this ninja didn't dare to see Danzo's expression at the moment, when he heard that he was told to leave, he immediately withdrew as promised.

Danzo sat on the seat, tapped the table with his fingers, and turned the pages of the book with the other hand.

Turning to the back, he began to think in his heart.

When the village really encounters this kind of thing, should I protect myself wisely or rush forward to do my part

Judging from the comics, Payne's ability is unknown, and he is almost invincible in a short period of time. The people in the village in the comics alone cannot defeat him.

Even if Danzo comes out, it won't end better than Kakashi's.

After all, it is the eyes of reincarnation.

Then the choice is presented, whether to be a hero for a second, or choose to be wise and protect yourself...

The fate of each generation of Hokage is to sacrifice everything for Konoha and to protect the villagers, even the most recent Hokage Tsunade in the comics has done this.

To guard or preserve strength

This is very similar to the question given by the second generation of Naruto back then.

After many years, Danzo still cares about that matter very much. He thinks that if he chooses again, he can make the choice of Sarutobi Hiruzen, but thinking about it now, he probably still can't do it.

It is the most difficult to recognize oneself, and it is even more difficult to admit one's flaws, not to mention that Danzo has always been obsessed with Hokage's position, but at this moment, facing this multiple-choice question, he understood:

"Teacher, you made the right choice. Hiruza is more suitable for Hokage than me, but I am only suitable for being in the dark."

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