Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 316: Chiyo, your son is dead!


I heard that Ye Wu is coming today, I don't know if he has brought some comics back. "

In the country of Sichuan, Shuo Mao and Zi Xiao acted as a team.

"Forget about the manga, let's talk about killing the mission target, anyway, your son can't die."

Zi Xiao took a breath.

That guy Kakashi is the leading teacher of the protagonist, you Sakumo dies twice and Kakashi won't die.

Besides, is now the time to care about manga

This is a mission, and the target to be assassinated is the sand ninja elite team led by Jonin—this team assassinated two four-member teams of Konoha by means of ambushes and sneak attacks.

The most important thing is that Shuo Mao claimed that two people are enough, and he set out the mission before Ye Wu and Zhen Hong arrived.

At this moment, shouldn't we carefully discuss the plan

Zi Xiao secretly complained in her heart.

"Kakashi? That's not necessarily the case. He will definitely be there when Penn attacks, and he may be the first to die by then."

Sakumo has accepted that "Kakashi" is his son's setting, and he has no pressure to answer, but thinking that he is still on mission, he refrained from thinking about manga.

It's a pity that I didn't see today's update for the first time.

But for now, the task comes first.

Suddenly, he saw four figures appearing in the distance.

In the next second, Sakumo gestured in Anbu sign language: "You go up first to attract attention, and I'll assassinate the opponent Munin."


After Zi Xiao replied, she quietly lurked beside the other party.

His lurking skills are superb, but at this moment he deliberately exposed some flaws to let the other party notice this.

As Sand Hidden's jounin, the captain of the team quickly heard the movement, raised his vigilance and at the same time quietly commanded the puppet to attack Zi Xiao, which is a technique often used by Sand Hidden Village.

However, when they manipulated the puppets to outflank Zi Xiao, a saber light suddenly pierced through the air.

not good!

Jounin was startled, turned his head and saw a knife flying in the sky under the moonlight, and quickly used his puppet to block it.

But in the next second, a figure leaped out from the darkness, and rushed all the way through the air, holding two blazing blades of lightning. Mutual attraction under the action of chakra...


Thunder and lightning flashed between the blades, instantly paralyzing the two elite Chunin, and the head fell to the ground when the blade flashed.

As for Jonin...

Shaved, Chidori blade.

The twin swords were as fast as lightning, and avoiding the two swords, Sayin Jomin was shocked to see a lightning finger sticking out from Shuo Moo's finger, and it hit him between the eyebrows.

It's Chidori Sharp Gun!

A scene from a comic book came to his mind, but he couldn't escape it.

The figures intertwined, there was an extra wound on his neck, and his body fell slowly.

But at this time, there was still an elite Chunin alive.

When Shuo Mao was exhausted, he instantly manipulated four or five puppets to emerge from the soil and surround Shuo Mao...


At this moment, the flying knife is controlled by the Chakra thread, and kills the puppet master.

The opponent dodges the attack while quickly backing away.

Just distracted for a moment, Shuo Mao escaped from the gap with moon steps and arrived in front of him in an instant...

Before Zi Xiao could make a move, the fourth person was also beheaded.

The young elite chunin was lying on the ground, with a fatal knife wound on his throat and burnt marks from the Lightning Chakra, and his face was strikingly similar to Chiyo.

"My role is to attract attention? Your strength is too exaggerated."

Zi Xiao smiled wryly for a while.

Shuo Mao's strength improved so fast that he couldn't keep up at all. Although Shuo Mao taught him some tricks about the Six Forms during the period, the gap was still huge.

"Compared to Akabane, I am nothing... But he, who can control four or five puppets at the same time, and is so young, will definitely be a great puppeteer in time."

Sakumo looked at the corpse of the last Chunin with some regret.

"This is war, and besides, he looks two or three years older than us. What can we both feel emotional about? Don't feel emotional, just take the corpse and go."


How can there be no dead in war

Entering the quagmire of the battlefield, one is ready to die and sacrifice at any time. He is like this, and Shuo Mao is like this, so the two chose to evacuate with only a little emotion.

Neither Chiyo nor Konoha knew the news that Chiyo's son was killed, and even Chiyo didn't know that his son was transferred to the country of Sichuan.

It was none other than Sandai Kazekage Susuke who gave the order, or Kuroze and Madara, after all, this order was their intention, and Susuke was just the one being manipulated.

They knew very well that Chiyo's prestige was extremely high, and if they wanted to really start a war with Konoha, Chiyo and Ebizo were two points that could not be avoided. If they wanted to eliminate the voices of opposition, they had to let Chiyo also firmly support the war.

It was under such circumstances that this young Chunin accepted the task of "Assassination of Konoha Ninja".

At this time in Konoha, everyone's attention was not on the front line.

If it was just a woodcarving figure, it would not cause such a big disturbance, but when it was equated with a charity foundation, many people noticed this small woodcarving artwork.

Including three generations of Hokage.

He knew that Akabane persuaded Gu Jie before, but he didn't know what conditions he promised. It wasn't until now that Sandai knew that Gu Jie didn't want the profit from the woodcarving.

This must be Akabane's idea.

Gu Jie's dead brain, if he could come up with these weird things, he wouldn't have spent so many years trying to solve the problem until now.

However, for this kind of cause, the Konoha official must express its position.

Even if it's just a charity event jointly launched by Akabane, Kosuke, and Moonlight Xinghuo, they should give their full support and provide certain convenience in terms of policies.

For example, the first wood carving.

The first wood carving was not for sale, but it was different when the village came forward.

When the third generation heard the news, they immediately came forward in person, bought the first one at a very high price, and expressed their support for charity forever.

The management of the charity foundation was handed over to some ethnic groups within the Anma clan who were engaged in business.

Having said that, it still took Akabane a lot of time for various handovers and initial affairs processing during the period, and it was already dark by the time he finished the foundation's affairs.

But thanks to this, the charity will be extremely efficient.

The next day, the first batch of funding lists have been issued, and there are three generations of "funding" funds, and the first funds can be issued on the same day.

There is no need for Akabane to pay attention to these.

In the ninja world, money is not everything. At the same time, there are ninjas, civilians and Kurama Yunlang from the village to monitor the accounts. I believe that the people in charge of the charity will not see money to such an extent.

When we arrived at the small teahouse, there were only Tsunade and a few people here, which was a big difference from yesterday.

Originally, he left his clone and planned to go back and take a rest.

But Tsunade is here...

Mingming found out that she still pretended not to know, and there was nothing good to eat when she turned around.

Akabane walked out of the lounge and sat down in front of Tsunade.

"Would you like a drink?"

"Need not."

Tsunade raised the juice glass in his hand, indicating that he just drank a big glass.

Akabane sat down and exchanged pleasantries for a while.

The topic was nothing more than why I was free today, Tsunade answered one by one, and then she took out a scroll from her waist.

This is a scroll with a sealing effect, and the seal is made by Uzumaki Mito.

She put it on the table, opened the scroll, then moved it to Akabane and said, "Do you still remember the creation and regeneration mentioned in your manga?"

"Have you researched it?"

Akabane was very surprised, Uzumaki Mito's sealing technique was relatively difficult, and even he couldn't solve it, so he could only guess based on Tsunade's words.

Tsunade nodded, pondered for a few seconds, and said, "I read your manga yesterday and today, did you complete this technique very early?"


Akabane nodded stiffly.

He knew it couldn't be hidden from Tsunade.


Tsunade wasn't annoyed, but just smiled.

Immediately afterwards, she said: "But it's nothing, I know you are all doing it for my own good. Although I can't practice the fairy mode now, I have medical ninjutsu and can save more companions... It's also very good."

It's ridiculous to say that Tsunade's idol at this time is actually the "self" in the manga.

She felt that if she could become such a female ninja in the future, it would be something to be proud of—of course, except for the fate of a lonely star.

"It's best if you think so."

Akabane breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Tsunade would lose everything and learn the sage mode. It's not that the fairy mode is not strong, but it's really unnecessary, and it's not that there's no way to deal with Madara.

When Tsunade said this, he suddenly laughed, leaned over and asked, "Did Danzo-sensei come to drink tea with you for the book you drew yesterday, so you added a positive role to him today?"

"It's nothing, the teacher has always been for Konoha, and Hokage is just his incidental pursuit."

Akabane blushed and heartbeat.

In today's comic update, Danzo made a brief appearance—

Danzo ordered some Anbu to find Payne's body. Although he was intercepted and killed by Xiaonan halfway, he did his part anyway.

From Tsunade's point of view, it must be that Danzo was furious after watching it yesterday and "chat" with Akabane, and then Akabane was photographed by the power and had to succumb to the evil forces.

In fact, this is what most people think.

Although there are not many people who have read the update now, there have been many comments left on the comment board, and a few of them mentioned that "Danzo-sama can't be so righteous".

Of course, this is just a sarcastic joke.

In fact, Danzo's performance in the comics is definitely not justice. Instead, he is a criminal conspirator who takes advantage of the chaos and loots, disregarding the safety of the village in order to seize the position of Hokage.

However, the Uzumaki War just ended, and Danzo’s sacrifice for Konoha is obvious to all ninjas of this generation. He can’t be called bright and great, but he is definitely not disgusting to the point in the comics.

Including Tsunade too.

Hate it, hate it, but she said in her heart that she knew what Danzo did in reality was right—forget about this one in the comics.

Tsunade still had to send the creation regeneration to the Hokage Building, and later had to go to the hospital to see if there was any need for her surgery, so she didn't stay long, chatted with Akabane for a while, got up and left.

However, Akabane did not get the expected rest time.

Tsunade walked forward, and Anbu's ninja came behind him. This Anbu came in a hurry, and did not leave a mark according to Akabane's previous regulations. Instead, he appeared in the store directly and asked Akabane to go to Anbu in person.

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