Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 318: Spiritual energy Taste, food and…


"Have you found anything?"

The two walked out of the basement, and Shuo Maocai asked in a low voice.

As a teammate for many years, he saw something in Akabane's small movements-this guy definitely found something.

"Go away and talk."

Akabane didn't answer directly, and returned to the team's tent with Sakumo.

Ye Wu and Zhen Hong went out to patrol, but they were not in the tent, only Zi Xiao was inside.

After sitting down in the tent, he thought about it and decided to reveal part of the content: "According to my guess, Chiyo may not know that his son has arrived at the front line. This is Kazekage's own initiative."

Zi Xiao froze for a moment after hearing this, and then realized that he must have discovered the situation from the corpse. He thought for a while, and a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he instantly understood Chi Yu's intention...

Shuo Mo reacted quite quickly.

Sandsuke's behavior was controlled by Madara, there was no evidence before, but now Chiyo's son is evidence of a certain effect - the premise is that Konoha can use it.

The dirt is reincarnated!

Shuo Mao and Zi Xiao tacitly understood Chi Yu's intentions.

They looked at each other, and then You Shuo Mao asked, "Do you need help from our side?"

"Just be careful yourself. In addition, you tell the seniors in the mountains... you must pay attention to Heijue."

These need not be lowered.

After Akabane finished speaking, he took out three or four manga volumes from his arms, one volume was the update of Naruto today, and the rest were the latest update of One Piece.

They have nothing to entertain here, so they can only bring some comics to them.

The two are very happy.

Comics are treasures to pass the time on the front line. Of course, they all understand the principle of mission first, and they will never let down their vigilance and missions because of comics.

What's more, Hidden Sand Village will definitely retaliate. In order to ensure their safety, Yamanaka Kazuhiro does not intend to let them go on frequent missions, so they may be relatively free during this period.

The two of them didn't bother Akabane any more, each took a manga to look at - Sakumo cared more about One Piece, while Zi Xiao watched Naruto's update immediately.

Zi Xiao didn't really like "Naruto", he was just interested in Kakashi's follow-up.

But it's a pity.

Kakashi didn't appear in this volume today, only the battle between Naruto and Payne, and the fourth generation of Hokage appeared in addition—even if he only came out to play soy sauce.

As for Payne's part, Zi Xiao didn't feel much about it.

He positions himself as a "little pawn" and just let his superiors command him. Whether the ninja world is peaceful or not is not something he can decide, including the killing of Chiyo's child this time.

The task is assigned like this, is this something he can decide

Therefore, Zi Xiao is quite open-minded. When he goes to the battlefield, he must be prepared to be killed. Killing people kills people, maybe one day it will be his turn.

Shuo Mao saved up a lot and didn't watch it. He saw the middle stage of Judicial Island in one breath, and it was cool to watch it coherently.

What caught his attention the most was Lan Jiao.

Based on Lanjiao, Kaku realized an alternative multi-knife style, which was quite inspiring to Sakumo.

After they finished reading the two volumes, Akabane Chakra had almost recovered.

Regarding the reincarnation of the dirty soil, he had to communicate with the third generation, so he didn't stay on the front line any longer, bid farewell to Shuo Mao and Zi Xiao, and then used Fei Leishen to return directly to Konoha.

In order to ensure the safety of the corpse, he spent a lot of chakra, so he returned to Konoha, and there was no more chakra.

No amount of chakra is enough...

Although the reasons are different, at this moment, Akabane can really understand Kakashi's difficulty.

The first time he returned to Konoha, he brought the body to Anbu, and at the same time explained to Danzo the method he had come up with - reincarnation with the help of dirt, and let Chiyo's son tell everything about that time.

Although the problem of Sakumo killing her son cannot be avoided, at least Chiyo and the others must understand the truth of the matter.

At that time, it will be up to Chiyo and Ebizo to decide whether to use Konoha's power to find a way to solve Kazekage's manipulation.

Konoha does not cause trouble, but she is not afraid of trouble.

Danzo said that he was going to discuss with the third generation, and he was not unclear about Chibane's "throwing the pot", but the reincarnation of the dirty soil is the only breakthrough right now.

Then this is official business, there is no need to hide it from the third generation.

Sarutobi Hiruzachi is somewhat pedantic, but he doesn't think that when the matter of survival is at stake, Sandai will give up using Dirty Soil Reincarnation because of these trivial matters.

After handing over all the work, Akabane returned to the lounge to restore Chakra.

Because the chakra consumption was too intense, all the avatars he left in the manga room dissipated. Now that he doesn't have chakra at hand, he can only wait for the avatar to recover.

After eating and drinking, Akabane's physical fitness quickly recovered, and then he rested for a while, barely extracting three shadow clones that could last for an hour or two.

Then, he fell asleep.

Sleep is the best way to replenish your mental energy—not to catch an afternoon nap.

He didn't wake up until evening.

I slept comfortably, but another problem came up. The shadow clone dissipated automatically within two hours due to insufficient chakra.

The time is too short, One Piece has five episodes, but Naruto has only two episodes.

It’s no wonder that the avatar can’t do it. In fact, in terms of Akabane’s body, with his efficiency, there may be only one sentence at most for more than an hour. After all, this part is a chaotic battle, and there are many more lines that need to be drawn than before.

Make it up

Akabane hesitated for a second, then decided to dove today.

Because there are too many things in the past two days, Chiyoko needs to come up with a plan, and there must be another countermeasure plan for Danzo that needs his cooperation. Today and tomorrow, there is not much time for him to paint. .


The next day, Akabane didn't get up, and a ninja from Anbe was waiting downstairs, and Kurama Saki called Akabane up from the bed.

It's not early morning, but normally Akabane still needs to sleep for two or three hours.

To the dark side.

Danzo told Akabane his thoughts again—he hoped that Akabane could ask the Nightmare Tapir if he could have a secret meeting through dreams.

Dreams and illusions are the most convenient and concealed means of communication, provided that the nightmares can do so.

Akabane wasn't sure either.

The ones I use most often are the little guys who are just as salty as me, and the beginning of progress is the result of being "whipped" by myself.

The powerhouses of the Nightmare Tapir clan...

The immortals of the Three Great Sacred Grounds dared to provoke them, so their abilities should be extraordinary.

So, Akabane summoned the little nightmare, talked to him about it, and finally asked: "If I use my illusion ability to cast spells on multiple nightmares at the same time, can those people be pulled into a dream?"

"I'm not sure, go back and ask first."

The little nightmare didn't know if it would work. After hearing this, he was so frightened that he immediately reported back to the tribe. After a while, Akabane used the psychic again, and Weaving Dream reappeared.

It looked around, and then said: "It may not be convenient here, but it doesn't matter, let's chat in the dream."

Zhimeng finished speaking and performed the spell to pull Akabane into the created dream, and then saw Danzo sitting in the dark with an expressionless face, he hesitated for a moment, enduring the pain and pulling Danzo into the dream.

"You are Akabane, no wonder Xiaozhimeng doesn't let us answer the call!"

"It's delicious spiritual energy."

As soon as Akabane came in, he saw two huge phantoms appearing in front of him. He knew that these two should be the big men of the nightmare family.

The two big brothers just praised, and then said in surprise: "Hey, there is another one? Pfft~"

In the next second, their transformed bodies were a little distorted, and in Akabane's eyes, there was a sense of "soul flying away".

Immediately afterwards, Danzo appeared in the dream.

"Well, it's you, you are Shimura Danzo, right? This taste is very impressive."

One of the big men finally stabilized his body.

This means that its connection with this dream has been re-established.

Comparing Akabane's spiritual energy to top-notch food, Danzo's is...


All in all, it's hard to eat.


Danzo was expressionless, how could he not know that these nightmares were disgusting him, otherwise Akabane would not have treated him so differently.

"Your request is that we hope that we will join hands to create a huge illusion, pull people from far away countries into the dream, and have a dream talk... This is very difficult, and requires huge spiritual energy to maintain support."

One of the nightmare bosses spoke.

Difficult, not impossible.

Akabane thought about it for a while, and the biggest problem mentioned by the two of them was spiritual energy. This point... Konoha has a way to solve it.

It's just that for the nightmare, there may be no way to be picky about the taste.

Danzo didn't hesitate, and immediately said: "As long as you don't mind, we have enough people in Konoha Ninja Village to provide spiritual energy."

"Ahem, cough, well... It's best to get a device to filter it. If it doesn't work, you can just provide spiritual energy directly like this, but Akabane, you will have to contribute spiritual energy for two days."


How did the conditions come to me, two days of spiritual energy, are you kidding me

"Okay, we agree."

Danzo didn't give Akabane a chance to speak, and agreed to the plan without a second.

Thus, the dream was lifted.

Akabane wanted to curse.

Although the "two days of mental energy" mentioned by the nightmare will definitely give him a guarantee, but he guesses it is also a guarantee that he will not pass out and fall asleep.

In addition, chakra is a fusion of physical energy and spiritual energy. Without spiritual energy, of course there is no way to extract chakra.

Two days after the ceremony, he was a piece of iron...

"What are you doing with this expression? You just slept for two days. Don't you always like to sleep and be lazy?"

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