Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 325: Teacher Hei never spared no effort


Unlimited monthly reading

Uchiha Motokai and Uchiha Yan looked at each other. This word did not appear in the content they saw, which shows that the content Akabane saw exceeded the level that their kaleidoscope Sharingan could see.

The only fly in the ointment is that there is only this one word, and everyone has no idea what it means.

"From a literal interpretation, it is unlimited monthly reading, but unlimited monthly reading... Why does this word appear in higher-level content?"

Uchiha Motokai frowned.

Although I learned part of the content by accident, but there are only four words, it is really difficult to guess its specific meaning in the sentence.

"Does infinity mean that there is no time limit? From this perspective, this technique can make people sink into an endless fantasy world and cannot break free, which is equivalent to automatic death."

Uchiha Yan expressed his guess.

Keep guessing!

Akabane secretly encouraged him, he only said four words, hoping that they could understand by themselves, instead of "telling them completely" by themselves.

The two thought for a few seconds, shook their heads slightly and said, "I can't be sure, but what is certain is that Madara must have seen some of the mysteries from the stone tablet when he defected back then, so I hope the family will support his plan."

"By the way, Akabane, you mentioned the Eye of the Moon in the manga, what is that?"

Uchiha Motokai immediately thought of a page that briefly mentioned "Eye of the Moon" in the manga he had just read.

Yan didn't finish reading, but after hearing this word, he immediately looked over.

Akabane thought for a second, and said: "It's just a guess, the Sage of the Six Paths used the Earth Explosion Star to create the moon, but the Sage of the Big Toad said that the ordinary reincarnation eye can't do it, so I base it on the condition that the Sage of the Six Paths is also a ten-tailed Jinchuriki Guess, maybe the more advanced eyes of reincarnation need the power of ten tails."

"The eye of the moon is... the eye that created the moon?"

Uchiha Yan was dumbfounded.

"Well, it's just my guess, draw it to see the effect."

Akabane nodded.

See the effect

Actively provoking, this kid is quite inflated...

Uchiha Yan wanted to complain, but thinking that Akabane might be much stronger than him, he suddenly lost interest in fighting.

Even if Amaterasu is an inextinguishable fire that can destroy "all enemies", it cannot stand the fact that there are such things as sealing techniques and devil fruits in the world.

Uchiha Yuankai didn't respond, but thought of another thing—

"Is it possible that the technique of infinite moon reading also requires this kind of more advanced reincarnation eye?"

"This... I can't tell."

Akabane was "slightly taken aback", as if Yuan Hai had reminded her to think of this.

The three of them looked at each other, everyone's expressions were wonderful.


The two Uchiha family members are really wonderful, and Akabane is completely pretending.

"If Madara gathers all Nine Tails and gets the Eye of the Moon, then it will really be the end of the world... Anyone who betrays him will sink into the eternal Tsukiyomi."

Uchiha Motokai had a solemn expression, "We will report this to the Third Hokage immediately."

He did this not entirely because of selflessness, but also because Uchiha and Madara were not in the same way. Madara got the eyes of the moon and did not turn his head to kill Uchiha first, even if he nostalgic for the past.

"What are you looking at me for!"

Akabane raised his head and saw two people staring at him together, one with serious expression and one full of anxiety.

Make me run errands again

"Anyway, you are Flying Thunder God, and besides, the comics are drawn like this, shouldn't you go to your teacher and the third generation to explain it?"

Uchiha Motokai coughed lightly, and what he said was quite brazen.

It's not a big problem just to say something, the Chakra consumption of Fei Manga Shop and Hokage Building is not too much, but what you said is outrageous.


I, Kurama Akabane, do things, why do I need to explain to others!

Akabane glanced at the two of them, and then the figure disappeared. As long as the Flying Thunder God Technique left a mark in advance, the consumption of short-distance teleportation is not too much.

It's just that we are now in the period of accumulating chakra, and spending this point will take a lot of time, but walking...

Sorry, it's been a long time since we walked honestly.

Go to Hokage Building.

The third generation is obviously quite surprised. If Akabane is fine, he can stay at home for a year without going out, and Hokage Building will not come if there is nothing. It seems that if he comes more times, he will assign him more tasks.

What's going on today...

"An accident happened to the comic again?"

I don't have time to read the third generation update. The first guess that comes to my mind at this moment is that Akabane's manga involves some special points.

For example Danzo.

Judging from yesterday's content, today's update is likely to involve Danzo and the Five Kages Conference.

Speaking of which, I didn't watch the update today.

It's a new day, I don't know what Danzo is "hacked"...

"Three generations of adults."

"Come in, the door is open."

Before Akabane came in and opened his mouth, Sandai took a puff from his pipe, and then let out a breath, "Tell me, what happened, is it the content of the manga that I need to mediate?"

"No, it's mainly related to the stele of the Uchiha clan. At the invitation of Senior Motokai, I went to Minamigagawa Shrine and saw that stele..."

Akabane recounted his "experience" again.

The third generation was a little surprised at the beginning, but after hearing it, he was shocked and surprised. If he just guessed that he would not be like this, but Akabane combined with Uchiha's information...

How should I put it, it feels reasonable and well-founded at first glance, and there is no way to refute it.

He did not speak for a long time.

Akabane waited for two or three minutes, but did not see any reaction from him, so he couldn't help but lowered his head, stared at the third generation and asked, "My lord, if it's okay, I'll go first."

"Huh? Well, good."

Three generations smoked silently, feeling very melancholy.

If the reason why Madara left Konoha was to collect the Nine Tailed Beasts, and then obtain the Reincarnation Eyes and Tailed Beasts, so that he could become Ten Tails Jinchuriki and gain the ability to release unlimited Tsukiyomi, then Madara's enemy is not just a ninja village or The ninja village with tailed beasts is the whole ninja world.

Do you want to notify the rest of Shinobu Village

Come to think of it, he didn't do that.

First, these are just their guesses without any evidence.

Secondly, the joint participation in the dream conference has just begun, and if such information is suddenly presented, the rest of Shinobi village will feel that Konoha is exaggerating and harboring evil intentions.

For the time being, just take it easy.

The third generation picked up the manga sent by the shadow guard nearby and opened it. After reading a few chapters, he saw the plot about Danzo.


It is not an ordinary Sharingan, but a kaleidoscope Sharingan with powerful pupil skills.


In addition to the right eye, the gauze-wrapped hand may also be a bit famous.

Presumably, it should be intercolumnar cells.

The third generation looked at it and wanted to laugh. This plot is really unfriendly to Danzo, and the other one who is not very friendly is Mitomenyan.

Although he is the leader of Gen, he has almost no appearance rate since he killed Toad, and he does not have the cold and cunning aura of the manga version of Danzo.

No matter how you look at it, it's a trick.

Judging from Sasuke's position in the plot, Danzo and Mitomonyan must die.

This kid, Mr. Hei himself really spared no effort. Fortunately, he didn't become his teacher. Otherwise, it might be that "Danzo" bears all the infamy, and "Three Hokage" is the mastermind behind everything.

"Danzo, you were the one who asked for Akabane's disciple, this is fate!"

He stopped thinking about it.

The three generations of Qing's Baiyan naturally paid attention to it, but now only the patriarch and candidate heirs are left in the Hyuga clan, and people in other villages have always had thoughts about Baiyan.


The third generation of Uchiha and Hinata's battle is in the eyes, and even to a certain extent, they have acquiesced in this kind of competition-provided that the safety of Konoha will not be jeopardized.

As Uchiha gradually became stronger, the Hyuga Clan seemed a bit dwarfed by comparison, unable to compete with Uchiha.

This is also the reason why Hyuga Masuo was a little anxious.

So Akabane came down from upstairs, just in time to run into Hinata Mazuo who was about to find the third generation.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Shino Hinata was stunned for two seconds, then sighed Youyou and said, "Akabane, you are not kind, you cheated my Hinata clan."

"Ahem, it can't be called a trap, it's just the plot needs... Besides, I have fulfilled all my requirements, and the supercilious ability you mentioned has been incorporated, and even suppressed the power of Sharingan."

Akabane quickly explained.

"Is this the same thing?"

Hinata Masaaki sighed softly.

Finally, he showed his face with white eyes, and showed off his abilities in the comics, but in the blink of an eye, he was a foreigner.

The most embarrassing thing is that he just finished laughing at Uchiha when he was watching, and was ridiculed by Uchiha Motokai when he turned around.

How could this make him not angry.

He has aspirations, talent is not a genius, but these people who suppress Uchiha can barely do it.

Even Uchiha Yuanhai, the original state of Sangouyu is not Hinata's left opponent.

But the kaleidoscope...

How could Little Krypton ever cheat.

"Okay, remember to say more good things about us Hinata later, I still have something to ask the third generation, and I will go up."

Hinata Masa waved his hand to the left, but he didn't bother to argue with Akabane.

The comics are out, can Akabane eat them back

Besides, there is nothing wrong with the plot!

On the contrary, the plot can only be written in this way, otherwise who will see through Danzo's conspiracy to control Mifune

It is impossible for the Hyuga clansmen.

No matter how much you hate the manga version of "Danzo", it is impossible for the Hyuga clan to tell about Danzo's control of Mifune, because doing so is equivalent to betraying the village.

It's just that he hopes that Akabane can say something nice to Hinata next time...

To be honest, it's kind of hard.

There are not many opportunities for Hinata to show his face. Among them, Hinata and Neji should have the most scenes, but most of Hinata's fight scenes are not excellent.

The next more exciting and positive scene should be the death of the uncle.

The only Hyuga genius, fell in the Fourth Ninja World War, and became the only ninja among the twelve Xiaoqiang who lost his life.

Is it enough cards

Akabane changed to Hinata Masaru's left angle, and if he encountered this incident, he probably thought that the other party had an enmity with him and deliberately targeted and entrapped him, but what can I do, I am also very helpless.

If the plot is changed, the entire plot may have to be changed, which is too worthless.

After repeated consideration some time ago, he still decided to stick to the original painting, after all, he didn't draw the Hyuga family's things...

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