Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 329: Madara Want to seduce me with things on paper?


Death or immortality, this is a difficult topic to define.


Let Orochimaru answer, he must eat the devil fruit without hesitation.

Only by living can we study more mysteries.


Orochimaru is somewhat different from the man in the manga. He is still very young now, has not seen too many life and death, has not been beaten by the society, has a relatively correct three views, and cannot abandon his human identity.

Although I hope to obtain the power of eternal life and immortality, I don't want to become that kind of grotesque, and I have to rely on continuous reincarnation to obtain eternity.

In that case, it would be better to die.

The matter of the bat fruit has come to an end for the time being, and Akabane is not worried that Uzumaki Mito will be overwhelmed—at least not in a short time.

In the end, she will accept the fact and drink the blood of the cultists to restore her peak strength.

At that time, even if Madara came, Akabane would not be afraid at all, and he didn't even have to go up to fight for life and death by himself, just fight slowly to make Madara bleed, and then use blood to weaken Madara.

Leaving the land of the Thousand Hands, Tsunade was quite bored.

I thought that grandma could live forever, but how could I have thought that grandma would not be able to pass her own test...

However, it is not so easy to accept.

She sighed softly, no longer thinking about this aspect, but was going to call those little devils from the Uzumaki family back.

Akabane had already left.

He is really busy now, besides updating, he also has to deal with a lot of things, accumulate chakra, and be summoned by the third generation and Danzo from time to time to do some errand work.

Even the time for salted fish can only be squeezed out of free time.

too difficult.

Fortunately, today's task has been completed, and all manga updates have been handled properly. Although Naruto has only five chapters, the next five chapters involve the true meaning of Moon Eye and Infinity Tsukiyomi.

I don't know if those two old foxes will fight each other.

After repeated negotiations, Akabane was sure that they were not familiar with each other, and even had a lot of suspicion between them, and the reason for this was probably related to the fruit of whispers that flowed out from his side.

In this book, I don't know if Madara can discover Heijue's thoughts.

He daydreamed secretly, and at the same time completed the final compilation and finishing work, and then asked Kurama Yunlang to send the comics to the factory, and asked Yamano Izuhiro and the others to help publish them.

The income of manga is not high in Konoha.

However, selling abroad is a real huge profit, so the factory actually made a lot of money, and gave special preferential treatment to the few manga authors on Konoha's side, and gave them priority to publish and print if there were basically updates.

Three copies were delivered today.

Two were Akabane's works, and the other was from that art manga artist Jiraiya. He had been out of work for more than a month, and the sudden fraud really surprised the people in the factory.

Out of curiosity about the new manga, they read the new manga "by the way" when it was published.

"Intimate Romance".


On the same day, the factory manager found that there were more employees visiting the toilets.

Net lazy!

He secretly complained in his heart, but he didn't stop their actions.

It's rare for people to go to the toilet all the time like today, and it probably has something to do with that comic. He's no longer surprised by it, as if he didn't see anything.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish. Some things will pass with one eye closed.

Since Jiraiya's manga was sent early, the update was completed before Akabane's manga arrived, and it was sent to other places for sale through merchant channels.

Konoha will wait for Akabane's two comics to be updated.

Who made Konoha more restrictive here.

In the past, only ten volumes were given away, but now it has been increased by five times, and fifty volumes can be given away each time, but such a small amount is generally not sent on a special trip.

When Akabane's two books are finished, they will be brought to Konoha along with them.

At this time, in the corner, a black shadow moved slowly, followed a copy of "Intimate Romance", and quietly waited for the newly released comic book.

On Konoha's side, the manga didn't arrive until noon the next day, but Heijue had already obtained the first-hand information, and Xingye rushed back to the Land of Wind.

To be honest, he was rather hesitant to show Madara all the manga.

One Piece is just fine.

In his opinion, this comic is purely for entertainment. Although there are many insinuations in it, it is not worth paying more attention to him.

Only Naruto.

Eye of the Moon, unlimited monthly reading.

Different from the previous five words of the Moon Eye Project, this time "Madara" stated the specific content of his Moon Eye Project, and announced threateningly—

The fourth ninja war begins!

Very arrogant speech, but in the comics, it is indeed possible to be so arrogant.

The reality is different.

Madara is very strong, but he is too old. If Madara is ten years younger and has the eyes of reincarnation, the world can be turned upside down, and now...

He also has the ability to upset the world.

However, after disrupting the world, Madara himself will come to the end of his life, if he can convince Madara, Madara will not hesitate.

It's a pity that I don't know which link is wrong now, and I can't make up for it.

This volume must be handed over...

Hei Jue sighed secretly in his heart, otherwise Madara would not have talked nonsense with him, and killed him directly—with the ability of Samsara Eye, it would be difficult to kill him, but the seal is absolutely no problem.

The Cave of the Kingdom of the Wind.

Hei Jue emerged from the soil and put three volumes of comics in the middle of the cave.

Madara opened his eyes, and ingested the three comics from a distance. After getting them, he frowned slightly.

Why are there three books

Madara looked up, then looked down at the covers of the three books: "Intimate Romance? What is this?"

"Eh... I don't know, I saw it was being printed, so I took it."

Hei Jue froze for a moment.

Intimate romance

It seems to be the first book I took, I didn't see it before, so I took it by the way, anyway, no one will find out if he takes the book with his ability.

But the content.

Madara opened it for a few glances, her eyes widened slightly, then turned a few more pages and put it aside.

Heh, boring content...

The old man has been in the world for decades, and he has never seen anything, just something on paper, and he wants to seduce me, Uchiha Madara!

He went straight to the target and started watching Naruto updates.

Only five words.

But after turning over a few pages, he saw something exciting.

The Eye of the Moon Project.

In fact, the creator of this plan is Uchiha Madara himself, but now he just has a relatively complete idea, and there is no result on how to implement it.

But what he can't complain about is that the little guy in the comics is crazy, bluffing and deceiving in his own name, and what he does is completely out of his style.


While watching, Madara secretly used his ability to observe Hei Ze, and after reading most of the manga, he slowly said: "Je, or...Indra, if our plan succeeds, what do you want?"

Heijue was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Madara to ask this at all.

He thought about it for a second, and immediately replied without hesitation: "I want to use the power of the sacred tree to resurrect."


It's the truth.

But some hesitation...

Madara thought for a moment, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Why do you need a sacred tree for resurrection? After I destroy Konoha, I can get the record of soul research from Qianshoubeijian from Konoha, and it will not be difficult for you to create immortality and reincarnation yourself."

"It's not the same. The sacred tree can create the body that suits me best."

Heijue explained.

"I see."

Madara nodded slightly, didn't say whether she believed it or not, but continued to look back.

After that, it is to capture some pictures of Yawei. From the perspective of strength and plot, Yawei is not so easy to be caught. There is a high probability that Kisame is lost or something goes wrong.

But these spots don't care.

It's not that he really likes comics, he just observes Heijue's state through comics. Heijue doesn't show any flaws in person, but Madara doesn't necessarily need to see it in person.

But today is not without gains.

At least the "resurrection" is real. This is a key element, so the reason for hesitation is worth considering. If he doesn't figure this out, he will not really advance the Moon's Eye plan.

God knows who Hei Jue will resurrect.

He himself, Indra, or a certain Madara didn't even know about it.

in addition.

Does resurrection really only need the sacred tree

This guy is untrustworthy, no matter what, if you don't need him, you have to seal him directly.

Madara was thinking in her heart, but she didn't show any emotion on her face, she just put the manga aside casually, and then continued to watch One Piece.

On the other side of Sand Hidden Village, Kazekage, Elders and most of the Jonin have already moved to the front line, and the battle with Konoha is not far away.

However, the impact of the war on Konoha Honmura is not too great. It is just that there are many ninjas missing, and it has not yet fully entered the state of preparation for a full-scale war.

Therefore, in front of Akabane's manga shop, many people still come to sit and buy manga today.

For ordinary people, living in Konoha is a very happy thing, at least there is no need to worry about being robbed, killed by bandits, or other disasters every day.

After having manga, everyone can "talk freely", pointing at the manga without fear of being beaten, including Danzo, although it is referred to as "that man" or "that adult", but you can tell who you are talking about at a glance.

Up to now, no ninja has bothered with them, so it can be said that there is considerable freedom of speech.

But after reading today's update, everyone still can't help but want to complain—Sasuke-kun, you were awesome in the last volume, why did this volume fall down!

As for Eye of the Moon...

Many people haven't realized how serious this thing is. After all, they don't know that there are actually people planning to do these things in reality, and they think it's just Akabane's nonsense in the comics.

Let everyone know that Infinite Tsukuyomi is a real art, and Uchiha Madara is not dead, and is still planning Infinite Tsukiyomi, I am afraid that everyone in Quannin Village will fall into panic.

But for ninja wars, everyone is somewhat afraid.

From the noon update to the present, many people have left messages or asked directly, will the ninja war happen this time

For this...

Akabane said, we don't know either.

The war launched by Hidden Sand Village this time is not within the scope of his knowledge at all, and he himself does not know what will happen in the future.

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