Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 348: You are really trash


"Oh? In other words, you didn't catch Nanao this trip, and you got the reputation of kidnapping Nanao for nothing?"

There is no sadness or joy on the spotted face.

"Yes, Kurama Akabane took the first step and took away Nanao Jinchuriki. Our plan was seen through by the other party."

Heijue said in a low voice.

"Jeez, you really make me not know how to use you... Forget it, you can go to the country of Sichuan to have a look. It has been a long time since there has been a battle report. I suspect that there has been a change in the country of Sichuan."


Although he was scolded a lot, Heijue could only continue to work with a shameful face-who made himself really unlucky, not to mention that he didn't get Renzhuli, and even exposed his whereabouts as a scapegoat.

Kurama Akabane!


This guy is simply his own nemesis, every time he is in a place, he is very unlucky...

Speaking of which, Kurama Akabane shouldn't be in Kawano Country, right

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that this possibility was very high, and the ghostly place in Taki Ninja Village was so hidden that he had to search for a long time before finding it. Akabane must have someone to lead the way.



He froze for a moment, and planned to go back and communicate with Madara, but after thinking about it carefully, he could understand, and Madara definitely knew it too.

Jiaodu is very powerful.

After thinking about it, he decided not to touch the bad luck, just go to scout honestly and report back.

Anyway, the most important thing is not war or anything, but to collect Jinzhuli to supplement the heretic golem and complete the reshaping of the ten tails. By then...

Although thinking about it carefully, Madara may not be able to complete this great cause now.

On the other side, Akabane left Nanao Jinchuriki on Kakutsu's side.

Kakudo disagreed at first.

Carrying Jinchuriki is equivalent to carrying a bomb with him, not only the people of Taki Ninja Village, even Madara knows he will not let him go, but Akabane adds money.

So, he agreed.

It's not difficult to manage Jinchuriki, besides, Jinchuriki comes from Taki Shinobu Village, and he has a common language with him to some extent.

In addition, Akabane didn't let him guard him indefinitely.

When the limelight passes, Taki Shinobi Village agrees to join the coalition forces, and he will be responsible for "rescuing him" and returning Renchuriki to Taki Ninja Village.

It's not that Renzhuli is not fragrant, Akabane doesn't want it.

First of all, Nanao is relatively scumbag, and only Chakra is a relatively good advantage, but it is useless to Akabane. If Chakra is needed, Jiuwei is not good

Secondly, tailed beasts are a point that every village cares about.

Konoha has the ability to steal Renchuriki silently and re-seal Renchuriki, but once it is put into action, the coalition forces will exist in name only.

Although the most important thing to deal with Madara is those high-end combat power, but a hundred thousand white zealots can kill a large number of Konoha's people, which is why Danzo, the hawk, advocates peace talks.

If the people in Shayin Village are alive, at least they can fight to the death of a group of Baijue.

Akabane reported this to Danzo.

Due to the lack of Chakra, there was no way to start back to Konoha immediately, so he could only spend the night at the camp, and recover the Chakra that he spent on various long-distance running.

Go back and explode!

The avatar I left there yesterday didn't disappear until I finished the mission, so even if I got out of the mission, the manga still kept updating.

In yesterday's plot, Naruto was researching the Tailed Beast Jade, and the coalition forces officially encountered the reincarnated army...

Set a small goal today, first draw ten words and then talk.

When we returned to Konoha, we first had to find Midai to report on his work. However, there were not many things happening in the village, and Midai did not make much effort to persuade him to stay. It was just that after talking about business affairs, he couldn't help complaining about the plot of Akabane's comics.

Leaving aside the "legendary" seven swordsmen, even the shadows who have passed away have been psychicized one by one, so there is no side effect of reincarnating emotions

With such a strong drawing, the whole ninja world probably wants to get this thing.

The third generation is quite worried.

In the future, the forbidden technique of the village will be spied on, so let’s not mention it. Right now, the villages may ask Konoha to use the dirty soil to reincarnate.

After all, this thing is so powerful, why not use it

However, as far as the three generations are concerned, he definitely does not want to abuse this technique. He is very aware of the shortcomings and side effects of this technique-the stronger the soul, the more likely it is to break free from the shackles of the technique.

It is these aspects that Orochimaru has improved.

Restraints, Manipulation, and Power Ups.

Regarding his worries, Akabane said that he didn't need to care at all.

The opinions of other ninja villages are important, but Konoha is the leader, and his strength is also the strongest in all the villages, so there is no need to act according to other people's faces.

In terms of attitudes towards these matters, Akabane is indeed in the same line as Danzo and is more hawkish.

Why bother.

Am I weak

Too weak will only make people feel that Konoha can be bullied.

Akabane returned to the manga shop, leaving behind four shadow clones. In order to prevent his sleep from affecting the mentality of the clones, he resolutely chose to go home and lie down on the bed to sleep peacefully.

Out of sight out of mind.

The shadow clones silently chose to endure, and then picked up their pens and started working.

There are not many tasks assigned by the pommel horse.

The four avatars draw twenty chapters, which may not be needed for half a day, and should be done by the afternoon...

There are more and more things, Akabane not only needs to consider the manga, but also has to deal with Anbu.

When I went to the front yesterday, many things were left to Younv Yigen to handle, but some important information had to be handled by him, and he has accumulated a lot of work today.

Wake up in the afternoon.

Akabane immediately sent a clone over there, lest the matter pile up, and then three or four clones would have to deal with it together.

Moreover, there are indeed some areas that need attention at the moment.

Like cultists.

The Cult of the Evil God is restless. After being wanted and suppressed in the Land of Fire, they did not give up. Recently, they began to invade the border and carry out massacres.

But the Cult of the Evil God probably didn’t expect—

The Nation of Fire is now vigorously promoting the guard post system. Almost every town has set up a sentry post. The distance between the sentry posts is not too far, and information can be quickly transmitted using some special methods.


It didn't take long for the cultists to arrive before they were discovered by the guards. Most of them were immediately surrounded by a group of ninjas before they started slaughtering.

Although the cultists were strong, they were quickly defeated in group fights, and most of them were captured alive in the end.

What a tragedy.

After reading the information, Akabane was immediately happy for Orochimaru. He has another batch of experimental subjects, so there is no need to worry about running out of experimental subjects.

The main body didn't come to Anbu, and the manga store had to finish it. As a result, the avatars disappeared before they were finished, and Akabane had to come and deal with it by himself.

When returning to the comic shop, he took a look at the comment board at the door.

Many people look forward to the reincarnation of the filthy soil, and want to see the dead first and second generations...

But it's a pity.

In the comics, Senshouzhujian and Senshoufeijian are sealed by ghouls and dragged into the belly of the god of death. They must be unsealed through the mask of the god of death and special rituals before they can be psychic.

For the time being, the Four Hokages have no chance to play, and we have to wait for Orochimaru to be resurrected.

In terms of research, Dou is still too far behind Dashewan, but he is just a poor man who picks up his wisdom and loses himself.

Akabane withdrew her thoughts and went into the lounge to sort out the manuscript.

I thought there wasn't much content, but I sorted out the remaining chapters of the manga, and there are also covers, posters, and two volumes of manga...

All in all, it's not a lot of work.

On purpose

Akabane speculated maliciously.

The memory of the shadow clone will return after disappearing, but the "emotions" of some details will not be fed back. Akabane has no way of knowing whether those guys deliberately kept their homework.

There is not much content to do by yourself, and it is not humane to find a clone.

After finishing the work, you can salt fish again.

That afternoon, he basically rested at home and did not go out. Although someone outside had been looking for him for several days, Akabane was now flying Thunder God on his way, so he was not blocked.

the next day.

Jilai was simply dissatisfied with looking for it on the street, saw the manga update announcement, sat outside the lounge, and didn't care if Akabane got up and waited here at first.

But he underestimated the business in the store.

After a while, Kurama Yunlang had to come over to chase away people: "Zi Lai Ye, it's too busy here in the morning, or else I'll tell the young master in the afternoon, and you will come again at that time?"

"No, I'll wait outside."

Jiraiya's heart of seeking the Tao is quite strong. After lying in the hospital for several days, he was finally able to move freely. He wants to start his next volume immediately.

However, he was a little lacking in inspiration, and urgently needed the guidance of the art mentor "Nobunosuke".

There are too many people in the store.

"A lot of masters, the reincarnation of the dirty soil is so strong!"

"This technique doesn't make sense."

"It was created by the second generation of adults, hey... It's a pity, it would be great if it didn't die."

In the big update of the ten chapters, a bunch of people sat down in the small teahouse after buying, and chatted quite enthusiastically with each other. Many topics in it made Zilai also more curious.

He really wanted to buy it, but when he looked at his shriveled wallet, he could only hold back the yearning in his heart.

Except for war and mission injuries, Konoha Hospital charges a fee, and Konoha Hospital, which is in a bad situation like Jiraiya, has to pay extra.

Although Zilai also published "Intimate Romance", but the money has not yet been distributed, and his life is actually quite tight, even eating frugally—

Recently, he has been considering whether to go to Mount Miaomu for a while.

Although the bug meal is terrible, it is better than free.

It wasn't until noon that Akabane got up, ate, and then arrived at the lounge. Before he could stand still and recover, he heard the knock on the window, and Jiraiya's iconic face was dancing outside the window.

Well, I always feel that this product is not good.

Akabane left four avatars behind, and then walked out, and there were more people in the store. Although the recent plot is not unexpected, the resurrection of the deceased and the battle are indeed quite attractive.

Especially the golden and silver horns.

When the Second Hokage died back then, a large part of the reason was related to them. Everyone in Konoha couldn't help but feel angry when they saw them.

Unfortunately, they can only think about it.

The reincarnation of the dirty soil is undoubtedly a forbidden technique, unless it is necessary, it is impossible to psychic such a dangerous person as Jinjiaoyinjiao for such a ridiculous reason.

Akabane came out from the house, chatted enthusiastically with the spectators for a while, and then went outside to find himself.

No need to ask, seeing Ziraiya's breezy smile, Akabane knew that it would be no good for this guy to find him.

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