Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 350: What comics are harmful!


In the cave outside Sand Hidden Village, Madara, just like in the comics, puts the cells between the pillars of his body into the golem of the heretics, and "breds" the first white zealot.


Bai Jue was released by Hei Jue a long time ago, but he had been hiding in the body of the Golem of the Outer Way before.

The intercolumn cells that Madara puts in only strengthen it, not create it.

All this is unknown.

Although Whisper Fruit can hear emotions, Bai Jue's thinking is confused and he can't feel anything at all.

"My lord, there is a book at the door."

Bai Juedun followed and fetched the manga from the entrance of the cave.

It was thrown by Sasuke.

Madara added one item to the puppet Kazekage's order—to help him buy Naruto manga.

Sasuke did a great job.

Hei Jue was taken aback by the comics last time, but the recent plot didn't involve Jue, and he didn't bother to test it out, lest Hei Jue would be numb.

Madara took the manga.

Hei Jue hasn't come back yet, but he can read and watch first, and think about what comics to exchange with Hei Jue later.

Open the cover, it is still the battle of the reincarnated army of dirty soil.

Spot frowned slightly.

This technique is indeed powerful, but its effects are not necessarily without side effects as Dou said - those who play with the soul will eventually be swallowed by the soul.

He really wanted it, but Madara knew very well that Konoha would never let this kind of forbidden technique spread easily. I am afraid that there are very few people in Konoha who know about it...

Even Danzo may not know.

Madara thought for a while, and stopped paying attention to this thing. If he really lost, it would be meaningless to be reincarnated from the dirt.

But after turning a few pages, he saw Hanzo and Mifune.

At present, Mifune is not well-known, but Hanzo is already well-known in the ninja world, and he dominates the ninja world with his own strength.

Madara didn't know that Hanzo was also pursuing peace.

However, it will never be possible for a small country to achieve a balance with a big country. Even if a Hanzo emerges and barely restrains the five major countries, the wheels of war will not stop because of him.

Should fight or will fight.

When people are weak and powerful, no matter how strong Hanzo is, he can't stop the five countries. Even if he is much stronger, reaching the level of Madara and Hashirama, he will die one day after all.

Once dead, the war will start again.

Therefore, in Madara's eyes, Hanzo's peace is too narrow, just repeating the wrong history, and only his own ideas are the only correct path.

He no longer paid attention to Hanzo and Mifune's exchange of blows, and continued to read the next chapter.

Well, there's nothing to see down there.

Keep turning.

Finally turning to Naruto's page, Madara's movements temporarily stopped.

Fairy mode.

Seeing this scene, the image of Akabane punching Shadow severely last time appeared in his mind unconsciously. That power...should be mixed with celestial chakra.

Kurama Akabane, what a genius.

Madara sighed softly, if this kind of genius agrees with his own ideas, how great it would be to realize a peaceful world with unlimited monthly reading together with him.

It's a pity that the child has been carved by Danzo and has become the second darkness of the ninja world.

It's not that easy to fool around.

Turning page by page...

Suddenly, he saw the scene of Hei Ze looking for the daimyos, and then being kicked away by Terumi Mei.


I'm not the only one who thinks it's black and trash.

Spot sighed softly.

Originally, he believed that Heijue was the remnant of Indra's soul back then, but recently Heijue's behavior was too useless, so he didn't believe it anymore.

If the remnant soul of one's ancestors only has this ability, it is better to crash to death early to avoid embarrassment.


As soon as he was mentioned, the guy came back.

Madara noticed the return of Hei Ze, but didn't show it, pretending not to notice as before, sitting where he was and reading manga.

Until Heijue appeared...

Seeing that Madara didn't notice him, Kurojue said, "Madara, Konoha has united with the rest of Ninja Village."

"Oh? Where's Jinjuriki?"

Madara put down the manga and looked at it instantly.

If the five major villages join forces with Konoha and transfer the ninjas in the village to the front line, they can use surprise tactics to plunder the renjuriki they left in the forbidden area of the village.

"Jinchuriki, there is Uzumaki Mito, so..."

Hei Jue's words became more and more emboldened.

Uzumaki Mito's sealing technique is very subtle, blocking all the aura about Jinchuriki, only releasing his own Nine-Tails Chakra aura to lure Heijue.

But how dare he look.

In case that brat, Kurama Akabane, guards him, he will be healed by the lightning with natural energy, and maybe he will be sealed by Uzumaki Mito...

He didn't even dare to get close, let alone take a look.

"Come on, let's read comics together."

Madara beckoned to him, Hei Jue took a look, turned into a black shadow and rushed over, falling behind Madara.

Then, he looked intently at the comic book.

Seeing this, I was almost pissed off.

In the comics, a little ghost in Wuyin Village actually beat him, Xiaozhi Xuanwu, and portrayed him like Zhan Wuscum. Is Heijue so weak

What's more, the intercolumnar cells of the black body attached to it are white, at least they shouldn't be so weak.

He made excuses for himself.

"Hey, Akabane, this brat, the characters are well-crafted."

Madara continued to scroll down, while concentrating on using the whisper fruit to listen to Hei Ze's emotional changes.

One page, two pages...

It was getting close to the bottom, and he finally heard the violent and chaotic "panic".

Take a closer look.

Bai Jue changed into the appearance of a Konoha ninja and sneaked into the assassination.

Draw it right

There was no change on the surface of Madara, and he continued to look through, but secretly speculated in his heart.

The manga was delivered too fast, and he didn't have time to test Bai Jue's ability, but judging from the current situation, the Bai Jue ability in the painting is probably correct.

With such a big reaction from Hei Jue, it is obvious that he already knew about Bai Jue's ability, and even knew everything about the golem of the heretics, but he deliberately concealed it.

in addition…

How did Kurama Akabane learn about it

Madara was lost in thought.

Madara's abnormality was not noticed by Hei Ze, and his mind was all on Kurama Akabane's side—this kid, why did he know again!

No one knows how Kurama Akabane knows so many secrets.

For this reason, after the people of Ninja villages arrived in Chuanokuni, they also asked Danzang whether he had sent Anbu to investigate the secrets of their villages. To this, Danzang only answered the secret of the nightmare.

Create dreams, feed on spiritual energy, and use dreams to pry into secrets.

So, everyone believed it.

Akabane naturally didn't know about this, but even if he knew, he wouldn't be relieved. There are many ways to explain these things.

Among other things, there is a large pile of information about the secret dark parts of each village, which is comprehensive and detailed, and even includes some private affairs of the senior officials of Ninja Village.

During this period of time, he almost took the Anbu information for granted.

Never mind, it's pretty interesting.

Akabane's shadow clone is very satisfied, compared to his colleagues, his life can be regarded as rich and colorful.

He couldn't help laughing when he thought that his partner was still writing and writing, while he was sitting here leisurely reading gossip.

At least my own life, not just painting.

Inside the leaves.

As usual, a group of people sat in a small teahouse drinking juice and reading comics, and occasionally some wealthy people would order some wine, snacks, etc.

Just looking at this side, you might think that this is a peaceful and prosperous world, but you don't know that the world is already in chaos.

Akabane was sitting in the lounge, looking out with his head stuck up, with a look of seeing through everything, showing anger while the four avatars beside him were drawing pictures, but dared not speak out.

Ontology doesn't think there is a problem. Isn't it normal for a boss to be lazy

Besides, I'm not really being lazy.

At that moment, he had exchanged 14 points of mental power, stacking up the value of mental power to 270 points—during this period, his mental power had naturally increased by 1 point.

The last test was enough to prove that his illusion could work on Madara.

It's just that Madara knows too much about illusions, even the illusions of the pommel horse clan can be easily cracked, and now that his mental power has improved a bit, and if he can open the eyes of reincarnation and be on par with Madara in terms of pupil skills, the illusion of the five senses will really work.

Illusion is his strongest means.

Freeing it from restrictions is the most important thing at the moment, so Akabane will put all the current points into spiritual power.

He tried it.

Even in the manga shop, with his current ability, he can still cast illusions on the third generation in the Hokage Building.

The price is...

In the next second, people from three generations came to the door.

Although Akabane did it very covertly, the third generation is a doctor of ninjutsu. Even if he is not proficient in illusion, he is a master among masters in deciphering it.

At the moment of the technique, he knew that he had been pulled into an illusion.

Akabane had to walk and lie down.

Fei Leishen passed by, pushed the door open and went in. He saw the third generation sitting there with a sore face, dealing with various affairs. Is it on the head?"

"Khan, experiment, experiment..."

Akabane explained awkwardly.

Once Uzumaki Mito left, the strongest Konoha was Sandai, so if he wanted to experiment with illusion, of course he would use Sandai.

"Also, what else do you know, don't hide it, this information is very important to our war, Bai Jue's ability, etc., you must tell it exactly this time."

What really annoys the third generation is not the illusion, but the problem of Bai Jue.

The last time I shook off a hundred thousand in vain.

What about this time

Bai Jue has the ability to change again, and it is a perfect transformation technique, no one can see the flaws.

Can't this kind of important information be finished all at once

Akabane hesitated.

Of course he knows Bai Jue's true ability and origin, but that is very important...

He thought for a while, and told some of the truth: "Baijue itself is the product of Infinite Tsukuyomi. It is like a spore. As long as there is enough Chakra, it can split itself. As I said in the painting, it has a strong transformation ability. .”

Three generations widened their eyes.

The product of Infinite Monthly Reading is... Bai Jue

That is to say, in ancient times, someone used Unlimited Monthly Reading!

Sage of Six Paths

No, not likely.

If it were the Sage of the Six Paths, how could there be ninjas left in this world? After all, according to the Sage of the Big Toad, even the moon was created by the Sage of the Six Paths. How could the ancestor of the ninja fail to think of the Moon Eye plan.

So it's someone else.

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