Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 353: A surprise attack on Wuyin, the seven swordsmen were all wiped out


The new manga brought a lot of income to Akabane.

Although the three major villages and the small villages only brought a small number of people to the Kawa no Kuni camp, most of them wired the rest of the border, but this part alone is enough to bring tens of thousands of points.

However, the income dropped sharply the next day.

Akabane guessed that it is very likely that the leaders of those villages have imposed restrictions. The power of cultural output is terrible, and it is normal for these ninja villages to control them.

So today, the soaring points finally slowed down.

Even so, in just over a day, he has gained nearly 40,000 points, which is enough to make his spiritual power reach 300 points!

This is a very scary number.

Akabane didn't even dare to exchange it directly, but first replaced it with five points and increased slowly, otherwise he would suddenly increase thirty points on such a high basis, he was afraid that he would not be able to control it for a while...

It is not too dangerous to say that it is uncontrollable.

It's just that he may be walking, and the people around him will enter the illusion for no reason-his spiritual power is too strong, and with the power of the blood succession limit, a leak is enough to automatically create illusions for the people around him.


It's just that the external spirit energy will not produce the effect of turning the virtual into reality, and now Akabane only changes five points every few hours, and it is even more impossible for this to happen.

After his mental strength increased, he could properly show off his Sharingan.

The third generation and Uchiha said hello, "opening the eyes" is only a matter of time, after opening the eyes, find a suitable opportunity to "emotionally stimulate", open a kaleidoscope or something at once.

As for the eternal kaleidoscope...

The Immortal of the Six Paths and Indra didn't poach the eyes of their brothers back then, didn't they have the Liugou jade and the eyes of reincarnation

Akabane buried the reason early in the morning.

My eyes are stimulated by the conversion of spiritual energy, not Uchiha's kind of eye-opening and emotional stimulation. The strong spiritual power also makes people unable to find a reason to refute. An "ancestor" is enough to explain everything.

Konoha Manga and Kawa no Kuni are updated almost at the same time.

This is thanks to Akabane's arrangement for the caravan. This time the manga is given priority to the front line - but even so, Yamano Izumi delivered it on time at noon.

Since the formalization, the efficiency of the factory has become higher and higher.

Akabane secretly praised in his heart.

It's a pity that there are not many jounin in the village nowadays, and even most of the chunin are taken away by the guards to deal with the cultists.

The cult of evil gods is too rampant.

For the sect that has just risen and gained power, Youma doesn't know how to restrain himself at all under cover. Not only the Kingdom of Fire, but also the Kingdom of Water suffered greatly from it.

Knowing that the village could not get many points, he turned his attention to the front line.

However, the content of the manga is still exciting, and there are also many people who have read it. The update has only been released for less than an hour, and the comment board is already full of comment notes.

Of course, the most popular words are the words of the fourth generation of Raikage.

Here is Konoha, everyone has a good impression of "Naruto", the sunny guy, and the fourth generation of Ai's claim to kill Naruto to sever "Madara" and gather ten tails, undoubtedly makes everyone very upset.

My own children scold me casually, but outsiders want to say that I can't do it.


Everyone once again saw the power of Sharingan and Samsarayan.

Kirabi and Naruto are already strong enough, but they were still beaten very hard in front of Nagato, who was reincarnated from the dirty soil. At the same time, the truth about Uchiha Shisui's death and the appearance of other gods made Danzo's back in reality. There is an extra pot.

Danzo is used to it.

No one knows Akabane better than him. He understands that Shisui's plot is definitely not over, and there is still a lot of black material about "Danzo".

Who made him the darkness of the ninja world

But it doesn't matter, the great title always needs someone to inherit it, and sooner or later these will be returned, he is not in a hurry at all.

not to mention…

With Danzo's character, if Uchiha really gets to that point, maybe he will really do this kind of thing.

He is indeed bad, and he does not deny this, but now Uchiha is very honest, cooperating with Konoha's work while actively making his own contributions to the village, and the family problems have also been properly resolved.

In this case, he will not break his arm.

Most of the people on Uchiha's side didn't watch the update, most of the elites participated in the arrest of the cult, and most of the people left in the village were little kids who couldn't even be counted as ninja.

Among these children, Fuyue is the one with high talent.

In the past, he also went to the Akabane store to buy comics to read.

But since the title of "Second Generation Danzo" spread, he didn't dare to go to the Akabane store to read books. Every time, he asked a friend to help him bring a copy, or he simply secretly read the book that his father had finished reading.

Since the children in the clan are more afraid of Akabane, only Uchiha's children quietly came to buy books until late in the afternoon-they knew that Akabane was probably not in the store at this time.

Therefore, it was near mealtime that Fuyue watched today's update.

For him, this volume of comics is quite exciting.

Regardless of Itachi's thoughts and designs, this child was deeply fascinated. He felt that ninjas should be like this. Similarly, Uchiha Shisui is undoubtedly a great ninja.

It's a pity that there would be no Danzo in the world...

Akabane didn't care about that.

The preparation department is in his hands, and this little brat will fall into his hands sooner or later, and then let him experience the methods of the new generation of ninja darkness.

As for the plot of Gaara, probably no one will care about it except Sand Hidden Village, and the sand ninjas in the country of Kawa have no time to care about comics at the moment.

They have been crazy busy during this period of time, collecting information, investigating the country of the wind, and finally came to the conclusion that most of the junin who stayed in the village may have been controlled.

This is a hopeless answer.

Even if they fight back, those jonin are likely to be seriously injured and die, and people from other villages will not hold back, because they are happy to see Shayin Village weak.

As for the weakening of Hidden Sand Village, no one is worried about whether it will lead to an imbalance in the ninja world.

If one abdicates, a new substitute will naturally come up.

For example, Yuyin Village, which has a "half god" sitting in the town.

This made Chiyo even more thankful that he did not negotiate further terms with Danzo, but decisively agreed to the decision to give up half of the benefits.


Danzo is not a good old man who does charity, he will agree because it is good for Konoha.

If Yuyin Village is allowed to be big, regardless of the threat to Konoha, even the mission indicators will be obtained by Yuyin Village, which has nothing to do with Konoha.

Now Konoha gets half of the benefits anyway, and the weak Sand Hidden Village has to rely on Konoha, otherwise they won't even be able to keep their seats in the Five Great Ninja Village.

Kill two birds with one stone, each takes what it needs.

Konoha was relatively slow to get the news that there was no Renzhuriki from Wuyin Village, but Sandai attached great importance to it, and talked to Akabane as soon as he got the news.

Advising Hokage and sharing pressure is the responsibility of Anbu Minister and consultant.

Danzo is not there, and Koharu is busy in the medical department, and Mitomonyan is now just an ordinary Jnin. He can walk out of Anbu because he has issued a military order, and naturally he is not qualified to contact these.

Akabane heard the news from the third generation, and only got confirmation from the avatar - it can be seen that the shadow avatar is not necessarily very conscientious in his usual work.

But that's right, they are all separated from him, their personality and style are similar to the main body, and it is already very face-saving not to skip work directly.

He couldn't ask for more.

So, after thinking for a while, Akabane mulled over and said, "My lord, do you mean to save each other, or to stand by and do nothing?"

This questioned the third generation.

From Konoha's point of view, it must be better to stand by and watch. Ban Ruo can knock the mountain and shake the tiger, so that the rest of Ninja Village will not dare to have similar crooked thoughts.

However, speaking from the overall situation, Madara's strength will definitely be stronger if he gets two tailed beasts, and it will be more difficult to deal with than it is now.

After thinking for a while, he said, "If you can prevent Madara from gaining Jinchuriki, then of course you must stop it."

"That's not as good as me..."

Akabane was about to say that he would go and have a look, but in the next second, a figure quickly appeared in the office.

It's Anbe.

Holding a piece of information in his hand, he was sweating and out of breath. It was obvious that the chakra was exhausted and he might faint at any time.

Akabane immediately used the chakra in the Yin seal.

After the improvement of Baihao's technique, the Yin-sealed Chakra can also be used by others, and some of the Chakra is used as a base, and this Anbu will not faint.

The third generation immediately took the information scroll, took a breath after looking at it, his eyes were full of shock, and then raised his head and said: "Madara raided the hiding place of Jinzhuli in Wuyin Village, and the elite guards in charge of guarding the six swordsmen left only members of the ghost lamp family." people survived."

"Uh, so there's no need to go all the way?"

Akabane froze for a moment, but the first thing that came to his mind was this problem, since his strength was gone, he obviously didn't need to look again, the chakra of this long-distance business trip was saved.


Madara is also really ruthless, Mizukage went to the country of Sichuan yesterday, and today he will take people away.

"There's no need to go any further."

The third generation sat down with a bad face.

Two tailed beasts.

For Madara, this greatly strengthens the strength of the outsider golem, and with the supply of tailed beast chakra, the load brought by using the golem to Madara will be much smaller.

Akabane thought for a while, then asked the Anbu ninja, "Where are the swords of the Six Swordsmen?"

"My subordinates are ashamed. At that time, Madara's destructive power was too strong. We didn't dare to approach, and we didn't really see the battle situation."

Anbu ninja was ashamed.

The third generation said gently: "It's not your fault, go down first."

Facing Uchiha Madara, 99% of people will feel fear in their hearts, and it is normal not to dare to approach.


The Anbu ninja who sent the order left.

Akabane was lost in thought.

The shark muscle effect is actually not very useful for Madara with the eyes of reincarnation. At most, Madara does not need to use the absorption ability of the eyes of reincarnation to absorb chakra to supplement himself, freeing his hands.

With my own mental strength, I can use more illusions to contain Madara. If it is a real decisive battle, then count Uzumaki Mito and Dai who can open seven doors frequently.

Of these two, one relies on the sealing technique, and the other relies on the simple physical technique, even shark muscles can't help much.

Thinking about it this way, there is no need to worry too much.

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