Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 356: The library card system, pull the wool


"Teacher, let Sakumo be active on the border of the Kawa no country, his ability is more than enough to deal with Bai Ze."

Akabane said something to help.

Based on what he knows about Madara, after getting Six Tails, Madara is unlikely to attack the border again—unless he really wants to fight the five great villages so much.

"Okay, that's it, rest more today, and... Akabane, if you want to paint, you can do it in the camp, and I will send someone to help you send it to the factory."

Danzo seems to have something to say.

"Thank you so much. By the way, can I promote comics in the camp?"

Akabane would not refuse.

He didn't come before, and the rest of Ninja Village banned manga, and those people don't want to ban it when he comes.

This wave of wool, my pommel horse, Akabane, is determined!

"You can figure it out, but it can't affect the task arrangement."

Danzo exhorted.

"Thank you, teacher."

Akabane led the order to retreat.

After stepping out of the tent, he began to think about how to sell the comics.

These ninja villages are too stubborn, and if they want to export culture, they must adopt abnormal means.


Everyone is a ninja, and I haven't watched "Naruto", so direct poster promotion is probably not good...

With a glance, he noticed Shuo Mo.

Yes, Sakumo's Chidori!

Akabane thought of a way in an instant, patted Sakumo on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Sakumo, let's practice Chidori later."

Sakumo was at a loss, his chidori had already been practiced almost, and he didn't intend to focus on this technique right now.

But he is smart.

Before being pulled to the field, he knew what Akabane was going to do.

This guy pulls a bunch of comics.

Then, let Shuo Mao briefly explain some of Chidori's tricks in front of him, pretending to teach Shuo Mao to learn Chidori's appearance.

Chidori's "sizzling" sound quickly attracted a large group of people.

A bunch of ninjas without missions came to watch.

"What is this doing?"

"Practice ninjutsu?"

"Hey, I don't know, this is Kakashi's signature ninjutsu Chidori in the manga, which was developed by Akabane and Sakumo..."

Many people in the outer village hadn't read the manga, so they didn't know the meaning of the lightning ball in Sakumo's hand, but Konoha's ninja immediately helped explain it.


The upper ninjas of Yunyin Village were engrossed. After watching for a while, they thought to themselves—this thing is very similar to Raikage-sama's kanshou!

"You can try to combine it with the finger gun. Dai has already completed the fusion of Qimen and the finger gun. I believe you can too."

Akabane said loudly.

Shuo Mao was speechless.

He has already completed this practice.

But he knew that Akabane wanted to draw these people over to read the comics. Although he didn't understand the point of doing so, as a good friend, Sakumo naturally couldn't tear things down.

Finger gun, Chidori.

It's not too difficult, but it requires a higher level of chakra control and physical skills. Shuo Mao can do it easily, but what's not easy is that he has to pretend to be the first time he tries.

The acting is clumsy, but most people believe it.

After "testing" a few times...

Combining the finger gun with Chidori, one finger directly poked a small hole in a tree not far away, and the Lightning Chakra shot all the way along the hole, piercing through the next tree.

"What kind of technique are you doing?"

At this time, a voice sounded from the crowd.

Akabane took a closer look.

With this momentum and attire, it is estimated that the third generation of Raikage did not run away.

At this moment, the third generation of Ai should have created Guanshou. Akabane rolled his eyes, and he had a way to sell in his heart. He smiled and said, "Point to the gun, Chidori."

"Finger is from One Piece, and Chidori is Naruto...I didn't expect the magic in the manga to come true, it's unbelievable!"

Three generations of Ai's eyes were bright, and he couldn't stop praising.

"Master Raikage."

Seeing Ai, Shuo Mao immediately stopped and bowed.

"I remembered, the finger gun did appear in One Piece, so it was this trick!"

Many people suddenly realized.

Can comic moves be learned in reality

Now, everyone is interested in the two comics. Even though the ban is in place, it is still hard to stop the ninjas' eagerness to move—

For ninjas, it is not easy to secretly read manga.

In a second, many people left.

The third generation of Ai Ruo thought.

It seems that I have helped someone advertise a wave...

never mind.

He looked at Akabane, looked him up and down, and then spoke directly: "You are the ninja of Thunder Dun, I can teach you the ninjutsu of Thunder Dun, can you teach me how to point a spear?"

"Advice? It's almost the same with four fingers in hand!"

The red feather lion opened his mouth wide.

The third generation of Ai Bai glanced at him, and didn't bother to talk to the greedy Akabane, who put his four fingers in his hands was a bottom line, how could he easily teach others.

However, some essences can still be pointed out secretly. Shuo Mao has already mastered the finger gun and Chidori, but in fact it is only a step away from the four-finger Guanshou.

Sakumo looked at Akabane.

This is the technique that Akabane taught him, and he is not qualified to decide on his own.

"It's best to improve some defense capabilities."

Akabane seemed to point it out.

The thunder escape of the third generation of Raikage is a self-contained system, and the combined body is very powerful after operation, especially the thunder escape body. If you can learn this technique, Sakumo's defensive weakness can be solved.

As for point exchange with four fingers, the combination of chidori and finger gun is already close to one finger.

"Cunning brat, your eyes are really vicious!"

Three generations of Ai cursed inwardly.

Sure enough, it was Xiao Danzo, insidious, cunning, and greedy...

But thinking of the power of the finger gun, he was a little moved.

This physical skill is very suitable for his four-finger piercing hand. If he can master it, his strongest spear will be further strengthened, and it will be almost invincible.

"How about it?"


Third Ai gritted his teeth and agreed.


It is impossible for him to teach the real Lei Dun Protector, at most he can point out some tricks in this area, whether he can understand it or not depends on Shuo Mao himself.

Akabane was also not worried.

Shuo Mao didn't have enough knowledge, so he could redeem this ability to make up for it. At that time, he pretended to be the Thunder Dungeon body that Shuo Mao had comprehended. Even the third generation of Ai could only knock down his front teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

the other side.

A group of ninjas left secretly to borrow books from the manga place in the camp.

No conditions were required yesterday, you can get it for free.

But today, everyone found out that the rules have changed—

"In order to avoid loss of books, borrowers need to pay a deposit and apply for a library card before they can watch them for free."

Library card


You are so kidding me.

It's only been one day, and the rules have changed so much!

Do not read!

Some were outraged.

But soon, they saw a few people secretly starting to line up.


Those who had stubbornly refused to watch before, took advantage of the opportunity to join the ranks.

There is also a statement on the library card.

Jonin can choose to leave his name, no deposit is required and he can get a VI-level library card - he can borrow books first, and the lease period for each borrowing is relatively long.

If you have a rank left by the Chunin, you can apply for an ordinary library card without a deposit.

Genin needs a deposit to apply for an ordinary permit.

The shop's reputation is to give back to the contributions of the Jnin and Zhongnin, so this special benefit is launched.

Leave a name

It seems that it is not impossible.

After thinking about it for a while, the Jōnin decided to leave their names, got a VI library card, and happily borrowed a full set of Naruto manga.

As for One Piece, there are very few people who rent it, and at most a few people rent the latest episodes they haven't seen.

The line is getting longer and longer.

No one wanted it for free, but people rushed to come after restrictions were added. Especially after learning that the techniques in comic books may be developed, the verbal bans of various villages could not stop the fiery frenzy of borrowing books.

In just one or two hours, the books were rented to only one hundred sets left.

The caravan that manages the comics puts up a sign at the right time—

"Current remaining: 100 sets."

Now, the jounin who were afraid that their names would be remembered and didn't plan to keep their names chose to apply for VI certificates and got priority. They didn't jump in the line, but just swapped with the subordinates they recognized in the team.

As for whether there was a verbal threat during the swap, Akabane didn't know.

In short, under his instructions, the comics were quickly rented out.

A group of ninjas were looking for hidden places around the camp to read comics. When there are too many people, they will inevitably meet. Even if they don’t know each other and belong to different villages, it’s not awkward at all.

Everyone is a manga fan...

The ninjas who met sat down, watched and exchanged their views on the plot, the analysis of the novel ninjutsu in it, etc. The scene was quite friendly.

Seeing the Chunin exam, if several people are not sand ninja, they will say "four generations of Kazekage good food", "one session is not as good as one session" and other mocking words.


If sand ninja were present, they would not dare to speak.

will be beaten.

Almost all sand ninjas know how to make poison with one hand. Poison is their forte.

Soon, some quick-moving people have already seen the latest plot.

The manga is nice to read.

For Yunyin Village, the most exciting thing is the recent plot. Regardless of the rough and decisive fighting style of the fourth generation of Ai, or the invincible strength and great death of the third generation of Ai, these tough men all cried.

In comparison, Wuyin Village is not so comfortable.

Fifth Mizukage turned out to be a woman

Although Konoha's Godaime is also a woman, but she is the granddaughter of the ninja god, what can Terumimei do


The part of the reincarnation of the filthy soil and the seven swordsmen is like stabbing the heart of the ninja Kirigakure.

Seeing the Seven Swordsmen, they can't help but think of the Six Swordsmen that were just formed, and now there are only five swords left. In the generation of Ghost Lantern Full Moon in the comics, there are probably two or three people in the current version of the Seven Swordsmen So high.

It's too awful!

As for Yan Ninja Village...

Well, everyone is happy that Onogi lived so long.
