Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 364: Hurricane acting skills - Heijue, take over!


There was a soft sound.

Jue broke out of the ground, looked at Madara after he appeared, then moved his bones, and then said: "Master Madara, we found traces of the experiment of reincarnation from the dirty soil."

"But there is no process, it is all wiped out."

Hei Jue went on to add.

Knowing that Kurama Akabane and Uzumaki Mito had come to the front line, he was no longer afraid, and possessed Bai Zee and went to Konoha to search for the dirty soil to reincarnate.

As previously expected, almost no one stayed behind in Konoha, only Sandai and a few people supported the scene, so as not to be attacked by others. However, although Hei Jue possessed Bai Jue and had a certain combat power, it was impossible to defeat Sandai.

He only dared to search quietly.

He has been to the three generations' office, Dashemaru's laboratory, etc., but the two of them dare not approach Akabane's house and the Senju clan's land.

The shadows are so dark!

Akabane has Flying Thunder God, in case some kind of warning contact signal is left at home, he can fly back from the front line the moment Heijue invades.

Even Madara couldn't hold back Akabane's illusion, and Heijue didn't dare to make fun of himself.


Telling Madara these things would only make Madara look down on them, so they kept silent and didn't say much.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, you don't dare to make a move, have you checked with Orochimaru?"

asked with a frown.

"I've checked, and it can't be cracked by the sealing technique."

When Hei Jue said this, Bai Jue looked a bit hesitant—they had not only checked, but were also discovered by Orochimaru.

That kid's strength is not very good, but there are a lot of operations, and the laboratory is full of various traps. If it weren't for Bai Jue's strong body and the strengthening of inter-column cells to resist many injuries, he might have to rest for a long time after returning from this trip. .

Madara heard that there were twists and turns inside.

Madara has long understood that Heijue can't help in battle, and although Baijue's strength is not bad, a research genius like Orochimaru must be heavily protected, and Baijue's best choice is to run away.

But at least Heijue should be able to bring people back.

He stared at Heijue.

Hei Jue was stared at, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and answer: "That kid is very slippery. After dodging a blow with a special substitute technique, he threw a scroll and summoned the third generation of Hokage..."


Sure enough, apart from being scheming, this guy is really useless in battle.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise I might have become a victim of Hei Jue long ago. In addition... I have to thank the fruit of whispering.

Madara thought to himself.

There was no disturbance on his surface, he just waved his hand to show that he knew, and then continued to read his comic book.

There is still a little ending here that I haven't seen.

But after just one glance, he threw the manga aside.

You can't believe half a word of Qianshoubeijian's words.

Although this is just a cartoon, the face in the cartoon is almost exactly the same as the real Qianshoubeijian, which made him unconsciously think of the previous picture, and the days of fighting are unforgettable.

It's a pity that I didn't get the reincarnation of the dirty soil...

Madara felt a little sorry.

Seeing the Four Great Hokages being summoned, he had an idea in his mind—why not channel the Thousand Hands

It's too happy to die in Qianshoubanjian.

After the psychic came out, he could torture him crazily to vent his hatred. In addition, he could also psychic Qianshou Zhujian to fight with himself, and even force him to help him to realize his "long-cherished wish" for many years.

Unfortunately, everything is fantasy.

Heijue is under a lot of pressure.

Why is Madara's face like this

A filthy reincarnation, as for...

Besides, this forbidden technique is so important, and it is expected to be banned. If I can't get it, what can I do? I am also very desperate!

Hei Jue cried out.

Kawano Country Camp.

Akabane completed his goal, thinking about the next move in his mind.

The wooden dungeon has already been exchanged, and I tested it, and the effect is quite good—perhaps because of the Zhujian version of the fairy body I exchanged, there is no lag at all.

Continue to update and strive to earn more points

Seems unnecessary.

With his current strength, he shouldn't be afraid of Madara. After all, he also has a fairy body and reincarnation eyes, which are almost the same configuration as Madara.

Although there are some differences in attributes, Akabane is good at illusion, and his spiritual power has improved to a certain extent, and he should be able to win with the rest of the people.

But now we need to wait for an opportunity.

interstitial cells.

Akabane has already applied to Danzo, and he will be able to get intercolumn cell transplantation the day after tomorrow at the latest.

In the past, it was impossible for him to withstand the backlash of the intercolumn cells, but now his body is also a fairy body, and the two are of the same level, so there is no such thing as a backlash.


It's also useless, this thing is just a process for him, so that people can more naturally accept his transformation from Kaleidoscope Sharingan to Samsarayan.

"One more day of salty fish, um... to solve the matter of Nanao, it's not a problem to keep it on the side of Jiaodu."

Akabane thought for a moment.

After all, Nanao is a hidden danger. It was taken out from Takinobu Village for two purposes. One is not to let Madara and Kurogetsu succeed, and the other is to force Takinobu Village to unite.

Now that the gang of old stubborn people in Taki Shinobi Village have come out of their shells and plan to fight against Madara with everyone, there is no need for Nanao to hide, and continue to throw Kakutsu over there, maybe they have to pay more.

The horns are all money lords.


This also has an advantage. As long as the money is in place, his integrity is so low that it is outrageous. For example, he will do it without hesitation when dealing with his own village. If the money is enough, it should not be a problem to betray his partner.

The only difference is that Akabane is powerful, and the price of betraying him is too much to bear.

The illusion of the pommel horse clan is different from ordinary illusion.

Now, Kakuzu also knows that Akabane has Sharingan, so the evaluation of Akabane's strength will naturally be raised several levels—according to his judgment, it is not difficult for Akabane to kill him.

Illusion, illusion...

After five illusions, five hearts may be gone, and the Pommel Horse Clan's transformation of fiction into reality is very difficult to resist, unless it is absolutely necessary, he will never break up with Akabane.

Akabane left a wooden clone and four shadow clones in the tent.

The Mu Dun avatar can be fake and real, and act as the main body to leave, so that people can't see the flaws. After everything is arranged, he flies away with Thunder God.

The location of Jiaodu is a little far from the coalition camp.

Even so, he was still very disturbed every day.

The radiation range of ninja reconnaissance is higher than that of ordinary people, and the coalition has enough troops. I am afraid that he will be discovered sooner or later. However, after a while, he found that his worry was unnecessary.

Danzo seems to be "one of our own".


Konoha Anbe is in charge of patrolling here. They never check Kakutsu's location, it's no different from being blind with their eyes open.

Fly Thor over here.

This time the coordinates are not on the "treasure room", probably because I am afraid that I will secretly take his money...

Akabane thought to himself.

Afterwards, he spread out his perception ability to find the location of Jiaodu.

Kakuzu's house has set up a barrier, which can block the internal and external breath, but the barrier was set by Akabane, of course he can break it and ignore it.

Soon, he found the location of Jiaodu.

This guy is very cunning.

In the basement, a subordinate and Di Yuanyu's avatar were left to check, while his true self was hiding in another base not far away. He would be aware of any troubles here at the first time, and then make corresponding judgments—

To fight, or to flee.

The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit deserves to be an S-rank traitor!

Akabane secretly admired.

Knowing the location, it is easy to find him again. Even if it is a little far away, with the ability of sharing sharing eyes, it is not difficult to create a mark.

Realization mark...

Fly Thor.

Kakudo was drinking fruit wine, while reading the manga, when he sensed someone behind him, his movements froze, and it took a few seconds for him to gradually relax.

Only Akabane has this ability.

"Kakuto, I want to take Renzhuli away, so as not to stay here and cause you trouble."

Akabane was straightforward.

"It's actually not bad."

The corners laughed lightly.

Renzhuli is here, and the daily fee is quite expensive-anyway, it is set by itself, so you can pay according to your mood.

"I don't need to give you the money from your side. By the way, did Injuriki find anything unusual?"

"I woke up once, and I didn't find the illusion, but I sensed my clone and subordinates. If you follow the clues, it's easy to find me."

Jiaodu said seriously.

He read the manga, of course he knew why Akabane did this.

If Madara gets the tailed beasts, even if it's just a few of them, the threat will be multiplied. What he means is... Jinzhuli can't keep it.

Akabane thought for a moment, and had a plan in mind.

People naturally cannot stay.

However, the way of appearance can be arranged to make it more "credible", at least you can't know that it is Konoha at a glance, and leave people with a handle.

A few seconds later, Akabane used Hitomijutsu to control Jinchuriki to leave from Kakutsu.

Nanao Jinchuriki can fly, and with Akabane's illusion hint, it can avoid most ninja's detection, and the path chosen by Akabane is the route with the least number of people, so it is easy to reach the outer edge of the enchantment where Uzumaki Mito is located.

Uzumaki Mito discovered it immediately.

However, Akabane followed behind Renzhuli, she just thought for a moment and understood the reason, so she didn't act immediately, but stood up when the barrier was triggered, and then stood up outside: "Heijue has brought people here, be careful!"


The personnel left by the various races were shocked for a moment, and then moved quickly.

Then, they discovered the identity of the visitor.


But what they "saw" was that the "black" on Jinchuriki's body slowly faded away, and with a roar, he turned into a gigantic tailed beast.

Complete tail beastization!

"Attention, it's Nanao Jinchuriki who came here. He is controlled by Madara and Kuroze. He probably wants to destroy our barrier and plunder other Jinchuriki. Be sure to protect the barrier until I complete the seal..."

Uzumaki Mito "commanded" loudly.

No one doubted her words, because the eyes of Jinchuriki, who has turned into a tailed beast, do have eye-catching Sharingan patterns, which is a sign of being controlled.

Not far away, Akabane put the scroll in his pocket—a large part of Nanao Chakra was sealed in this scroll.

Especially Mito, she made a clone, rushed out from the barrier, and directly killed Nanao who had turned into a tailed beast—as she said, even a clone was enough to deal with most people, including Nanao.

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