Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 366: Why are all the geniuses belonged to Konoha!


"Started absorbing chakra."

Orochimaru looked solemn.

From the beginning, what happened to Akabane seemed to be no different from ordinary people, but in the next second, he saw Akabane open the kaleidoscope Sharingan.

In an instant, his eyes widened.


Danzo didn't seem surprised at all, that is to say, Danzo Shimura knew about it a long time ago, but why didn't he know it!

Is this kid worried that I will use him for research

Orochimaru secretly felt sad.

Are we this kind of people

Well, Orochimaru admits that he is indeed very interested in the topic of Sharingan, especially in the process of awakening the kaleidoscope when Akabane has not died of any relatives and friends.

This is a very interesting topic, but it is obviously impossible for Akabane to agree to be a test subject, otherwise he would not hide it from himself until now.

Orochimaru could only sigh with regret, and then focused on the changes in front of him.

After turning on the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the mutations on Akabane's body were obviously suppressed, which is in line with Orochimaru's research on interstitial cells-in fact, he once proposed to let Uchiha cooperate in the research topic, but unfortunately no one agreed .

The third generation disagreed, because they did not want Uchiha to further strengthen.

On the one hand, Uchiha has the same considerations as above, and on the other hand, he is worried that the failure of the experiment will cause personal injury. Comprehensive consideration of Uchiha Motokai's promise is that it is a ghost.

However, the interstitial cells cannot be suppressed by the kaleidoscope alone.

Akabane's acting skills are not that exaggerated.

He pretended to be unable to suppress it, and green shoots even grew on his arms, but soon, he mobilized the chakra in his body to further suppress it. After more than ten seconds, its mutation finally "gradually subsided".

Danzo let out a long sigh of relief.

Although I don't know if the eyes of reincarnation can be opened, but at least it is suppressed now, Akabane will not be in danger of life, on the contrary, he can get the power of the cells between the columns.

Passed the first pass.

Akabane started to play the second wave, this time there is no need to make any noise, just sit quietly for a while, mobilize the energy of the immortal body and the energy of Sharingan, and fuse to create the power of the six realms.

The process is simple.

But for Danzo and Orochimaru, this process is not easy at all. As bystanders, their hearts are almost in their throats.

In case of success, Akabane can be called the third person in the ages.

A few seconds later, he completed the extraction of the power of the Six Paths, "stimulating" the eyes...


Danzo was ecstatic, even more excited than Akabane, and kept patting his thighs.

Orochimaru was also very happy.

But I don't know if Danzo's eyesight is bad or something, I took several shots on his legs, and that one is called hot-hot pain...

"Huh, I didn't expect it, it really succeeded."

Akabane exhaled, pretending to be stressed.


Orochimaru frowned slightly in pain, but he was sincerely happy for Akabane.

With the eyes of reincarnation, his strength is stronger.

Orochimaru has no pursuit of strength.

His goal is to gain more knowledge of ninjutsu, more mysteries of ninjutsu, and develop more ninjutsu and taijutsu. As for things like fighting, it is not the style of an intellectual to participate if he can not participate.


The role of intellectuals in the war is not bad at all. Among other things, the cannon ninjutsu developed in boring before has played a big role in dealing with Hidden Sand Village.

Although the power is not too strong, the combination has caused a group of "Voldemort" who like to follow behind and command the puppets to suffer a lot.

"Fortunately, as expected, it was successfully suppressed and the power of the Six Paths was extracted. It seems that Madara did exactly what I did..."

Akabane explained a wave.

Neither the theory nor the "reality" seems to be wrong, but no one dared to let the Uchiha experiment.

After all, even if the Uchiha people have a kaleidoscope, not everyone has the power of Akabane. The success of Akabane and Madara is only a few cases, and it cannot be promoted as inevitable.

On the other hand...

For the same reason as before, for Konoha, it is not a good thing that Uchiha is too strong.

The three tried various abilities again, and Akabane communicated with Danzo and Orochimaru about the psychic heretic golem and the strategy of stealing the fruit of Madara's labor, and the two expressed their full support.

Back at the camp, the manga had been delivered, so a bunch of people crowded at the door,

Still twenty words.

In today's twenty episodes, there may not be much "key information" that Madara cares about, but the history of friendship between him and Senjujuma has been completely revealed.

Akabane also specifically asked Uzumaki Mito about this period of history.

Basically, except for the details, the rest is the same as in the comics. After the release of this volume of comics, the camp became very lively. A group of people held the comics and communicated there, and it became a second small teahouse.

There are many shocking scenes.

One, Madara and Senjujuma were a little funny and childish when they were young, but it is because of this that they are more real, and in addition... Madara doesn't like others standing behind him.

That's the point.

A person who was very vigilant about his back since he was a child was finally "killed" by someone digging out his heart from behind. It can be seen how much Madara trusts Heijue, and he almost truly "sees it as his own."


Now Madara must not be able to understand why the character in the manga is so stupid, Akabane has already imagined the scene when he saw that scene.

It must be wonderful, but it's a pity that I can't see that scene.

Among all the comic book viewers, Madara gave the most points. Since he knew about the comics, he has been diligently serving himself. If he wants to kill him all at once, there is always a feeling of killing a donkey.

But there is no way.

Who made Madara want to activate the infinite monthly reading, but he wants to live.

In order to survive, he had to let Madara die.

Akabane demolished four or five Mutun avatars to paint and update in the tent, while he walked out of the tent and wandered around.

The manga was delivered today, and many people came to borrow it immediately.

Regardless of comics or reality, everyone can feel the urgency of the coming rain, and many ninjas understand that the war may be about to begin, because the tasks of the ninjas have begun to increase.

With such a mood, although the story of Hashirama and Madara is interesting, it cannot attract them.

Because they are not from Konoha, they will not have any resonance.

I can only envy, envy and hate, and feel that Konoha is too lucky to have such a peerless genius like Ninja Shuangjie born in the beginning.

I don’t know this, but it’s even more extreme in the comics. The other ninja villages are weaker with each generation, but Konoha’s generation is stronger than the previous generation, and each generation has a strong ability to do things...

No matter how you look at it, they were all drawn by Konoha Fuki.

But the fact is true. Kurama Akabane is Konoha's most anticipated new generation powerhouse. If he doesn't blow Konoha, who will blow Konoha

It can only be said that it is all to blame that my village does not have such talents for comics and storytelling, otherwise it would blow up my village.

It's a pity that they are all other people's series...

Originally, I just read comics, but then the village leaders couldn't help feeling sad.

After the union, everyone understands Konoha better, and then understands how powerful Konoha is.

Regardless of the new generation of ninjas or the new ninjutsu and taijutsu research, they are far superior to these villages, and Akabane mentioned in the painting that these ninjutsu actually have the possibility of theoretical development, which shocked them the most. .

A talented person can come up with so many things.

If you didn't see the real person, maybe everyone thought Akabane was an old pedant, but who would have thought that he was just a teenager.

Probably this force has been studying since childhood!

People who are not familiar with Akabane always think so naively that it makes people laugh, but those who really know Akabane will understand—

This guy reads a damn book, and he can't even read a book when he sleeps during this time.

For Akabane, living and breathing is already tiring, let alone reading and exercising, expecting him to read does not exist.

However, this kind of statement is a bit unfair to the former "Kurma Akabane". The former "Kurama Akabane" was actually relatively diligent. However, he is indeed in poor health. He is so tired that he is almost unconscious for a lot of time every day. How can he practice diligently

But now this one is really lazy, and the rest are just excuses for not revealing his "talent".

However, Akabane's style is too obvious, and he has covered all the impressions of the previous one in just over a month...

In this way, no one cares about Obito of the Six Paths. Everyone knows that the plot of Obito seems to be the final routine of whitewashing. It is impossible to be the last boss. If you really want to see the plot of the big boss, you have to wait for Uchiha Madara .

The Madara eyes of Samsara are already so powerful, it will be completely different after becoming Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails.

The strength of Uchiha Madara in the Six Paths mode is probably too strong, and Obito and Bambi are pure younger brothers, and there is no comparison.

Of course, Obito is also an important role, otherwise he wouldn't have Ergoudama as soon as he woke up. He also didn't completely trust Madara, and he can only say that the means are not as powerful as Madara.

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