Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 368: Akabane - the one who knows everything


While Madara made some moves, a group of leaders sat in the camp.


They were not in a meeting, but a few of them were reading manga here, and by the way complained about the shameful behavior of "Konoha Fuki".

Since it was a meeting to complain about Konoha, of course people from Konoha would not be invited.

Danzo will not do anything to them because of this. Konoha is indeed very strong now, but these ninja villages should not be underestimated.

Besides, Madara isn't dead yet.

It is not a good thing to fight internally before the external aggression is eliminated.

at this moment.

The leaders heard a series of hurried footsteps. A group of leaders put up the comics and were about to hide for a while, but this person had already entered from the door one by one.

Danzo, Ebino, and behind them, Hanzo was fully armed.

"According to reliable sources, Madara has already gone to the Land of Frost... We need to speed up, attack the Land of Wind, and take back Hidden Sand Village."

Danzo did not stay after speaking.

He didn't come to the meeting, but to give orders, and Hanzo obviously meant the same thing, otherwise he wouldn't be so heavily armed.

The village leaders got the news, and soon all the ninjas started to act.

Akabane finished drawing the update in the morning and sent it to the factory. Matt Dai, Uzumaki Mito, and many Jinchuriki left the barrier together, ready to set off with the main force—

All ninjas will go to the Land of Wind.

Not just to take back Sand Hidden Village.

In fact, for many ninja villages, they don't care about the ending of Hidden Sand Village at all. What they care about is whether they can kill Madara's worry. The news that Madara has left the Land of Wind is very reliable, but there is no guarantee that there is something strange in it. , Mistakes.

The coalition forces marched rashly and were easily ambushed.

Now Madara is not alone.

He owns half of the "ninja village", two tailed beasts, and a bunch of unknown subordinates. No matter his own strength or difficulty, he is far more powerful than before, and no one has absolute confidence in defeating Madara.

Even the third-generation Ai who mastered the finger gun only dared to say a challenge, and did not dare to say the arrogant remarks of "defeating Madara".

It may be cumbersome to dispatch all the members, but it can guarantee that they will not be ambushed and wiped out by a wave.


Akabane is not included.

As early as when the large forces were dispatched, he had already dispatched his wooden clone—the advantage of the wooden clone over the shadow clone is that it can do more things with less chakra.

Typical model worker.

Divide six or seven wooden clones in one go, let them disperse to search and search, and he himself took the time to go to Jiaodu.

For him now, this level of flying thunder god distance can't consume much chakra, and basically he can fully recover after a short while.

There are two purposes in finding a corner.

First, let him participate in the war together and help the coalition forces deal with Bai Jue.

Secondly, the boy who entrusted him to find the Uzumaki clan before, Madara's departure from the Land of Wind must have something to do with the red-haired boy and Heijue.

In fact, the horns do have news.

This is the news that came in this morning—the red-haired boy appeared in the Frost Kingdom.

After repeated inspections, almost all the survivors of the Uzumaki Clan in the Uzumaki Kingdom have been brought to the Fire Country, so there is only one red-haired Uzumaki Clan member outside Heijue.

As for why you found out...

According to Kadotsu's information, the boy seemed to be running for his life.



Akabane guessed that Madara and Kuroze might have broken up.

The hint of splitting the mountain to save his mother, as long as Madara is not stupid, he can guess that there is something wrong with Heijue, let alone get the fruit of whispering now, and has never trusted Heijue.

Under Akabane's operation, the gap between Madara and Kuroze will become wider and wider.

Of course, Madara may not have really left the Kingdom of the Wind, he will not give up his career so easily, or it may be a trick to deliberately let the wooden avatar pretend to leave the Kingdom of the Wind.

If the coalition forces advance aggressively at this time, they will inevitably be ambushed.


With Uzumaki Mito, unless Uchiha Madara comes in person, the ambush is useless-this is why Danzo asked Uzumaki Mito and everyone Churiki to follow.

In fact, Madara had arrived in the Land of Frost as early as noon.

The Kingdom of Frost.

Madara disbanded Dibang Tianxing, and took out the Uzumaki boy and Bai Jue from inside.

The members of the Uzumaki family are dead.

Bai Jue was very firm, and even under the Earth Explosion Star, he still failed to die. As Madara expected, Bai Jue did not obey his order, but Hei Jue's order was prioritized, and he used his strength before the seal. Heijue sent out the range of Earthburst Stars.

If not, Madara can seal Heijue.

He knew that the coalition forces should have launched an attack, and they were about to take back the Wind Country and Hidden Sand Village, but Madara didn't immediately return to defense, because at this moment, what he wanted in his heart was not to gather the tailed beasts.

Bai Jue always listened to Hei Jue's words, that is to say, the relationship between Ten Tails and Hei Jue was far beyond his imagination. It was definitely not the parasitic relationship between Shark Muscle and Three Tails, but a "mother and child" relationship.

Hei Zei will definitely save the ten tails.

Would such a person allow the ten tails to be sealed into someone else's body and become the source of Jinchuriki's power

The relationship between Madara and her mother is not good, but I put myself in the shoes, if Quanna is ten tails, someone wants to seal Quanna into the body, extracting and squeezing his power every day...

Heh, if he has the ability, he will kill directly.

Black has absolutely no ability, so he can only rely on, deceive himself, and use his own power to achieve the goal of resurrecting the ten tails.

If you want to understand all this, Madara will understand.

There is a conspiracy on the ten tails, so what about the infinite monthly reading? Is the stele left by the Sage of the Six Paths really correct

If you are Hei Jue and the son of Ten Tails, you must have had a lot of time to study the stele since ancient times. Although the message left by the Immortal of the Six Paths is very hidden, even a fool has found a way to decipher it for a whole thousand years.

What's more, Hei is by no means a fool.

Could it be that everything I have worked hard for is a pawn manipulated by others

He resolutely left Konoha back then, broke with Senjujuma, endured the humiliation of playing dead, and finally got all of this, in order to realize that all the battles are illusory, and even make the ninja profession disappear from the stage of history. In exchange for ideas like world peace.


Under many conspiracies, Madara was at a loss.

At this moment, Hei Jue is probably still waiting for his death somewhere, and then take his own eyes.

For a moment, he didn't know what to do next.

Originally, his plan was to leave Mu clone and Bai Jue in ambush, first seal Hei Jue to get the tailed beast chakra in his hand, and then go back and forcibly seize part of the Nine Tails Chakra, temporarily activating the power of the Ten Tails.

Even if it's only temporary power, it's enough for him to get more tailed beasts, and even kill a wave to complete the feat.

This is a gamble, but Ban has 90% confidence.

Confused for a long time, Madara slowly walked from the border to the Land of Wind, not in a hurry to go back to join the war.

He is still thinking.

Perhaps Kuro Absolute Ten-Tails has a conspiracy, but is Infinity Tsukiyomi true

It is Madara's belief all the time, if even the infinite monthly reading is false, he really doesn't know what to use to support himself to continue.


If all of this is false, what I did was undoubtedly making wedding dresses for others.

He thought for a long time, and a cartoon and a figure appeared in his mind.

Naruto, Kurama Akabane.

That kid must know Hei Jue's secret.

Madara finally accelerated to the direction of the Wind Country, he wanted to know what he should do.

Ask Kurama Akabane for clarification.


Kurama Akabane is the ninja of Konoha in the coalition army, and also the leader of Konoha's new generation. He is strong and cunning by nature.

When dealing with him, one must be cautious and not trust everything, but it is a direction anyway.

At this time, Hei Jue, who had fled in hiding, felt lingering fear.

Hei Jue guessed that Madara may have found out that he had bad intentions, but he never expected that Madara would come to kill him so resolutely, which was completely unreasonable and completely different from the Madara he knew.

"What the hell is going on, and why have I come to this point?"

Hei Jue was also confused.

A good plan, but it took a sharp turn for the worse within a year or two, and now it has become like a lost dog, with no subordinates, no stronghold, and even no goal.

He didn't know how to take the next step at all, it seemed that he could only wait, but when he thought of the cooked duck flying away, he still couldn't help but feel angry.

Only one step away!

They are both degenerates in the world, although Madara and Heijue are having a fight, they are in the same state at this moment, but Madara knows what he should do very quickly, while Heijue has nothing to do.

What can he do

In the past, he could still be strict, but now that kid Kurama Akabane has developed something like knowledge and color, which can be detected with his perception ability, and his ability to hide and hide will no longer be invincible in the future.

Forget it, from now on you will hide from Akabane on the pommel horse, at worst you will spend the rest of your life waiting for Akabane on the pommel horse to die of old age.

Compared with survival, Heijue has considerable self-confidence.

So he also figured out what he should do, hang on, live on, and wait until Kurama Akabane dies. It will take a long time, but he has enough patience to wait until that day.

Madara changed his purpose here, but his wooden avatar and Bai Jue didn't know that at this time he was carrying out his plan to ambush and attack the coalition forces.

The wooden avatar is very strong.

Not only can they use ninjutsu, but they can also summon Susano, which is like a boss to the jousting.

Akabane's avatar flitted behind, and didn't make a move immediately.

Searching around, he was sure Madara wasn't here.

However, on the battlefield, when the avatar was looking for Madara, it happened to see Mitomon Yan.

This guy is really old.

Not only the body, but also the mentality and fighting spirit are old. Although they are on the battlefield, they don't have the courage to go forward and fight. They all rushed forward in a moral way.

If he is really just an ordinary jounin, that's fine, but Mitomon Yan is an elite jounin, one of the disciples of the second generation, with such a performance on the battlefield, I am afraid that Senshou Feijian Izumi Xia Yuzhi will be so angry that he will crawl back from the pure land .

A true representative of the steady faction, with full experience in the battlefield, stable enough to scare his teammates.

But Akabane didn't expect him to make any contributions from the very beginning, as long as he doesn't cause trouble, it's better not to even die - if he dies here, he will be a hero when he goes back, and all his previous bad deeds will be erased.

Living is different, that is suffering.

Akabane Mami came back from Kakuto, he didn't go to the Land of Frost, but returned here directly.

With Madara's speed, he rushed there by himself, maybe Madara has returned to the Land of Wind.

Instead of this, it is better to sit on the sidelines and wait for rabbits.

The main reason is—it's very easy, and you don't have to go to the country of frost by yourself.

"Akabane, it seems..."

The "voice" of Uzumaki Mito sounded, this is the ability of the Yamanaka Clan.

"There is no Madara's real body, it's all wooden clones."

Akabane replied.

Wood clones are difficult to distinguish. For example, in Senju Hashirama back then, even Madara had to rely on Sharingan to tell which one was the wood clone and which was the real one.

For example, Jiaodu didn't recognize it back then, and made a joke of the boss.


If Akabane hadn't shaken it out, no one would have known that Kakudo was just "bragging" against the first generation, and many people would still believe it.

after all…

The three generations of Tukage once faced Madara directly, isn't it also widely spread

"What about the real body?"

Not long after, Uzumaki Mito's shadow clone arrived.

This is the shadow clone of the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. Its speed and Chakra reserves are amazing, and it can exist for a long time.

"I don't know, maybe in other places."

Akabane spread out his perception.

Deep underground, he found a Baijue.

This Bai Jue seemed to be waiting for an opportunity, and he had no intention of fighting at the moment. Needless to say, it must be Bai Jue's body.

Hei Jue's heart never dies.

Akabane cursed secretly in his heart, Hei Ze and Madara must have broken, otherwise the most important Bai Ze's body would not hide. His purpose is not to help Madara win the war, but more likely to capture the eye of reincarnation after Madara's death , or Madara wins and becomes Renzhu Riheijue and arrives as soon as possible.

If only Madara had the eyes of reincarnation, Akabane probably wouldn't pay attention to Bai Ze below.

But now...

A kaleidoscope pattern appeared in his eyes, and in the next second, the illusion was activated directly.

No need to fly Thor.

With his mental strength of 350, the combination of Sharingan and illusion alone is enough to kill Bai Jue's body, and it is an instant kill that cannot be resisted.

Not long after, this white beast was buried in the bottom forever.

He had almost turned into a lump of flesh, covered in charcoal. Although his vitality was so strong that he was still wriggling after death, his soul was actually close to death under the impact of the illusion.

This kind of injury is very difficult to recover from.

This can't be done with the pommel horse clan's illusion alone.

The illusion of the pommel horse family is very strong, but there is a certain upper limit. It can materialize the wounds of the illusion and kill the enemy, but it cannot "death" the opponent from the spiritual level.

This is the result of the combination of kaleidoscope illusion and pommel horse blood.

Akabane sent his clone down and took out the "meat ball" - he was in a dying state, and he could also be used as a living sacrifice for the reincarnation of the dirty soil.

Nothing is more suitable as a living sacrifice than Bai Jue, not to mention that it is Bai Jue's body, and its physical body is quite active.

If you use it to psychic Qianshou Zhujian, the effect will definitely be doubled.

Akabane thought to himself.


He just thought about it, if he really wanted to psychic Senshou Zhujian, he would only call Senshou Zhujian out during the battle when he was persuaded by his mouth, wouldn't that be an enemy

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