Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 370: Come up and make a big move?


Previously, Madara's goal was to complete the infinite monthly reading, so as to bring the world into the era of peace that he needed.


Heijue's betrayal, Baijue seems to be created by him, but in fact he obeys Heijue's orders, everything shows that ten tails is probably a powerful individual with its own consciousness, and becoming ten tails Jinchuriki himself is really as perfect and safe as expected

Madara realized that his previous plan was too idealistic, and he wanted to know what Akabane thought of his plan, so...

"Hashirama has always hoped that I can take the responsibility of protecting Konoha, and hope that Konoha can live in peace with the rest of Ninja Village, but I know that neither of these will be possible."

Madara's tone was soothing.

At this moment, he looks like an old man, not Uchiha Madara, who dominates the ninja world, and all this belongs to his personal memoir.

Akabane listened quietly, and when he heard this, he nodded slightly.

The villagers of Konoha will not recognize Uchiha, unless Uchiha can undergo a fundamental change and restrain his edge, and is not as arrogant and arrogant as Madara, then Uchiha has a slight hope.

Madara is even less likely to become a shadow.

He is too lonely, not as sunny as Hashirama, but more like an emperor who leads aloofly. Comparing the two, Qianshouzhujian is naturally more popular.

The same person is Akabane's teacher Danzo. It cannot be said that Danzo has no ability to be a shadow, but everyone will not like such a radical and powerful leader unless the war really comes.

"Obviously he cares about Hokage's position, but he keeps saying he doesn't care."

Akabane couldn't help complaining to his face.

"Oh, it seems that you don't understand... Also, people who grew up in a peaceful age, how could they understand our thoughts at that time, that era was full of wars, and there were fights everywhere, and Zhu Jian and I both had the idea of saving the troubled times, but in the village After the establishment of Zhujian, it is self-satisfied and satisfied with the corner of the eye... ”

Madara's pretentiousness can't be restrained, and her words are full of aloofness and loneliness that "everyone is filthy".

He felt that no one understood him.

The existence of Ninja Village is equivalent to a strengthened version of the family. When Konoha's family dominates, of course the younger brothers dare not make mistakes, but once Konoha weakens, the rest of Ninja Village will besiege like sharks smelling fishy.

Only unity can lead to peace.

This was Madara's early thoughts, so he practiced domineering and wanted all ninja villages to surrender, but the idea of Senshou Brothers ran counter to him.

"Actually, this is the biggest difference between you and the first-generation adults. You think that they should be unified."

Hearing this, Akabane nodded in agreement.

Perhaps it has something to do with the situation in his previous life. He does not agree with the so-called Ninja Village republic of Senju Hashirama and Naruto.

This kind of situation is too rare, and only exists when the gap between a ninja village and other ninja villages is too large.

When another village becomes stronger, he will try to challenge and change the rules.

There can only be one boss, and when the time comes, there will be another peerless war, and the peace will end with it.

Senshou Zhujian's thinking is too simple, and it is estimated that even Senshou Feijian does not agree with his strategy.

Uchiha Madara sat upright after hearing this, and seemed very happy, with a slight difference on his face: "You know? That's right, only after the unification can everyone agree with Konoha's philosophy, can there be true peace, Infinite Moon Reading is actually a tool for me to unify everyone's ideas!"

"Your idea is very interesting, but it is a pity that it is wrong at the root. Unlimited monthly readings cannot achieve peace at all. What it brings is more wars and greater chaos."

Akabane shook his head.

Unlimited monthly reading is a big pit, Madara believed it deeply in his previous life, and then got tricked.

"Sure enough, you know Heijue's secret, let me guess... Infinite Moon Reading was designed by Heijue, right?"

Spotted expressionless.

As soon as the words came out, he verified his own thoughts. Akabane knew a lot of things, such as infinite moon reading, he knew what was going on.

Although I don't know how many there are, but there are definitely many more than him.

But at this moment, he sensed two figures approaching quickly, one was Uzumaki Mito, and the other...

Who is the other one

Madara was a little confused, the breath was very strange and he had never touched it before.

Kurama Akabane and Uzumaki Mito have different personalities, but they are not people who take the lives of their subordinates to make fun of, otherwise they would not have saved Moonlight Night Dance from thousands of miles away.

I don't know the strength of the people who come, but they will definitely not hold back.

But Madara is not afraid, their joining has actually weakened Kurama Akabane.

From Madara's point of view, Akabane's strongest is Flying Raijin, without Flying Raijin, no matter how strong the illusion, no matter how healthy Mu Dun is, it's still useless.

At the moment of reincarnation, everything is illusory, if you don't master the power of the six realms, you can't even think about defeating him.


Even knowing that the other party has a plan, Madara is still extremely calm, without any plans to escape, he is still as stable as an old dog.

Akabane also knew that they were coming soon, so at this moment he smiled and said: "I understand, you want to know the secret of Heijue from me, what exactly is Heijue, why do you care so much about the word mother..."

"That's right."

Spot nodded, he really wanted to know this, for him he had to know everything about Heijue, so that he could prescribe the right medicine to seal and kill him.

Akabane's smile was wider than before, and he half-closed his eyes and said, "I know all of this, do you want to know everything? Go and see, they are all in the comics."


Madara looked confused, he knew this stalk, it came from One Piece comics.


If your comics are updated with these, I still need to ask you

Madara was about to speak when he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, as if a huge crisis would come in the next second.

He didn't hesitate.

God Luo Tianzheng!

The huge repulsion force bounces away all attacks.

The air bombs were bounced off one by one, and all the attacks around them were bounced away in an instant.

Madara turned around in an instant, seeing a blue figure streaking out like fire and lightning, and quickly rushed to the front from a distance.


Stronger impact.

Madara didn't dare to be careless, and quickly opened the eyes of reincarnation, preparing to use Susanoo and the tomb clone to avoid it, but he suddenly noticed a trace of chakra lag when he cast it.



Madara was slightly shocked, she didn't feel the intrusion of the illusion at all, and she fell into it unknowingly.

This kid, his illusion skills have improved again.

He cracked quickly.

It took half a second for Madara to crack the illusion, and then he saw a figure approaching from the side, not only that, he also found a person on the other side

To be precise, they are exactly the same tauren.

Tauren, could it be the Tauren fruit!

Madara reacted instantly, but the left and right sides were very real, and there was no difference in attack, momentum, and perception.


He couldn't grasp it, so he simply borrowed the wheel tomb avatar to escape.

In the next second, the figure on the left disappeared.

With a poke from Dai Gekong, his energy turned into a tiger running extremely fast and waving its claws.


Madara couldn't dodge in time, the Susanoo on his body was instantly shattered, blood spattering.

at this time.

Fly Thor, teleport.

The moment Akabane appeared, he quickly collected the blood into the sealing scroll.

"I didn't expect that there are people in Konoha who really master the Bamen Dunjia. Very good, you are the most powerful physical skill among the people I, Uchiha Madara, have ever seen. I, Uchiha Madara, would like to call you the strongest!"

Madara's injury was not serious, and he didn't feel any anger at this time, but smiled very happily. Finally, someone was able to hurt him with fists and body skills like Senju Hashirama.


Matt Dai didn't understand what the white spots meant, and his face was very confused.

Even if he didn't understand, he didn't forget what he should do.

In the next second, Dai turned around and fled.

His single-minded problem has not changed, but this time he is very vigorous and wretched, because Orochimaru taught him that when he encounters a strong enemy, he will directly open the seven doors, and he will not say anything.

If the other party can catch it, then run, dodge, and wait for your physical strength to recover.

Spotted was a little confused.

What kind of routine is this guy, he hit a set of combo punches and ran away

Akabane also laughed happily, these bloods are all treasures, they will weaken their lifespan if they are near, but they will be reincarnated in dirt.

But that's not enough.

This amount of blood would at most lose a small portion of lifespan, it was far from enough.

"It seems that we are not all the way."

Spot sighed softly.

If you choose to do it, you cannot agree with your own ideas.

That being the case...

A flash of killing intent flashed in his eyes, if you have a slippery Flying Thunder God, then kill your accomplices first.

Madara turned around for a moment, and went to Maite Dai.

Dai's physical skills are very strong, and few people can block his attacks, otherwise Madara would not be injured.

But correspondingly, he is the best one to deal with among the three.

For example, Akabane has Flying Thunder God, and Uzumaki Mito has Tailed Beast Mode and various sealing techniques, and their strength is extremely powerful.

wear it

There are only eight Dunjias.

Only in this way can the Bamen Dunjia be cultivated to such a state.

Madara's combat awareness is very strong, but he obviously underestimated Dai Kai's bison form and the speed under the seven gates.

After finishing a set, Dai is not exhausted. On the contrary, he actually still has half of his physical strength. The function of this physical strength is to escape, dodge, and buy Dai recovery time.

Niu Niu Guo's strong physique will allow him to recover quickly, and as long as he recovers after a while, he will fight back again.

However, Madara didn't use the main body to chase, but used the wheel tomb clone to chase and kill Dai.

On the other hand, he sent two or three to intercept Uzumaki Mito.

This time is different from last time.

Madara is more used to the eyes, and the degree of power development and utilization is naturally higher. Even if Uzumaki Mito wants to seal his wheel tomb clone, it is not so easy.