Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 373: The big reveal of anime, the resurrection of Hashirama


"Kurama Akabane, you are indeed a terrifying character."

Madden turned around expressionlessly.

Although Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails and Unlimited Tsukiyomi seem to be a big pit, but after all, they are the goals he has worked hard for half his life, and it is really difficult for him to give up all of a sudden.

What can I do if I don't give up

"Madara, give up, your idea... won't work."

Uzumaki Mito sighed softly.

Akabane looked at him squarely, his eyes of reincarnation were very dazzling.

The function of this pair of eyes, combined with Susanoo, Flying Thunder God and Illusion, is really annoying enough.

Killing is not easy.

Akabane's illusion can transform injuries. Madara doesn't know whether this is the ability of Sharingan or Samsarayan, but it can be imagined that Akabane's transformation ability is stronger than others.

Even if this technique is not Izanagi, it is not far behind, and it is almost impossible to kill before Akabane Chakra is exhausted.

But depleting a chakra with a ninja with a fairy body is no different from dreaming, and the consumption of such illusions may not be able to keep up with Akabane's own recovery speed.

Madara couldn't think of a second way for a while, he turned around, looked at Akabane and Uzumaki Mito, and then suddenly sighed tiredly, if Uzumaki Mito sealed the Golem of the Outer Way, he would completely lose the chance to realize his ideal .

Ideal or reality.

A difficult question to choose.

Madara stopped for a long time, then simply sat down and asked: "You can control the golem of the heretics, and I will lose if I leave. Then... Akabane, I want to know what Hei Ze is."

"What is Heijue?"

Uzumaki Mito was slightly taken aback.

The creature Heijue is indeed strange, and she couldn't even perceive the existence of Heijue before she mastered the color of knowledge.

What is its nature

This kind of thing is indeed worthy of curiosity, Uzumaki Mito also looked at Akabane.

Akabane pondered for a moment, then said: "Heijue's essence, he is actually the creation of Yin-Yang Dun, but its origin is very special, different from ordinary Yin-Yang Dun."

"From ten tails?"

After thinking about it carefully, Madara understood Akabane's previous reminder that "mother" refers to the person who made it, and Juowei is the person who made Hei Ze, and Jubi's ability...

Yin and Yang escape, almost immortal.

"Yes, I don't know if Heijue has told you that Ten Tails is actually a sacred tree in ancient times. It bears a chakra fruit, and you can gain great power if you eat this fruit."

Akabane said lightly.

Spot nodded slightly.

"Could it be that… "

Uzumaki Mito was stunned for a moment, could the ten tails be that sacred tree

"Ten-tails is the sacred tree, but it's not just the sacred tree, it's also the first person to eat the chakra fruit, the goddess of Uzuki Kaguya."

After Akabane finished speaking, he used illusion again.

Talking is too time-consuming, it is not as simple and direct as an illusion, Madara did not resist, the moment he chose to stay, he had already surrendered - with Thunder God in his hand, he couldn't run at all.

The idea now is just to know all the secrets and verify whether what you are doing is correct.

Akabane is also very simple.

He simply "copied" the plot of the anime after Obito became Sage of the Six Paths in his previous life. Of course, he deleted a lot of unnecessary memories in the original anime, leaving only some important parts mentioned in the manga.

Entering the illusion, Madara finds himself in a strange perspective.

Uchiha Madara.

This is Madara in the manga, and his lines at the moment are just in line with the manga he had read before.

"Is this the follow-up plot?"

Madara thought secretly.

In the screen, Obito has become a Sage of the Six Paths.

According to the original plan, Madara wanted to manipulate Obito to use reincarnation to resurrect him from the state of reincarnation from the dirty soil. Once this is done, Madara can not only be resurrected, but also return to the peak-peak state in one fell swoop.

If you let the real Madara think about it, this is undoubtedly the best solution.

But Obito has his own ideas, he wants to control Infinity Tsukiyomi by himself to achieve world peace, instead of leaving the choice to Madara.

Uchiha people...

Madara sighed inwardly.

Uchiha, the stronger they are, the more intense their love is, even to the point of paranoia.

Not only Senju Tomona realized this, but Madara himself also deeply understood this truth, so he understood Obito's feelings and thoughts, and expressed support from a neutral perspective.

No one has to live for the rest.


Madara's main purpose is not these, but to know the secret of Hei Ze.

So he was very puzzled, why Kurama Akabane showed him this kind of picture, could it be that he simply let him read manga

Somewhat strange.

Madara observes everything from the perspective of "Madara", while secretly thinking.

Not long after, he discovered that Obito had rebelled, and Heijue had perfectly executed the previous plan, using reincarnation to resurrect him, and everything seemed to be fine—

If he hadn't known that Hei Jue had a dark heart, he would have thought that Hei Jue was an out-and-out loyal minister.

Where is the problem

He doesn't understand.

As an alternative bystander, Madara can't change anything, he can only quietly watch the direction of the plot, and can't affect anything.

Besides, this is just an illusion.

Intervention in the illusion...

is it necessary

"Madara" has been resurrected, and his combat power is very brave, and this kind of real feeling once made him feel that he has "rejuvenated" after experiencing the illusion, and he will no longer age.

Later, the reincarnation eye returned to its place, the ten tails were sealed, and the Six Paths mode was promoted.

"Blade" even used the reincarnation eyes and ten tails to successfully use the infinite monthly reading-this is the goal of Madara's life, and he has lived for it until now.

Unlimited monthly reading was successful.

The plot goes according to what Madara thinks, everyone is sealed and enters the illusion. From then on, human beings will live in the illusion without contending with the world.

No more strife, no more turmoil, no more war.

However, Naruto, Sasuke and other protagonists are not drawn into the illusion, but are protected by Susano. This is not an ordinary Susano, but also carries the power of the Six Paths, which can resist the erosion of Infinite Tsukuyomi.

There will be variables!

Madara realized in his heart that it would be too simple if it was just a simple Infinity Tsukiyomi and then fighting Naruto and Sasuke.

Although these two are very strong, to be honest, Madara doesn't pay much attention to them.


A sting.

A black hand pierced him through his chest, and when he turned his head, "Madara" saw a black shadow.

Black absolutely.

Heijue wants to kill me

Madara was stunned for a moment, and then felt the riot of power in his body. At this moment, he instantly understood that what Hei Zee needed was not to kill Madara, but to suppress his consciousness and awaken the ten-tailed will.

It can completely revive the ten tails!

This is the dark secret.

"Splitting the mountain to save my mother, that's what it means..."

Madara muttered to himself, everything before and after was completely connected, and Hei Jue's goal was indeed the case, so he panicked and lost his mind at that moment.

Makes sense!

In the next second, the scene changes.

He no longer possesses "Madara", but observes from the perspective of God, and the Madara in front of him undergoes a drastic change, slowly transforming into a woman.

At this point, the anime is over.

Madara was stunned for a moment, then looked up to see Akabane and Uzumaki Mito standing there, Uzumaki Mito's mouth was still bloodstained.

what's the situation

When he was puzzled, he found that his body was getting weaker, as if his lifespan had been absorbed.

His vitality was sucked away.

Madara realizes in his heart.

But he doesn't care anymore. For those with faith, ideals are higher than life.

Unlimited monthly reading is a big pit.

This is what Kurama Akabane's illusion is trying to express, and Madara himself understands that it is true. This is his previous judgment based on Hei Ze's various reactions, not because he believes in Akabane's illusion.

After his strength further weakened, Madara did not have the strength to compete with Akabane and Uzumaki Mito, and the most important thing was that his fighting spirit disappeared.


No need, it would be futile to fight any further.

He was silent for a long time, and then he sighed and said, "You little devil is really wicked, don't you want to let me know the ending until you die?"

"There's nothing interesting about the ending, it's nothing more than Kaguya Ji being resurrected and then sealed again."

Akabane shrugged.

Madara's remaining points can't be earned, and it doesn't matter if it's a spoiler.


Madara smiled softly.

The goddess of Mao can't deal with the two little ghosts. Maybe ordinary people think it's ridiculous, but Madara doesn't think it at all.

Combat never depends on data and paper strength, but on combat experience.

An old monster that has been sealed for more than a thousand years, a quick product of powerful power obtained by relying on chakra fruits, how could his understanding of combat be as strong as his step by step.

Really nothing to see.

I, Uchiha Madara, is the end of everything. I didn't lose the argument with Senjujura, but I didn't win either...

Madara has given up on the unlimited monthly reading plan.

But to die, he has to fight hard to die, and if he admits defeat easily, it is not Uchiha Madara.

His momentum became stronger again.

"Come on, let's see if you end my era, or if I kill you and then slaughter all ninjas."

Madara's eyes froze.

The war cannot be solved, but without ninjas, at least there will be fewer casualties—he used to think so, but now Madara just wants to fight hard and get back the feeling of the valley of the end.

Although the battle was lost, the aftertaste is endless.

"Then you must lose."

Akabane sneered softly, released the meat-ball from the sealing scroll, and sealed with both hands—

The dirt is reincarnated!

In the next second, the meat-ball began to change, and gradually emerged the shape of Qianshouzhujian.

After a second or two, Senju Bashirama opened his eyes, frowned slightly, and then opened his eyes wide and shouted, "Madara!"


Madara's fighting spirit instantly became high, and his whole body became excited.

Thousand-hand column room!

An old friend, an old rival, the kid Kurama Akabane quite understands, and knows his long-cherished wish.

But then, he regretted secretly boasting about Akabane...

"My lord, I am the boyfriend of your granddaughter Tsunade. My name is Kurama Akabane. Now Madara wants to exterminate all ninjas and bring the world back to an era without ninjas... There is no need to talk about morals with this kind of enemy. Let's kill them together. he."

Akabane interrupted right away, lest Senju Hashima and Madara be one-on-one.


Senju Zhuma was surprised, his eyes changed instantly, "Madara, you actually want to do this, I will never allow it!"

Aside, Uzumaki Mito was very tired.

I seem to be a bit redundant...

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