Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 377: Are men like this?


In the secret basement of the camp, Akabane sealed the outsider golem here, allowing Uzumaki Mito to temporarily isolate the inside and outside with the sealing technique, so as to prevent outsiders from being affected.

He himself sat in the cave and observed the condition of the heretic golem.

"Stinky boy, One Tail and Six Tails are ours for the time being, but don't come out with all Ten Tails, or we won't be able to pass the test of the first generation of adults."

Danzo walked in from the outside, his face not too bad.

He has long been used to taking the blame for it, and it is better to take the blame for his disciples than to cut off that bastard's back by Hiruru Sarutobi, and besides, there is no reason to hand the tailed beast back into Konoha's hands.


If you don't intervene, with Senshou Zhuma's character, I'm afraid he won't give it back the next day.

"Teacher, of course I know this. I understand the danger of ten tails better than you."

Akabane replied without hesitation.

Ten tails is Kaguya Otsutsuki, the ancestor of Chakra, not to mention his strength, his ability is so perverted that it makes people speechless. It takes a lot of effort to hit one Madara, and he doesn't want to face that old woman.

"That would be best."

Danzo sighed softly, Akabane had a lot of ideas and strength, he couldn't control it now, so he could only warn about these things, fortunately now that he has the first generation of adults, there is no need to worry about this kid letting himself go.

But it's something to be proud of.

Among Sarutobi Hirzen's three disciples, Orochimaru and Tsunade are outstanding, and Jiraiya also has extraordinary potential, but these three of his own have already emerged, and the other one is a little inferior, but he is also extremely excellent.

What more can you ask for

No one is perfect.

The three disciples have achieved this, and they have already surpassed Hiruzen Sarutobi, and Danzo is very proud of this.

Anyway, his requirements are not high, as long as he can complete the current task, he is quite satisfied.

"By the way, Tsunade's matter, have you thought about how to solve it?"

Danzo sat down and said something seemingly unintentionally.


Akabane was a little puzzled, did something happen to Tsunade, the medical ninja should stay behind all the time, his life would not be in danger, besides, ordinary wounds can be healed by themselves.

Facing the heretic golem that day, his mind was full of terminal servers, and the teacher suddenly asked him about Tsunade, and he couldn't respond for a while.


Soon, he understood what Danzo meant.

Qianshou Zhujian came back to life, and he had to give an explanation for getting his granddaughter.

Akabane is really under a lot of pressure, although it is impossible for Senju Hashirama to hate herself because of Madara, but it is the first time in her past life and this life that she has seen her parents.

This spot is really not an ordinary nuisance.

He secretly complained in his heart.

It was not until the next day that Akabane completed all the remaining comics and sent them to Izuhiro Yamano for him to publish. The issue of profit distribution after the war was also completely settled.

Small villages like Yuyin Village will get slightly more quest shares, so that they can have the resources to train their own ninjas.

Not all of these missions belong to Hidden Sand Village, and many of them are issued by the other four major ninja villages together, but most of them are given by Hidden Sand Village, and the mission share originally promised to Konoha has been reduced to one-third one.

This is the style of Senjuzhuma.

Such a thing, even Senshou Fujian could not stop it. Of course, Danzo, the apprentice, would not go to make fun of himself, so he could only silently agree to Senshou Zhuma's proposal.

Although Hidden Sand Village was miserable, it was able to rebuild quickly after the war with the help of some money and resources, and the next generation of Kazekage could only choose one from Chiyo and Ebizo.

Chiyo doesn't want to be elected, she wants to save her son even more.

However, in the current generation, the one with the most prestige and ability is her.

In these respects, even Ebino can’t compare. He’s a bit like Danzo from Sand Hidden Village. He’s always been doing dirty work behind the scenes, and not many people know how much credit he has.

In the end, except for the problem of one tail and six tails, everyone was happy.

On the issue of tailed beasts, Hidden Sand Village and Hidden Fog Village have nothing to do.

The former was basically abolished by Madara, and the latter made great efforts in the Uzumaki Country's genocide war and refused to give in. Senju Hashirama wanted to eat people at the time, and Liuwei was in the hands of others, so he could only eat this bitter fruit.

Originally, Akabane must have flew Thunder God back to the village without hesitation.

A teacher reminded him that he decided to stay and build a good relationship with the "crowd", mainly the freshman boss...

But in fact, Akabane found himself thinking too much.

Senju Zhuma had no time to talk to him at all.

This guy and Tsunade are happily gambling. His gambling skills are not very good, and the probability of losing to others is not small, but today he has won for a day.

From far away, Akabane could hear that incomparably joyful laughter.

What kind of skill is bullying Tsunade!

He is annoyed.

So, he went up to fight with Qianjuzhujian for several times, and with the help of the thunderous fruit to increase his perception and knowledge, he easily defeated Qianjuzhujian.

After twenty bets, the first generation of adults quit gambling.

Uzumaki Mito could see Akabane's tricks, but she wouldn't be so stupid to say it, she always disapproved of things like gambling, otherwise she wouldn't control Tsunade so strictly.

Seeing that the first generation was deflated, she was quite happy.

Promoting positive energy is everyone's responsibility.

Senju Bashima was depressed after losing, so he didn't mention the card gambling anymore, and Tsunade was happy on the sidelines—although we lost the gambling, Akabane won it back and gave it to her, and made some money in the transfer.

But he soon stopped caring.

It is not shameful to lose to his own juniors, and seeing Tsunade happy like this, he is really happy from the bottom of his heart.

From this point of view, it's really good to be alive!

He has some emotion.

But Tsunade is only fourteen or fifteen years old now, so don't even think about getting married. If this brat wants to become a regular, he has to observe again. At least Senju Hashirama, Akabane can't pass the test easily.

Akabane was not too anxious about these things.

He doesn't want to step into the grave of marriage prematurely. The relationship with Tsunade is good as it is now. He doesn't want to change in a short time. They are still "children". Let's have fun first.

Senju Zhuma chatted for a while, then picked up the manga and continued reading.

He's almost done.

There are many plots in the middle that moved him very much, and some of Naruto's words also spoke deeply to his heart, peace is very difficult, but it is precisely because of this that he must go on unswervingly...

After reading a few pages, he saw the scene where the second generation and the fourth generation were using Flying Thunder God at the same time, and suddenly reacted and said, "Akabane, I heard that you have mastered the technique of Flying Thunder God between the leaves?"


"Then let's not wait for the big troops, let's go back to the village quickly, I can't wait to see what the new village looks like."

Senshou Zhujian was extremely excited.

He really wanted to see how the current Konoha was different from the manga.

"That's a good feeling."

Akabane was very happy.

He wanted to leave before, but he didn't dare to leave due to some attitudes between Qianshou Zhujian, and now it just hit it off.


Senshou Bashima patted Akabane on the shoulder to urge him, Akabane didn't hesitate, and flew directly to Leishen to take him away and return to Konoha.

Originally, with his current Chakra, it would not be a big problem even with Senju Hashirama, but it would be too troublesome to replenish Chakra when it was exhausted, so Akabane used Senju Hashirama's Chakra.

In the camp, Uzumaki Mito and Tsunade were full of question marks.

These two people just left

Are men like this

Back at the Hokage Building, someone soon found them. After all, this is the core of Konoha, and there are a lot of guards. However, when they saw Akabane and Senjujuma standing together, none of them could believe it. .

Between Thousand Hands

"The first generation of adults?"

"Could it be a transformation technique!"


Not long after, the digital Hokage guards arrived, one by one waiting in full force, not daring to get close to Akabane and Senju Hashirama, and soon they discovered that Senju Hashirama was different from what they knew.

He has eyes of reincarnation!

"Be careful, he may be Madara's change, and Akabane may be controlled by Madara."

The guard leader's tone was heavy.

"Hahaha, everyone is still alive and well, I'm back again."

Qianju Zhujian laughed.

In his eyes, these are juniors and children, and actions like these are not offensive, but just legitimate crisis protection, and it didn't take long for the third generation to arrive.

A long time ago, the third generation had been with the first generation for a while, so others couldn't tell the truth from the fake, but he could recognize it. When they met, they immediately saluted very respectfully: "I have seen the first generation Hokage-sama."

Now, no one has any doubts.

Soon, everyone saluted one after another, and many people in the village also knew the news of the revival of the first generation, and excitedly blocked the Hokage Building.

A wooden avatar was left between the Senshouzhu, and he escaped from the earth, and was on the mountain behind the Hokage building with Akabane.

From here, you can see the Hokage Rock and the whole Konoha below.

"It's great, Konoha is bigger and more energetic than before."

Qianshou Zhujian couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It has always been his dream to make the villagers rich and strong, and it seems that everything has come true until now.

"Three generations and Mr. Shimura have managed the village very well."

Akabane nodded.

"Oh~ you're Danzo's disciple, um... Mito said it before, but I never expected that Danzo has also grown up. I used to think he was a bit useless."

Senju Zhuma was very moved.

Danzo's personality and ability flaws, he and Senju Tomona are very clear, it is for this reason that they did not consider handing Konoha to Danzo who has everything in the hands of Xue Tomona.

It turned out that Danzang could still teach such a disciple.

Akabane couldn't accept this sentence.

The first generation didn't expect him to answer, so Akabane chatted with him without saying a word, and his thoughts were more immersed in the handling of heretic golems.

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