Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 39: No, you don't want to rest


"Konoha... finally came back."

On the way back to Muye Village from the border, almost no one dared to attack them, so the road behind was smooth, and they returned to the border of Muye Village soon.

The moment he saw the gate, Akabane truly burst into tears.

The past few days have been like hell. After finally returning to Konoha, he felt that he needed to ask for a sick leave.

In terms of health and sick leave, the identity of the pommel horse family can add a lot of points, and the success rate should not be small.

"Back to Konoha, everyone disbands."

Danzo's shadow clone collapsed and disappeared instantly after saying this.

The remaining three people looked at each other, as if they had experienced the joy of graduation again, even Shuo Mao, who was the most calm, moved his face slightly, with a very rich expression.

"Finally back, I decided to give myself a vacation..."

Akabane was talking, but was interrupted by Zixiao in the middle.

"No, you don't want to rest, you want to update, you want to benefit the vast number of comic readers."

Zi Xiao was serious and didn't give Akabane a chance to say a complete sentence.

"I want to see the follow-up."

Shuo Mao also hurriedly urged him to update, as his future "son", he especially wanted to know how Akabane would draw the follow-up content.

"Please, I just got back..."

"Anyway, you also use a clone to do the work, is there any difference?"

Zi Xiao shrugged, then waved goodbye and left quickly.

"Remember to draw."

Shuo Mao's tone is gentle, but he has just been slaughtered, and there is always a coldness about him, which makes people shudder.

"Everyone, the shadow clone also needs to rest!"

Akabane is helpless, no one will believe what he said, after all, the one with the least human rights among all Konoha Kage clones belongs to him.

After walking a few steps, he saw Tsunade at a corner.

She just ran over with an excited and anxious expression, but the moment she saw Akabane, all these expressions disappeared and she became calm: "Yo, I haven't seen you for a few days, did you just come back from outside the village?"


Tsunade, your flirting skills are terrible.

Konoha is so big, it is impossible to hide which group has what task.

Akabane complained silently in his heart, but considering the other party's kindness, he didn't say what was in his heart: "Well, I just came back from completing a task."

"I really envy you, we have been doing odd jobs for three days."

Tsunade sighed, feeling very disappointed.

What they longed for the most was to go out of the village to meet a big mission, but in the end they didn't even take the C-level mission, let alone go out of the village.

"Don't mention it, I'm exhausted from running back and forth, or you can tell Danzang to trade with me."

Akabane had no expression on his face, and he got angry when he mentioned Danzo. Other teams started from the grassroots, so why did we just skip the level.

"Farewell, Danzo..."

Tsunade's indescribable appearance obviously has a very clear understanding of Danzo, and he has absolutely no admiration.

Danzo is not a good person, even in this period.

Akabane doesn't really hate Danzo, but after getting along for a few days, he doesn't like it either.

He looked a bit depressed, and walked along the street towards the house, Tsunade followed, as if there was no particularly urgent task.

The more so, the more sad Akabane felt in his heart.

It's the same forbearance, the difference in treatment is too great.

"By the way, if you have nothing to do this afternoon, shouldn't it be time to draw? It's been four or five days, and you haven't released the following plot yet..."

Tsunade followed him for a while, and suddenly thought that he had come to him without saying the main purpose.


Feelings are urging more.

"Also, don't forget to leave me the original cover."

Seeing Akabane continue to move forward, Tsunade shouted from behind.

His heart was broken, he waved his hands weakly, then turned the corner and headed home.

No matter what, the update still needs to be updated, otherwise the Kurama clan may not be able to protect him well when these manga fans come to his door-not to mention, just one Uzumaki Mito is enough for them to drink a pot.

On the other side, the Hokage Building.

"My lords, a lot of rebellion suddenly appeared in our Uzumaki country, all our business paths were damaged, and there are still many ninjas chasing and killing..."

The caravan leader who was brought to Konoha by Danzo slowly told the truth about his appearance in the country of Uzumaki, and in the office there were Sandai, Danzo, Koharu and Mitomon Yan in the office.

This is Konoha's current top leadership.

"Where did these rebellions come from? Did Uzumaki Village not take action?"

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun's face was serious, and at the same time he was very puzzled.

Uzumaki Village is Konoha's true ally, and their management knows very well how powerful the Uzumaki Clan is.

This is a very terrifying group, everyone has extremely high talents, and it is impossible for mere rebellion and tolerance to be unable to deal with it.

"Too many! There are too many rebellious ninjas, and they can't tell where they came from. Moreover, they don't confront the ninjas in Uzumaki Village, and usually avoid them. Although the Uzumaki Clan dispatches manpower, the efficiency is too low."

The caravan leader smiled wryly.

If he hadn't contacted the Senshou Clan and the Uzumaki Clan, he wouldn't have known so many secrets, which is why Danzo immediately took him to gallop to Konoha alone.

It's a pity that this person was targeted very badly as the leader, and he was seriously injured and unconscious for a long time, otherwise he wouldn't have to wait until now.

"So you want us to make a move?"

Sandai Hokage exhaled a puff of smoke and said the first sentence.

"Yes, Lord Hokage, please help Uzushio Village and Uzumaki Country."

The leader of the caravan knelt down and begged bitterly.

"Is this what you mean, or the meaning of the Uzumaki Clan or Uzumaki Village?"

Danzo said coldly.

"This... This is of course the meaning of the Uzumaki Clan..."

The leader of the caravan was sweating profusely on his forehead, and his eyes were erratic between the four of them.

He is lying!

Danzo looked indifferent and indifferent.

The Third Hokage took a few puffs of cigarettes, but did not speak. At this moment, Mitomen Yan had no choice but to say: "Mr. Kazama, we don't want to hear lies, please answer honestly."

"Four adults, this... this is really..."


Danzo's eyes opened, killing intent burst out.

"Danzo, don't treat Konoha's guests like this."

The Third Hokage stopped immediately, and then said with a gentle smile, "Mr. Kazama, I think Uzushio Village didn't let us, Konoha, do it? Otherwise, it wouldn't be you, but the Uzumaki clan."

"this… "

Zuo Kazama was so frightened that his face turned pale, his legs trembled, and he almost fell to his knees.

"Since it's not Uzumaki Village's intention, we can't do anything, sorry."

After turning to bed, Xiaochun shook his head with a look of regret.

"But… "

"Mr. Kazama can stay in Konoha during this time, and take a look around, but there is no way to do this for the time being."

Third Hokage apologized.

Zuo Kazama looked ugly, nodded his head with difficulty, and left the office.

The remaining four sat inside, silent.

"If it is not an official request, we will at most provide support in the form of mission delegation, but in this way..."

Mito Menyan spoke half a sentence, then hesitated and did not continue.

It would be too much of a joke to send out a rookie team just to hunt down the border, but it would be useless if they were too weak...

"Let's see again, if Kazama goes left to the Thousand Hands Clan, maybe there will be a turning point."

Sandai Hokage stood up, sighed softly and left.

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