Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 52: Blood Inherited Fusion Illusion


The three of them searched separately at a distance of a hundred steps, and Akabane wandered casually, and slowly found a small river.

The country of the vortex has abundant water resources, and there are many rivers in the country. Mist Ninja can often escape through the river in the country of the vortex.

Akabane went to the river to look for the remaining traces.


Not far from the river, there was the rustling of leaves in the bushes.

animal, or

He was puzzled, and approached cautiously so as not to startle the snake.

A little closer, Akabane saw a touch of blue through the gaps in the leaves between the bushes.

Rebellious clothes!

He was secretly vigilant in his heart, but at the same time felt very strange, what is this guy doing sneakily

Quietly walking from the tree to the ground, Akabane formed a mudra with both hands, and his figure shrank into the ground.

Earth Dungetting: The art of beheading in the heart!

Touching the edge, the movement from above became more and more clear.

Just when Akabane touched Kirinin, he heard a strange cry, and then the other party seemed to be packing something.

Before he could make a move, the ninjutsu was launched quickly.


The ground split open, and one hand grabbed Wu Ninja's feet and quickly pulled them down.

"ah… "

In the quiet woods, there was a tragic cry.


Orochimaru and Tsunade heard the stranger's voice, and rushed here immediately.

When they rushed to the river, they saw a strange situation—Akabane's avatar used Kunai to hold Migakure's rebellious throat, while the deity was washing his hands by the river with a look of disgust.

"what's the situation?"

Orochimaru was slightly faster than Tsunade, and rushed to the side first.

Akabane rubbed her hands vigorously, sighed slightly and said, "It's hard to say, look over there..."

After hearing this, Orochimaru turned to look at Rebel Ninja.

On the ground, a pool of cloudy white gradually merged into the earth, and if it came later, it might not be clear at all.

" are Konoha's ninjas!"

Rebel was ashamed, and with Kuwu on his neck, he stammered nervously.

"Caught a fog ninja alive, how did you do it?"

Tsunade's first glance at Mist Ninja, who was restrained in the ground by the beheading technique in his heart, was immediately shocked.

"He was taking a nap, and Akabane found the opportunity."

Orochimaru stepped on the ground calmly, and said lightly.

"Thanks to Jiraiya..."

Akabane added, and at the same time rubbed his arms vigorously with water.

His hands didn't get any of those, but when he thought of it, he felt a pimple in his heart. If it wasn't for being outside, he would have wanted to take a good bath.

The most depressing thing is that these trash natives are still addicted to such rough things.

funny! absurd!

It's an insult to painting skills!

"What's the meaning?"

Tsunade was confused, not knowing why.

"I mean... have you Renren seen the white-haired kid?"

Akabane didn't want to explain such a deep-level thing to Tsunade, and turned to ask about the captive's rebellion.

"No... no, we're looking for him too."

Rebel stammered.

"Second question, where is the gathering point of your rebellion?"

Akabane asked.

"I won't say that, or the leader will kill me!"

he said fearfully.

"You are in our hands, your leader wants to kill you, at least you have to ask us, but if we want to kill you..."

Orochimaru licked his lips.

This sentence at least means that the other party is organized, and there is a leader in the small group to lead them.

"If you don't say it, you will be castrated."

Akabane threatened blankly.


A look of fear appeared on Ren Ren's face. If he was really going to be eunuched, his life would be worse than death, but when he thought of the horror of the leader, the thought that had just surfaced in him was immediately extinguished.

"It seems that there is no way."

As soon as the words fell, Rebel was in a trance for a while, and saw the shadow clone behind him pulling him out of the soil, and then with a knife...

Endless pain!

After a scream, he found himself in a trance, Akabane appeared in front of him again, and he returned to the ground.


"Speak or not?"

Akabane's voice rang in his ears.

"I… "

"It seems that I don't want to say it."

He still had some doubts in his mind, and the illusion came again.

Repeated hallucinations, but he was terrified to find that after the second hallucination, even though the illusion was lifted, his body was still in pain, as if he had really endured that torture.

"This... what kind of illusion is this!"

As Mist Shinobi, they have a course that deals with torture derived from illusion, but he has never seen such a terrifying illusion.

"The pommel horse family, controlled by the five senses."

Akabane said lightly, "It just so happens that I am not skilled enough to realize the manifestation of the five senses perfectly, so I can just test it with you."

"No! No! You kill me, kill me..."

Hearing the word pommel horse, his pupils shrank, and his heart was terrified.

Not good at technology

Lie ghost!

Only when the control power reaches the extreme, can the illusion be played to its full potential. For example, this time - it is obviously the technique of Narakumi, but it has the characteristics of controlling the five senses.

In the eyes of this poor rebel, Akabane is undoubtedly the devil among devils.

"Killing you is too cheap for you. I calculated it. It may take at least a hundred illusions to cause real injury to your body, so... do you want to say it?"

Akabane's eyes were cold, full of killing intent.

"I said, I said!"

"The lair is on the mountain above this river, there is a cave there, we..."

Under extreme fear, his mind collapsed, he yelled in horror, and uttered all the information like beans.

"I want to know that you lied to me, I will try my best to control it better, two hundred or even a thousand times!"

After Akabane finished speaking, he directly knocked the avatar unconscious with a hand knife.

At this moment, he saw Orochimaru and Tsunade looking at him in horror.

"What's wrong?"

good question...

Orochimaru complained secretly in his heart, but he didn't know where to start.

Tsunade took a deep breath and said cautiously: "You can really control it, and it took more than a hundred illusions to leave a wound?"

"It's true that the control is not good. It will not leave a wound about hundreds of times."

Akabane shook his head.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are using the technique of seeing Naraku?"

Orochimaru pondered for a long time, thinking of where to start asking.

Can Naraku see the technique combined with the manipulation of the five senses

"Well, one of the recent research directions, I just mastered it and am not very proficient."

Akabane nodded in acknowledgment, and at the same time winked at the shadow clone, signaling him to take someone back to Uzumaki Village.

In this situation, living captives are far more useful than dead enemies.

After hearing this, Orochimaru couldn't help but gasped.

He once specifically asked the third generation about the manipulation of the five senses, so he knew some secrets.

The five-sense control of the pommel horse family is very strong, but the family's awakening rate is very low, and the spiritual field is intricate. From the first generation to the present, the use of blood successor boundaries is still very superficial.

The combination of ordinary illusion and manipulation of the five senses is something that no one has been able to do so far. That is to say, Akabane is the first pommel horse tribe to combine ordinary illusion and blood successor boundary.

"As expected of Akabane-kun!"

He was extremely shocked, and at the same time thought of a deeper problem—maybe Akabane's so-called "laziness" is just pretending, in fact, he has been studying ninjutsu, illusion and blood succession limit.

Coincidentally, Tsunade also had such doubts in his heart.

Seeing their expressions, Akabane knew that the two seemed to have misunderstood him.

The ancestors of the pommel horse family had tried the blood-inheriting boundary fusion illusion, but they found that the fusion could only cause pain to the other party, but could not transform the injury in the illusion into reality. Simplify the use of bounds.

But seeing their shocked faces, Akabane decided not to tell this matter.

Anyway, the classics of the pommel horse clan are basically invisible to outsiders...