Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 61: You sold me?


Oops, the feeling of being counted!

Akabane sensed Daimyo's gaze, and immediately felt that Sandai might have tricked him again.

"Brother Akabane, they seem to be looking at us..."

Little Lolita whispered.

Not just the daimyo, but also the guards around him.

Akabane glanced around and saw the Uzumaki clan children surrounded by Qingyue, as well as the truck wrapped in red cloth, and became more sure of the guess in his heart.

I was cheated!

What boarding, what temporary surname change...

His heart was bleeding, but at this moment, he had already reached the point where he had no choice but to shoot. Seeing the uneasy look in the little Lolita's eyes, he had to comfort him: "It's okay, Lord Hokage will introduce you guests from the Land of Vortex to His Majesty Daimyo. "

"Oh, I see."

Uzumaki Qingyue is the daughter of the head of Uzumaki Clan, and in a sense, she is also the princess of Uzumaki Clan and Uzumaki Country.

In terms of identity, this set of rhetoric made sense, and little Lori trusted Akabane more, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Soon everyone saw the third generation getting off the car and standing aside.

Not long after, the daimyo's car drove to the Temple of Fire—the two seemed to have reached a certain consensus, so they went their separate ways.

"Let's go back to the village."

Hiru Sarutobi slashed back and said with a relaxed expression.

Akabane followed behind without saying a word, with so many children around, now is not the time to ask unnecessary things.

The two maintained a certain tacit understanding, and the group gradually relaxed until they were outside Muye Village.

When it comes to Konoha Land, this is their world. Any foreign ninja who wants to do something will not only welcome the anger of Dr. Ninja, but also the firepower of Konoha Village.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and Konoha was not the only one who suffered heavy losses in the First World War. At this time, no ninja village dared to break ground on Tai Sui.

At this time, Akabane walked to the front and asked in a low voice: "Teacher, what did you trade with the whirlpool tree sea?"

"Well... It's just the name of boarding, and the daimyo has no steps, so we need to give daimyo a step, and at the same time, we have to give him a guarantee."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi walked ahead, and said slowly after exhaling the smoke from his mouth.

"So, you sold me?!"

Akabane gritted his teeth and said.

"In a sense, yes."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi said with a smile, "But it's not like you've got nothing, remember the specialty of the Uzumaki family I mentioned?"

"Huh? Could it be that..."

Akabane's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Well, you guessed it right, the sealing technique."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi said sternly, "The price of the Uzumaki clan is the sealing technique."


Akabane gasped, this is one of the assets of the Uzumaki family, and they are willing to hand it over.

But if you think about it carefully, this is another retreat for the Uzumaki Clan—

Possessing the sealing technique and Uzumaki bloodline, even if Uzumaki Kingdom perishes, they can rely on Konoha to grow another Uzumaki clan.

Compared with exterminating the genocide, the price is much lower.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help secretly admiring the whirlpool sea of trees.

"The blood successor boundary of your pommel horse clan is very strong, but when the blood succession boundary grows to a certain should know, that kind of spiritual monster."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly.

"Well, it's actually because the mental power is too strong, coupled with the abuse of power, the resulting split personality."

Akabane expressed his own understanding, "In a sense, it can also be considered a demon."

"That's right, but if you have the sealing technique, your family's problems will be greatly alleviated."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi spoke the second half of the sentence.

Akabane understood what he meant. Any family has its own secret arts, such as the shadow imitation technique of the Nara family, and the imitation animal ninja technique of the Inuzuka family. Konoha has the right to know their characteristics and abilities, but he does not plunder them for himself. Otherwise, it will be against all ninja families.

The new "Whirlpool Clan" has only a dozen children, but this does not affect the family's due power.

If there is no nominal intermarriage, the Kurama clan cannot obtain the sealing technique.

Older gingers are more spicy!

The third generation is still young, but these means can already play with Akabane between applause.

Akabane hated this feeling very much, but he had to admit that reaching such a cooperation would do him no harm.

"You are so wise."

He gritted his teeth and recognized it, and at the same time sent a "comment".

"Hehe, it's only a few years old."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi happily smoked a cigarette, ignoring the resentment hidden in his words.

Akabane slowed down, and when he passed by Tsunade, he heard Tsunade ask in a low voice: "What are you talking about, did the teacher make some kind of deal?"

"You can ask the teacher directly."

Akabane sighed, not knowing how to face her, and sadly returned to the edge of the whirlpool Qingyue.

Little Lolita didn't know what happened, but she could feel that Akabane was not happy, so she was also not happy and dared not ask.

It wasn't until the gate that Akabane calmed down.

He figured it out, anyway, it was only in name, and it would be over if his parents accepted him as a goddaughter.

You can also change your surname and stay at home!


"Kids, our Muye Village is ahead, look..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi turned around, pointed at the gate and said to the children.

"Hey, that sign is similar to ours."

"The one in the middle is also a vortex."

"It turns out that Konoha Village is exactly the same as the one in Brother Akabane's painting."

Each of these children has a comic book, and they have long been curious about Konoha. Seeing the familiar swirls in the Konoha logo now, they feel a sense of belonging in their hearts.

Although this does not allow them to truly integrate into Konoha, it does not cause conflicts and thoughts of wanting to go home.

Not only that, all the children looked at Akabane, chattering about the meaning of the sign.

"The mark of Konoha was set by the first generation of adults, which symbolizes the inseparable friendship between Konoha and the Uzumaki family."

Akabane smiled and said, "In fact, the wife of the first generation of adults is the elder of your Uzumaki clan."


Even Whirlpool Qingyue was somewhat surprised.

"It's true, my grandma's real name is Uzumaki Mito."

Tsunade said proudly.

"So that's how it is."

"Sister Tsunade's grandma..."

"Sister Tsunade, is Mito-san good-looking?"

The children quickly forgot about their new arrivals and got involved in the topic.

This is why, to choose the child's reason.

They are pure and flawless, and although they have thoughts, they are easily changed and influenced.

"We're going to see grandma now, and then...don't be surprised."

Tsunade had a charming smile on his face.

For these children, she has a strong tolerance and patience, because she knows very well that they will not be able to return to the country of Uzumaki, and they will be part of Konoha in the future.

"Okay, okay!"


The child is always free from worries, Akabane sighed softly from the bottom of his heart, but at the same time felt a little uneasy.

As Qingyue's "guardian", he was ordered by the third generation to go with him, and the other party was Uzumaki Mito... I didn't realize it before, but now Akabane always feels that scene is weird in his heart.

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