Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 65: Big tree with roots


"The establishment of the root was not long ago. We carried out rigorous training and assessment, and the loss rate was very heavy."

Danzo said slowly, "In order to reduce some losses, I need your illusion."

"Five senses control?"

"That's right, let them experience life and death repeatedly, and every time they have to have a real feeling of death without causing harm."

Danzo nodded.

"No problem, it's very simple."

Akabane agreed without hesitation, but doubts gradually arose in his heart—how did Danzo know

Naraku's art of seeing the fusion of the five senses is a failure in itself.

There are very few people in the pommel horse family who know it, let alone foreigners, and there are only a handful of people who know that Akabane has studied and practiced it.

As soon as he thought about it, a name came to his mind.

"Oshemaru and Danzo have cooperated?"

Akabane thought for a moment, and quickly vetoed it.

At this time, Orochimaru has no capital to cooperate with Danzo at all, perhaps it is just Danzo's investment and small actions.

Here comes the problem.

Did Danzo reveal this "clue" intentionally or unintentionally

This is the reason why he doesn't like being with Danzo. This old man has a black belly and a bad stomach, and he has to think about everything for a long time when he is with him.

After being distressed for a while, Akabane simply didn't bother to think about it.

There is no need to worry too much about Orochimaru for the time being, the first thing to do now is to complete Danzo.

He followed Danzo into this simple courtyard, and then heard the sound of interlaced iron.

Kunai, the sound of shuriken.

He had only been a ninja for a few months, but he immediately recognized what kind of weapon it was.

"Do you need a mask?"

Danzo asked lightly.

"Five senses control, does Konoha have a second family?"

Akabane shook his head.

What's the use of wearing a mask, it's not just deceiving people.

"Then everyone, assemble."

Danzo walked in with his sword in his hand, followed by Akabane.

The audience was silent for an instant, and in the blink of an eye, everyone gathered in front of him.

This is the root!

Akabane glanced around, and although he couldn't tell anything just by looking at the appearance, he could still see the origins of these people from the subtle differences in their outfits.

Two members of the Yume family, one from the Hyuga family, and one from the Akimichi family who is huge.

The other dozen or so are really invisible.

"You should all know him, and then he will perform illusions on you."

When Danzang said this, the corner of his mouth slightly raised a cold smile, "You should understand what the illusion of the pommel horse clan is. You will experience the most fearful death in your heart. Whoever can't bear it can quit now."

The audience was silent, no one stood up.

Akabane pursed his lips slightly, he didn't know how Danzo brainwashed, maybe he used the "root" rhetoric, but he knew one thing very well - no harm, doesn't mean it can't be killed.

"Okay, since no one quit, please give up resistance."

he continued.

Akabane stood there, adjusting his state and mobilizing the chakra in his body.

When everyone sat down, he formed the mudra with both hands, and completed the mudra in the blink of an eye—

"The Art of Naraku Seeing!"

After a chakra wave, everyone stopped moving.

"Teacher, if you use Naraku's technique many times, it can still be fatal."

Akabane reminded.

Naraku sees the most feared things in people's minds. Those who are not determined to repeat the real fears thousands of times are very likely to die mentally—that is, to be in a vegetable state.

"I know, but it's the best way to cut your losses."

Danzo was silent for a moment, and then said softly, "Roots are never bright."

"Well, teacher, you are right, it makes sense."

Akabane casually perfunctory.

He doesn't quite agree with Danzo's philosophy, but he is also not interested in Sarutobi Hiruzen's set, and besides, this is the root, the territory of Danzo...

"Oh, little fox..."

Danzang sneered, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

The third generation wants to use two prongs to take the two most talented people into their hands, but they don't know that neither of them can accept his plan.

In the end, it was just a blank slate.

As time passed, the illusion gradually reached the most terrifying stage, and screams resounded through the valley.

One second, two seconds, everyone woke up one after another, all covered in cold sweat.

"take a break."

Danzo said lightly.

"My lord, we can still..."

"My order is to rest!"

Danzo repeated it sternly.


"Thank you, my lord."

A group of people sat, panting one after another.

Akabane feels a little distressed, Danzo has thoroughly studied how to torture people.

If they keep using illusions, they will only become numb and collapse after repeated repetitions.

It seems that they are allowed to rest now, but because of the real pain caused by the manipulation of the five senses, their memories and fears are more profound during the rest period, and these fears will deepen the effect of the next operation...

For example, now, everyone feels that the pain of death is real.

They looked at Akabane with a bit of fear in their eyes.


After sighing with emotion, he calmed down and thought about how to use the technique to maximize the effect.

Well, after using the illusion once, then guide it.

Akabane thought about it and made a decision.

So a few minutes later, he used the second illusion, and a few minutes later, everyone woke up...


Danzo spat out two words.

Akabane sat down, as if about to start chattering: "Many of you are elites among the elites. They have killed people on the battlefield, and death itself is not a fear. I hope everyone understands what the root means."

A bunch of people looked over, some listened carefully, some questioned, and secretly mocked.

"Konoha is a big tree, what is the fate of a big tree without roots?"

"Everyone can imagine that you are the root, and your family is the big tree or the fruit on the tree, or the bird that perches. When the root no longer exists, the leaves will be broken, what kind of scene will it be..."

When Akabane said this, his hands suddenly formed seals—the art of seeing Naraku!

Imagine, extending another scene.

What they saw before may be their own death in battle, suicide due to mission failure, or various fears in their hearts, but this time... they will see the death of their family members.

"no no!"

"I killed you, I killed you..."

Fear, anger, sadness, chaotic voices and emotions radiated from the words.

Danzo was silent for a moment, and finally laughed out loud.

After a long time, he looked at Akabane and said, "Are you interested in joining Gen?"

The joining he said is of course not becoming an ordinary member, but implying the position of a successor.


"Teacher, I'm not suitable, you should find another master."

Akabane waved his hands again and again.

It's enough to fool others with such words, but you can't take it in yourself. Is it a place for people to stay

There was no accident in Danzo, but it was still a pity.

Afterwards, he smiled dumbly and said, "It doesn't matter, who knows what will happen in the future."


Akabane glanced at him, a little surprised in his heart.

Seeing how moved he was, could it be possible that his own words had fooled Danzo too


He was thinking about it, his eyes glanced aimlessly, and he suddenly noticed that something was wrong with one of them, and immediately said: "No! Teacher, wake up the person on the left in the second row."

Danzo suddenly appeared beside him, patted the opponent's head with his hand, and used the method of dispelling the illusion to instantly help him dispel the illusion.

However, after waking up, he kept yelling, and the shadow on his body expanded wildly, trying to control everything around him.


After a hand knife, Danzo used his body.

"He just fell into the depths of the illusion, so dangerous..."

Akabane took a deep breath, a little frightened.

"Smart people always think more."

Danzo was very sorry, and somewhat dispirited, "Release the illusion and let them have a rest."


Akabane seals instantly to release the illusion.

No accident, everyone lifted the illusion, and their emotions were more or less wrong.

But most of them stopped being crazy soon after seeing Danzo and Akabane, and only a few of them almost went berserk like the one in Nara's house.

"Today's training is over, everyone rests."

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