Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 68: Seeds of suspicion


"In this case, I also want to watch the excitement."

Tsunade continued talking, completely unaware of the hint in Akabane's eyes.

After a few seconds, Akabane bowed his head: "I want to wash up, can you make way?"

"Um... I'll wait for you outside."

After Tsunade finished speaking, he opened the window and crawled out quietly.

"Well, the habit of climbing windows seems to have started from her..."

Akabane sighed weakly, then got up silently to wash up.

After a long time, he finished washing and left the clan area to go to the manga shop. When he arrived with Tsunade, several people who bought books left the manga shop one after another.

But obviously the Uchiha clan hasn't come yet, if it wasn't for Tsunade, I could still sleep for a while.

"What are you complaining about, isn't it..."

"Kurama Akabane, you are finally here."


Following the sound, Akabane saw a man wearing tuanfan clothes walking out from the street ahead.

Judging by the attire, at least it is Chunin, the key is that this look is very familiar to Akabane.

He pondered for a moment, wondering who he resembled—

"He's the father of that...whose father?"

After thinking for a long time, I still couldn't remember the name.

"Ling is my son."

Uchiha Yan said lightly, "If you think that this can anger me, then you are wrong."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just a peaceful cartoonist."

Akabane smiled and waved his hand.

peace loving...

Tsunade was speechless, she would be really stupid if she still believed such nonsense.

"Heh, I came this time because I hope you can revise the plot of the latest volume. We Uchihas can not be insulted by anyone."

"Insult? Uncle, it's just drawing."

Akabane smiled.

"Then I have to teach you a lesson!"

Uchiha Yan's eyes changed instantly.

Just draw

After a few words of communication, this kid is confident, obviously relying on something behind him.

Danzo's plan started with Xiaogui's manga, and it will end with him, and even if he risked his life...kill him!

In his heart, there is already a killing intent.

"Akabane, something is wrong."

Tsunade's expression gradually changed.

"Even if you kill me, the manga won't stop. Besides, it's just a plot."

Akabane narrowed his eyes and said.

"Just try and you will find out."

Uchiha Yan's eyes were turning round, and the Sharingan was already open, "Let me show you the power of these eyes."

"Oh, really? Why do you think I talk so much nonsense?"

Akabane sneered.

Tsunade was still a little strange, but later found that Uchiha Yan was standing there motionless.

Illusioned? when!

When Tsunade was surprised, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a figure huddled in the shop secretly drawing.

"You are so insidious!"

She couldn't help complaining, isn't this a sneak attack

"He wants my life, so it's not too much for me to sneak attack?"

Three hook jade

If you don't let him see it, it's over!

There was a trace of coldness in Akabane's eyes, do you want to make a move... If you make a move, taking advantage of Uchiha Yan's attack, he can completely kill him.

"Let's stop here, Kurama Akabane."

The familiar voice was unprecedentedly indifferent, and the figure that slowly stepped out stopped the thoughts in Akabane's heart.

Three generations of Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruza.


The shadow clone standing in front disappeared, and Akabane released the illusion at the same time.


With a scream, Uchiha Yan covered his eyes, and a drop of blood flowed from the corner of his eyes.

It's a disgrace to be hit by the kid's illusion!

But this kid's strength and scheming are beyond imagination, it's like... the second Danzo!

"Forcibly breaking the illusion, isn't it good?"

Akabane laughed lightly.

Uchiha En's mental power is very strong, if it is not for a surprise attack on him, he will definitely suffer.

But the other party is Jonin, and Uchiha who claims to break all illusions, this move has already made Uchiha Yan very embarrassed.

"Little devil, I want to..."

"Uchiha Yan, you are not in charge of security work, why come here to make trouble!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi scolded angrily.

"Master Hokage!"

It was only at this time that Uchiha Yan discovered that Sarutobi Hiruzen was here.

His face was pale, and Hokage appeared, no matter whether it was a temptation or a true desire to perish together, it was impossible to proceed.

"Akabane, come here."

The three generations of avatars disappeared, but this fight obviously couldn't go on.

"Kurama Akabane, you'd better stop quickly..."

In the middle of Uchiha Yan's words, he seemed to be thinking about the battle just now—if Akabane killed him, would he survive

Being forced into this field by a kid, what else can I say.

Thinking of this, he held back the second half of his sentence and left silently.

Seeing the other party leave, Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief but also secretly said worriedly: "This is the first time I see the teacher so angry."

"It won't be a big deal, I'll go first."

Akabane replied.

He just said that the third generation did not observe secretly, so he didn't believe it.

With the wisdom of three generations, as long as you see the plot and combine the actions of Danzo and Akabane, you can think of these.

Therefore, the final result is still under control, and it does not deviate too much from expectations.

I just don’t know, the third generation called me over, what do I want to say…

Akabane secretly guessed in his heart, unknowingly, he had reached the bottom of the Hokage building, and when he looked up, he happened to see a pair of eyes looking down from upstairs.

Shimura Danzo!

He paused for a second or two, and waited for Danzo to turn around before continuing to go into the building.

When I got to the second floor, I happened to meet Danzo.

"Don't forget to come to class, you still have training today."

Danzo left a word, then slowly went downstairs and left.

Hearing this sentence, Akabane felt much relieved—it seems that Master Danzo took the blame as agreed.

boom boom boom~~

"Come in."

Knocking on the door lightly, after receiving an answer, Akabane pushed the door open and entered, bowing slightly to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Kurama Akabane, why are you doing this!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly.

"Master Hokage, Uchiha is too arrogant, he has forgotten Konoha and common people, they have almost become another ninja village of Konoha."

In front of the third generation, Akabane didn't dare to speak casually.

"Even so, you shouldn't have done it, you've broken the peace of the village."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi stood up excitedly and said angrily.

Akabane didn't speak.

There must be a dispute between Danzo and Sandai, so not answering at this time is the best answer.

"You have to stop the manga, this plot needs to be revised!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said after a moment of silence.

"Master Hokage, the seeds of suspicion have already been planted. Besides, I didn't even draw anything, just saying that Sharingan appeared on foreigners."

"Isn't that enough? You want to force Uchiha to rebel?"

After a quarrel, the three generations sat on a chair with disappointment in their eyes.

Akabane remained silent, Sandai's intentions were good, but it's a pity that not everyone is as selfless and kind as he is.

After a long time, he took a puff of a cigarette and said sadly: "It's my fault. I shouldn't accept Danzo's conditions to make you his student. Maybe you will be different."


Akabane moved slightly, vaguely understanding.

"Nothing, you go down."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi closed his eyes, not wanting to say anything more.
