Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 95: nice! Too bad it's too short


"The layout of the scene must match the picture."

"Don't dawdle, speed up over there, everyone, come one last time."

At the manga exhibition venue, Uzumaki Mito's voice never stopped.

Tsunade below was very helpless. In the past two or three days, she saw a completely different grandma—crazy and irritable, as if she was a different person.

Almost all of the group of people have been scolded, including the three generations of avatars, who dare not refute even a word.

"Why is that guy so blatantly lazy, while I..."

Tsunade muttered in a low voice, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"Don't think about it, that kid is more slippery than a loach, he has already picked himself out."

Jilai is also very envious of Akabane's state, but unfortunately...

Hey, who let myself fall into the trap.

A group of friends raised their heads, glanced at the stands on the mountain, looked at each other, and sighed enviously.

There is more than one grandstand on the mountain.

In order to ensure the viewing effect, huge venues have been dug out on the top of the mountain here and on the mountain wall behind. From these stands, you can perfectly see the scenes in the comic exhibition venue.

The stand where Akabane was located was the central area prepared for the daimyo and the others.

"Fortunately, there is Granny Mito, otherwise it would be really tiring to hold a comic exhibition."

Akabane was very emotional.

In just three days, Uzumaki Mito has evolved into a decoration designer and director, and he is full of energy.

The second dimension is really good, it brings a second spring to the tired old house girl.

He looked into the distance, and suddenly raised his eyebrows—

A ninja wearing a zhongnin uniform in the forest rushed over here quickly.

At the same time, smoke and dust gradually filled the farthest forest.

Akabane got up and made seals with both hands, and instantly a big fireball burst out from his mouth.


Uzumaki Mito sensed the chakra fluctuations and looked up to see the huge fireball lit up in the stands.

The Art of Fireball!

This is the signal she agreed with Akabane, and the release of ninjutsu means that the name is coming.

"Everyone cleans up the place, handles the scene within a minute, and does a good job of concealment."

With a shout, everyone immediately took action.

After three days of baptism, these people's instructions to Uzumaki Mito have been conditionally launched, but if they are half a beat behind, they will be greeted with a burst of scolding.

In the blink of an eye, the venue was instantly emptied.

In the next second, Uzumaki Mito appeared beside Akabane.

She glanced into the distance, smiled and said, "It seems that we are coming soon... That old guy, I haven't seen him for more than ten years."

"I should go too."

Akabane stood up and stretched, ready to evacuate from the stands.

"As the planner of the idea of the comic exhibition, you are qualified to be here."

Uzumaki Mito said.

"No, I don't feel comfortable being around the older generation."

Akabane jumped from the stands.

There are so many stands here, why should we stay in the most troublesome place.

He turned around and walked through the secret path into the stands on the mountain wall.

"Oh! It's Your Majesty Daming!"

"Don't be crowded, it's dangerous."

Most of the stands are civilians, so it is not the best viewing angle.

But Akabane doesn't care.

He just wanted to watch the comic show, but he didn't care about these performances, he just wanted to join in the fun.

"Your Excellency, I haven't seen you for many years. I'm really happy to see you still healthy!"

Seeing the car approaching, Uzumaki Mito smiled gently.

These words are very sincere for others, but for her...

"Mito, you are the one, you are still young after not seeing you for many years."

Daimyo seemed to answer normally, but his tone was full of sourness and jealousy.

Three generations stood aside in embarrassment, not daring to say a word.

The confrontation of the elderly is really...

"Of course, Your Excellency, please take your seat."

Uzumaki Mito pointed to the seat lightly, without any hint of politeness.

Everyone turned a blind eye to this.

Daimyo was helped down from the car—not to put on airs, but because he was really old enough to need help.

He glanced at Uzumaki Mito, and felt a pang of sadness in his heart. He was obviously of the same generation, but he looked like his grandson.


The daimyo sighed, and was helped to go to his seat.

After he took his seat, within a short while, everyone found where they should stand.

"The comic exhibition is divided into three processes. The first is the opening performance, followed by a one-hour free performance and viewing, and finally the closing performance."

Uzumaki Mito smiled faintly, "I am the host of this show, Uzumaki Mito."

Her voice was amplified through chakra and spread throughout the forest.


"Did I hear you right?"

"Oh my god, it's Mito-sama!"

"Great, I didn't expect to see her here."

In an instant, all the stands boiled—Uzumaki Mito, the only living legend in the Konoha legend era.

This is the Thousand Hands Clan...

Akabane sighed slightly, if Uzumaki Mito wanted to become the third generation, it would be easy to grasp.


The Thousand Hands Clan has not participated in politics since the second generation.

"Then next, the show is about to begin."

Uzumaki Mito smiled lightly.

In an instant, a dazzling lightning flashed in the venue below.

Thunder Tun Go!

Eye-catching scenes that attract everyone's attention.

This is the sign of the beginning, of course it is not Shuo Mao who casts Thunder Tunnel, but the shadow clones of three generations.

Afterwards, several figures appeared on the path.

Because of the felling and repairing of the surrounding trees, you can clearly see the situation below from each stand.

"It's Kakashi, grandpa, it's Kakashi!"

In the stands, a girl immediately yelled in surprise.

With a decadent face and a mask covering his face, he is almost the same as in the comics.

In the rear, followed by Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura, and the four of them protected Dazna together.

"This is?"

Daimyo stood up in amazement, his old body forced himself to support himself, his eyes could not see clearly, and he squinted and squinted.

"Your Excellency, it's acting."

Three generations said softly.

"In other words, is it played by a ninja?"

The girl understood immediately.

While she was talking, the situation on the field suddenly changed—

The good puddle suddenly turned into two figures.

In the next second, the chain was pulled.


Before he could scream, Hatake Kakashi was divided into countless pieces.

Suddenly, the audience screamed.

"This... is this a ninja?"

"Too dangerous!"

"Is that acting too?"

In the stands, many people cried out in surprise. Fortunately, there was a ninja explaining kindly, otherwise there would be a commotion.

So far, it works great.

Akabane looked back at the scene, and felt a little emotional in his heart—it was just like a live-action animation, full of memories!


Jilai didn't dare to really poke his own hand with Kunai.

After all, he is not from the Uzumaki clan, and he doesn't have such a perverted vitality, he just used a simple cover-up.

The subsequent plot is not different from the original plot.

The daimyo and princesses in the stands have long been stunned. Although they are in the world of ninjas, they have never seen such a battle like this before.

Strange assassination, huge water escape...

Everything made them terrified, but extremely exciting.

Especially at the end, the scene where two huge waterfalls confront each other, destroying all the surrounding woods and rocks, is more shocking than all the paintings and words.

"Is this a ninja?"

Sitting down, the daimyo was excited but at the same time extremely horrified.

Such a terrifying force, if he really wants to kill him, can his army stop it

In comparison, the princess, who is a granddaughter, seems heartless and doesn't care about these issues at all.

"Sister Bai is on stage, is it over?"

The girl was a little disappointed, she hadn't seen enough yet.

"Bai is a man."

Daimyo corrected his granddaughter.

"No, I think she is my sister, that guy named Akabane is purely disgusting."

The little princess said firmly.

Uzumaki Mito smiled at the side, Bai is her role, and it will not be announced for the time being, so that it will be more shocking later.

"Hey, there will be a show at the end, it's just the opening ceremony now."

The third generation coughed lightly.

The Zabuzhan below is his avatar, but in fact the Great Waterfall Technique released by "Kakashi" was also his handwriting.

Two clones.

With such a costly technique, it would be a disaster if the avatar disappears automatically if it continues to perform.

"That's great."

"It's so beautiful, but it's too short."

"It would be great if all comics could be like this."