Commander in Chief’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 108: season finale


Xia Min's death was a blow to everyone. None of them thought that Xia Min would choose such a way to end his life. No one could have imagined this. In the eyes of everyone, Xia Min was proud and strong , Choose to commit suicide, this is hard to accept.

Guan Lingchao arranged for the frogmen to go into the sea to search, but in the end they all came back in vain. Except for the red silk scarf, they couldn't find anything. In fact, they all knew they couldn't find it. They were swallowed by sharks, and they couldn't even find the bones. arrive.

Guan Lingchao felt a little heavy. Xiaoyan found several diaries when she was packing Xia Min's belongings. They were Xia Min's diaries from childhood to adulthood, and she wrote them almost every day. She recorded all of them. After she came out of prison, she wrote down her feelings, but most of the diary records her love for Guan Lingchao and the pain of her secret love. It can be seen that she has a deep love for Guan Lingchao. But loving the wrong person at the wrong time is destined to be a lifetime of pain.

Guan Lingchao didn't say anything. From the beginning to the end, he was just a brother and sister to Xia Min. What's more, his heart had already been given to An Qi and their children. His heart was so small that he really couldn't give it to others. up.

"Burn it." Guan Lingchao said lightly, took a stack of thick diaries over, put them in a basin and burned them together with other things, the flames sprang up, and it was red hot. Guan Lingchao stared at it. The flame was expressionless.

Didi, Guan Lingchao's cell phone rang. It was An Qi calling, and Guan Lingchao answered the call.

"Honey, what are you busy with now?" An Qi's voice sounded a little tired, Guan Ling looked at the time, it should be late at night in China, why didn't An Qi sleep

"Honey, why didn't you rest?"

"I fell asleep and had a nightmare, and you haven't called me these days, so I feel a little uneasy." An Qi said softly.

Guan Lingchao was stunned, and asked softly, "What nightmare did you have? Didn't Yu Ting come to accompany you?"

"Mom and elder sister are both here, but I feel a little scared. Thinking of the dream I just had, I'm scared." An Qi sighed softly, "I dreamed of Xia Min."

Guan Lingchao was stunned for a moment, feeling a bad premonition: "Why did you dream of her?"

"I don't know. I was falling asleep when I saw her coming to me and said she was leaving. I would never harm me or harass you again. I thought it was strange so I asked her where she was going, and she said she was going to find her." Concubine Xia, I want to apologize to Concubine Xia, I see blood on her face, which is the same as the red silk scarf on her body, it's frightening to death." An Qi patted her chest, thinking of that scene, she still had lingering fears in her heart, and her tone was a little uneasy, " Husband, is Xia Min okay?"

"Yeah." Guan Lingchao hummed, and really didn't know how to say it. Some things are a little subtle when you think about them deeply. What does An Qi have to say about this dream? Guan Lingchao didn't dare to think about it, he believed in atheism.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll go back after dealing with things here." He really didn't want to tell An Qi about Xia Min's death, but if he didn't tell, An Qi would know about it sooner or later, so how should he tell An Qi?

"Okay, I'll wait for you, both Yan Yan and Ke Ke miss Dad." An Qi smiled sweetly, thinking of the two precious sons, An Qi laughed like a flower, now Guan Yan can climb, full of love Crawling on the ground is very fun. She crawls over to take whatever she sees, and does not bully her younger brother. On the contrary, she will take care of her younger brother, which comforts An Qi.

"Okay, I'll go back right away." Guan Lingchao kissed An Qi on the phone, "Go to bed early, don't stay up late, it's very hard to take care of children."

"Well, good night husband."

The two were reluctant to part for a while before hanging up the phone. Bai Lufei, who was eavesdropping, secretly laughed and winked. Guan Lingchao gave him an annoyed look, and felt a little helpless: "Xia Min's death can't tell anyone. Alone, we have to think about how to explain when we return to China."

Bai Lufei frowned, a little speechless.

"Can you arrange for a martyr? It's a martyrdom." Xiaoyan looked at the two men and had been with Xia Min for so long. Guan Lingchao is willing to do anything, which is what she admires the most.

Guan Lingchao didn't speak, but looked at Bai Lufei.

In fact, Bai Lufei knew what Guan Lingchao meant. Xia Min was sick. This must not be said. Even if it was true, it would be an insult to Xia Min. Xia Min also passed away, let alone let her have a bad reputation, but Xia Min did. Wasn't it a joke to arrange for her to be a martyr after treason and a military spy

Xiaoyan blinked: "Actually, to put it bluntly, history is controlled by the victors. You are the leader of the country. You can do what you say. No one will object. Xia Min has been really pitiful during this time." of."

Guan Lingchao looked at Xiaoyan with a serious face: "We have to write according to the truth of history, not whatever you want. No one can tamper with history, and no matter how much tampering is done, the facts cannot be tampered with."

Xiaoyan stuck out her tongue: "Okay, I'm sorry."

Guan Lingchao sighed. In fact, what Xiaoyan said was not unreasonable. It was indeed like this before. No one knew whether history was true or false. Does anyone know

"I think, let's plan a conspiracy." Bai Lufei suddenly said, "Isn't the prince of the United States going to die? Let's arm ourselves as islanders and kill the prince to completely break the relationship between them. It was impossible to launch a war, and then we said that Xia Min was killed by the islanders, we took the opportunity to join forces with the Americans, and finally killed the Americans, and we unified the entire world."

In fact, the United States has been bullying other countries with its economic power, or sanctioning other countries. This has made Guan Lingchao unhappy for a long time. Guan Lingchao thinks this is feasible, and this is also the purpose of their coming here, so he called back all the secret agents. Guan Lingchao went to battle in person. He first disguised himself as a Chinese medicine doctor to see the prince. After several inspections, he finally entered the core. Guan Lingchao is very good at acting. First, he checked the prince's lower body in a manner, and Guan Lingchao finally understood Xia Xia's private parts. Why did Min commit suicide? She was testing the poison with her body. If the crown prince died, she would not live for a long time. Suddenly Guan Lingchao felt uncomfortable, and wanted to recognize Xia Min as a martyr in his heart.

"I need a quiet environment to treat the prince of your country. There are too many people here, and I hope to remove these monitors. My medical skills will not be disclosed." Guan Lingchao said solemnly.

Those bodyguards were all stunned. It's okay to remove people, but it's definitely not okay to remove the monitoring. Something is going to happen, and the bodyguards all shook their heads.

Guan Lingchao took the medicine box, with a helpless expression on his face: "Then I can't help it, please hire someone else." He said and left.

The dying prince lying on the bed said weakly: "Remove, listen to him, hurry up."

When the doctor checked his body just now, he felt comfortable in his heart, and his body seemed to be much more comfortable. He felt that this doctor was capable, and he was alone, so he would definitely not do anything to him .

All the bodyguards nodded, and left the room one by one, and turned off all the monitors. Guan Lingchao took out a few silver needles and pierced the prince's body in several large points. Immediately, the prince felt comfortable all over, and heaved a long sigh.

"Three times a day, three hours at a time, within five days is enough, but now my visa is about to expire, I have to go back, you can ask your nurse to help you." Guan Lingchao smiled at the prince, turned to ask Walk.

The crown prince stopped Guan Lingchao: "Aren't you afraid that your medical skills will spread? You should stay here. Let alone a visa, I can even get you a green card from the United States."

Guan Lingchao laughed: "Okay."

The prince's spirit has indeed recovered a lot, which makes everyone very happy. The President of the United States wants to meet Guan Lingchao, but Guan Lingchao is very arrogant and refuses to see him. , must bring Guan Lingchao into the presidential palace, the President of the United States had no choice but to give up.

Everyone saw that the prince recovered day by day, he ate more food, his energy improved, and he also drank traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning. He himself felt in good health, felt that his Qi and blood were flowing, and had a strong urge to .

"Drink this medicine for another three days and it will be fine. There will be urges in these three days, which means that you have fully recovered. Remember, you must not have intercourse, or something will happen." Guan Lingchao confessed, but in fact he did not The crown prince's illness was not cured, it was just an illusion, and the prince had hallucinations, thinking that his body and spirit were good, but as long as he had intercourse, he would definitely die suddenly. Guan Lingchao specifically told the bodyguards and nurses, Pay extra attention to the prince's actions in these three days.

Sure enough, as Guan Lingchao said, on the second night, the prince felt his forehead was inflated, and a rush of blood wanted to break through his forehead. His lower body was very excited and arrogant. Guan Lingchao secretly thought it was funny, and gave a nurse a After taking the medicine, let her go in to take care of the prince’s diet. In fact, some medicine ingredients were added to the prince’s medicine. Broken, howling, alarming everyone.

Everyone went to look for Guan Lingchao again, but they couldn't find him, but found out his true identity, he was actually an islander. This made the prince of the United States very angry, and immediately sent troops to the embassy of the island country. A bodyguard saw Guan Lingchao in the embassy The figure of the President of the United States made people attack him without saying a word, and the result can be imagined.

Guan Lingchao's move was surprisingly successful. The two countries fought a war, and the result was that they killed one thousand enemies and suffered eight hundred losses. The island country suffered heavy losses, and the United States also suffered unspeakably. The raid directly blew up the base of the island country. The situation of the island country was in jeopardy. The United States believed that Guan Lingchao was helping him. As a result, it stepped up military operations against the island country. In the end, the island country had to surrender and signed a surrender document.

Guan Lingchao's other team directly attacked the military armed forces of the United States, which caught them off guard and almost died. Only then did the United States realize the power of China and had to declare a truce. Guan Lingchao showed great generosity and stopped the war Now, the two countries live in peace, the United States no longer bullies other countries as a big country, and the permanent member of the council is also led by China, and other countries follow suit.

China has taught the United States a lesson, and other countries are very happy. Naturally, they support China and join them. The United States is isolated and can only choose to obey.

After Guan Lingchao returned to China, he recognized Xia Min as a martyr. She died in the battle and restored the Xia family's position in the central government. The Xia family knew Guan Lingchao's thoughts and rejected them. Concubine Xia died, and Xia Min died. Seemingly recruiting safety is actually a means for them, they might as well live the rest of their lives honestly, and they all rejected Guan Lingchao's kindness.

An Qi never knew the real cause of Xia Min's death, she really thought that Xia Min really died in the battle, so she didn't have any objection to Guan Lingchao's recognition of Xia Min as a martyr.

Xu Ruyi gave birth to a beautiful girl. She finally realized how powerful Guan Lingchao is. After discussing with Guan Zhentian, both of them decided to resign from the central government and prepare to start some business. Understood, he can handle so many things by himself, no need to say how amazing he is.

Guan Lingchao and An Qi took Guan Yan to the mountain to visit Guan Lingcheng, who had become a monk. They didn’t know whether Guan Lingcheng, who was bald and wearing cassocks, frightened Guan Yan or what happened. Guan Yan kept crying when he saw Guan Lingcheng. He was afraid that he would not go In his arms, Guan Lingcheng remained expressionless, unwilling to say a word.

"Yan Yan, this is the second uncle, come here, call someone." At this moment, Guan Yan can speak, no matter how An Qi coaxes him, Guan Yan just doesn't speak, with a look of fear and hostility, which makes An Qi very speechless, I took Guan Yan to see the scenery, leaving Guan Lingchao and Guan Lingcheng alone.

"You just need to take care of him, and go see Concubine Xia for me when you have time." Guan Lingcheng said, "I don't have any thoughts now, don't come here again, you are doing very well, and parents will be at ease if you know, especially Father, he was right."

Guan Lingchao looked at Guan Lingcheng and said nothing. He used to be a brother of the same mother, but now he is like this. It is indeed quite chilling.

After returning from the mountain, Guan Yan fell ill, An Qi was in a hurry, and took care of him day and night, unable to sleep every night, Guan Yan was not feeling well, so he wanted someone to hug him, but other people couldn’t do it, so he had to An Qi It’s okay to hug and coax. In less than a week, An Qi lost a lot of weight, and her dark circles became worse. The whole person is so thin that it makes people feel distressed. Guan Lingchao is busy with state affairs and only comes home at night. Sometimes he is on a business trip. There are really many things I can't take care of it.

Zhou Yuting, Bai Jingqi, Bai Lufei and Xiaoyan held a wedding together, which made Mrs. Bai grieve from ear to ear. She fed her two sons and daughter-in-law soup all day long, and looked at An Qi's child with red eyes. Zhou Yuting and Xiaoyan couldn't bear to be hugged by a baby, and they fled to An Qi's side for refuge together.

And the two brothers of the Bai family suffered from nosebleeds every day, and when their wife ran away, they naturally followed.

An Qi originally thought that Zhou Yuting and Xiaoyan would be able to help her and take care of the children, but the two couples played mahjong at her home, which made people speechless.

Mrs. Zhou felt sorry for An Qi, and moved to An Qi's side. Besides taking care of the children, she also helped An Qi to make up her body every day. She felt that An Qi was too thin. Shui Lingling, looks very beautiful, wearing a beautiful princess dress, envious of Angel.

When Guan Lingchao came back from abroad, he announced that he was going to take a vacation. All the big and small things were handed over to the Prime Minister Bai Lufei and the head of the Ministry of State Security Bai Jingqi. For a while, he was full of resentment and asked Guan Lingchao why he exploited him like this.

Unexpectedly, Guan Lingchao's answer made Bai Lufei vomit blood, Guan Lingchao said very calmly: "Who told you to play mahjong at my house."

Bai Lufei vomited blood, how could there be such a vengeful villain.

The night was like water, and everyone went to rest. Guan Lingchao came to the open-air balcony with two goblets. An Qi, who had a rare rest, was standing on the balcony looking up at the stars. waist, kissed her cheek: "My wife, you have worked hard."

An Qi turned around and hugged Guan Lingchao, and kissed him back: "It's not hard work, it's you who worked hard."

He has so many things to do and is a flying man all day, so of course he is tired.

"Oh, it's really tiring." Guan Lingchao sighed and nestled on An Qi's shoulder, "But it's just tiring, there are still some things to do."

An Qi blinked, and looked at Guan Lingchao innocently: "What is it?"

"Do you think the little princess of the elder brother's family is cute?"

An Qi nodded vigorously, but Guan Lingchao hugged her all of a sudden, and said treacherously: "Then let's have a little princess too."

An Qi's face was flushed, and she hugged Guan Lingchao, very shy, and beat Guan Lingchao's back with her small hands, and said delicately: "What kind of thoughts are you full of?"

Think about these things all day long.

"I'm fine." Guan Lingchao leaned down, kissed An Qi, and looked at An Qi charmingly. An Qi was very shy. It's true that they haven't made love for a long time, but she is a bit born.

Guan Lingchao didn't care about this, and just bent down.

"Honey, I love you until I can't love you anymore."

The man's declaration is as clear and clear as the moon outside the window. Although it is simple, without gorgeous words, and without a lifetime vow, it just moved An Qi. She was really glad that she chose this man at the beginning and was willing to spend the rest of her life with him. until the end of life.

"I love you too, until we leave this world." An Qi hugged Guan Lingchao with moist eyes.

With you for a lifetime, no matter how hard it is, with you for a lifetime, I am willing to go far. As long as you are by my side and accompany me to grow old, I will never leave.

The moonlight was bright and clear, witnessing the lovers slowly fade away, even she felt a little shy.

-----Off Topic-----

After writing this, "Flash Marriage at the Military Gate" is completely over, everyone's ending has been written, although it is not very good, but this is the ending in my heart, a thousand readers a thousand Hamlet, as a novice, I I still need to learn a lot, thank you for your support and encouragement, in the next article, I will continue to work hard, thank you all.

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