Commander in Chief’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 12: Awkward Guan Shao


An Qi pretended to be shopping while holding the surrounding products to disguise herself, while looking at Guan Zhentian, watching him enter the coffee shop she had an appointment with Feiying, and after a closer look, she saw that she was sitting by the window wearing a peaked cap The man in the room, that person is her partner Feiying.

Seeing Guan Zhentian walking slowly towards the direction where Feiying was sitting, she suddenly felt her heart beating faster. An Qi grabbed the things in her hands nervously, but she was also surprised that she had undergone special training for so many years, and she hadn't touched any scenes. How about it? Why is she so nervous just meeting her today

"Miss... Miss..." Someone patted An Qi on the shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Angie turned back with a glaring look.

How could someone interrupt at a critical moment.

The girl selling things was frightened by An Qi's fierce appearance, her fingers trembling while pointing at the things in her hand, tremblingly said: "You... still buy things?"

Looking down at the merchandise in her hand, An Qi immediately put it down, walked a few steps to hide behind the pillars outside the coffee shop, and looked at Feiying again, and found that he was no longer in the store, and Guan Zhentian had disappeared .

Strange, in less than a minute, he disappeared without a trace.

Just as he was thinking, the phone rang beeping, and he answered impatiently, "Who is that?"

The first time she followed someone, she was lost, and An Qi was very upset.

"Why are you so fierce?" Guan Lingchao's tone on the other side of the phone was very inexplicable, "Where are you? Why did you leave Concubine Xia alone in the wolf's den? Speed up, show me in three minutes, otherwise, hum. "

The latter two hums felt unthreatening.

"Okay, got it." Rolling her eyes, An Qi swaggered into the coffee shop, not afraid of being discovered, and left after searching around but did not find the two of them. When she left, she sent Feiying a message asking where is he.

Feiying quickly responded to the message saying that the diarrhea was in the bathroom.

Angie almost swears.

"I don't know if there is something wrong with their coffee. I drank three or four cups of coffee while I was waiting for you, but I didn't expect to have diarrhea." As if knowing that An Qi would be angry, Fei Ying called immediately, "I can't do it, I have to go back to the organization to get some medicine, or my old life will die."

"You don't even ask me what I want from you."

"Okay, tell me."

"I want to know who gave me the mission to lurk beside Guan Lingchao?"

"My eldest lady, it's not that you are not clear about our regulations, you will never disclose the information of the guests."

An Qi was speechless: "You have to be clear, he is in the dark, and I am in the open. I appeared next to Guan Lingchao and married him in a flash. That person could easily guess that I am a secret agent. It is too unsafe, and I cannot expose it."

"Who told you you were exposed?"

"Isn't this tantamount to exposing me?" An Qi raised her voice, "Is there something wrong with your IQ? Well, they gave us a mission to send agents to Guan Lingchao's side, and then I appeared next to Guan Lingchao and talked with him. He is married, do you think my identity has been exposed?"

Feiying on the other side of the phone didn't speak.

"You must tell me who this person is, or I will evacuate immediately." An Qi said coldly.

"Sorry, I refuse to tell you." Feiying said lightly.

An Qi was startled, a bit of pain flooded her heart, and even more shock, she curled her lips and sneered: "Then you mean to sacrifice me?"

Feiying said helplessly: "An Qi, I hope you can understand."

After finishing speaking, the phone was hung up. Looking at the phone that had been hung up, An Qi was stunned.

This is the organization she worked for and sacrificed herself? He actually abandoned her at this time and let her live and die. No wonder Lin Xiao threatened Long Jingteng with death to withdraw from the action team. In front of the mission, the lives of these agents are worthless at all, thinner than paper.

Ha ha, An Qi sneered in her heart.

Standing in front of the escalator, he saw Guan Lingchao standing in front of the hair salon, looking like a playboy.

After sorting out her emotions, An Qi stepped down the escalator and came to Guan Lingchao.

"Oh, mom." Seeing An Qi, Guan Lingchao took two steps back, his eyes widened, damn, it's just a change of clothes, why does it feel like a new daughter-in-law.

"Are you my daughter-in-law, An Qi?" Guan Ling looked An Qi up and down, "Why does it look like a different daughter-in-law?"

Dressed in a small and fresh style, with neat bangs and straight long hair, she instantly changed from a charming girl to a pure girl. Guan Lingchao patted his heart, feeling that he couldn't bear it.

This change is too big.

"What's the matter?" An Qi was a little curious, "Concubine Xia said she looks so pretty, what do you think?"

"It's not good-looking, what kind of eyes do you have?" Guan Lingchao's face was stinky. At first, he thought that she was too revealing in those clothes, and let those soldiers see him suffer. He thought that it would be better to be more conservative. Now it's okay. Yes, a perfectly fine underage girl.

Into the army, he is the one who suffers.

Guan Lingchao felt that he was at a loss.

Seeing Guan Lingchao with a rather tangled expression, An Qi couldn't help feeling amused: "What are you doing? You have such...painful expression?"

Originally, she wanted to say distorted, but when she thought about Guan Lingchao's character, she became a little perverted and distorted. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she changed to a more euphemistic term.

"It's okay." Guan Lingchao waved his hand, and decided to talk to that beast, Bai Lufei, about life, and it would be more practical to talk about his ideals.

Guan Lingchao turned around and left, subconsciously reaching for An Qi's hand, An Qi froze.

"What's going on?" Guan Lingchao turned to look at her, "I'm already asleep, why are you ashamed?"

By the way, it was also the first time for him to hold a woman's hand in public, and he wasn't shy, but this woman who slept with him was actually shy.

"Should we wait for Concubine Xia?" An Qi whispered.

"Let's go, I was picked up by my second brother, you, just wait, I left Concubine Xia alone in the wolf's den, waiting for my second brother to skin you."

"Ah?" Guan Lingcheng also came

"Ah what?" Guan Lingchao raised his eyebrows, "Don't be afraid, with your husband and me, let's go to the army now, hehe, he and I are not in the same military region, so don't be afraid of him."

Saying that, he took An Qi and left.

"Aren't you going home to get something?"

"Why are you so wordy, woman? The army has everything, what do you take?" Those clothes are so ugly, even if he got the army, he would throw them away. He thought it through clearly, and when he entered the army, he would let An Qi wear those ugly green military uniforms, and see who would dare to covet his wife again.

But when the army asked An Qi to wear a military uniform, Guan Lingchao really wanted to cry.

Nima, ugly women with bad figures can cause headaches, but beautiful women with good figures can be even more troublesome.

Looking at An Qi, who was wearing a green military uniform and a belt, Guan Lingchao had the urge to hit the wall. If An Qi's figure is so hot, it is simply a temptation in uniform. She is seducing him, and this is for the troops. How about? It is simply a disaster.

"What's the matter with you?" Frowning, An Qi looked at the very abnormal Guan Lingchao.

"Take off."

"What are you taking off?"

"Take off your military uniform."

"Why do you want to take it off? Isn't it very good?" An Qi was proud, and turned around in front of the mirror. Well, it showed her figure very well. She never knew that she was so beautiful in a military uniform.

"Are you a soldier? Who told you to wear a military uniform?" Guan Ling raised his eyebrows and glared at An Qi.

"You are sick, you are the one who told me to wear it, and now you tell me to take it off, so what should I wear? Naked running?" An Qi was also very annoyed after being tossed about, she found out that Guan Lingchao was not a man at all. Normal people are thirty years old, and they are still so brain-dead, they get cramps at every turn.

The person who arranged tasks for the organization thought of Guan Lingchao so much that he regarded him as an enemy.

"There's so much nonsense, if you tell you to take it off, you can take it off." For so many years in the army, Guan Lingchao has always been the role of reprimanding others, and no one has ever dared to disobey him or challenge him. Not happy anymore.

Women, you have to clean up.

"Take off your sister." An Qi threw the military uniform on Guan Lingchao, put on a large T-shirt, and left the room. When she left, she closed the door so hard that Guan Lingchao almost thought there was an earthquake.

This hot temper.