Commander in Chief’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 20: was stopped at the door


The waiting time for the red light is 90 seconds, and Bai Lufei's car has already turned around. I am afraid that Guan Lingchao will appear downstairs in the apartment in less than 90 seconds.

"Sorry, master, I have to get out of the car." Throwing down the money, An Qi opened the door and went out.

The driver master expressed his understanding, after all, catching rape is the top priority.

An Qi glanced back, and she could still see the apartment building from a distance. If she ran back the same way, then Guan Lingchao and Bai Lufei in the car would definitely see it, not to mention whether they saw it or not. , Passing by photographers will take photos and upload them online at any time. To be on the safe side, she still takes a detour.

She raised her wrist, glanced at the watch, and immediately turned the small ear next to her. Suddenly, a map appeared on the surface of the watch, covering the surface of the watch. Her watch is not an ordinary watch. It has a satellite positioning system and Navigation, she can use it when she is on a mission or field training.

Call up your location and see the shortcut reported on the map.

With a slight smile on her lips, An Qi immediately followed the navigation route and ran all the way there.

Bai Lufei parked the car, looked out the window, and whispered to Guan Lingchao, motioning him to look over: "Your wife is very obedient, you just call her, and she will obediently wait downstairs."

Guan Ling looked up, and saw An Qi standing downstairs obediently, with her hands folded in front of her, like a little daughter-in-law.

Guan Lingchao pursed his lips and smiled, striding towards An Qi.

"How did you get down?"

"In order not to waste time, I came down first." An Qi smiled.

"Why is your face so flushed?" Guan Ling raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, there was a problem with the elevator just now. I was walking up the stairs, so I might be in a hurry." An Qi explained, patting her chest lightly. Fortunately, she didn't waste her basic skills these years, and rushed to the apartment downstairs before Guan Lingchao arrived. Otherwise...

Hearing that An Qi came down the stairs, Guan Lingchao turned pale with shock, and his face was very ugly: "Don't do this next time, how unsafe is it to walk the stairs alone?"

Coming down from the fifteenth floor, he was a little scared just thinking about it.

Angie burst out laughing.

Seeing An Qi's indifference, she growled, "Remember, if you commit the crime again, you will be dealt with by military law."

"Okay, I know." An Qi replied obediently, "Shall we get in the car?"

"Yeah." Guan Lingchao took An Qi's hand and walked across the road, caring for her very much, checking left and right to see if there was a car, and carefully escorting An Qi to the front of the car.

"Tsk tsk, it's the first time I've seen Guan Shao being so caring. Sister-in-law, you are so happy." Bai Lufei sarcastically said to Guan Lingchao, "You don't know that Guan Shao has been single for thirty years. Before we married you, we still thought He's GAY, I didn't expect our Young Master Guan to be iron-blooded and tender."

Guan Lingchao glared at Bai Lufei: "Drive your car well."

An Qi pursed her lips and smiled, but she was a little nervous. Guan Lingchao held her hand and could feel her stiffness, as if she was still trembling.

"What's going on?" Guan Lingchao frowned.

"I... When I heard that I was going to meet the chief executive, I was... nervous."

Looking through the indoor mirror, Bai Lufei couldn't help but sneered when he saw the woman behind him looking like a little bird. This woman really knew where Guan Lingchao's deathbed was, so she probably could spot Guan Lingchao.

"Don't be afraid, sister-in-law. Now that you have the flesh and blood of Young Master Guan, you should be the one who deserves it. You must know that the eldest and second young master of the Guan family have been married for three or four years, and there has been no movement. Now you are late Go ashore, this is your capital." Bai Lufei smiled.

"Shut up." Guan Ling looked at Bai Lufei viciously, and raised his fist at him, Bai Lufei closed his mouth obediently.

"Don't be nervous. My father is also an ordinary person. Besides, an ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her in-laws. You are not afraid of my mother, but are you afraid that my father will fail?" Guan Lingchao smiled softly and patted An Qi on the back.

Angie nodded.

The car soon arrived at the Guan family compound, Bai Lufei parked the car, asked Guan Lingchao and An Qi to get out of the car, poked his head out to look at the couple: "Say hello to the chief executive and his wife for me, I'm going back to the army first. "

Guan Lingchao shook his hand at him, and An Qi was also smiling.

Standing at the gate of the Guan family compound, seeing two rows of burly men in black suits and expressionless faces, An Qi suddenly felt that the atmosphere was very serious, and there was a chilling feeling. When she was receiving special training, among them One of them is to fight these killers. If you win, you win. If you lose, you may have to undergo cruel training again. At that time, she was only sixteen years old, and she existed like a nightmare.

The palms of her hands couldn't help sweating, and An Qi's steps were a little unsteady.

Holding An Qi's waist, Guan Lingchao was very surprised. This is the first time he has seen such a posture

"Don't be afraid." Guan Lingchao held An Qi's hand tightly and walked into the courtyard.

Seeing that it was Guan Lingchao, the bodyguards nodded their heads, but when they reached the gate, a tall man stopped him, and Guan Lingchao raised his eyebrows at him.

"Guan Shao, who is this lady?"

"She is my wife, An Qi." Guan Ling raised his eyebrows, "Did no one tell you?"

"Sorry, Master Guan, it's just a routine inspection." The man glanced at An Qi, holding an instrument in his hand, and swept An Qi from head to toe, frowning slightly, but didn't say anything.

"Have you found out anything?" Guan Ling raised his eyebrows, and looked at the man with a gloomy expression, and he knew what was going on by his expression.

"There's a Swiss Army knife in her bag." The man said blankly.

Guan Ling looked at An Qi, and found that her face was pale, her forehead was covered with beads of sweat, she was biting her lip, she was extremely weak.

"what happened?"

"I... I used it for self-defense..." Fortunately, she didn't put guns and other things in the bag, otherwise it would be easy to find out, and she would know that the Chief Executive is back, and it is not so easy to enter the Guan family compound Yes, I'm afraid a fly will fly in and check it out.

"Self-defense?" The man raised his eyebrows, and his tone was very cold, "That Swiss Army Knife is not owned by ordinary people, and it cannot be bought in the market."

An Qi secretly admired it. From that instrument alone, she could find out what the Swiss Army Knife looked like. It was powerful, indeed powerful, but she still looked terrified on the surface. Poor big eyes looked at him helplessly.

Guan Lingchao coughed lightly: "I gave the Swiss Army Knife to my daughter-in-law for self-defense, what's the problem?"

The man didn't speak, but he didn't let Guan Lingchao and An Qi in either, standing at the door like a pillar.

"What's going on?" The first lady's voice came from inside the room, "Is Ling Chao back? Let him in."

"Guan Shao please." The man made a gesture of invitation, Guan Lingchao supported An Qi to go, but who knew it was stopped by the man.

Guan Ling glanced at the man.

"Madam said to let Guan Shao in, but she didn't let this lady in."

Guan Lingchao's face suddenly turned livid and gloomy, and An Qi cried out inwardly.

Something is going to happen.