Commander in Chief’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 62: The wife is the biggest


A group of brats were booing and asking them to enter the bridal chamber on the playground. An Qi's face was red, and her little head got into Guan Lingchao's arms and refused to come out. Other students were booing and yelling, and neon lights formed a heart shape around the tent , There are still candles burning around, and the atmosphere is very intense.

An Qi still admires Guan Lingchao for thinking of these things. Due to the restrictions of his status as chief executive, he can't be too high-profile to complete the wedding with her. Now, with the help of this group of students, she seems to be a few years younger. Although she didn't go to school on campus, she suddenly It made up for her regrets and made her feel such an atmosphere.

"Oh, everyone, work hard, Madam is shy." Bai Lufei yelled.

It seemed that Bai Lufei was the one who took the lead in making a fuss.

The playful nature of the students was aroused. They are college students, the pillars of the country, they are also very concerned about current affairs and politics, and they have a passionate patriotic heart. High level, the new chief executive is a young man only 30 years old. They are very happy in their hearts. They hope to have the opportunity to chat with the chief executive, talk about the social ills and problems of the day, and some criticisms. They also hope that the country will be It is getting better and better, and the lives of the people are also very good, so everyone volunteered to participate in tonight's event.

"Don't make trouble, or I'll take it seriously." Guan Lingchao smiled, with a smug smile on his sharp-edged face, which made An Qi even more speechless.

"Come on Chief Executive, we support you, you are the best."

Encouraged by Guan Lingchao, he hugged An Qi across his waist and walked towards the tent. An Qi was terrified, and quickly grabbed the man's neck, blushing: "Are you serious?"

As soon as the words fell, the face was hit by raindrops, and the clear night sky suddenly rained, and the students present all became drowned in an instant. An Qi cherished the wedding dress, and quickly lifted up the skirt and stuffed it into her arms .

"Students, it's raining, go back to the dormitory quickly, the chief executive will come to see you sometime." Bai Lufei shouted with a loudspeaker.

The students with rain on their faces formed a very well-trained formation, saluted Guan Lingchao and An Qi, and shouted in unison: "Goodbye, Chief Executive and First Lady."

Immediately after finishing speaking, leave the playground in a very disciplined manner.

Guan Lingchao covered An Qi's head with his hands to protect her from the rain, and quietly watched the group of students who left, feeling very moved in his heart.

When they returned to the port villa, An Qi was drenched. Luckily, she called Xiaoyan earlier. She had already put in the bath water. Guan Lingchao carried An Qi into the bathroom and personally helped her take a bath.

"This wedding dress is so beautiful." An Qi couldn't put it down. It was her ideal wedding dress, but she didn't know how Guan Lingchao would know it. She turned to look at the man behind him who was rubbing his back, "Honey, how do you know that I like this dress?" A wedding dress?"

"Hey." Guan Lingchao just smiled and didn't answer. A pair of big hands walked on An Qi Meimei's back in an unruly manner, "Honey, today is our wedding day."

"Yeah." Guan Lingchao's big hands gently softened her back, which made her feel very comfortable. The fatigue of the day was gone, and she responded without answering. This made Guan Lingchao anxious, and emphasized again that today is the day of the big wedding.

"I know." An Qi was a little puzzled, looked at the man's smelly face, held his face and kissed it, "Why are you so unhappy?"

"Don't you forget what those children said on the playground? The wedding must be a bridal chamber." Guan Lingchao's tone was very aggrieved, and he glanced at An Qi sadly.

With a puff, An Qi laughed. It turned out that this was the case. This stinky man has always done his own thing, so why did he need her consent today

But she will also be shy, okay, where does she say she agrees? An Qi blushed, lying on the bathtub without saying a word, letting the man pinch her shoulders and enjoying herself to the fullest.

After the shower, it was a clear and breezy night, the air was fresh, and the air was filled with the smell of love. A couple on the bed were entangled with each other unrequitedly.

After Xiaoyan prepared breakfast, she asked An Qi to get up for dinner. When she got to the restaurant downstairs, she found that she was alone, and Guan Lingchao was not in the room, so she asked Xiaoyan where Guan Lingchao had gone.

"Mr. Bai picked him up early in the morning, and the chief executive told you to wait for his call." Xiaoyan replied obediently.

An Qi took a sip of milk, turned on the TV to watch the morning news, and saw Guan Lingchao's figure appearing on the TV. She saw that he was doing inspection work in the school and interviewed many students. An Qi took a closer look. The two students all helped to propose marriage last night. Thinking of that scene, An Qi's face turned red again, but just thinking about it, her eyes still fell on the TV. Guan Lingchao is more photogenic. Similarly, he is usually handsome and cold, but on TV, he is like a modest gentleman, gentle and refined, with a gentle smile on his face, listening to the students carefully, and his expression is very focused.

An Qi was suddenly very grateful that she had been able to get in touch with Guan Lingchao in her life, and also that she was Guan Lingchao's wife, and she was suddenly moved.

Just as she was thinking, the phone rang, and it was from Guan Lingchao. An Qi answered the phone with a smile on her lips, quiet and sweet.

"What are you doing?" Guan Lingchao's voice on the phone was very gentle.

"I was watching the news. I happened to see you. Did you go to school early in the morning?"

"Well, stop their mouths earlier so that the children won't talk nonsense." Guan Lingchao smiled lightly, "Have you eaten yet?"

An Qi nodded, then froze again, she nodded here, Guan Lingchao on the phone didn't know about it at all, so she laughed: "Xiaoyan made breakfast, by the way, what's the plan for today?"

"Go back to the action team and explain the matter. You haven't been back for more than half a year, have you?"


"You wait at home obediently, Lao Bai will come to pick you up later."

"I'll just drive myself."

"No, this is a procedure." Guan Lingchao said in a slightly serious tone, "You are the first lady, and everything must be strictly protected. If you don't like it, try to hold back, even if it's for me."

An Qi thought for a while, and nodded in response.

In fact, ever since Guan Lingchao became chief executive and they moved into the villa on the port side, the villa was suddenly surrounded inside and out. Even if Xiaoyan went out to buy vegetables, there were two or three people following her. The safety of life and property of the people inside.

Xiaoyan sighed more than once that she was a blessing in her previous life, and she was able to work as a nanny in the chief executive's house.

While waiting for Bai Lufei to come, An Qi went upstairs to take a look at the wedding dress. She was moved and liked it. Although Guan Lingchao didn't answer how she knew she liked such a wedding dress, she didn't either. After further questioning, in fact, no matter how she found out, as long as he did it for her, she would like it.

"Sister-in-law." Bai Lufei's voice appeared downstairs, An Qi put on her wedding dress and went downstairs, seeing Bai Lufei's refreshed look, she couldn't help but want to tease him again.

"Old Bai, are you in a good mood recently?"

"My waist is not sore and my back is not painful, so it tastes good after eating." Bai Lufei smiled.

"Where is Concubine Xia? How are you getting along?"

Bai Lufei was stunned for a moment: "Very good, there is no problem at all."

An Qi pursed her lips and smiled: "Then have you ever thought about marrying Concubine Xia?"

While drinking the tea that Xiaoyan brought over, Bai Lufei spouted water all the way away, staring at An Qi with big eyes: "Sister-in-law, you can eat more, but you can't talk too much. If... If you let others know Well, that’s fine? Besides, Second Young Master Guan is standing guard at the door, and I’m just following the chief executive’s arrangement to take care of Concubine Xia, so don’t think too much about it.”

"Really?" Angie wondered.

"Of course." Bai Lufei finished his tea hastily, took his coat and went out, "Sister-in-law, let's go quickly, don't waste the Chief Executive's time."

An Qi shook her head speechlessly as Bai Lunfei looked like a fleeing figure.

When Concubine Xia came out to take out the trash, she found that Guan Lingcheng was squatting at the door, still looking decadent, with stubble all over his face. Concubine Xia wondered if he had never left this place. She was still wearing this suit when she saw him a few days ago. Plaid shirt, it is still, now it is autumn, the weather is getting colder, he still wears so thin, isn't it cold

Seeing Concubine Xia coming out, Guan Lingcheng didn't speak, just looked at her quietly, seeing that her belly was getting bigger and bigger, he felt more regretful, and felt sorry for her. Seeing her all the time, it seems that only when he sees her, his heart will not be confused, otherwise it will make her sleepless.

"Do you... want to come in and have a cup of tea?" Concubine Xia, who was about to enter the room, finally opened her mouth.

Guan Lingcheng looked at Concubine Xia in surprise, and it took a long time before he realized and asked, "You... you let me in?"

Concubine Xia nodded lightly.

Like a child, Guan Ling was a bit restrained. After entering the room, he stood at the door helplessly. He looked like a down and out old man, without the vigor and self-confidence of the past. He looked so decadent. Concubine Xia lightly Sighing, brought a glass of water over: "Come and sit here."

As if in a lifetime, this man seemed to be far away from her.

Seeing him now, there is no hatred or love in my heart, it is very plain, just like a friend.

"Okay, thank you." Guan Lingcheng smiled bitterly, sat down, looked very uneasy, took a sip of tea from the cup, and then said in surprise, "Xiaofei, this is Dahongpao..."

His favorite tea is Da Hong Pao, unexpectedly... . Guan Lingcheng was very excited, grabbed Concubine Xia's hand, and tears welled up: "You still remember that I like to drink Dahongpao."

Tears welled up, Guan Ling cried like a child, Concubine Xia withdrew her hand awkwardly: "At home... there is only Dahongpao at home, don't think about it."

Because of Concubine Xia's words, Guan Lingcheng's originally hopeful eyes became dim again, but he still held hope in his heart, took a sip of tea, and stared at Concubine Xia's round belly: "Little can't Let the child be born without a father? Give me another chance, and I won't do anything to be sorry to you in the future."

Concubine Xia turned her face away: "One time of infidelity will not be tolerated for a lifetime, don't mention this matter again in the future, or you will leave right now."

"Oh..." Guan Lingcheng replied in disappointment, stopped talking, drank tea quietly, and drank one cup after another. I don't know if it was because he was too tired or what, Guan Lingcheng finally fell asleep sitting on the sofa. Concubine Xia watched After looking at it, there was a flash of distress in his eyes, he got up and went to Bai Lufei's room to get a coat to cover Guan Lingcheng, and lowered the temperature of the air conditioner in the room slightly.

Although it is autumn, the aftereffects of autumn tigers are still very severe. Sometimes in November, the weather is still very hot. Unless there is a snowfall, it will always be a hot season.

After doing all this, Concubine Xia went into the bedroom, turned on the radio, and Bandari's light music came from it, soothing and relaxing, she half-lyed on the bed and listened quietly, the radio was an antique, Bai Lufei said she was pregnant, Can’t touch electronic products, especially computers, which have radiation effects, so I moved all the electronic products in her room to the study, such as mobile phones, computers, IPADs, etc. In the end, there were only rows of pregnancy-related information in the room. He also said that it is better for the fetus to listen to music. He got an old radio from somewhere and bought a bunch of tapes. She was surprised that these things still exist and have not become history.

Listening to the light music quietly, Concubine Xia gradually fell asleep.

In fact, An Qi didn't want Guan Lingcheng to go to the action team with her. After all, the action team was hidden and not anyone could get in, but Guan Lingchao insisted on going in. An Qi had no choice but to take Guan Lingchao in.

The place where the action team is located is inconspicuous at all. There are several research institutes hanging on the gate outside. In fact, places like this are just tricks to sell dog meat. It's a certain place, just to better conceal myself.

The Chief Executive came so suddenly, the action team had no precautions, they were all playing poker, when they suddenly saw An Qi and the Chief Executive appearing in the office, they were all taken aback, and immediately hid the poker cards with all their might, Stand side by side one by one, with a serious look, salute and say hello to the chief executive.

"Has master come back?" An Qi asked Feiying in a low voice, ignoring Guan Lingchao.

If Feiying hadn't stuffed the passionate video about Xia Min in her pocket, and if Feiying hadn't notified Guan Lingchao to save her in time, she might have lost her life, so she doesn't have any prejudice against Feiying now. The task is also a matter of business. Now that the problems have been solved, there is nothing to say.

"Inside." Feiying poked the innermost office.

Angel pulled Guan Lingchao in.

An old man in a white Tang suit was sitting cross-legged on a futon and meditating. The whole room was very quiet. When Guan Lingchao came in, he had the same shocked expression as An Qi when he saw the Chief Executive. He looked at An Qi, then at The man was astonished.

"Like it?"

Although An Qi only said this sentence, Guan Lingchao knew what he meant, so he nodded.

Yes, the man in front of him is very similar to his father Guan Weiguo. If he hadn't witnessed his father's death and burial, he would have thought that the man in front of him was really his father. Although they are not very similar in appearance, they are It's very similar, an indescribable feeling.

"Master." An Qi said softly.

The man slowly opened his eyes, looked at An Qi, then at Guan Lingchao beside An Qi, smiled faintly, got up from the futon, and nodded slightly to Guan Lingchao: "I have seen the chief executive."

Guan Lingchao was unfamiliar with the old man in front of him. His father left too suddenly, and many things were not entrusted to him. Except for some face-saving things, he had to explore and understand many other things by himself. It was already a headache for him to meet people from all walks of life every day. Even so, he knew that his responsibility was heavier than Mount Tai, and he did not relax in the slightest. Now this old man appeared in front of him like a mystery.

He was calm and calm, with a gentle smile on his face, so that people could not see his inner thoughts. His expression was so relaxed, like an outsider.

"An Qi, congratulations."

"Thank you Master for your cultivation."

"I think... there is no need for the action team to exist anymore." The man suddenly said, and glanced at An Qi, "Jing Teng retired before, and now you are retiring, and I will leave soon. If you want to leave, you just came today, so let’s disband the action team.”

An Qi was stunned. Although the operation team had strict requirements and hard training, it was the place where she grew up. If it was really said that it was disbanded, she would still be reluctant to part with it. She grew up from a baby, thanks to Master. The biggest problem is that the master is equal to her father. How could she lose her father after she got married

"The action team belongs to the national army, and you can't disband it just by saying it." Guan Lingchao said lightly, "You're getting old, and there's a new person in charge."

An Qi looked at Guan Lingchao, as if she knew what he meant and what he was thinking.

"I haven't asked senior Gao's name yet."

The man glanced at Guan Lingchao, and smiled faintly: "Is your name important to you? Is it important who you are? People in our business all have false identities, and sometimes they don't even know who they are. "

"Then there must be an identity, right?" Guan Lingchao smiled faintly, "If you don't want to tell me, let me guess. I think you are Guan Weijun, right?"

An Qi and Guan Weijun were taken aback at the same time. Even if An Qi didn't know who Guan Weijun was before, but now that she heard what Guan Lingchao said, she knew that Guan Weijun was Guan Weiguo's younger brother, his own younger brother. His younger brother Guan Weijun disappeared in an earthquake, and his life and death are unknown. There are rumors that Guan Weiguo secretly killed his younger brother because he was afraid that his younger brother would rob him of his position as Chief Executive. , In fact, many rumors are passed around and lose their authenticity. In the end, no one knows what the truth is.

Guan Weijun smiled and nodded slightly: "I am indeed your uncle."

"Why?" An Qi was a little puzzled this time. He was willing to be an unknown person for the rest of his life. Why

"The so-called politics always requires sacrifice. At that time, my brother Guan Weiguo and I were the only one who could become the chief executive. I never liked this kind of life that was exposed and had no privacy. I voluntarily withdrew from the general election and became a soldier stationed in the frontier. In an earthquake, I almost died. At that time, your father had just become the chief executive. He was facing a lot of pressure and opposition. He was isolated and helpless. As a brother, I could only stand up. Form a special task force dedicated to him."

Angie understood.

Guan Lingchao also nodded. He was not interested in the events of the past twenty years. He always guessed that his uncle was not dead, but no one in the family mentioned it. The aunt who had a relationship before would still talk about it. She immigrated to Guam, and never set foot in the gate of the closed family again. She claimed that she would not become a family with the person who killed her brother. He was only ten years old at that time, and he didn't know about those things.

"I want to know An Qi's life experience." Guan Lingchao said.

"Who An Qi is should not be so important to you. Whoever she is will not affect her being your wife, nor will she pose any threats." Guan Weijun seemed to know An Qi's identity, but he seemed to be I don't know, it seems to be trying to persuade Guan Lingchao.

"Really?" Guan Lingchao smiled faintly, "Didn't you find out about An Qi's identity when you adopted her?"

Yes, why not? The action group is not a charity organization, and it will not adopt a child for no reason. At that time, he almost searched all over the country but could not find any information about An Qi's biological parents. At that time, An Qi was obedient and hardworking. Qi lost her home again, and was finally adopted and trained to be an excellent agent, but can he say these things

Guan Weijun shook his head: "Some things are often achieved but not achieved. If you let go, it may be another world. After your father passed away, I think you should be more open-minded? You can't fight alone, you have to Comrades in arms need allies. It is very difficult for one person to enter the world. The so-called father and son soldiers, blood relatives are still the most important. You are still young. Your father was already 40 years old when he became the chief executive. You are younger than him, smarter and farsighted than him. , but you have to remember Guan Lingchao, you are a soldier, soldiers go to battle, it is difficult for one person to form an army, and you cannot control the world by yourself, what you need is the help of your brother."

Guan Weijun's words were very profound and made people think about the meaning of these words, Guan Lingchao pursed his lips and remained silent.

"Master..." An Qi fell to her knees with a thump, "You have raised me for twenty years. People say that you are a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of your life. In my heart, you have always been my father. I hope you don't Disband the organization, I hope can help Ling Chao a lot, he is still young, there are still many things he doesn't understand, and he needs your promotion."

An Qi knew Guan Weijun well, and when he said such words, it was a bit broken, and he was also warning Guan Lingchao. Now the Guan family is only supported by Guan Lingchao, and Guan Zhentian is traveling around the world with Xu Ruyi. Guan Lingcheng is very decadent. The Guan family was like a mess, she always felt that the He family had ambitions, especially He Shaohua, she was afraid that He Shaohua would rebel one day, but she didn't have enough evidence, so she didn't dare to speak, nor did she dare to speculate.

Guan Lingchao should gather the Xu family, Zhou family, and Bai family to twist into a hemp rope. No matter who invades, there will be no mistakes. Now, except for the Bai family and Guan Lingchao, everyone else seems to be very quiet. Before Guan Lingchao dealt with the Xia family , making other families a little scared, she doesn't understand politics, but she doesn't want anything to happen to Guan Lingchao.

One will succeed and all will die.

"Go back." Guan Weijun said lightly, "Just pretend you've never been here before."

"Master..." An Qi begged, "Who told me to lurk beside Guan Lingchao to take his life? Is it you? I don't believe it, is it the Chief Executive? I don't believe it either. Don't pursue it anymore, master, why don't you want to open a little bit?"

Guan Weijun chuckled: "An Qi, are you still so emotional?"

Angie bowed her head and said nothing.

"Honey, let's go." Guan Lingchao pulled An Qi up and glanced at Guan Weijun, "Take care of yourself, and go to Guam to visit your aunt when you have time. She never showed up when her father passed away. I think she is always thinking about it." It's you."

For Guan Weiguo's chief executive position, Guan Weijun is willing to be invisible. He has never married and has no children. He is very kind to these people under his command, especially An Qi. After getting out of the car, there were still tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Didn't you hear him? You're too sentimental."

"I've always been a woman." An Qi sighed softly, "Ling Chao, tell me, did you drug your father? Do you remember the incident when he was poisoned?"

This is something he has never figured out. Although Guan Lingchao has repeatedly emphasized the past, but for some reason, after seeing Guan Weijun today, such thoughts suddenly popped up in her mind. She was a little scared. Only he can prescribe medicine to Guan Weiguo, and Guan Weiguo also said that he would not pursue it.

If Guan Weijun prescribes the drug, what is the reason? What is the purpose

"I'm going to send him to Guam for retirement." Guam is actually a small island in the Pacific Ocean. After my aunt and his father had a quarrel, the whole family first immigrated to the United States. Later, a letter told them to buy a small island in the Pacific Ocean. It was named Guam, and it has been living there since then. Now it has developed very well. Although he has never been there, and has not contacted his aunt again, he knows that his father has always paid attention to it.

"You still have an aunt?" An Qi was a little surprised. She had never heard them mention it, and hadn't found any information.

"I haven't been in touch with my father since I broke up with him." Guan Lingchao smiled lightly, "I have become close to my uncle's family."

An Qi glanced at Guan Lingchao, and murmured: "Ling Chao, I have a bold hypothesis..."


"Did you feel... your uncle is not simple? I always feel that he is coming menacingly, maybe..." An Qi suddenly hugged Guan Lingchao's arm, "I am afraid that you will also be drugged and murdered suddenly, I always feel... your uncle There are some unspeakable things, like the black shop that takes human organs."

Guan Lingchao patted An Qi's hand and smiled: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Old Bai, let's drive." Guan Lingchao instructed Bai Lufei who was in front of him, and Bai Lufei shrugged, started the car and left.

An Qi was about to say something, but suddenly her face turned pale, and she tightly grasped Guan Lingchao's arm with both hands, frightening Guan Lingchao at a loss: "What's wrong with you, my wife?"

"I..." An Qi clutched her stomach, her face was pale and her lips were bloodless, "I... my aunt is here, and my stomach hurts."

"Go to the hospital, go to the hospital." Guan Lingchao asked Bai Lufei to turn around and go to the military hospital.

An Qi held back the pain and smiled wryly: "Stomach pain doesn't affect much. You don't need to go to the hospital. This doctor can't help you. Go home and cook some brown sugar ginger soup."

Bai Lufei had no choice but to turn around and go back to the villa at the port.

"Ah, stop, stop." Passing by a convenience store, An Qi immediately asked Bai Lufei to park on the side of the road, which made Guan Lingchao and Bai Lufei puzzled, this stomachache should go home quickly, why How about stopping halfway

An Qi blushed, did not speak, and struggled to get out of the car.

"What are you doing?" Guan Lingchao grabbed An Qi, pulled her into his arms, and refused to let her get out of the car. He said domineeringly, "What are you doing when you get out of the car? Let me do something."

An Qi blushed and muttered, Guan Lingchao didn't hear what she said clearly, so she frowned and asked again.

"She said she was going to buy little wings." Bai Lufei chuckled.

An Qi lowered her head and blushed in embarrassment. The aunt who hadn't visited for a long time came suddenly. She was completely unprepared, and there was no winglet in her bag now. It would be impossible not to buy it.

Guan Lingchao was stunned, and seeing Bai Lufei gesticulating in front of him, he suddenly understood: "Oh, oh, I see, I'll go buy it now."

After speaking, he got out of the car.

An Qi was stunned, and it took a long time to react: "Old Bai, hurry up and protect Ling Chao."

Bai Lufei twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, really defeated by this couple.

An Qi waited in the car for a long time, and when she was about to fall asleep, she saw Guan Lingchao and Bai Lufei running over with two big bags in each hand. An Qi's eyeballs were about to pop out. When panting and throwing the big bag of little wings into the car, the whole person was dumbfounded.

"You bought so many?" A total of eight large supermarket plastic bags, is this enough for her to use for several years

"I..." Guan Lingchao didn't know what to say.

"Guan Shao is the first time to buy this kind of thing for a woman. He has no experience, he doesn't know which brand is good, and he doesn't know which model is better, so he uses it every day and night, and buys all brands." In the driver's seat Bai Lufei added an explanation, but he suppressed a smile.

Men are also cute when they are serious, and of course they are also very lame.

An Qi held back her smile, held Guan Lingchao's face and kissed him, what a lovely man.

Although it is trivial to buy these things, it can be seen how concerned, nervous and cared he is for her.

"Try each of them, and buy the one you like later." Guan Lingchao said.

An Qi is really speechless, try each of them, do you want to waste it like this? But the man had good intentions, and An Qi didn't want to hurt him, so she nodded.

In fact, Guan Lingchao has nothing to do. After the meeting, he explained some things. As long as the media does not interview or report, the rest of the time is his own. Because he is going to visit another country, the State Council has not given him any pressure recently. There was a meeting, so he had a lighter time now, so he accompanied An Qi back to the villa at the port.

"What's the matter, madam?" Seeing An Qi returning with a pale face, Xiaoyan was very worried. She was fine when she went out in the morning, but why did she turn pale when she came back in the afternoon.

"I feel sick to my stomach, Xiaoyan, go and cook ginger soup and brown sugar water for me." An Qi, who was held in Guan Lingchao's arms, confessed with a miserable face.

"Don't move, I'll do it." After carrying An Qi to the bedroom and pouring her a cup of hot water, Guan Lingchao rushed downstairs to the kitchen and kicked Xiaoyan out. He should be the one to do this kind of thing. If Xiaoyan was not at home, or if they had gone abroad, he would definitely have to do these things, so he started to get busy in the kitchen.

Xiaoyan had nothing to do, went into the living room and found that Bai Lufei was watching TV, she couldn't help being a little annoyed: "I really think of this as my own home, Madam's face is so pale, and I still have the mood to watch TV."

"I said, are you short-sighted, girl, or are you short-sighted? What does your wife have to do if her stomach hurts? If I care about her, won't her stomach hurt? Besides, your wife has a husband, so why not?" Is it my turn to care?" Bai Lufei rolled his eyes, "Pour me a glass of water."

Xiaoyan snorted, but obediently went to pour water, and gave it to Bai Lufei, but rolled her eyes.

"I said what's the matter with you little girl? Your tail is up to the sky."

"You have a tail." Xiaoyan glared at Bai Lufei, this stinky man has only one mouth, he can eat and drink and bully her, and he can't do anything else. I really don't know why the chief executive still put If he stayed by her side, if she had, she would have kicked him thousands of miles away.

"Little girl didn't hit her for three days, and she went up to the roof to uncover tiles." Bai Lufei roared angrily.

Xiaoyan stuck out her tongue and ran upstairs to visit An Qi.

Guan Lingchao came out of the kitchen with a tray: "Don't bully other girls all day long."

Bai Lufei felt wronged: "Where did I bully that little girl? She bullied me, okay? You didn't see her virtue just now, it looks like I have committed a heinous crime. This girl is terrible, so I will do it for you How long has it been a babysitter? This tail is going to heaven."

Guan Lingchao shook his head and smiled, carrying the tray upstairs.

An Qi had already changed her clothes, Xiaoyan took her changed clothes and went downstairs, seeing Guan Lingchao coming up, she hurriedly said hello obediently.

"Honey, come, have some soup." Guan Lingchao put the bowl on the bedside table, stretched out his big hand to give Angel soft belly, and said softly, "You must have not paid attention to it before, and you should take good care of your body in the future, so that you will be in good health." Only then can we have a healthy baby, and the baby will not miscarry so easily."

Regarding this matter, An Qi felt a little guilty, she responded, took the bowl and gulped it all down.

"I'll be fine with some sleep."

Seeing that An Qi's expression was a bit wrong, Guan Lingchao thought that An Qi was unhappy because of the miscarriage, so he took off his shoes and crawled into bed. An Qi looked at him in surprise, full of puzzlement.

"You are cold and you are on your period now. The bed must be cold. I will warm your bed. This is what a husband should do." Guan Lingchao smiled, rubbing An Qi's belly with his big hands as before, The movement is gentle, but without losing strength. An Qi was lying in his arms, her eyes closed, as if she was resting.



"In two days, we will go abroad for an interview. The country we are going to this time is just in time for their annual custom event. When the time comes, we two will go out secretly to have fun?" Guan Lingchao was very excited. It has been exposed, everyone knows him, and he is followed by groups of bodyguards wherever he goes. He is not free at all. He has thought about it. When he goes abroad, he can play around. Anyway, the rest after the political affairs is private It's time.

"Please Chief Executive, you are going abroad for a visit to improve political relations, not for fun." Angie rolled her eyes.

"I'm human too, why can't I go to play? And there are a lot of snacks in that country, we can go there often, and bring Lao Bai with us when the time comes, the three of us will know kung fu, so why not be afraid." Guan Lingchao said with a smile.

An Qi responded, and said lazily, "Husband, you are so great today."

Guan Lingchao was very puzzled when he came up with this sentence out of nowhere: "How can I be great? Besides, am I only great today? Isn't it great at other times?"

An Qi laughed at Guan Lingchao's questioning like a child, and giggled: "You helped me buy little wings, I was very touched, and when we grow old, I will publish a book called " The Story I Have to Tell Between the Chief Executive and I, by the way, I think this book must be a bestseller.”

Guan Lingchao's face darkened, and he curled his lips unhappily: "Is there anything wrong with me helping my wife with shopping? In marriage, in a family, the wife is the biggest, the wife is the sky and the earth, don't you understand? , you don’t have a wife, how can you understand?”

An Qi couldn't stand Guan Lingchao's serious look, so she laughed loudly: "I really want to take some photos and post them on the Internet."

"You dare." Guan Lingchao's big hands were rubbing An Qi's stomach, and while speaking, they touched her waist. With a light scratch, An Qi couldn't help laughing, she was the most ticklish, this stinky man He still yelled at her, now she is not feeling well, wait until she is fine, see if she will not take revenge.

"My lord, why didn't you resist?" Guan Lingchao looked at An Qi with an innocent expression on his face.

Angie vomits blood, look at this bitch, right? If someone resists, he will torment him to death. If he doesn't resist, she still dislikes him for not resisting. Who are you talking about

Rolling her eyes and covering her head with the quilt, An Qi snorted, "Sleep."

Guan Lingchao smiled softly, embraced An Qi, and lay down beside her, his big hands still rubbing An Qi's stomach without stopping.

There was a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

With such a husband, what more can a woman ask for.

Bai Lufei watched TV for a long time, and found that there was no movement upstairs. He looked at the time, and it was five or six o'clock. When it was time for dinner, he changed the channel to a food show, and his stomach began to sing empty plans. Lu Fei clutched his stomach and looked at Xiaoyan who was lying on the table reading a book: "Little girl, prepare dinner."

"Who are you?" Xiaoyan rolled her eyes, completely ignoring Bai Lufei.

Bai Lufei vomited blood, he felt that this little girl was purely for revenge.

Just when she was about to start scolding, the phone rang, and it was Concubine Xia calling, she was stunned for a moment, then answered the phone, Concubine Xia's soft voice came from the other end of the phone: "Lu Fei, are you coming back for dinner tonight?"

"Well, okay, I'll go back right away." If he didn't go back, Concubine Xia definitely didn't have dinner.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Lufei picked up his coat and glared at Xiaoyan: "Little girl, you're really lucky, I won't be here for dinner."

He snorted arrogantly, opened the door and left.

"Hey..." Looking at Bai Lufei's back, Xiaoyan yelled, she was too petty, she was just joking with him, why don't she just shake her face and leave? I've never seen him so thin-skinned before.
