Commander in Chief’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 65: He treats his body with his own way


When Bai Lufei found Guan Lingchao and An Qi, the two of them were sitting in the place where the kneader was making serious, Bai Lufei was very surprised, and pushed them forward: "What are you two doing?"

"Don't push around, let's make a face." Guan Ling didn't even raise his head, his tone was very excited.

"Hey, what's so interesting about this." Bai Lufei was speechless, sitting aside and staring at the young couple, both of them seemed very nervous about this thing, and they didn't know what was so interesting about it.

"Old Bai, go play with your own, and contact me later." Guan Lingchao started to chase people away, and finally had time to sneak out, and in a foreign country, he wanted to have fun with An Qi, holding hands like a normal couple Going shopping, watching movies, and doing things that couples would do. Others fall in love first and then get married. They get married first and then fall in love. You have to go through the process of falling in love, right

Besides, they were going on their honeymoon.

Feeling as if he was about to be abandoned, Bai Lufei looked at Guan Lingchao very sadly: "You don't want me anymore?"

An Qi, who was originally serious and serious, let out a chuckle, but now she felt so itchy, she really wanted to pair Bai Lufei and Guan Lingchao, the two of them really had a great feeling together, and it fit her rotten girl ideal Perverted heart ah.

Guan Lingchao glanced at An Qi, seeing her beaming face, as if he knew what she was thinking, so he gave Bai Lufei a wink and told him to get the hell out, otherwise he wouldn't mind beating someone here.

"Okay, I'll go to another place." Bai Lufei complained endlessly, he is the shadow of Guan Lingchao, he goes wherever he goes, but now he has a wife and forgets his brother, a typical see Forget righteousness, Guan Lingchao has no loyalty, he can't be without loyalty, he has to protect him.

Even if Bai Lufei left, he would still watch from a distance, as long as he didn't leave his sight, it would be fine if he didn't exceed a hundred meters, and he would definitely show up in time if something happened.

"Okay." The old man who made the dough kneaders handed the two beautiful dough kneaders to Guan Lingchao and An Qi.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." An Qi was amazed, she was completely a miniature version of Guan Lingchao, she was exactly the same, her expressions were all in place, "I knew how to make a funny expression, this kind of thing, I was still young I've seen it, but now it feels like I haven't seen it for a long time, and I actually saw it in a foreign country."

Angie sighed.

"Yes, many excellent folk arts and crafts have been lost, such as shadow puppets, clay sculptures, etc. I have seen them when I was a child." The more I grow up, the more I feel that many things are missing. These are treasures accumulated in history. In the end, they disappeared. To be honest, these are the losses of the country, and he doesn't want his children to know about them.

And the irony is that these domestic arts have disappeared, but they have been discovered abroad.

Guan Lingchao shook his head, and chatted with the old man who made dough, and learned that this old man surnamed Liu was an entertainer who carried a pole around when he was young. In order to make a living, he would always hear their yelling, Children will always come out to make one or two dough figurines when they are playful, but the price is very low, and they usually can’t support themselves. The previous dough figurines cost more. They used glutinous rice noodles as the main material and used fuel to adjust them into different colors. , using hands and simple tools to shape various lifelike images, but now they are all replaced by industrial plasticine. Over time, the dough figurines made will dry out or be weathered, which has no preservation value, while glutinous rice flour is made of Yes, it is firm and has preservation value.

Dough sculpture artists in the old society, their handicraft works were regarded as gadgets, which were not elegant, and people in the past were very picky. Uncle Liu’s craftsmanship was inherited from his father’s generation, from generation to generation. They all make these gadgets, but the faster the society develops, the faster these gadgets will be eliminated, until finally they are eliminated, and the craftsmanship and so on are lost.

"Then why did you come to Chinatown?" Angie was very curious.

"My children are doing well." Uncle Liu wiped his face, his expression was full of joy, pride, and pride, "I met my wife when I was walking around the streets with a shoulder pole. My wife is someone else's young lady. , a scholarly family, no one would look down on me, but we just fell in love with me. Later, we gave birth to a child, and the child studied and went to school. The two took it, and I set up a stall here when I had nothing to do. It is this craftsmanship that allows me to support my wife and children. I have relied on this to support my family all my life. I can’t lose it.”

"And to be honest, foreigners don't care much about our stuff. My business here is also good. Many foreign devils come to buy it. How many years have I been here? I can basically speak English in daily conversations." It's happy, "But we don't take it seriously, alas."

This is very emotional, but also thought-provoking, and even more chilling.

"Your old age is Geng?"

"I'm almost eighty years old." Uncle Liu smiled, looking hale and hearty. He looked only sixty years old, not like an eighty-year-old man at all. "My craft is also about the same age as me. I have been in contact with it since I was a child, and I have been with me for 80 years, I am worried, I am worried that after I go, this craft will not be followed by anyone."

Uncle Liu's tone was also full of sadness. If this craft is not passed on, I am afraid that there will really be no successors. I am afraid that the children will see them in the exhibition hall in the future.

"And my stuff is made of glutinous rice flour. The dough figurines I make can be stored. I use refined flour, glutinous rice flour, preservatives, salt and sesame oil." Uncle Liu introduced, "You two are interested in learning Is it?"

An Qi was gearing up, eager to try, and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, master, please accept my apprentice's bow."

As he spoke, he was about to kneel down to Uncle Liu. Uncle Liu was so moved that he quickly helped An Qi up, a little flattered, and his tone was a little excited: "Good boy, good boy, my children don't care about me and don't learn from me. He murmured that he would be taken into the coffin by me."

Uncle Liu was in high spirits. He insisted on setting up the stall until late at night, and it really paid off. Uncle Liu taught An Qi step by step. A doting smile, seeing her so happy, he also felt very happy, the sunny kind.

An Qi is very smart and learned it quickly. She pinched a doughnut and got Guan Lingchao to show it off: "Look, how's it going, doesn't it look good?"

The so-called pride makes people lag behind, Guan Lingchao wanted to hit her hard, so he said disdainfully: "It's so ugly, it's far worse than Master Liu's craftsmanship."

An Qi curled her lips: "Really? I don't think you look good either. Who told you to look so ugly."

Is he the one who pinched? Guan Lingchao snatched the mask from An Qi anxiously: "Is it really me?"

"Is it fake? I just think it's ugly."

"It's not ugly, it's not ugly, it's not ugly." Guan Lingchao said again and again, like a baby, put in the same box as the previous two, and looked very cherished.

"Master, do you have a business card?" Guan Lingchao asked. He had a bold idea. He wanted to save these traditional handicrafts and make them the national intangible culture, protect them and pass them on.

"Yes, yes." Uncle Liu was very happy, and took out his business card from his pocket. He felt that he had met a noble person, and he might not be able to keep this stuff and pass it on. "Some international students from other countries like me. Toys, when you return to China, you will bring some to your relatives and friends, and you will call me to order some."

Business cards are now socially equal to basic etiquette.

"This requires a lot of practice and study, practice makes perfect." Seeing that An Qi was particularly interested in this thing, Uncle Liu felt very comfortable, and slowly guided An Qi.

An Qi looked up at Guan Lingchao with a smile on her face, seeing how he cared about the dough she kneaded, she was very happy, especially after asking for his business card, she stepped forward and took Guan Lingchao's arm: "Husband, are you Don't you have any ideas?"

Guan Lingchao smiled but said nothing, and extended his hand to shake hands with Uncle Liu very solemnly: "Master Liu, thank you for your perseverance, your wish will definitely come true."

Uncle Liu was very moved and burst into tears. Seeing these two people, he always felt a little familiar, but he didn't remember where he met him. But hearing what they said, he was very moved, and felt that he saw hope again.

After saying goodbye to Master Liu, the two left the noodle stall holding hands. The two smiled affectionately and talked.

I looked at my watch, it was almost 11 o'clock at night, should I go back to the hotel to rest

Bai Lufei followed Guan Lingchao and An Qi like a follower, and every time he wanted to talk to persuade them to go back to the hotel, he was stopped by Guan Lingchao's eyes, and finally had no choice but to follow.

An Qi is very happy. It is the first time for her to play without any pressure. Playing on this street, seeing a lot of novelty things, shopping during the day and night is a completely different style and enjoyment, especially at night, the night sky with stars is It is very beautiful, and there is also the night breeze, which is very comfortable and refreshing. You can see many old things that you can't usually see here. This visit gave her a lot of different emotions.

"It seems that I really need to have a good talk with the Minister of Culture." Guan Lingchao said softly, holding An Qi's shoulders, "You like this little noodle man very much?"

When the two of them were resting on the bench, An Qi took out that face and looked at it, she couldn't put it down.

"Yeah." An Qi nodded, "This is something that belongs to both of us."

An Qi smiled, looked up and saw a girl not far away was weaving a straw ring under the light, she thought it was quite interesting, so she moved over, there were many people around the girl, all talking about it, what about the girl The craftsmanship is very good, and the straw rings weaved are also very delicate and beautiful.

"Honey, let's make a pair too." An Qi was in a particularly good mood tonight. She felt that it was a feeling of enjoyment for the two of them to go shopping together hand in hand. She had never shopped like this with a man before. Go directly to the mall, and buy new products as soon as they are available. She never knew what it was like to go shopping with the man she likes, but today she finally felt it. She looked at Guan Lingchao excitedly.

Guan Lingchao also nodded, and the two asked the girl to weave a straw ring.

The girl didn't look very big, she was very young, and she was also from Tang Dynasty. She spoke fluent Chinese and was very enthusiastic.

"I'm an international student, and sometimes I come out to play." The girl smiled, flipping the straw ring in her hand, and after a while, she wove a beautiful ring and handed it to Guan Lingchao and An Qi, Guan Lingchao and An Qi They looked at each other affectionately.

"Honey, let me put it on for you." Although the grass ring is not as valuable or as expensive as the diamond ring, it also represents a heart. Guan Lingchao put the grass ring on An Qi's finger, and An Qi also put the grass ring on her finger. In his hands, the two foreheads touched each other, and they looked at each other with a smile, very warm.

"You two have such a good relationship." The girl smiled, "It's the best couple I've ever seen."

Guan Lingchao and An Qi were a little embarrassed when they said this. After they paid the money, they held hands and left. Just two steps away, they heard someone exclaim, saying oops, someone proposes, and the two joined in the fun and crowded together. Go into the crowd to watch the excitement.

In the middle of the zebra crossing, a handsome boy knelt on one knee, held a bunch of daisies in his hand and looked up at the girl in front of him. The boy was handsome, well dressed, and looked good in every way. Relatively speaking, the girl looks ordinary, a little plump, maybe because she is not very tall, she is only about 1.6 meters, and she is dressed in ordinary clothes, but her temperament looks very good.

Pedestrians on the side of the road talked a lot, saying that such a woman is proposed by someone, which is amazing, it seems that the boy really loves her.

In fact, there is a very strange phenomenon. In a couple, if the girl is beautiful and the boy is ugly, then some people will say that the girl is interested in the property of the man's family. If the boy is handsome and the girl is ugly , Boys still like it, most of them think it is true love, and those who are aggrieved will think that this woman used some dirty tricks to seduce the man. In fact, think about it, although men are animals that think about the lower body, most of the time they are Thinking with the upper body is still rational thinking. I remember someone said that a man falls in love with a very beautiful woman, but he may not marry her. They know what kind of wife they want.

When I think of this, I think of her and Guan Lingchao. The two of them are together. I wonder what everyone will talk about

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the boy kneeling on the ground speak, his voice was very magnetic, and it was that low-pitched magnetic, full of temptation. It didn't match his handsome and young face, but it was fascinating. The sound of the cello is full of temptation.

"Beibei, please marry me. Today is my one thousand and one proposal. It has been three years. I hope you can agree."

A thousand and one proposals? And also proposed for three years? On average, ask once a day? Oh my God, isn't this boy too persevering? An Qi couldn't help but take another look, and suddenly felt some pain in her waist. Turning her head to look, she saw Guan Lingchao with a smirk on her face, holding her waist with a big hand, and exerting a little force. Don't you like her looking at others? Jealous

At this moment, An Qi felt that Guan Lingchao was actually very cute, like a big boy.

"The two of us are not suitable." The girl said helplessly, "You have a strong family background, a noble status, and a rich family, but what do I have? I am just a poor student, I really don't know you what do you like about me."

It seems that it is really the real version of Prince and Cinderella.

But listening to this girl's tone, it seems that she feels distressed. In fact, she also likes boys, right? It's just because of the identity problem, the ancestors left a saying that the right family has killed many bitter mandarin ducks, sometimes the right family is right, but sometimes it is not generalized.

"Bebe, I have used three years to prove my feelings for you, why don't you agree?" It seems that the boy stopped getting up if he couldn't propose marriage today, and his tone was very firm, "It was the first time I proposed marriage At that time, you also said the same thing. In order to prove that I am not a rich boy, not a rich second generation, and not a playboy, I broke away from all the help of my family and started my business from the basics. Now my Internet company has gone public, and you are also successful. After graduating with a Ph.D. and publishing a dissertation, and being hired as a financial expert on Wall Street, I don’t think there’s anything unworthy of the two of us, on the contrary, I think I’m unworthy, I’m just an illiterate who didn’t graduate from high school.”

There was a big contrast in the plot, An Qi watched with interest.

The girl graduated with a doctoral degree, while the boy didn't graduate from high school, but he started an Internet company and went public with his own strength, which proves that he still has brains. In fact, academic qualifications don't represent everything. It depends on your ability and your own social status. learning ability.

Maybe this girl really minds the boy's academic qualifications.

But it seems that this girl doesn't have such thoughts, hey, young people's thoughts are really unpredictable, An Qi is frowning and thinking about these messy problems.

"Honey, let's go, what's there to see." Guan Lingchao curled his lips, "Also, why are you frowning? What do other people's affairs have to do with you? Don't be melancholy. Let's go back quickly, otherwise it will be in vain. It's just like Tang Seng talking non-stop."

"Oh, people say it's better to tear down ten temples than a single marriage. I'm here to cheer for them." An Qi was very worried. will be sad.

Guan Lingchao was speechless, his wife was the oldest, so he had to accompany An Qi to watch here.

"Beibei, how do you trust me?" The boy gave up, and his tone was a little discouraged, "Today is your birthday, even if you don't agree, let me spend your birthday with you, okay? I send you my best wishes."

An Qi looked down at her watch, it was exactly zero o'clock.

This boy is really willing to put his mind to it. If she were Bei Bei, she would be very moved even if he didn't act, and she would immediately nod her head and say yes.

The boy got up, stuffed the daisy into the girl's hand, stood next to her, clapped his hands, and suddenly the sky exploded, colorful and dazzling fireworks seemed to occupy the entire night sky, so beautiful , romantic, the fireworks in the night sky are composed of English letters, translated into Chinese is Beibei, please marry me, be my wife, let me be your husband.

An Qi was dumbfounded, and when she looked up, she was about to burst into tears.

Just before she recovered from the gorgeous fireworks, she saw the lights of the opposite building flickering on. The lights on the building formed a heart shape with the letter LOVE in the middle. Angel looked elated , People around are shouting together, together, whether it is a foreign language or Chinese, they are all shouting common words.

The atmosphere at the scene was very enthusiastic, which seemed to push the whole proposal to a climax.

"This is my MBA diploma." The boy handed the beautifully packaged diploma to the girl, "I used to feel inferior and thought I was not good enough for you, so I studied hard, and I want to stand with you Height, dear baby, if you think it is your problem, please tell me, I will bend down for you, let you stand taller, or climb on my shoulders, I am yours Strong backing."

Angie was sobbing as she said this, young love is madness.

"Why are you so excited?" Guan Lingchao frowned, it was true that all the theatergoers were idiots, shedding their own tears in other people's stories.

"It's touching." Wiping her tears, An Qi's voice changed.

Do women like this? So what was the wedding he arranged in college before? Obsolete? Guan Lingchao's sword eyebrows frowning together can kill flies, no, he has to think of a new way to make this woman moved again.

"Promise him, promise him." Beibei kept silent, and the others kept shouting in a hurry.

"Ah, I finally know why your proposal failed." A middle-aged uncle beside him was in a hurry and patted the boy's shoulder, "Everyone proposes with red roses, diamond rings, and candlelight dinners. You propose on the street , Not formal and grand enough, if it were me, I would not agree."

"I agree, I agree." The other girls looked at the handsome boy with eyes full of love, and then stared at Beibei angrily. Really, if you don't agree, you should refuse early, and let others have the opportunity , Don't occupy the latrine and don't shit, it's very wicked.

Beibei, who had been expressionless all this time, suddenly stuffed the daisy into her arms, with a bright smile on her face, dazzling, even more attractive than the fireworks just now, An Qi finally understood why boys like Beibei so much , because her smile is so contagious, seeing her smile really seems to have a feeling of spring, like a spring breeze, especially her eyes are as attractive as the crooked moon.

"I like daisies." The corners of Beibei's mouth curled up, "He has used daisies as proposals for the past three years."

"Then you still don't agree, why are you being hypocritical." The other girls curled their lips.

"I'm not hypocritical. Love is not impulsive, nor is it a whim, and it's not an oath that hangs on the lips. It's waiting forever and giving silently." Beibei opened her mouth slowly, and stepped forward to take the boy's arm. , "I have only known him for three years. When we first met at a reception, I helped my mentor with odd jobs. He appeared at the reception and suddenly proposed to me, which scared me. At that time, he Literally grabbed a handful of daisies by the fence and proposed to me."

When Beibei said that, the boy smiled embarrassedly, his face flushed red.

An Qi knew what kind of love story it was without having to listen any further. The rich dude fell in love with the girl at first sight, and maybe he was overwhelmed by her charming smile at the reception, so he proposed. The girl thought it was too exaggerated and frivolous, So I didn't agree, the boy's world has always been smooth, and no one has ever rejected him. He thought it was a challenge, so he kept proposing marriage, maybe because he discovered more advantages in girls in the process of getting along in the future, he There are many beautiful women around, but they are conquered by girls in the process of proposing.

A good romantic love story.

When An Qi left the scene, she saw the girl getting into the boy's sports car. Maybe she already understood the boy's feelings for her, from the initial impulse to the belief that they will stay together for a lifetime. This kind of love may not be vigorous, and there is no promise of life and death, but holding hands is a matter of a lifetime. Girls are smart, and she may have been tempted a long time ago. She just wants to hone the boy's temperament and make him completely hers. The minister under the skirt.

Angie chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Guan Lingchao frowned, there was nothing funny about it.

"Ling Chao, if I don't agree to your proposal, will you insist on proposing for three years?"

"Ah?" Guan Lingchao glanced at An Qi, "Why is it so troublesome, just throw yourself down, cook the raw rice, and pay for the ticket after boarding the boat. Soldiers are all about efficiency and speed."

An Qi was completely speechless, she knew that there would be no romance with this bastard.

The two strolled around for a while, and there were fewer and fewer people on the street, and many shops were also closed. The two ate a lot of snacks, ran to eat a bowl of ramen, and left Chinatown after they were full. Going to the hotel, Bai Lun behind him was very hard.

He had never seen Guan Lingchao like this before.

It was only when the three of them returned to the hotel that they realized that the hotel had been attacked, and the room under attack was the presidential suite of Guan Lingchao and An Qi.

There are police and armed police with guns inside and outside the hotel. They are looking for the chief executive and the first lady, but they can't find them. I'm really worried that they will be taken away. The president of the United States is also alarmed. He is in the lobby. He seemed to be in a hurry, and people kept reporting the situation to him, and he had a headache. The new chief executive came for a friendly visit, but something like this happened. Doesn't it clearly show that they have opinions on him? If this is spread all over the world, I'm afraid it will be despised by others, right

And the most worrying thing is that it will affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries, arouse the emotions of the masses, and seriously may lead to a fierce battle.

This is something he didn't want to do. He clearly went down to protect the chief executive and the first lady, but why was he attacked? Now his whereabouts are unknown, and he doesn't know how to live or die. If he is really kidnapped, it's okay to ask for a ransom. What if the ticket is torn off

"How is the FBI tracking?"

"I've caught up. There's no news about the Chief Executive or the First Lady yet." Another person came to report.

The President of the United States held his head and felt a headache.

"Let us go in." Bai Lufei whispered something to the soldier, and then looked around. The soldier was very conscientious in such a big battle, and refused to let Bai Lufei in. Bai Lufei had no choice but to reveal his identity. The soldiers were so excited that they immediately issued a protection certificate to Bai Lufei to protect Bai Lufei.

"It doesn't matter to me, the most important thing is the man and woman behind." Bai Lufei said in a low voice.

The soldier immediately stepped forward to give a military salute to Guan Lingchao and An Qi, and then led them into the lobby. When the President of the United States saw the important person coming back, he was very excited and stepped forward to protect the chief executive. Tears were about to come out, but luckily everything was fine.

"You have to move to the presidential palace." If something really happened, it would not be just an apology.

Guan Lingchao also apologized for running out privately, but he only said that he went for a walk with his wife and didn't want to disturb them. He didn't dare to say anything else, for fear of causing problems.

The President of the United States left the FBI to investigate at the scene, and immediately asked the armed police to protect the Chief Executive and the First Lady to live in the Presidential Palace, and kept this matter absolutely confidential, and no rumors could be heard.

"Why did you say someone attacked us?" An Qi asked Guan Lingchao and Bai Lufei.

The two big men shook their heads at the same time, and Bai Lufei said: "It's hard to judge this matter. We went abroad for an interview, and the news in the United States and China made a lot of reports. We attended meetings during the day, and they were all recorded and followed by cameras. It is difficult to judge this person." Who, are they Americans? Compatriots in the country? Or spies from other countries lurking in to try to provoke relations? These are all factors to be considered, so it is difficult to judge who. Who did it and what is the purpose. "

Guan Lingchao agreed with Bai Lufei's words and nodded: "Old Bai is right, this matter is indeed a bit strange, such a thing would happen in such a good way, and it is still under such strict defense, I don't think it is easy. "

He even suspects that it was created by Mi Guo himself. The purpose is to see his attitude. If he resolutely investigates this matter thoroughly, maybe in the future diplomatic relations, Mi will be more courteous and will not bully others too much. If he If he stops here, the country of the United States will know that he is a master who makes big things into small things, and his attitude is not strong enough. Then he may be bullied and suppressed by the country of the United States in the future, and currency circulation and trade will be affected.

He has to deal with a group of bastards at home, and he has to be cautious in diplomatic relations with foreign countries. This kind of life is indeed not what he likes. Now he is not only himself, but also represents a country, representing a population of more than one billion. The lives of these people It's all in his hands.

Seeing Guan Lingchao pondering, An Qi thought for a while, and then said, "There is another possibility." Glancing at the man driving in front, An Qi shook her head, "Let's talk in the room."

The presidential government is located in the city center, a very large classical manor, which was the most luxurious manor in Europe in the 19th century at that time, and was later donated by the owner to the country, and became the office of the United States. It is different from the ancient buildings in China. Waterside pavilions, the flower gardens here are well manicured, fountains with fountains can be seen everywhere, and the houses with minarets, high hats and red roofs have a feeling of returning to 19th century movies.

Angie thought of those women in tutu skirts, very beautiful.

Rows of armed police protect their safety. Everyone is armed with guns, and they are surrounded from front to back, left, and right, which shows that the President of the United States attaches great importance to them.

"Please rest, sir." The armed police said goodbye respectfully and helped them put their luggage away. The President of the United States came to greet him again and apologized. Guan Lingchao said that he was a little tired and wanted to rest early. We will discuss the matter tomorrow.

The President of the United States apologized again before leaving.

An Qi checked around to make sure there were no bugs or anything like that, immediately closed the door, and called Guan Lingchao and Bai Lufei to her, a little mysteriously: "Just now I felt that what I thought was true , After meeting the President of the United States, I am more sure of my thoughts."


"It's very likely that they came up with it themselves, and they are testing our attitude."

Guan Lingchao looked at An Qi in surprise. Seeing her looking at him proudly, he was very excited and admiring for An Qi. Sure enough, he was right about her, she had the same idea, and analyzed Ability and observation skills are very strong.

Bai Lufei also looked at An Qi in shock. He always thought that An Qi was a vase, and as an agent, he just used her beauty to confuse people. He didn't expect that she was so powerful, and that An Qi could see through problems that he hadn't even thought of. Bai Lufei had no choice but to admire An Qi's intelligence.

Bai Lufei looked at Guan Lingchao.

Guan Lingchao pursed his lips and gave An Qi a thumbs up: "Your analysis is right, and I also suspect that it is the case. It is testing our attitude."

"Master Guan, we can't just stop here and be a coward. Although they say they can't make it public and block the news, you have to know that the president of the United States always likes to write some autobiography after retirement. It doesn't matter if we are shameless, but we can't let our compatriots be bullied. How many of us immigrated here? How many foreign students do we have, the pillars of the country, future talents who study here? Guan Shao , the attitude must be firm.”

"Yes." An Qi also agreed very supportively, "We must show them some color, tigers don't show their power, but I am hellokitty."

Guan Lingchao smiled faintly: "Don't get excited, both of you, this matter is only our suspicion at the moment, and we will explore it tomorrow. Apart from our firm attitude, I don't know if you have any other good solutions."

An Qi chuckled: "Why are you so bad, I think, at least deal with him in the same way as others, didn't they attack us? Let's give them one too."

Bai Lufei looked at An Qi in shock, "Don't mess around, this is related to the diplomatic relations between the two countries."

Smart as Angel, she patted Bai Lufei's shoulder: "Don't worry, don't worry, people won't notice."

Guan Ling smiled with his lips curled up, hugged An Qi into her arms, put his chin on her shoulder, and smiled: "What are you going to do?"

"Why, you don't believe me?" An Qi stared at Guan Lingchao with an unhappy expression.

Bai Lufei was a normal, bloody man, and couldn't stand the two of them being so intimate in front of him without any scruples, so he raised his hands and shouted: "I surrender, I beg you two...don't be so tired, can you?"

An Qi raised her eyebrows and glanced at Bai Lufei, ignored him directly, and smiled charmingly at Guan Lingchao: "Don't forget, what is my background?"

This little problem didn't bother her.

"I promise I won't cause trouble for you." An Qi swore by holding up two fingers, seeing Guan Lingchao nodding in agreement, Bai Lufei was speechless, very surprised that Guan Lingchao actually agreed, his mind is fine Bar

Subconsciously, he wanted to touch Guan Lingchao's head, but was slapped away by Guan Lingchao.

The three of them whispered for a while, before Bai Lufei left their room and went to his own room to rest. Just as he was leaving, a figure flashed in the corridor to report to the President of the United States.

"It's okay. If you're frightened, you have to hug each other for comfort." The American president chuckled, not paying attention to these three young people at all. The legs are weak.

He is sure about the trade issue tomorrow.

After a good night's sleep until dawn, Guan Lingchao woke up and found that An Qi was still drowsy, her face seemed to be abnormally red, and she was very worried. She reached out and touched it, and felt very hot: "Wife, wife, what's wrong with you?" ?”

An Qi was woken up, she looked out of shape, and her vision of looking at Guan Lingchao became blurred: "I don't feel well, I really want to catch a cold, please bring me some medicine."

Guan Lingchao searched around the room but found no cold medicine, so he opened the door and ordered the soldiers outside to find some cold medicine for him, and the soldier asked if he wanted to call a doctor.

"It's okay, it's just a common cold, just take some cold medicine, I'm sorry."

The soldier ran away, and first reported to the President and his wife that the first lady had a cold and needed to take cold medicine.

"Hehe, I must have been frightened last night. Go to Dr. Smith's place to get cold medicine and send it to them. Speed up." The President ordered in a good mood, and told his wife, "You will represent me in a while to express condolences. .”

After all, he had a fever and a cold in his territory, so logically speaking, he was going to give condolences.

The President's wife expressed understanding.

Guan Ling poured a cup of boiled water, and was about to feed An Qi with the medicine. He was full of worries, and became even more anxious when he saw that An Qi would not take it.

"I'm fine." An Qi winked playfully at Guan Lingchao, and took the cold medicine out of his hand, "Hey, it's time for me to show my strength."

An Qi jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. Guan Lingchao, who was sitting on the head of the bed, was stunned.

An Qi messed around in the bathroom for a long time, and only came out after being urged repeatedly by Guan Ling. She made herself up to look like a patient. People look exhausted.

"Hey, are you really okay?" Seeing An Qi like this, Guan Lingchao became even more worried, "If it doesn't work, you'd better go to bed and lie down."

"It's okay, you go to the meeting, I'm going to meet the president's wife and give her a gift." An Qi rummaged through the suitcase and found a retro cheongsam with red embroidery on a black background, "How about it? I'm very sincere."

"Be careful yourself." Guan Lingchao was really worried, he regretted that he should have chosen a few more female bodyguards to follow An Qi, so that nothing would happen.

An Qi shook her head and smiled at Guan Lingchao: "Don't be afraid to hear any news later, ha ha."

Under Guan Lingchao's inexplicable gaze, An Qi left the room and asked the soldiers to take her to the president's wife, and she wanted to strike first.

The President's wife was having breakfast. When she saw An Qi coming over with a cheongsam, she greeted her very happily and invited An Qi to have breakfast with her.

"Just now the president told me that he was going to visit you. I didn't expect you to come." The president's wife smiled, holding An Qi's hand, with a sisterly look.

An Qi glanced at the translator, then smiled: "It's okay, it's just a cold, it's much better after taking the medicine, sorry, I want to go to the bathroom."

"This way please." The President's wife made a gesture of invitation.

An Qi smiled at her, and walked towards the bathroom. When passing by a sofa, An Qi brushed up her fallen hair, touched the back of the sofa intentionally or unintentionally, and went into the bathroom.

Facing the mirror, An Qi smiled faintly, opened her mouth slightly, and muttered silently: One, two...

There was a loud bang outside and the woman's continuous screams, and the person in the mirror sneered.