Commander in Chief’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 81: Can you bear it? (repaired)


When Xiaoyan's father heard that the two were willing to get married, he was so excited that he wanted to jump up from the bed, holding Xiaoyan's hand and weeping. If his legs were in good condition, Xiaoyan's marriage would definitely be a success Light, not so hasty now.

With everyone's help, Yan's father was helped to sit on the rattan chair, covered with Xiaoyan's newly bought blanket, smiling from ear to ear, Xiaoyan's younger brother was also carried out, a young and shy The young man, with a shy smile on his sickly face, looked at the brightly dressed and handsome Bai Lufei with envy in his eyes.

"Qin Sen, you are so lucky, Yanzi has found such a good son-in-law." The neighbors who came to drink the wedding wine all expressed their congratulations.

Until now, Bai Lufei doesn't know what Xiaoyan's real name is, and has always been called Xiaoyan by Anqi Guan. It turns out that her surname is Qin, so what is Qin Yan? Bai Lufei hit Xiaoyan who bowed her head and said nothing.


"What's your full name?"

"Qin Feiyan." Xiaoyan replied softly.

Bai Lufei was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked, "Which one is not?"

"Very non." Xiaoyan replied, "My father gave it to me, hoping that I would fly out of here like a swallow, and then have a different life, so I used this word non."

Bai Lufei nodded. In the past, he didn't like his own name very much. There was a "killing" in it. When he knew the meaning of this word when he was a child, he kept arguing with his grandfather to change his name. The name of his eldest brother Bai Jingqi is so nice, so he always When he was arguing about changing his name, his grandfather told him that the eldest brother's name meant that he hoped for a prosperous life, while his name meant that he would not kill people and that he would have a different life.

This word represents many meanings, but it was interpreted as one meaning by two people who did not know each other.

"I haven't heard you mention it." Bai Lufei smiled awkwardly.

"No one asked me. I was called Xiaoyan or Yanzi at home when I was young." Xiaoyan smiled bitterly.

Everyone shouted that it was getting late, so kowtow earlier for the wedding, Qin Sen asked Mother Yan to go to the house to get something out, it was a jade pendant wrapped in oilcloth, and handed it to Bai Lufei for him to keep, Bai Lufei didn't want it anyway , he and Xiaoyan are cooperating in acting, how could they ask for things from others

But they couldn't resist the Qin family, and finally accepted it. Xiaoyan was wearing the red wedding dress her mother took out from the bottom of the box and covered her head. Bai Lufei was in a panic for a moment. He attended many weddings, but most of them were Western-style. The white wedding dress, the holy church, the first time I saw someone wearing a red wedding dress and a red hijab, Bai Lufei felt as if he had passed away.

Under the booing of everyone, she was about to pay her respects when she was stopped by a voice that suddenly appeared. Everyone froze for a moment, with angry expressions on their faces. Xiaoyan hid behind Bai Lufei, and Bai Lufei looked at her. Glancing at Qin Sen, he saw that his eyes were very angry, and he clenched his hands tightly, as if he was holding back.

The visitor was wearing a suit and sunglasses, Bai Lufei thought it was funny, it was getting dark, what kind of sunglasses did he wear

"I said, Qin Sen, why didn't you inform me of your daughter's wedding, why didn't you tell me to have a wedding banquet?" The man said in a foolish manner, with the appearance of a playboy.

"You are not welcome here." Qin Sen said coldly.

"Hey, you've got a lot of skills. Finding a son-in-law will make your wings hard. Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine." The man gave Qin Sen a cold look, and then his eyes fell on Bai Lufei, who looked like a human being. Yes, I don't know where it came from, but it doesn't matter, he is the boss here, he wants to show them a little bit, let them know who is the master.

When the man gave an order, everyone rushed forward and surrounded Bai Lufei. Bai Lufei smiled coldly. He has been in the army for so many years. He was trained by the devil in Guan Lingchao, and he turned into a devil. , let alone these hooligans? Bai Lufei responded easily, one hit one, two hit one pair, and quickly knocked these four or five people to the ground, screaming, everyone clapped their hands and applauded, feeling very relieved.

"I K." The man was furious, but he was still a little scared. It seems that this person is not simple, but he is not afraid. He has a secret weapon. The man sneered and pulled his hand out of his waist. A black gun appeared in front of everyone. In front of him, he smiled triumphantly and fired a shot into the sky.

Gunshots sounded, startling countless flying birds.

Those who applauded at the beginning were taken aback, but suddenly fell silent.

How could this man have a gun

"Why, are you afraid? I'll give you a chance, as long as you kneel down and beg for mercy, and lick my leather shoes clean, I will forgive you." The man finally smiled wildly, "You also know that shoes are very difficult to walk on mountain roads. Easy to get dirty."

Bai Lufei just smiled lightly: "The gun is really scary, it's impossible for most people to have it."

"That's right, my uncle, who is the chief, lent me to play."

The middle-aged man smiled triumphantly, but in Bai Lufei's eyes, he looked as ridiculous as an ignorant child.

"Your uncle is so powerful." Bai Lufei said adoringly, "I don't know when I can pay a visit. I admire these people the most."

"It's very simple. My uncle is very famous. He is Zhang Datou, the director of the Cixiao Public Security Bureau." The man laughed loudly.

Bai Lufei kept everything in mind, and approached the man step by step. Seeing that the man was still smiling triumphantly, he took a quick step and stepped forward to clamp the man's arm. The pistol fell to the ground at once, and Xiao Yan hurried to take it away. Picking up the gun and hiding behind, the man screamed in pain as Bai Lufei pulled his arm.

"Tie it up with rope." He wanted to take him to the capital to meet Guan Lingchao.

"You dare to tie me up?" the man yelled with his eyes wide open.

"I'm Bai Lufei, a special officer next to the chief executive." Bai Lufei put his pass in front of the man, and the man was dumbfounded. The celebrity next to the chief executive, oh my god, he has never seen a real person but I also heard from my uncle that the new chief executive is so powerful, surrounded by young people, especially the one named Bai Lufei, who grew up with the chief executive, and helped the chief executive to fight against a round-time young girl some time ago The case caused a sensation all over the country, everyone was afraid, and everyone was in danger. He thought that he was far above the emperor, and nothing would happen. Who knew it would really happen to him today.

Everyone was terrified by the word chief executive, and they all stared at Bai Lufei with wide eyes, while Xiaoyan's parents stared at Xiaoyan, with a look of disbelief. Invite the celebrity, everyone is very suspicious.

Xiaoyan thought for a while, since Bai Lufei's identity had been exposed, she would not hide anything, so she explained to everyone: "Commissioner Bai is indeed a special staff member next to the chief executive. I used to work as a nanny at the chief executive's house. The chief executive did not fire me after he was elected, so I have been doing this until now."

"Swallow is so lucky." Everyone sighed.

"Then..." Qin Sen was very worried. Needless to say, he knew that Bai Lufei's family background was so powerful, could he take a fancy to their Yanzi? This marriage

After finishing dealing with that person, Bai Lufei clapped his hands, walked towards Xiaoyan with a smile on his face, took the gun in her hand, checked it, it was a gun in the police station, he dared to take it out to play with, thinking that he usually Are they all so domineering

"Father-in-law, let's continue with the wedding." Bai Lufei pretended that what happened just now didn't happen, and pulled Xiaoyan to continue. Qin Sen was flattered, and then nodded repeatedly.

Xiaoyan is really promising, and found such a powerful son-in-law.

Everyone nodded.

After kowtowing, everyone gathered around Bai Lufei to ask questions, the most important thing was to greet the chief executive for them, and demanded that Zhang Datou and others be strictly punished. If he hadn't encouraged and protected him, Cixiao would not have behaved like this. Everyone has no place to live.

Bai Lufei said that he would definitely report this matter to the chief executive, and let everyone wait for the good news.

It was already dark, and the Qin family lit red lanterns in the small yard, which meant a happy event, but Bai Lufei was in a hurry to deal with Zhang Datou's affairs, so he took a group of people to the capital with the help of the villagers, and rushed on the road overnight When I went back, I only said goodbye to Xiaoyan's parents.

But before leaving, I gave Xiaoyan's parents a lot of money, telling them not to worry, someone will come in a few days.

Sure enough, within three days, a group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms came from the mountain village, holding steel guns. The leader said that they were sent by Bai Zheng. A group of people helped move all the people in the village out of the mountain. They made a home for them outside, and sent Xiaoyan's father and younger brother to the Kyoto Military Region Hospital by helicopter for treatment.

It was the first time for the family to fly a military helicopter, and they were very excited. Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, the family was so excited that they shed tears.

Thinking about it, Xiaoyan is really promising. Being a babysitter for others, she can enter the chief executive's house. It's great. She even married the political commissar Bai. Everyone knows the status of the Bai family in the capital, so Qin Sen is full of hope. , Even if the leg can't be healed, but he is also very happy, his daughter always has a way out.

"That's it?" An Qi raised her eyebrows and looked at Xiaoyan, who was bowing her head silently, and sighed in her heart. After Xiaoyan and Bai Lufei came back, she felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere between the two of them. She couldn't describe the feeling. In the past, they always bickered when they got together, but this time, the two seemed a little awkward, but they also felt that they cared about each other. Anyway, it was weird.

Moreover, Bai Lufei used his personal relationship for the first time to apply for the use of a military helicopter. Although Bai Lufei didn't say anything, Guan Lingchao still supported him. After all, Zhang Datou had to do something. .

"Ma'am, Commissar Bai's identity is here, and I only acted with him to reassure my parents. Commissar Bai's heart is Miss Xia." Xiaoyan said with a smile, "Ma'am, don't worry about me. When we got back, we were still the same as before.”

She has self-knowledge, what is Bai Lufei's identity, and what is her identity

"Okay, you can handle your own affairs." An Qi shook her head, "Go to rest early."

After finishing speaking, An Qi went to the study to find Guan Lingchao. After returning to the compound, and An Qi was pregnant, He Jinghua asked Guan Lingchao to sleep in the guest room. If there are too many, we must cultivate ourselves, otherwise we will be too tired.

"Are you here?" Seeing An Qi coming in, Guan Ling waved to An Qi and let An Qi sit on his lap, "How is it, did the baby bother you?"

An Qi covered her mouth and laughed: "It's only been a few months, it won't be troublesome, it should be a daughter, the reaction is not very strong."

As long as you don't smell fishy, you generally don't vomit, which is basically fine.

"Thank you." Guan Lingchao kissed the back of An Qi's hand, "Pregnancy is very hard."

An Qi covered her mouth and laughed: "No way, I think pregnancy is a very happy thing. I grew up with the child and learned a lot."

An Qi hugged Guan Lingchao's neck, smiled and kissed Guan Lingchao: "What, are you tired from work?"

Guan Lingchao was about to shake his head: "It's all like this. You know that there are many things to deal with. This time, Lao Bai went out and found many problems. There are too many problems in our country, and we have to deal with them one by one."

Various meetings during the day. During this time, he postponed his visits abroad. He walked around before, but now he is waiting at home for visits from other countries, and An Qi is pregnant, so he always has to be by his side to take care of her. rest assured.

"Thank you." An Qi took the initiative to rub Guan Lingchao's shoulders, and the two chatted intimately together.

Guan Lingchao hadn't touched An Qi for more than half a month. Guan Lingchao was a little distracted by the warm and soft jade in his arms, so he pulled An Qi and kissed her deeply.

"Ahem..." He Jinghua appeared at the door and coughed lightly: "An Qi, the soup is ready, come and drink."

An Qi shrugged at the annoyed Guan Lingchao, and left with a light smile.