Commander in Chief’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 85: Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard


Guan Lingchao didn't come back until 11 or 12 o'clock at night, and he was brought back by Bai Lufei. Guan Lingchao's expression was very bad, as if he was drunk, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy. Bai Lufei dragged him in, and he was already awake Xu Ruyi and Guan Zhentian rested.

He Jinghua never took a break, sitting on the sofa and waiting for Guan Lingchao to come back.

"Ma'am." Bai Lufei spoke respectfully, but seeing the cold expression on He Jinghua's face, he didn't dare to say anything more. He poked Guan Ling Chao, trying to make him more sober, but the man on his body didn't make any movement at all, and he was very nervous. He burped unceremoniously.

"What's going on?" He Jinghua frowned, Guan Ling never drank, how could he be so drunk

"Chief... I went to pick up the first lady tonight, and I quarreled with the first lady again." Bai Lufei said in a low voice, and put Guan Lingchao on the sofa, letting him rest well, "Madam, I'm going back first."

Before He Jinghua could say anything, Bai Lufei smeared the soles of his feet and slipped away.

He Jinghua had a headache. She knew that he went to the harbor villa in the afternoon, but she never expected that the two would quarrel again. What was the reason for this? Is it really a quarrel rather than an act

"Mom Jin, help the Chief Executive go up to rest." He Jinghua ordered Jin Ma who stayed with her and did not go to rest.

Jin Ma responded and pulled Guan Lingchao up, but how could the thin and thin Jin Ma be able to bear Guan Lingchao's size

Guan Zhentian immediately went downstairs and pulled Guan Lingchao from Jinma's hand: "I'll do it."

After speaking, she helped Guan Ling to go upstairs, Xu Ruyi went downstairs to comfort He Jinghua, and was sent to sleep by He Jinghua.

He Jinghua sat quietly on the sofa in the living room. Jin Ma brought her a cup of ginseng tea and said softly, "Ma'am, go to bed early."

"Go and rest first, I will sit down for a while."

Mother Jin turned off the headlights in the living room, leaving only the dim yellow wall lamps. The whole living room was deserted, except for He Jinghua. Maybe it was almost winter, and the night seemed cold. He Jinghua folded her arms and looked at the table. Looking at Guan Weiguo's photo, he said quietly: "Honey, do you blame me?"

The living room was extremely quiet, and no one answered her questions.

The morning sun shone warmly into the room. Even with heavy curtains, one could still feel the fine weather outside. Xiaoyan entered the bedroom lightly, and carefully opened the curtains. Unexpectedly, An Qi woke up. Her belly is a little protruding. Although she is very happy that she is pregnant, but to be honest, she still feels a little restricted. She was pregnant suddenly before she had time to do many things.

But the old man said that the arrival of the child is due to fate. This is the crystallization of love between her and Guan Lingchao, and she will take good care of this child.

"Ma'am, are you awake?" Xiaoyan greeted An Qi happily.

An Qi nodded, seeing that Xiaoyan's smile today was much more than usual and sweet, so she joked: "I'm in such a good mood today, did you win the lottery?"

Xiaoyan pouted: "No way, Madam will make fun of me."

"I think it must be that your father's condition is getting better, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Xiaoyan jumped in front of An Qi excitedly, and said excitedly, "Commissioner Bai is amazing, my father and younger brother are in such a physical condition, and they can still be treated by a miracle doctor, and do you know? Zhang Datou It's been dealt with."

Hearing Xiaoyan's happy voice, An Qi was also very happy. There are too many unfair things in this world, and there are too many things that we can't do anything about. People's desires expand, and they will do many unscrupulous things. What they can do Even if all of these are eliminated, if one Zhang Datou is destroyed, countless Zhang Datou will still emerge.

This road is really hard.

An Qi suddenly felt sorry for Guan Lingchao.

Maybe they are superior in the eyes of the common people, unable to understand the life of the poor people at the bottom. Everyone curses and satirizes behind their backs. No one is perfect. She also suddenly regretted supporting Guan Lingchao as the chief executive. She worked so hard and worked hard all her life, but she couldn't change anything.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?" Seeing An Qi's pensive look, Xiaoyan couldn't help worrying, "I'm going to my mother's classroom for class today."

"Well, I'll get up first." An Qi responded, and found that her back hurt badly, and she secretly scolded Guan Lingchao as a bastard, who didn't care about the child in her belly day and night, and didn't know how to control herself at all.

Xiaoyan made a delicious meal, and Bai Lufei jumped down from upstairs, gobbling it up as if he hadn't eaten for a long time.

"Hello." Xiaoyan glanced at Bai Lufei, "Commissioner Bai, my parents said they want to see you, you... would you please come and see them with me?"

Since Bai Lufei did her such a big favor last time, and brought her parents and brother to the capital for medical treatment, her attitude towards Bai Lufei has improved a lot, and she is no longer fighting against each other like before. More He will think about Bai Lufei, he will accompany the chief executive to go out and come back late, there will be delicious supper in the kitchen, and the clothes he changes will be washed clean and stacked in his room, he has always felt that there is a snail girl at home .

"Okay." Bai Lufei answered vaguely with food in his mouth.

Anyway, there is nothing to do today, his big vacation is not over yet, although he often runs with Guan Lingchao, but the vacation has not been officially canceled, and the whole person is relatively free.

An Qi also came down to eat after washing up, but she didn't have much appetite, and she felt a little panicked, and she didn't know why, but she always felt a little weird. Yesterday Guan Lingchao said that she would come to pick her up and go back to the compound today. To be honest, she always A hundred people don't want to go back, there is no reason, they just don't want to go back.

Not wanting to face He Jinghua, she could have "miscarried" the first time, and presumably would "miscarry" the second time.

"Madam, are you out of shape today? Are you feeling unwell? Why don't you go upstairs and go back to rest, I'll call the chief executive." Madam has been back for three days, talking and laughing all the time. Pretty good, where is it like today.

"It's okay, you don't need to call him." An Qi shook her hand, "You are busy with your work. After dinner, Lao Bai, you send me to mother's classroom, and then go to visit her parents with Xiaoyan."

Regarding the matter between Xiaoyan and Bai Lufei, An Qi and Guan Lingchao have discussed it, but ask, after all, the authorities are obsessed with onlookers, whether Bai Lufei likes Concubine Xia or Xiaoyan, she thinks, only Bai Lufei knows best, now he If you pretend to be confused, then let him continue to be confused. When Concubine Xia comes back, let's see if he continues to be confused.

After the three of them had breakfast, Bai Lufei sent An Qi to her mother's classroom as planned, but An Qi didn't enter her mother's classroom. She waited downstairs for a while, and when she saw Bai Lufei's car leaving, she immediately took a taxi to go. If she doesn't go out to get some fresh air, she will suffocate to death.

Not long after the taxi drove out, An Qi found a black car following behind. She couldn't see the driver clearly, but she saw that the person in the passenger seat was a little strange, wearing a peaked cap, and his behavior and clothes were a bit weird , An Qi thought for a while, then called Feiying.

"Wow, you actually called me." Feiying was flattered, "Madam, what advice do you have?"

"Don't be poor with me." An Qi said angrily, "It's said that you can go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do. If I call you, I must ask for something."

Hearing what An Qi said, Fei Ying stopped joking, and became serious, his tone became serious: "What's the matter?"

"I'm being followed by a car, please help me." An Qi deliberately told the driver to drive faster, and the car behind her also went faster. When they slowed down, the car also slowed down, keeping at about 20 meters The distance between the two cars was very short, and the rush hour for work was over early in the morning, and there were not many cars on the road at this time, so An Qi could of course conclude that it was the following car based on her own experience.

According to An Qi's description, Feiying knew the approximate distance and immediately started to act.

"Master, please take the tunnel on Wenxing Road." An Qi followed Feiying's instructions, and began to direct the driver, Master, to cross a road before entering the tunnel. She just gets ready.

The driver wondered: "Miss, take the Wenxing Road tunnel and detour." It means that you have to go around half of Kyoto.

An Qi smiled: "The scenery over there is good."

Indeed, next to Wenxing Road is the moat, near the moat is the center of Kyoto, and nearby is the office of the State Council, where her husband Guan Lingchao works, she really wants to visit him, even though he stayed until midnight last night He just left her, but she already misses him very much.

"Okay." The driver could only nod, and the customer asked, just do it, anyway, it wasn't him who paid for it.

The car was driving smoothly on the road. The driver turned the steering wheel and walked towards Wenxing Road.

The people in the car behind were stunned for a moment: "It's strange, why did you go to Wenxing Road?"

"The scenery over there is good, I'm probably going to see the scenery." The person next to him said.

The task they received was to follow this woman. As for where she went, they didn't care, as long as they completed the task.

A postal truck passed by, and the driver cursed secretly: "Fuck, the trucks are rushing to overtake in the city center now."

Just as the driver was about to speed up, the red light at the fork in the road turned on. He watched the taxi and the postal truck in front of him cross the road, and was so angry that he stared at the taxi. They knew that an extra-long truck came across, blocking their view.


Where are there so many trucks today

The 90-second red light finally passed. The man fixed his eyes and saw that the taxi hadn't gone very far and was just about to enter the tunnel. He immediately accelerated to catch up.

"Do it in the tunnel." The person next to him said coldly.

Five minutes to go through the tunnel was enough time for him to finish off the car and its occupants.

"No way." The driver said, "This is where the central leadership is, and it is heavily guarded, so it's not easy to do it."

The man thought about it for a while, and felt that what he said was right. Even if they wanted to deal with this woman, they couldn't do it in the center of the political power. Otherwise, if the gun went off, it would be the two of them who caused the accident.

After passing through the tunnel, get on the elevated road, and after getting off the elevated road, you will see the Kyoto Garden, where there are few people, so you can do it, the two of them planned this way.

Unexpectedly, just after exiting the tunnel, the taxi stopped, the door opened, and a woman walked out from inside, standing at the door, waiting for the driver to give her some change.

"Damn it." The driver was furious, damn, this woman is not the woman who got in the car at all.

"Damn, what's going on?" The people next to them were also shocked. They were completely two people. Although they both had long hair and similar clothes, they clearly had the same face. When did they follow the wrong car

The two looked at each other.

They didn't follow the taxi. It was the same car just now. If the car was correct, there was only one possibility.

It was dropped.

where is the problem

"Trash." He Shaohua mercilessly slapped the two people in front of him fiercely, with two slaps and slaps, without the slightest hesitation, "Just 90 seconds of red light, you can follow the wrong way, you can still do what?"

The best sniper, the best driving skills, actually in broad daylight, just passed a tunnel, and lost people, followed the wrong one

"I think the problem is with the van."

Such a coincidence passed in front of them, such a coincidence blocked their sight, and it was really incredible to be able to change the sky in just 90 seconds.

"Waste, waste." He Shaohua was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Everyone knew that the problem was with the truck body, even the postal vehicle. They must be together. Maybe... He Shaohua suddenly felt his heart beat faster, Angie saw through

"Get out of here." He Shaohua roared, and the two of them slipped away immediately upon seeing this.

The phone in the office rang right at this time, and He Shaohua answered the phone in a hurry, only to relax his tense nerves when he heard He Jinghua's voice, and sighed softly: "Sister."

"Brother, what's the matter?"

"It was found out, and people came to steal the day."

"What?" He Jinghua yelled, "How could this happen?"

"I said, sister, if An Qi is such a capable person, you should stop confronting her, as long as she assists Ling Chao well? Your goal has also been achieved, why do you have to get rid of An Qi? What if Ling Chao knows our plan, and I'm afraid we will be killed by then."

An Qi ruined his business more than once without a sound. This woman slowly infiltrated like poison without a sound. He was really a little scared, and even thinking about it felt creepy.

"I don't want a daughter-in-law that I can't control. Guan Lingchao is my son, not her alone." He Jinghua said coldly.

He Shaohua stroked his forehead helplessly: "Sister, I advise you to go on a trip to relax, so that you will feel better."

He could understand He Jinghua's thoughts. Her husband suddenly disappeared, and she had no support around her. Naturally, she pinned all her hopes on her son. However, her daughter-in-law was not in the eye, which made her feel that she would lose her son at any time, and she couldn't control him. Everything, she can't handle An Qi, so she can only get rid of her.

"It's not good for anyone to die." He Shaohua said softly, persuading the stubborn He Jinghua, "You can think about it this way, you finally don't worry about Ling Chao being like a child, he has finally grown up, it's not very good Well? Became chief executive at a young age."

"She is an orphan. Once I leave, no one will support Ling Chao. Everyone will impeach him. An Qi has no background, and no one can help Ling Chao." He Jinghua yelled, if Zhou Yuting was her Her daughter-in-law, with the strong backing of the Zhou family, she doesn't have to worry at all, but An Qi is an orphan and has nothing. If she is a hundred years later, who will stabilize the imperial power of the Ling Dynasty

He Shaohua felt his head hurting: "Sister, you think too much, even if An Qi has no identity and background, Ling Chao still has my uncle, and the He family."

He Jinghua sneered: "Really?"

This tone, these words... He Shaohua felt that something was wrong, so he asked tentatively: "What's wrong with you, sister?"

"Hehe, big brother, do you think you are younger than me and will live longer than me?" He Jinghua's voice was so cold that He Shaohua on the phone shrank his neck unconsciously. It was not winter yet, He felt very cold.

"Hehe..." He Shaohua smiled awkwardly, and could only pretend to be stupid.

He didn't know the meaning of He Jinghua's words, and he didn't dare to think about it. The only thing he could think about was that his sister was joking, and it was true that he was old, and he might return to the west in ten or eight years, and their He family His children are all abroad, so it is really difficult to help Guan Lingchao.

This trick won't work, I can only let Xu Ruyi do it, He Jinghua thought so, and didn't talk to He Shaohua anymore, she hung up the phone directly, her eyebrows were locked together, and Jin Ma who was on the side was very worried and opened her eyes. Opened his mouth, but never spoke.

An Qi, who was sitting in the postal car, patted Feiying on the shoulder and smiled gratefully: "Feiying, you are still as resourceful as before."

I didn't expect him to be so smart that he used the trick of stealing the sky and changing the sun without anyone noticing it. Those who followed her must be very surprised. Thinking of this, An Qi was very happy, but it was also a little strange, who followed her , wanting to harm her.

"You are the First Lady, and it is my responsibility to protect you." Feiying smiled, but frowned slightly, "Madam, I have some bad news for you, the license plate of that car is fake, I will scan it Checked with the dealer, it’s a scrap car.”

It seems that it is really prepared.

An Qi sighed softly: "Feiying, I really miss the days in the action team."

Unrestrained, as long as the mission is completed, every mission is like a game, and it is easy to handle. She thought of the last mission that Guan Lingchao had accepted, killing a professor in the Meihu Hotel. Pinching, creaking, the bone is broken, and it is useless. It is so simple and easy. After knowing the target, attack directly.

But now

She doesn't know whether it's an enemy or a friend. Sometimes she feels trapped in a maze, as if she knows where the exit is. When she walks through, she finds that it's still a dead end. She really wants to jump out of this maze and stand on a high place to see this The maze, but she can't get out, she has already fallen into it, and now, she can only act according to her own feelings.

She was also glad that she had been in the action team, at least she could still protect herself.

"Why don't you tell the chief executive to send special forces to protect you?" Feiying looked at An Qi worriedly. Since she married Guan Lingchao, she has lost a lot of weight. Her originally small face now has a sharper chin. Well, if he didn't suggest her to take this mission, would it be fine

An Qi shook her head: "No, I don't want him to worry about me."

"But... the Tao is one foot tall, and the devil is ten feet tall." Feiying was worried.

"Don't worry, my Captain Feiying, with an outstanding agent like you here, what else should I worry about?" Angel Q smiled and patted Feiying on the shoulder, "Let's go, let's see the master."

She hadn't been back for a long time, and she really missed him, and wanted to know more about Guan Weiguo.

Feiying's expression was not very right, but he didn't say anything, and responded.

The car soon arrived at the base of the action team, but An Qi was a little surprised when she got in. She hadn't come back for a few months. The action team now feels very homely and warm, unlike before There are walls on all sides, and it feels icy and cold.

"Are you married?" An Qi turned her face to look at Fei Ying, with a shocked expression on her face.

Her intuition told her that there was a woman here.

"Sister Anqi?" A familiar voice sounded behind her.

An Qi turned her head in shock, and saw a thin but familiar voice.

Concubine Xia

Why is she here, in the action group

Bai Lufei had been looking for her for so long, and she and Guan Lingcheng seemed to have evaporated from the world. He never thought that she would be in the action group without leaving.

But why is she here