Commander in Chief’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 93: Xiaoyan's decision


State Council Premier He Shaohua suddenly resigned as Prime Minister due to physical discomfort. For a while, the entire State Council was without a leader, and many people were eyeing the Prime Minister. When the State Council was held, some people suggested voting for a new Prime Minister, while others suggested direct promotion. Everyone has their own opinions, but Guan Lingchao is not a self-willed and stupid king, and said that he hopes to solicit opinions from all parties before making a decision.

Everyone is guessing whether the chief executive already has a suitable candidate in mind, so the discussion has been shelved, but the chief executive has never said that he is particularly affectionate or caring. What does the chief executive mean? No one can guess.

If you want to say whether Guan Lingchao has a suitable candidate in his mind, he really does, but it is not yet mature enough to make it public.

All state affairs are now represented by the Deputy Prime Minister.

In fact, some political officials have also seen the clues. Since the Xia family declined and retired from the officialdom, Guan Lingchao, as the new chief executive, has been constantly replacing people from the older generation, and constantly adding new blood to the central government, and these people are all Guan Lingchao. He was promoted with one hand, that is to say, as long as there is no accident in Guan Lingchao, the chief executive position will continue in the Guan family. His so-called princelings have centralized power. If his child is born, he will be the heir of the new chief executive. This is beyond doubt and without any controversy.

This shows how deep Guan Lingchao's scheming is, and how terrifying the city is.

He just took office and became the Chief Executive. Before his butt was warmed up, he began to plan for his son's future. Yes, the First Lady is now pregnant. After the villa was bombed last time, the Chief Executive's protection of the First Lady has become stricter. Yes, in addition to taking it everywhere, it is said that agents have been invited to protect the first lady.

The chief executive's ambition is evident.

Xu Ruyi struggled for a long time, and discussed with Guan Zhentian for a long time. She actually had her own selfishness. At first, she was always worried that He Jinghua would treat her like Concubine Xia, so she was always on guard, and even moved back to her mother's house to raise a baby. Now it's all over. , He Jinghua passed away, and she had nothing to worry about. No matter how ruthless Guan Lingchao was, no matter how ambitious she was, she would not kill her own brother and unborn nephew. Xu Ruyi felt that she had to take a gamble.

The inside said please come in, Xu Ruyi dragged her slightly protruding stomach into the room, saw An Qi lying on the sofa reading a magazine, and Guan Lingchao was beating her legs, pregnant people are most prone to leg swelling and cramps, An Qi Although Qi didn't have serious morning sickness, her legs were so swollen that she couldn't sleep even with cramps at night. After being tortured by the child, she lost a lot of weight. Guan Lingchao was very distressed. As long as there was nothing wrong, he would spontaneously beat An Qi's legs gently. , with moderate strength, and An Qi also seemed to be enjoying it.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ruyi's eyes turned red. The love she had been looking forward to disappeared just like that, and Guan Lingchao became someone else's husband forever.

"Sister-in-law, what do you want me for?" Guan Lingchao looked up at Xu Ruyi, seeing her moist eyes, nodded slightly, "Sit down."

He is the chief executive and his brother, so he doesn't have to put on the airs of the chief executive at home.

Xu Ruyi nodded gratefully, and sat down on the sofa beside her.

"Sister-in-law, how is your body now? Did the baby bother you?" An Qi got up quickly, asked Guan Lingchao to sit next to her, and smiled at Xu Ruyi, "I've had severe cramps recently, look at the swollen legs, I don't care Sorry to go out."

Xu Ruyi smiled: "I'm fine, I haven't made much trouble. I heard that little girls are lazy, so I am a girl, and yours must be a son."

"Not necessarily, Concubine Xia..." An Qi suddenly stopped talking, bit her lips and smiled, "When the second sister-in-law was pregnant, the child didn't make any fuss, and she gave birth to a son."

After Concubine Xia left, the child was taken care of by He Jinghua and Mama Jin, who invited the nanny to come over. Now that He Jinghua has passed away and Mama Jin is in prison again, no one will take care of the child. Feeling guilty, An Qi took over the responsibility of taking care of the child, but the baby hadn't been named yet, An Qi once called Guan Lingcheng to ask him what name he had given the child.

Guan Lingcheng was heartbroken, saw through the world of mortals, and kept saying that there was nothing to worry about in the world of mortals.

That's his son, doesn't he worry about it

An Qi was a little sad, and it was hard to judge what Guan Lingcheng was thinking. The child was abandoned by his father, and thinking of himself being abandoned by his parents, An Qi had no choice but to leave this child alone. She would treat him as her own and take good care of him. .

Just now, I discussed this matter with Guan Lingchao, and discussed what to name the child.

Xu Ruyi rubbed her lower abdomen, her motherly radiance appeared on her face, she looked at An Qi, then at Guan Ling Chao, and said softly, "An Qi, I have a few words to say to Ling Chao, is that okay?"

An Qi glanced at Guan Lingchao, stood up and said with a smile, "Okay, there's no problem at all."

When he was about to leave, Guan Lingchao grabbed his wrist. Guan Lingchao looked at Xu Ruyi and said, "I have nothing to say to others, not to mention that An Qi is my wife. I don't think I have anything to hide from her. Sister-in-law, what are you doing?" Just say anything."

Xu Ruyi blushed a little embarrassed by Guan Lingchao's words, and at the same time envied how good their relationship was, which made people enviable.

"Actually... Actually, I want to ask about the position of Premier of the State Council."

Xu Ruyi didn't say anything, but was interrupted by Guan Lingchao: "Don't discuss business at home."

Xu Ruyi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Guan Lingchao stupidly with his half-opened mouth. Seeing his calm face and showing no signs of impatience, he felt a chill in his heart. The meaning of his words was obvious. Guan Zhentian had no hope of becoming the Premier of the State Council. Yes, he was in the army before, and after Guan Weiguo passed away, he took her to travel around the world, and he has not been employed since he came back, but his title is still in the army. If he changed jobs, he would have changed jobs a long time ago. Why wait until now, I guess Even now, it is impossible to change jobs.

"Ling Chao." An Qi shook her head, then turned her face to look at Xu Ruyi, "Sister-in-law, Ling Chao is not in a good mood recently, don't take it to heart."

Xu Ruyi nodded, and said again: "Ling Chao, An Qi, I know that you don't like to listen to what I say, and you think I'm meddling in other people's business, but I really mean it, whether you want to listen or not, please Let me finish my sentence, please?"

Xu Ruyi's words were sincere, her eyes were sincere, and she looked at An Qi very seriously.

An Qi couldn't bear it. She didn't have any opinion on Xu Ruyi. Even if she treated her badly and bossed her around in the past, she didn't have a good face. She is the first lady, and Xu Ruyi would be more or less taboo about the so-called high-ranking officials crushing people to death.

"Sister-in-law, tell me." An Qi said with a smile, her attitude was very modest, without the arrogance and arrogance of the first lady.

"After Concubine Xia's accident, Ling Chengcheng chose to leave the family and not care about world affairs. Now only Ling Chao and Zhentian are left in the Guan family. Before he left, his father also said that only when brothers are united can they be united in the outside world. Zhentian has always done his duty. He didn't do anything to damage the reputation of the Guan family. Now that he has left the army, he also has a false job in the army. Actually, I don't have any ideas, and I don't have any big ambitions. I just want Zhentian to help Ling Chao , and with the help of our natal family, no one will think about everything."

What Xu Ruyi said was good, but it made people feel uncomfortable after listening to it. It seemed that Guan Lingchao was pushing Guan Zhentian away. If Guan Lingchao didn't arrange a good job for Guan Zhentian, the Xu family might not buy it. What does this mean? That's it, it's obvious.

Guan Lingchao remained silent.

An Qi smiled faintly, held Guan Lingchao's hand, and said softly, "What do you mean, husband?"

"You let the elder brother come to me by himself." After a while, Guan Lingchao opened his mouth to speak. If Guan Zhentian wants to find a position for himself, then he can come by himself. There is no need for Xu Ruyi to come forward. , Could it be possible to bring Xu Ruyi with her

Xu Ruyi blinked, not understanding what Guan Lingchao meant, and looked at An Qi for help.

An Qi laughed: "Sister-in-law, what Ling Chao means is to let the eldest brother come to him, and see what the eldest brother wants."

Xu Ruyi nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, okay."

After finishing speaking, Xu Ruyi went out holding her belly. Her back looked a little lonely, which made people feel distressed. Xu Ruyi is such a strong girl. After marrying Guan Zhentian, the first lady didn't get it. Now Guan Zhentian wants to do it. For the matter, Xu Ruyi had to come forward, and Xu Ruyi must have taken a lot of courage to come here, right

"Honey, what did you think about what Lu Fei said last time?"

"what's up?"

"Dizzy." An Qi vomited blood, "It's Xia Min who wants to see Concubine Xia."

Guan Lingchao frowned: "Xia Min is a political prisoner, and her charges are relatively serious. She can't go out for the rest of her life." She glanced at An Qi, "No one can intercede."

Angie sighed softly, "Oh."

Guan Lingchao embraced An Qi and kissed her on the forehead: "Don't sigh, she asked for it herself. I gave her a chance, but she didn't cherish it and was obsessed with it. She deserved it."

You must be merciless towards your enemies, otherwise you will be the one who gets hurt.

An Qi nodded understandingly: "I just hope that Concubine Xia will find a good family in her next life, and stop working so hard."

Such a young life, before it had time to enjoy life, and before it had a good love, it passed away, and it is extremely regrettable to think about it.

"Have you thought of a name for the baby?"

"What do you want to be called?"

"They're all children of the Guan family, so you can call them whatever you want?" An Qi smiled, "I think of the origin of Yang Guo's name in Mr. Jin Yong's novel, do you think he's called Guan Guo?"

Guan Lingchao let out a chuckle: "Have you passed the pass?"

An Qi scratched her head in embarrassment, and said coquettishly: "You also know that I have no education, so I must not be able to think of a good name. Please, my husband, the wise and powerful chief executive, you are knowledgeable and well-informed. Please give me a name."

"You." Guan Lingchao shook his head, "Call him Guan Yan. I hope he will be strict with himself, strictly abide by his own conduct, have his own bottom line in life, and not make the mistakes his father made."

From this name, it can also be seen that Guan Lingchao regrets Guan Lingcheng. If Guan Lingcheng strictly abides by his own conduct, so many things will not happen, Concubine Xia will not die in childbirth, his father may not die so early, and he does not need to die too early. As the chief executive, he should take An Qi to travel around the world at this time, instead of worrying about state affairs.

"What a good name." An Qi looked at Guan Lingchao adoringly, with little stars in her eyes, "By the way, husband, have you figured out the name for our child?"

Guan Ling slapped his head and looked at An Qi apologetically, "I'm sorry my wife, I haven't made up my mind yet, but I don't know if it's a boy or a girl right now."

An Qi pretended to be angry: "I don't care, you can think of it right now, whether it's a boy's name or a girl's name, you have to think of one, and then you can use it directly."

The wife and adults have said so, how can he not obey as a husband? Salute and say yes immediately.

The relationship between the two is really enviable.

Bai Lufei and Xiaoyan's injuries are both healed, and Xiaoyan's legs have grown new skin, which is white and tender. Mother Bai likes it very much. She hopes that Xiaoyan will become her daughter-in-law, but Xiaoyan Yan didn't nod, and her son was silent, which gave her a headache.

And the day of getting the contract is coming soon, the tepid and slow appearance of the two children made Baimu's hair gray a lot overnight.

After finally meeting a well-behaved girl whom she also likes very much, but her son doesn’t cherish her, Bai’s mother is very angry, she is very angry at Bai Lufei’s behavior of not seeing anyone for three days, she regrets letting him out of the hospital, if he has been in the hospital Well, you can still look at other people's silhouettes, and cultivate a relationship with Xiaoyan, as good as you can say.

"Mom, stop dangling in front of me." Bai Jingqi, who came back from work all day, stared at his mother who was dangling back and forth in front of him, with a headache, "I just recognize a goddaughter, why are you so worried?"

"Stinky boy." Bai Mu glared at Bai Jingqi, as if she suddenly thought of something, "Speaking of which, you're not married yet, why don't you marry Xiaoyan."

"Pfft..." Bai Jingqi, who was drinking water, sprayed water directly, and stared at his mother in disbelief, "Do you know what you are talking about? Xiaoyan is my sister, how could I do it well?"

Mother Bai snorted: "It's not my sister, she just married a wife. You are single now. If you don't get married, you will have an excuse not to get married. I am really worried. You two are not in a hurry. You see, Guan Lingchao's son will be born soon."

She was crazy about her grandson, and stared at Bai Jingqi very sadly: "Your grandma's health is getting worse day by day, and you have fulfilled her wish to let her four generations live together and hug her great-grandson."

Bai Jingqi got a headache from the nagging, and quickly got up and ran to the study: "I still have a case to investigate."

Baimu patted her head silently.

When Xiaoyan came out of the school, she saw Bai Lufei's car parked at the door, she was startled, looked around, and ran into the car quickly, afraid of being seen by others.

After she was discharged from the hospital, she moved to live in Bai's house. She didn't need to be a nanny, so she put all her thoughts on her studies. Every day after class, there was a special driver to pick her up. Others thought she was someone's daughter Miss, I didn't expect Bai Lufei to pick her up today.

"Why are you here?" Xiaoyan was very nervous.

"My mother is going crazy now."

"Ah? Auntie... What's wrong with her godmother?" Xiaoyan was very worried.

"You know, she just wants you to delete the first word and call her mother directly, then she will be happy and her heart will be healed."

Xiaoyan lowered her head, and said in a low voice: "Commissioner Bai..."

"Huh?" Bai Lufei frowned, and glanced at Xiaoyan.

Xiaoyan immediately changed her words: "Second brother, actually... you know what I think, I don't want to get married now, and I don't plan to... marry you. I know you have Miss Xia in your heart. Why bother to be together?"

Bai Lufei looked at Xiaoyan: "Is this what you mean?"

Xiaoyan nodded vigorously, and looked at Bai Lufei very seriously with pure and natural eyes, which prevented Bai Lufei from prying into her true thoughts: "Actually, I have already made plans."

"What plan?" Bai Lufei followed closely and asked, for some reason, when Xiaoyan said that she had her own plan, he actually felt uncomfortable.

"My test results will come out immediately. I talked with the teacher a few days ago. He said that my grades are good and I may be recommended to study abroad. So I am doing foreign language training during this period. I am confident that I can be recommended to go abroad. It’s my long-cherished wish, I hope I can read more and learn more.”

When Xiaoyan said this, her face was full of brilliance, which made Bai Lufei amazed.

"I didn't have the opportunity to study before, but now I have the opportunity, I just want to study more. I'm still young, so I don't think about marriage for the time being." Xiaoyan lowered her eyes, she didn't think about it, but she didn't dare to think about it Think about it, there is someone else in the heart of the person she likes, even though that person is no longer in the world, but she knows that even if he is not in the world, she is still in the deepest part of his heart, she can't win someone's love, so the best way is to leave.

If you leave, you will stop thinking about it, and you will not miss it anymore.

"Alright." Bai Lufei nodded, but he didn't realize that his joints holding the steering wheel were turning white.

Everyone has their own dreams, she should chase her dreams, he should not be selfish to break the wings of her dreams.

"When you confirm the time to go abroad, remember to tell me." Bai Lufei said with a smile.

"Okay, but you can't tell the godmother for now, I don't want her to think too much." Baimu is a good mother, and it's not that she doesn't know what she thinks, but it's just a pity that she can't be her daughter-in-law to serve her.

In life, there are always many unsatisfactory places.