Commander in Chief’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 97: The wife is the biggest


Xia Min finally agreed to the mission and asked to keep it secret. Of course, even if she didn't say anything, the country would keep it a secret for her. This is the most basic.

Xia Min first went to the cemetery to visit Concubine Xia. In the photo, she is still so beautiful and beautiful, with a slight smile in her pure eyes, she looks so sweet. Thinking of the scene when she was with her younger sister when she was a child, Xia Min's tears burst into tears It was because she was too selfish that led to her sister's ending. It was because she was too careless to underestimate the enemy that made her family leave the capital and become the laughing stock of others. Could she really grasp this opportunity

"Little Concubine, tell me, what should I do?" Xia Min leaned on the tombstone and said lightly. She found that there were lilies beside her. Someone misses you, wants to see you? I just don't know how your child is doing now?"

Concubine Xia's birthday will be in a few days, so it's not surprising that someone came to see her.

"Xia Min?" A surprised voice sounded above his head. Xia Min raised his head, saw that it was Bai Lufei, smiled at him, and greeted him politely. Bai Lufei also replied, "Hello."

"Come to see the concubine?"

"Yeah, it's her birthday soon, let's come and see her." Bai Lufei replied happily.

"If my concubine knows that you treat her like this, I will be satisfied. You are pretty good, but I have nothing to do with my concubine." Xia Min shook her head, "If I had married Guan Lingcheng back then, my concubine would still be in college now. She lives freely in the life that should belong to her. Back then, my parents wanted to marry the Guan family. When I learned that the person was not Guan Lingchao, I refused. The little concubine will not make things difficult for her parents and grandpa... "Suddenly realized that I don't want to When it was time to say these words, Concubine Xia immediately stopped, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry."

Everyone in her business circle knows, saying it again is just to attract people's suspicion, and it is also suspected of whitewashing, so I simply don't say it.

"Did you hear what Guan Lingchao said?" Xia Min tentatively asked Bai Lufei.

Bai Lufei blinked: "What's the matter?"

"Hehe, it's okay, I'll go first, why don't we go together?"

"Um, I'll talk to Xiaofei for a while." Bai Lufei smiled, Xia Min nodded to him, and left.

Bai Lufei squatted on the ground, saw the lilies beside him, and smiled bitterly: "Little concubine, you are still so happy. Even if Guan Lingcheng is a monk, he still doesn't forget to come to see you. Why do you think he bothered? Since he forgot No, what's the use of becoming a monk? Isn't this deceiving the Buddha?"

In the photo, Concubine Xia's smile became brighter and brighter.

"Little concubine, I think the biggest reason we both missed was time. Your anxiety and my not being brave all caused us to miss today. You will always be with me, forever." Bai Lufei nodded his chest. , "I have never lied to you before, and I will not lie to you this time. Xiaoyan and I are in love. She is a good girl. You know that she chose to leave me and choose someone else for us and not to hurt you." Going to a foreign country, Xiaofei, do you think I can miss such a good girl? I missed you, and I can't miss her anymore."

Bai Lufei was talking nonsense.

Xia Min, who was hiding in the dark, was furious when he heard this, and even talked about a girlfriend, yet dared to say that she was in her heart in front of the concubine, it was too much, are all men so despicable? Hold one in your arms, and miss another in your heart, just like Guan Lingcheng back then, man, there is no good thing.

Is it Xiaoyan

Xia Min smiled darkly and left quietly.

After Guan Lingchao came back from the political prison, he went back to the compound. An Qi was coaxing Guan Yan. The little guy was spitting bubbles. He was very cute, grinning, and looked very similar to Concubine Xia. There are two dimples.

"Wife." Guan Ling stepped forward to hug An Qi and kissed her, "Is the baby still good?"

"Which baby are you talking about?"

"Here." Guan Lingchao lay on An Qi's swollen belly and listened quietly, "It seems to be moving inside, little guy, I'm dad, please be obedient and don't make a fuss."

An Qi burst out laughing: "He still can't understand what you're saying."

"Who said it? It's said in the book that he can feel his parents' feelings." Guan Lingchao said triumphantly.

"Sir, madam." The nanny came in with a bowl of rice porridge, "It's time for the young master to eat."

An Qi handed Guan Yan to the nanny, Guan Lingchao helped her to go to the study, and talked about seeing Xia Min in prison today, but did not mention the last part of Xia Min hugging him from behind, he did not say, An Qi He didn't even ask, he pursed his lips and listened quietly, but his heart was full of anger. This guy actually wanted to hide it, isn't it too much

"Xia Min, I choose to believe her, how about you?" Guan Lingchao looked at An Qi.

"You trust her, let alone me." An Qi said angrily, "Your aunt has already made arrangements, and she has some care and protection these days. Don't worry, you should discuss with everyone what policy to use. , Now there has been a lot of hype on the Internet recently, and I don’t know if it’s because of angry youths or spies instigating it, I’m really worried that some people will demonstrate at that time, and if they smash cars and so on, they will faint.”

She has participated in the suppression of demonstrations, and knows how powerful those people are. They smashed cars and shops, hurting innocent people. These things are endless. Some people take the opportunity to make trouble, steal other people's cars, and steal things from shops. It's really disgusting. up.

"I'll take care of this matter. You can take care of your baby and don't think too much." Guan Lingchao comforted An Qi.

An Qi snorted, supported her stomach and said casually: "How can you not worry? How can you not think too much? If I have a difficult delivery like Concubine Xia and hang on the operating table, what will happen to my baby? I After thinking about it for a long time, I think I need to find a good stepmother for my baby."

Guan Lingchao stared at An Qi: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"There's no such thing as nonsense, the world is unpredictable, isn't it? What kind of woman do you think is good?" An Qi speculated, "I think it should be a woman who likes you, a woman who treats you well, and a woman who likes you will treat me with love. Hello baby, don’t you think so?”

Seemingly knowing what the little woman meant, Guan Lingchao laughed: "Honey, did you see that?"

"What did you see?" An Qi pretended to be innocent.

"It's Xia Min, she gave me a hug from behind." Guan Lingchao replied evasively.

An Qi's eyes darkened: "Just a hug?"

The problem is obvious.

Women are jealous and stingy creatures. When you make her angry, you have to find ways to make her happy and make her forget the mistakes you made. Is this feasible? Women's memory is very good, and they can tell you about ten or eight years of problems for a long time, so don't make women angry easily.

Obviously, our Guan Lingchao seldom has contact with women, so he doesn't know what a woman's nature is. In his eyes, An Qi is so beautiful, generous and broad-minded, but why is he suddenly jealous like ordinary women

Seeing that Guan Lingchao frowned and didn't speak, An Qi snorted, supported her stomach and was about to go out, muttering as she walked: "Baby, let's go, my lord will take you to see your stepmother."

Guan Lingchao couldn't help laughing, stepped forward and took An Qi's hand, and looked at her very seriously: "My wife, my husband is wrong, please give me a chance, I will definitely treat you well." .”

Angie still didn't speak.

what to do? I admit I was wrong and ignore it, now I have to stop cooking.

Guan Lingchao put on a bitter face and looked embarrassed: "Oh, baby, I'm really worried that your mother will find you a stepdad. I heard that if you have a stepmother, you will have a stepdad. Tell me why you are so miserable? Originally It belongs to a little prince, what's the result?"

An Qi said angrily: "What nonsense, spoil the child."

"My wife, are you not angry?" Guan Lingchao kissed An Qi's forehead, "I know you don't want to be angry with me."

"You." An Qi shook her head, "You know that Xia Min still has thoughts about you, but you still let her hug you, you say you are the king of a country, the chief executive, she hugged you, don't say I'm jealous Ah, it will affect your reputation."

"Well, my wife is right." Guan Lingchao looked humbly receptive.

An Qi has always wanted to go online to read the news, but because of her pregnancy, Guan Lingchao restricted her everywhere, not letting her do this or that, not even letting her use her mobile phone. She just reads newspapers when she is bored, so she knows something News, as well as some opinions and predictions from municipal experts. An Qi doesn't know much about these political things, and she doesn't know which ones are right or which ones are wrong. After thinking about it, Guan Lingchao felt very distressed.

"I'm the chief executive. I should be the one to worry about these things. You can just raise your baby. Don't worry about these things."

"I finally know why your mother doesn't agree with us being together. I really can't help you, and I can't solve your problems." An Qi was a little frustrated.

"Stupid wife, it's good that you are like this. If I find a wife like the Iron Lady, I can't bear to face political faces every day. What I like is you, and it has nothing to do with others."

An Qi was so moved that she held Guan Lingchao's hand tightly, hesitated for a long time, and then said, "How about... why don't you go and visit Old General Zhou, if that's not possible, I will recognize Zhou Cong and his wife. In this way, you are their son-in-law, and you will definitely help you."

"You, when people want to recognize you, you ignore them. Now that you have difficulties and want to recognize them again, if I were your parents, I would put on airs and ignore you." Guan Lingchao nodded An Qi's nose, At the beginning, Zhou Yuting and Zhou Cong and his wife came to see An Qi in the compound once a week, but An Qi's knots in her heart could not be untied, and she still couldn't greet them with a smile. When it came to Zhou Yuting, she would still ask about An Qi's situation, and wanted to see An Qi, but she was afraid of causing trouble to An Qi, so she resisted in the end and didn't come.

Zhou Cong and his wife moaned and sighed at home all day long, and their daughter was close in front of them, but they couldn't recognize each other. This was the most painful thing.

In fact, An Qi was pregnant and became a mother, especially during the period of taking care of Guan Yan. She experienced too much, the hard work of the mother, the helplessness of the mother, she often thinks of Concubine Xia, and she does not want to give up the child. Giving up the child is why I gave up my own life. A mother's love is great. When she was stolen, it can't be all the mother's fault, can it

She has been a bit soft-hearted recently, but she can't save face to meet Zhou Cong and his wife. Now that Guan Lingchao has encountered a problem, she just wants to take this opportunity to meet Zhou's family. Who knows...

"Don't think too much, I'm the chief executive, the whole country listens to me, and I have the support of General Long Fei, don't forget, I'm the bamboo mat of the Military Commission." Guan Lingchao smiled and comforted An Qi, kissing her kissed her forehead.

Then he helped An Qi go upstairs to rest, waited for An Qi to take a bath, let An Qi go to bed, then sat on the bedside and read a book, and made a phone call with Bai Jingqi to confirm that all military regions were armed. He can go on missions at any time. Recently, he has a lot of things to do, not only meeting with foreign guests, but also holding meetings with generals to discuss this matter. However, many people advocate the use of special agents, as long as they come to China, they will be assassinated.

As for how the activities will be arranged, the secret service team will arrange the matter, and the matter will be handed over to Guan Weijun. Although Guan Weijun said at the beginning that he would go to the elderly, but his nephew has something to do, how can he stand by and watch? What's more, An Qi was brought up by him alone, equivalent to half a daughter, so he wouldn't care about it anyway.

Xia Min packed her equipment and embarked on the journey to the United States. She knew that there were people watching her around her. She was a political prisoner. No one could fully trust her. Let her go on a mission alone. Maybe it would be hard for her to monitor her. It is a good thing, one is that it can help her at critical moments, and the other is that it can be her witness. Once she has something to do, these people can testify for her.

The situation developed according to the expected plan, and the island country has been clamoring for an explanation, otherwise it will use force.

Guam has been an inseparable territory of our country since ancient times, and it is impossible to give in easily. Many patriots posted their oath to defend Guam on the Internet. For a time, the LED displays of large and small shops and commercial buildings all over the country showed Guam. It belongs to China and cannot be coveted. The defense of Guam is everyone's responsibility.

For a while, the arrogance was high, and many island country ambassadors who came to China frequently had accidents. Many people speculated that this was done by secret agents and was assassinated, but there was no official news. Everyone was just guessing. The island country arranged the top The doctors didn't find out what the cause of their death was, and the headlines of the news all marked the bizarre deaths. For a while, the ambassadors of the island countries did not dare to come to China again, and they were all in a wait-and-see state.

The attitude of the United States is still in support of the island country, which makes everyone very angry. Guan Lingchao has been contacting Xia Min, but she can't get in touch. She has been in the United States for three days. According to the progress of the mission, within 72 hours The task can be completed, does she have other plans

Guan Lingchao contacted the person who went to monitor Xia Min, and the reply was: Xia Min has been hanging around the bar where the prince of the United States had an accident before, hooked up with several men, and has gradually approached the inner core.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Chief Executive, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, let's do this first, and then contact me if there is any situation." Guan Lingchao closed the line and held his forehead helplessly, Xia Min, why are you repeating history again

"What's the matter?" An Qi came in with a bowl of supper, "Eat something, I've been busy all day, and I don't have a good rest when I go home at night."

Angie was very distressed.

"It's okay, just sit down." Guan Lingchao quickly took the bowl and put it on the desk, "It's not convenient for you to move around now, so don't run around."

"It's okay, let's exercise more." An Qi blinked, "How's Xia Min's situation?"

"Xia Min went to hook up with a man again." Guan Lingchao said helplessly, regretting that Xia Min was given a mission.

With a puff, An Qi laughed: "She has been imprisoned for so long, maybe men from European and American countries are suitable for her. If she wants to hook up, let her hook up. I think she must have her own plan."

Although Xia Min likes male sex, she is not a brainless woman. She is very smart and knows how to use her advantages as a woman to get what she wants. It is true that she has discovered a lot of confidential information for the country, but she also betrayed the country.

"Isn't that what naked agents are like? In fact, European and American countries usually like to use beautiful women. I think Xia Min has learned this a lot when she was trained abroad." An Qi comforted Guan Lingchao, "She is an excellent agent and knows what she is doing. .”

"I'm just glad you were brought up by my uncle." Thinking of An Qi using her beauty to kill someone, Guan Lingchao was about to vomit blood.

An Qi stuck out her tongue, smiled and said nothing. In fact, the training she received was to use her beauty to kill people, but she used hypnotism to make the other party really think that she was going to the cloud and rain with her. Time to kill him, she and Xia Min are actually the same, but the method of killing is different, she will not despise Xia Min.

Guan Lingchao held An Qi's hand, and the two looked at each other and smiled. They had a tacit understanding. Guan Lingchao's eyes were full of tenderness, which was a tenderness that could not be seen in other places, and his tenderness was only given to An Qi. It was his wife, the woman he loved.

The sky is big and the earth is big, but my wife is the biggest.