Complete Martial Arts Attributes

Chapter 159: Send the clock!


Wang Yalong was sitting alone in the corner playing with his mobile phone, looking very out of place.

Wang Teng knew what he was thinking and could understand his thoughts. After all, they were once the same kind of people.

However, there are no eggs!

Now he is obviously disliked by Wang Yalong in every way. No matter what he does, it is wrong, including taking the initiative to get close to him.

So the best thing is to do nothing.

As time passed, guests gradually arrived.

The three Wang Shengguo brothers were among the middle-aged guests in their 30s and 40s, most of whom were company CEOs or heads of various families.

The Wang family is just a small family and cannot reach the top level, but among small families, it has some respect.

What's more, now that Wang Teng has become a warrior and has been admitted to the Huang Hai Academy, the Wang family's hard power has been invisibly improved.

So there are quite a lot of people here today.

Many people who usually looked down upon a small family like the Wang family came here today, and they all seemed very attentive.

On the other side, Mr. Wang and Mr. Li were chatting with the guests of the older generation.

The main reason is that Mr. Wang has been bragging about Wang Teng's extraordinary talents since he was a child. He can walk in a few months, can walk like flying at one year old, etc.

The cheering laughter echoed far away, but it was very energetic.

God is so fast and agile!

Do you think your grandson is Nezha

Those old people rolled their eyes inwardly and didn't even bother to expose him.

Wang Yanan chatted and laughed with the so-called young talents.

It's funny to say that she is the only one of the younger generation of the Wang family who can handle the task, the others are either too young or uneducated.

Now at least there is an extra Wang Teng.

It's a pity that he didn't seem to like this kind of communication. He just greeted them in a symbolic circle to show his friendship as a landlord, and then went back to chat with a few brats. Wang Yanan could only helplessly shake his head secretly.

However, she could clearly feel the change in the attitude of these young talents. They were not so enthusiastic before, and they were all very proud.

Forget it, since cousin Wang Teng doesn't like socializing, let him be.

As long as he is here, the Wang family will naturally benefit.

"Miss Wang, your cousin has entered the Yellow Navy Academy." A voice brought Wang Yanan back from her thoughts.

"Yes, I heard that the top five universities in the country at that time came to recruit students in person. My cousin probably wanted to be closer to home, so he chose Huang Hai Academy." Wang Yanan said with a little pride.

"It's so outstanding that even the top universities are willing to put themselves down to recruit them personally." The young man who just spoke couldn't help but sigh.

Not to be outdone, several people nearby sent flattering words one after another.

Wang Yanan had a reserved smile on her face. Although she was very happy, she was not stunned by these people's sugar-coated bullets.

It’s just business talk!

"Everyone is so complimentary. Thank you very much for coming today. Be sure to eat and drink well later. I have some new guests over there that I want to greet. I'm sorry." Wang Yanan said apologetically.

"Go and do your work and don't worry about us."

Wang Yanan nodded at them and turned to greet the guests who had just arrived.

Xu Jie, Bai Wei and others naturally followed their parents to attend Wang Teng's college entrance banquet today.

Wang Shengguo was familiar with several of their parents, and they soon chatted with them.

Xu Jie and others came to Wang Teng's corner.

"Brother Wang Teng!" Bai Wei shouted playfully.

"You guys are here, sit down and get something to drink, you're welcome." Wang Teng greeted.

Several people sat around, drinking drinks and chatting.

"Have you heard? Li Rongcheng's family seems to have provoked a certain warrior, and they have suffered heavy losses recently." Xu Jie suddenly said with gloating.


Wang Teng couldn't help but look at Xu Hui. Both of them thought of what happened at the last auction. This must be the handiwork of Xie Kun.

Xu Hui couldn't help but said coldly: "He deserves it!" Xu Jie saw that she seemed to know something and asked quickly: "Sister, do you know what's going on?"

Xu Huibi briefly explained what happened at that time. After hearing this, Xu Jie and others were filled with indignation and cursed.

"Forget it, there's nothing to say, he's just a clown." Wang Teng said calmly.

He really didn't worry about Li Rongcheng.

There may have been some resentment before, but now that I have experienced a lot, my horizons have broadened, and I will no longer care about someone who is not a warrior.

Of course, if Li Rongcheng provokes him again, Wang Teng will not hold back.

Soon it was twelve o'clock.

The guests all arrived. After everyone took their seats, Mr. Wang stood up and said, "Thank you very much for coming to attend my grandson Wang Teng's college entrance banquet. I would like to toast you all with this glass!"

As he spoke, he raised his head suddenly and drank the wine in his hand.

"Mr. Wang is so heroic!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Wang is still as good as before, he's done it!"


All the guests in the hall were happy, and everyone raised their wine glasses to congratulate them one after another...

"Hey, the banquet has just started, it seems I came at the right time!"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the door.

The sound didn't seem loud, but it was extremely penetrating, suppressing the surrounding sounds and reaching everyone's ears.

Those who can do this are obviously not ordinary people!

And listening to these words, it seems that the person who came here is evil...

Everyone glanced at Mr. Wang, and then turned to the door involuntarily.

I saw a figure slowly walking in from outside. Surprisingly, he was carrying a... big bell on his shoulder!

"who are you?"

Before Mr. Wang could speak, Wang Teng's uncle Wang Shenghong stood up and said angrily.

"The gift-giver." The young man smiled lightly.

"Giving a gift?" Wang Shenghong's eyes couldn't help but fall on the big clock, and his expression changed.

Mr. Wang, Wang Shengguo and others also looked sad, presumably thinking of the gift this young man wanted to give.

Send the clock!

End of life! ! !

"Who sent you here?" Mr. Wang stood up and asked.

The young man chuckled, and the watch in his hand suddenly emitted a ray of light, projecting the figure of an old man on the wall.

The old man was sitting in a wheelchair, with an old face and an air of twilight. He smiled in the direction of Mr. Wang and said, "Long time no see, Wang Zhenxiong!"

Mr. Wang was stunned for a moment, frowned and thought for a while. The old man also waited quietly without disturbing him.

After a moment, Mr. Wang suddenly changed his expression: "It's you!"

"You finally remembered." The old man said.

"Ren Jianping, weren't you dead? At that time..." Mr. Wang said in disbelief.

"You shot me to death at that time? Haha, it's a pity that I didn't die. Do you regret not taking more shots now?" Ren Jianping sneered.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be aroused with curiosity. Their eyes were burning with the fire of gossip as they looked at the two old men who seemed to have a deep hatred.

"It's indeed a pity that I didn't beat you bastard to death and let you live for so many more years. What? Now you want to come to me for revenge." Mr. Wang sat down again and looked at the projection on the wall calmly.

(End of chapter)