Complete Martial Arts Attributes

Chapter 186: So many attributes


The training building of Huang Haijun Academy has complete internal training equipment and various types of training rooms, such as gravity room, mechanical battle room, reaction measurement room, etc.

As a warrior, unless you don't follow the actual combat route, you will always face danger.

Those dangers have no regard for your feelings. They can come from anywhere and come in any form.

Therefore, warriors need to train in many aspects, and the training room in the training building is set up based on these dangers.

Of course, training rooms have advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that it can be trained mechanically, which can deepen memory to a great extent.

The shortcomings are also obvious. Mechanical training is too rigid and not as flexible as a battle between warriors. Anything can happen during a battle. There are warriors who are fighting for their lives. At this time, whoever fights harder, what should you do? Mechanical training doesn't teach this.

Freshmen are basically martial arts disciples, so there is a martial arts training place in the training building on the first floor.

On the first floor, Wang Teng, Hou Pingliang and others separated and walked towards the second floor.

Hou Pingliang and others watched him enter the elevator with some emotion.

"They were also trained in nine years of compulsory education. Why are they so good?" Song Shuhang sighed.

"Our nine-year mission may be fake." Lu Shu said.


There was a sudden silence, and several people looked at each other speechlessly.

"Let's go, let's go to training..."

On the second floor, after Wang Teng came up, he saw a lot of students around him, mostly sophomores. Many people frowned when they saw Wang Teng.

The impact of the previous incident was relatively large on him.

Among the sophomores, not to mention half, at least two-fifths were somewhat dissatisfied with him.

They felt that those challengers were cheated, lost face, and became the laughing stock of everyone.

Now other students and tutors in the school will shake their heads unconsciously when discussing their sophomore year.

Sometimes, students of the same class share weal and woe, especially when it comes to matters of right and wrong.

Therefore, it is inevitable that some people will share the same hatred!

However, there are also many sophomores who don't care about this. They actually look down on Zhuo Tai's actions. If they were not overwhelmed by the benefits, this series of things would not happen.

This matter cannot be solely blamed on Wang Teng alone.

You all hit the door, why don't you allow him to fight back? There is no such double standard.

The focus of these people is on tasks. Instead of participating in those bullshit things, it is better to do more tasks to earn credits to improve their own strength. This is the right way.

They usually don't fight among themselves. At most, it's just a pure challenge to compete with each other in combat skills, and that's it.

The reason why the school cannot help but fight to the death is because the world of warriors is not as peaceful as in the school.

Outside, opponents and enemies don't care whether you are a student or not. When fighting, you have to go all out. It is difficult to hold back. It is common to be beaten to death directly.

In a life-and-death fight in school, even if people die, not too many people will die, but if they are released all at once, then it is really a gift.

The purpose of the life-and-death battle is to allow students to experience the horror of life and death in school, change their mentality in advance, and naturally become more cautious outside.

Wang Teng didn't care about the looks of these sophomores and walked straight to the first training room at the front of the corridor.

Gravity room!

Just as Wang Teng was about to enter, the access control voice prompts: "Please swipe your student card, 2 credits per hour!"


He found that he was thinking too much. There was no need to spend credits, it was impossible.

The gravity room is a completely enclosed training room. The entire training room is a gravity field. If you want to enter, you have to earn credits.

Fortunately, Wang Teng accepted more than a dozen challenges before, and now he has a huge sum of money. With more than a thousand credits, he is considered a rich man among freshmen. Those bastards Hou Pingliang stare at his student card every day. I want him to go to the second floor of the cafeteria to treat me.

What a beautiful thought!

It hurts so much to ask you once, why do you want to do it a second time

… hehe!

But you definitely have to enter the gravity room, just 2 credits for 2 credits.

Reluctant to let the child catch the wolf.

Wang Teng took out his student card and swiped it on the access control.

"Hey, student card!"

The door lock opened, and Wang Teng was about to push the door open when he suddenly frowned.


Is this door so difficult to open? He just used his normal strength at first, but stopped pushing for a while and couldn't help but increase his strength.

Wang Teng is now a 3-star combat warrior. His body has been tempered and washed by the force, and his strength has increased by an unknown amount.

Moreover, during the military training, there was strength training, and the freshmen dropped a lot of strength attribute bubbles. Wang Teng picked them up without incident.

Quantity is very objective.

Now that all the power has been converted into combat power, Wang Teng doesn't know how powerful he is now.

He slowly increased his strength and estimated that it was at least more than a thousand kilograms before he pushed open the door of the gravity chamber.


More than a thousand kilograms push the door open. What is the gravity inside

Wang Teng walked in and immediately felt a huge force pressing on his shoulders and head.

This is a regular gravity room, where most students train, but there is also a separate gravity room. You can increase the gravity as much as you want, as long as you can bear it.

Of course more credits are needed.

"It's okay. This gravity is not difficult for me." Wang Teng felt it for a while, and after a little adaptation, he was able to move freely.

There are many students in the gravity room who are training hard. Each one of them is exuding the light of the Force, whether they are fists or palms, swords or knives, they are all practicing hard on combat skills.

For a moment, Wang Teng suddenly felt the atmosphere of the martial arts academy.

This is what a warrior should do.

Of course, his eyes were quickly attracted by the string of attribute bubbles floating on the ground.

[Wood type force*3]

[Fire force*5]

[Earth force*3]

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are all the raw power of the five elements. Although it is a pity that there is no mutant force, you must be content as a human being!

Many, many…

Keep picking up.

[Water type force*2]

[Gold force*1]

Gradually, Wang Teng discovered a problem. They were all practicing Force combat skills, but the combat skill attributes were not lost.



Wang Teng was a bit autistic. When he saw so many people practicing Force combat skills, he thought he would be able to pick up one or two.

The results of it

not at all! Just thinking too much.

Obviously, Force combat skills are not so easy to drop. This is because the system is increasing the difficulty. Damn it!

One morning, Wang Teng spent time in the gravity chamber.

The attribute bubbles dropped by each person are limited. They will drop during training, but they will not drop all the time.

Wang Teng didn't waste time. While practicing combat skills, he used his mental power to pull the attribute bubbles over and then picked them up.

In the afternoon, after meeting Hou Pingliang and others to have lunch in the cafeteria, Wang Teng moved to other training rooms.

Mechanical battle room.

When Wang Teng walked into the mechanical battle room, his eyes widened. He originally thought that the so-called mechanical battle room was for fighting against machines and equipment, but he did not expect that the people fighting inside were rune puppets that looked like real people.

Wang Teng suddenly remembered those steel dolls he had seen in another world.

Obviously this is also a rune technology passed down from another world, and it is quite good for training students.

The rune doll is made entirely of steel, and its movements are indeed not as flexible as humans, but it is resistant to blows, and its explosive power is also very strong. It can also stimulate force attacks, and you can also gain experience by fighting against it.

Wang Teng glanced around.

[Fire force*2]

[Wood type force*3]

[Gold force*1]

Wang Teng was happily picking up attribute bubbles when he saw a student being knocked away by a rune puppet, and two attribute bubbles fell out of him.

[Earth force*5]

[Strong Barbarian Ox Kung Fu*1]


Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

Earth element force technique!

Let me go, can it still be like this

This operation is really unexpected!

Wang Teng hurriedly picked it up, and a little yellow man appeared in his mind.

The little yellow man used his body to bombard the boulder, causing his body to be beaten. At the same time, the movement of the Force appeared within his body...

This is actually a body-training technique!

Moreover, it is also an advanced Xuan-level technique.

Wang Teng watched the big young man in front of him get up from the ground and continue to rush towards the rune puppet opposite, his eyes unblinking and shining.

There is one benefit to this rune doll.

It will only fight back when others attack it. Once others stop attacking, it will stop.

Now the big young man attacked, and the rune puppet started to move.

The big young man kept colliding with the rune puppet, attacking with his body. The rune puppet beat his body, making a terrifying banging sound, which made his body hurt just by listening to it.

But the young man gritted his teeth and remained silent, hard steel rune pattern doll.

Wang Teng couldn't help but secretly said, "What a man!"

Then pick up the attribute bubbles falling on the ground.

[Earth force*3]

[Strong Barbarian Ox Kung Fu*3]

Luck is really coming, and nothing can stop it!

Wang Teng stood aside and watched for a long time, until the big young man could no longer support it and stopped automatically.

"Boy, don't you know that you can't just look at others when they are practicing?" The big young man turned around, looked at Wang Teng, and grinned.

"Oh, I really don't know." Wang Teng said casually.

Cheng Wu didn't care. In fact, no one could see anything about these training contents. No one would practice in public if they really needed to be hidden. He chuckled and said: "What a good boy, you are so brave. No wonder you dare to confront the instructor." .”

This big young man is none other than Cheng Wu from the martial arts club.

"Who are you?" Wang Teng felt that the other person seemed to be quite familiar with him, so he couldn't help but ask.

"You have a temper that suits me. Let me meet you. Cheng Wu is a junior in the martial arts club and has a 3-star combat level!" Cheng Wu said with a smile.

"Cheng Wu!" Wang Teng thought to himself, smiled, and was about to introduce himself: "Wang Teng..."

Cheng Wu interrupted him directly: "I know that this year's Rookie King needs no introduction. You are quite famous now. I think there is almost no one in the school who doesn't know you."

"It must be notorious." Wang Teng said with a smile.

"Hahaha, you kid is really interesting." Cheng Wu laughed and punched Wang Teng. Wang Teng didn't dodge. Cheng Wu's eyes couldn't help but shine, and he said carelessly: "Notoriousness is not enough, but a strong person Naturally, it will make people awed. You are the strongest one among the weaklings. Some people must be unhappy. The road to becoming stronger is like this. Like me, many people are very annoying. Unfortunately, they can't do anything about me. In the end, one's own strength is the most important, it doesn't matter whether you will be scolded and hated by others."

"Okay, I'm leaving first. You have almost passed the decision to join the martial arts club. Once you join the martial arts club, you are no longer an outsider. When your strength increases, we will learn from each other!"

As he spoke, he turned around and left without any hesitation. It was easy to see his temper from the way he acted and spoke.

"Cheng Wu looks like he's heartless and heartless, but in fact he's open-minded and has a lot of abilities, but he's much better than Zhuo Tai and his ilk."

"But if he knew that I had secretly learned his 'Strong Barbarian Bull Skill', would he be jealous of me?" Wang Teng thought with a strange expression.

He continued to wander around the mechanical battle room, but unfortunately he did not acquire any other combat skills or techniques, but only picked up some force attributes.

Two hours later, Wang Teng went to the reaction measurement room.

"Hey, student card!"

Swipe your card to enter.

The appearance in the reaction room made Wang Teng's attitude rise again.

There is no doubt that this is a place to practice speed, body skills, and reflexes.

It is divided into many areas, many of which are already being trained. Wooden piles are erected in them. According to different arrangements, they can be divided into plum blossom piles, Bagua piles, Jiugong piles, etc., with different difficulties.

This pile method is a legacy left by the ancients. Now that we have entered the martial arts era, it suddenly plays a great role.

Wang Teng observed carefully and found that the wooden piles were not motionless. There was probably some device under the floor that allowed the wooden piles to constantly change their positions, greatly increasing the difficulty.

There are even plastic bullets shot from directly in front. Once the trainer is shot, the instrument will record it and evaluate the trainer's reaction level based on the number of bullets shot.



A large number of speed attribute bubbles fell to the ground. Wang Teng gathered them together with his mental power and picked them all up.

Suddenly my body felt much lighter.

"Have fun." Wang Teng's eyes lit up and he walked to a vacant wooden pile area.

"Nine Palace Piles! Difficulty?"

The difficulty is divided into beginner, intermediate, advanced, and the most difficult nightmare level.

Wang Teng directly chose the advanced difficulty, and the wooden stakes inside immediately started to move. He took a deep breath and stepped in.


Instead of using the Wind Step, he used the basic movement technique and moved his whole body, shuttling between the wooden piles, leaving only an afterimage.

Plastic bullets suddenly shot out from the wall in front of him. Wang Teng not only had to pay attention to the changes in the wooden stakes, but also had to avoid the bullets fired at high speed at all times.

Ten minutes later, Wang Teng walked out of the Jiugong pile.

"Advanced difficulty, not bad!"

He successfully passed the level without touching a wooden stake during the process, but he was shot with three bullets and his reaction ability was rated at 94 points.

Wang Teng didn't try his best, and this result was just normal, but the students passing by were stunned.

"That... is Wang Teng!"

"This guy has a score of 94 on the Advanced Difficulty of Jiugong Zhuang, eh!"

"Damn, I'm still not human..."

Don't blame them for making such a fuss, the advanced difficulty level is inherently difficult. The highest record left by a 2-star warrior in the school is 91 points, and Wang Teng directly broke the record.

I've been writing lately, and I can't stop it. I usually know that I have to go to bed quickly at twelve o'clock. Today, I saw that it was getting dark. I looked at the time and realized that it was already past five o'clock. I quickly posted a chapter. Eat it. Let’s continue coding after a meal!

(End of chapter)