Complete Martial Arts Attributes

Chapter 54: family background


The man in a black suit with a bald head left, with a bruised nose and swollen face, full of grievance and fear, and went back to report to his boss.

He knew that the interest on this account would probably never be returned.

The other party is a ruthless character, so ruthless that he will smash his head when angry. He cannot be offended.

The boss shouldn't want to provoke such a person, right

Fortunately, the capital was recovered, so it was not without gain.

It's this face that got me slapped in the face... Hiss! pain! ! !


After sending away the loan shark, Lin Chuhan breathed a sigh of relief and said to Wang Teng: "Wang Teng, just now... thank you."

"Nothing!" Wang Teng shook his head and lit a cigarette while putting away the lighter.

"Stop smoking!" Lin Chuhan suddenly said.


"Smoking is harmful to health." Lin Chuhan said.

"I was so scared that I quickly smoked a cigarette to calm down the shock!" Wang Teng said.

"..." Lin Chuhan.

"I'm kidding you!" Wang Teng threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out.

It's really not good to smoke in front of a girl.

"By the way, why are you here?" Lin Chuhan suddenly asked in confusion.

"Do you believe me when I say I came here specifically to take a look?" Wang Teng said with a smile.

Lin Chuhan's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly turned her face to the side. She felt her ears were a little warm, and she pulled her hair to cover it up.

"I won't tell you anymore, I'll go over and see my mother."

Lin Chuhan ran back to the grocery store and explained to Lin's mother, telling her that the loan shark had been sent away and the IOU had been burned.

Mother Lin hugged Lin Chuhan and cried with joy. She was really going crazy from being tormented by those people these days.

"By the way, Xiaohan, who did you borrow that money from? Tell him that although we don't have that much money now, we will definitely pay it back to him as soon as possible." Mother Lin wiped her tears.

"I borrowed it from him." Lin Chuhan looked towards Wang Teng.

"Ah, how can a young man get so much money?" Mother Lin was a little surprised.

"His family runs a company." Lin Chuhan said.

Mother Lin was stunned, then thought of something, and said suspiciously: "Xiaohan, you...?"

Lin Chuhan saw Mother Lin's expression and immediately knew what she was thinking. She stamped her feet and said coquettishly: "Mom, what are you thinking? He is my deskmate."

"Okay, okay, Mom didn't think too much, Mom didn't think too much," Mother Lin said quickly.

"You girl, why didn't you invite him to your home? He has helped our family so much. Mom wants to express her gratitude to him in person."

Lin Chuhan was about to call Wang Teng, but saw him walking over slowly. .

"My mother said she would like to thank you personally." She said to Wang Teng.

"Yes, Xiao Teng, you don't mind if I call you that. Thank you so much this time, otherwise we really don't know what to do." Mother Lin said gratefully.

"You don't mind, auntie. Chuhan is my deskmate and she helps me a lot. I should help her when she has difficulties," Wang Teng said.

"Okay, Xiaohan is really lucky to have a deskmate like you."

The more Mother Lin looked at Wang Teng, the more she liked her. What a good boy, although he was a bit naughty...

But at first glance, he seems to be a responsible person who can get things done, speaks politely, and takes care of Xiaohan. It would be nice to have such a son-in-law...

In the martial arts era, one could get married at the age of eighteen. Mother Lin felt that it was time to consider her daughter’s life-long events!

"We'll have dinner at Auntie's house tonight." Mother Lin suddenly became enthusiastic: "Auntie will go buy groceries right away. Xiaohan, you can greet Xiaoteng at home."

After saying that, Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan hurriedly ran out of the door without giving Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan time to react.

Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan were left looking at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly felt strange. "How about... I leave first?" Wang Teng said.

"Why don't you go? My mother has already gone shopping for groceries. If you leave, how will I explain it when she comes back?" Lin Chuhan rolled her eyes.

"Just find any reason, like I'm in a hurry or something." Wang Teng gave some suggestions.

Lin Chuhan looked at Wang Teng.

Is this guy so unhappy

Although she also felt embarrassed, Wang Teng's unwillingness made her feel less uncomfortable.

"You have to explain yourself. I won't explain anyway." Lin Chuhan glared at Wang Teng.

"Okay, okay, it's just a meal. I, Wang Teng, am not afraid at all!" Even though Wang Teng said this, it was as if he was going to the execution ground.

When Lin Chuhan saw him like this, he realized that this guy was not unhappy, but a little timid. He usually looked fearless and had forgotten that he was just a normal person.

Couldn't help but snicker secretly behind him.

Wang Teng stood in the store, not knowing what to do. When he saw the candies scattered on the floor, he went over to help pick them up.

Lin Chuhan also reacted. Looking at Wang Teng's back, his eyes became softer, and he knelt down and picked it up.

"I'll transfer the remaining money to you later." She said, remembering the money.

"Okay!" Wang Teng nodded.

"As for the one hundred thousand yuan, I will go work during the summer vacation to make money to pay you back." Lin Chuhan said.

"No, it's one hundred thousand and one hundred." Wang Teng said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, one hundred thousand and one hundred, you tough guy." Lin Chuhan rolled his eyes.

"Hahaha..." Wang Teng laughed indifferently.

Lin Chuhan didn't realize that it was this kind of respect hidden in his words that allowed the two of them to get along as usual without any estrangement because of this incident.

Not long after, Mother Lin came back from grocery shopping. She had big and small bags in her hand and bought a lot of fish and meat.

"Xiao Teng, you and Chu Han go and sit upstairs for a while, and I'll go cook." Mother Lin greeted her and then rushed into the kitchen to get busy.

"Let's go upstairs." Lin Chuhan led Wang Teng upstairs.

"Isn't uncle at home?" Wang Teng asked.

Lin Chuhan bit her lower lip and said, "He is here, I will take you to see him."

Wang Teng met Lin Chuhan's father, a drunken man who was emaciated and his legs were gone.

"Your did it become like this?" Wang Teng was really surprised.

"My dad used to be a warrior. When he came back from another world, he became like this. His teammates rescued him with great difficulty, but not only did he lose his legs, his original core was shattered, and he became a complete A useless person." Lin Chuhan explained sadly.

"This..." Although Wang Teng knew that the world of warriors was not as beautiful as what was said outside, he really didn't expect it to be so cruel.

He was a little frightened when he saw the shocking scars on Father Lin's body.

Moreover, he never expected that Lin Chuhan's father was actually a warrior.

"Since you know how cruel the world of warriors is, why do you still practice martial arts? And take the martial arts exam?" Wang Teng couldn't help but ask her.

"I want revenge!" Lin Chuhan closed the door and said through gritted teeth.

"Is it man-made?" Wang Teng was surprised again.

"My dad's teammates said that their enemies set a trap that caused all this." Lin Chuhan said.

—Cute new dividing line—

Fellow veterans, it’s a new week, please vote for recommendations, give rewards, collect, and invest!

Our first priority is to ensure that we update 4,000 words twice a day. The author is now almost broke and has no money to spend the Chinese Valentine's Day. There is nothing to repay you.

I can only complete the task of updating more than 3,000 words in 30 days first, so that all book friends can get a little return on their investment.

By the way, if there is any surprise when you wake up tomorrow morning, such as a huge reward or something, I will add more tomorrow night. Hehe~ Smile like a fool~

(End of chapter)