Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 114: 114 Before the storm breaks out, he is famous all over the world


Of course Tang Jihe knew that, he was familiar with every poison in the Tang Sect.

Just as he was about to pick up the Zhuxin Pill on the ground, a white tailless mouse sprang out from the side. He paused, but saw it lowered its head and sniffed at the Zhuxindan repeatedly. After a while, it raised its head and chirped loudly. Call.

Tang Jihe looked in the direction and saw Hua Jinglan narrowing her eyes slightly and said, "That's poison."

"Tang Yuan... you!" Tang Jihe suddenly turned around, his blood boiling.

Tang Yuan looked pityful, "I didn't expect that I could deceive you but not this little beast. This beast is a beast!"

Guzi twisted his butt and ran away. Tang Jihe was about to get up, but Tang Yuan suddenly made a ruthless move and used all his strength to knock him out ten meters away!

Tang Jihe hit the ground and was dragged far away. He opened his mouth and sprayed black blood all over the ground. In the blink of an eye, a pair of white boots appeared in front of his eyes.

"I said, I knelt down and got beaten, but I still didn't get the Heart-killing Pill. Is it worth it for you?" Hua Jinglan asked, squatting next to him.

Tang Jihe smiled weakly, raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were no longer clear, "When you came to Jiuxiao Villa, you said similar things... I just tried my best. Even if the result is not what I want, I can only resign myself to fate... "

Hua Jinglan held her chin and said, "You can leave it to fate, but what should I do? Didn't my life go in vain?"

Tang Jihe paused and closed his eyes, "If Mr. Xue Yue doesn't despise my miserable life, I can stay with you on the road to hell."

Hua Jinglan curled her lips and smiled, her black pupils were exceptionally clear, "You are also quite good at joking."

"It's a pity that it's hard to find a true friend..." Tang Jihe endured the stinging pain in his internal organs and tried his best to spit out, "I've hurt you..."

"Have you guys had enough chatting?" Tang Yuan looked at them sinisterly.

Hua Jinglan raised her eyes and glanced at him. Her eyes were like the ice in June stabbing an ice thorn into his full of revenge. Tang Yuan was stunned.

"I have no intention of being your backer," Hua Jinglan looked down at Tang Jihe again, "You only have one life, and it is always in your own hands. Why do you just leave it to fate? It's because you don't want to live anymore!"

Tang Jihe breathed heavily.

Hua Jinglan stretched out two fingers and waved them in front of his eyes, "Hey, can you still see me clearly?"

Tang Jihe raised his eyes and nodded slowly.

"Now," Hua Jinglan said with a smile, "If you want to survive, I can save you."

There were no conditions, but if he wanted to live, would she be willing to save him

Tang Jihe stared blankly at the woman in front of him. He was confused again at this moment. She seemed to be letting him choose... live, dragging his old body to continue the Tang Sect's mission, knowing that he would use up his last bit of strength? Let's die. It's better to die. He doesn't have to wait until the Tang Sect falls apart in front of his eyes...

die! Is it really good

He looked at the woman in front of him. She was obviously poisoned and she only had one hour to live, but she could still say that she wanted to save herself as if nothing had happened? However, he intuitively believed that as long as he nodded, she would be able to save him!

She is not beautiful, but she is extremely dazzling.

A great responsibility comes from heaven, either because of extraordinary talent, or because of high moral integrity, or... to win people's hearts!

No wonder she can tame the tailless spirit beast, no wonder she is frivolous on the surface but can attract people to get close to her, no wonder she can talk and laugh naturally in life and death, this kind of person is the destined one!

Without any further hesitation, he nodded heavily.

Hua Jinglan smiled, touched her waist, took out two small and large red pills, put them in his palm and said, "Two big pills are enough for you to advance, but considering that you are injured and your physical condition is weak, No, take two small pills first, and after half an hour, take the big pill. Within an hour, you can rise to Qinglong."

These words made people gasp. Who didn't look at the four pills in Tang Jihe's palm, who didn't feel itchy for the effect, and who didn't beat his chest for such good luck? ! How difficult it is to advance to the next level. For ordinary people, it may take several years to reach the first level. The higher the level, the harder it is to advance. But the young man in white didn't sound like he was lying. Is there really such a miracle medicine in the world? !

Tang Jihe's eyes gleamed and he opened his mouth, speechless, all his emotions converging into one word: gratitude.

Hua Jinglan thought for a while and then said: "But your physical damage is too serious, so you can only reach the first level of Qinglong."

Tang Jihe shook his head, "This is a great blessing for Jihe."

Hua Jinglan smiled again, "Well, I'll ask the old man for some medicine and send it to you. Whether it can be completely cured depends on your luck!"

What is she saying? ! People in the Tang family couldn't believe their ears. Tang Jihe had been poisoned since he was a child. The Tang family tried every means, but they only managed to delay his life for twenty years. How dare she say it so lightly!

Everyone's ears were sharp and they didn't miss the word "old man".

Hua Jinglan stood up, glanced at the gleaming eyes around her, turned her purse inside out, and said with a smile: "First of all, I don't have any more pills, don't ask for them from me, and don't ask me who the old man is. If anyone asks me, I won’t tell you!”

Everyone sneered coldly and turned around.

Chun Yuyan, who was standing by the window, suddenly smiled. Sure enough, he could make people half-dead angry at any time. With such a woman, he couldn't help but keep his eyes on her.

"That medicine is indeed so magical, why do you have no internal strength at all?" Tang Yuan asked with a sneer.

Hua Jinglan called Yuchi Yue to help Tang Jihe adjust his breathing. By the way, Yuchi Jue was also brought in as a bodyguard. Then he raised his head and looked at Chun Yuyan, and smiled softly, "Chun Yuyan, after an hour, if I really die what to do?"

Chunyu Yan raised his eyebrows, turning amber into gold, and said half-seriously, "How about letting the Tang Clan bury you with you?"

Tang Jihe, who had just sat up, almost lost his breath, and Yuchi Jue quickly supported him.

Hua Jinglan slapped her hands, pursed her lips and smiled, "Don't be so serious, I'm just asking."

Tang Yuan's fingers were embedded in his palms, and his brows were trembling. No one had ever dared to be so bold in front of him. This woman was really looking for death!

After Hua Jinglan smiled enough, she turned her head and looked at him, grinning with white teeth, "How do you want to die?"