Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 142: 142 Before the storm breaks out, he is famous all over the world


"Hua Jinglan!" Yuchi Jue looked at her with red eyes, "Yue'er's brain became like this just because of the leap. If he goes crazy again, he may... How could you do this?!"

"Maybe he will die?" Hua Jinglan raised her eyebrows with a slightly cold expression, "If he continues like this, he will not live past the age of twenty-five!"

Yuchi Jue was stunned, "How did you know?!"

"Don't always ask meaningless questions," Hua Jinglan turned and walked out. "Now that the arrow is on the string, are you going to sit back and wait for death, or take him back to take a gamble?"

Yuchi Jue looked at her back with hatred, but he had to admit that this was an opportunity. It was Hua Jinglan who gave him the opportunity. She made the decision that he didn't dare to make, but it was Yu Chi Yue who had to bet on it. life...

Hua Jinglan walked out of the courtyard, placed the glass next to Yuchi Yue, smiled at him and said, "If you write a letter, tie it to the leg of the glass and let it be given to me, you know?"

Yuchi Yue nodded with a pout, and stretched out his hand, intending to grab her, but paused and hugged the glass instead, "You must come to pick me up in three months."

Hua Jinglan did not nod this time, but just smiled.

Yuchi Jue rode away, leaving a stern look on his face before leaving. Hua Jinglan touched her nose and guessed what he meant. If something happened to Yu Chi Yue, he would have to fight for her.

"Miss..." Gaoyue came up behind her and said, "The second young master will be safe and sound."

Hua Jinglan stared at the direction in which the carriage was going away, slightly curling her lips. Of course she wouldn't let anything happen to him.

With a wave of her wide sleeves, she turned around and stepped through the door.


Before the residual heat dissipated, people came to the door of Hua Mansion before dawn to repair the long wooden blocks and tall round pillars. In less than two hours, a huge arena was erected in front of the door of Hua Mansion. Naturally, a lot of people gathered early, and some of them came here specifically to recruit Hua Wanyu's bride for her martial arts competition.

In the Hua Mansion, Cui Xiulin, Hua Baixiang, Miao Luoxiang, Hua Fingsheng, Hua Queqi, and Hua Wanyu were sitting in the stands outside. Hua Wanyu was very happy, her smile was mixed with the shyness of her daughter, and she secretly glanced at the people under the ring from time to time to see if there was anyone she liked.

Although Hua Wanyu has a bad reputation, her appearance is always excellent. In addition, due to the reputation of the Hua family, there are indeed many people who want to be their son-in-law. This time, the Hua family is very happy, and they have found a sense of superiority from repeated setbacks. .

"Come on, come on, put the things away for me. Master said, we have to set them up in half an hour!" Another group of people came from a distance and shouted, carrying wood and Hua Chou, and occupied the opposite side of the Huafu ring. Son.

"What's going on there?" Cui Xiulin frowned slightly when he saw the commotion and asked the grandmother beside him.

"Slave, go and drive them away." Mammy led a few servants and walked over aggressively: "Who are you? Don't you know that Miss Huafu is competing in a martial arts competition today to find a bride? Quickly dismantle the things!"

Su Huan, dressed in plain clothes, stood forward with no smile on her face, "The singing girl of Linglong Tower is looking for a son-in-law today. Those who are interested can come to the ring, but those who are not interested can stay away!"

The grandma was so angry that her face was shaking, she pointed at Su Huan and said: "A little prostitute dares to be on the same stage as my lady to recruit a son-in-law. I think you are going to die!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Hua Yin punched her in front of her face and stared at her fiercely, "What did you say?"

The nanny looked up and saw Hua Yin, and was startled. She quickly took three steps back, pointed at him and said: "You... wait until I tell the old lady that I want you to look good!"

Everyone in the Hua Mansion over there had already understood the posture here. Hua Wanyu grabbed Miao Luoxiang's sleeve and panicked, "It's Hua Jinglan! She came to humiliate me on purpose!"

Miao Luoxiang patted her hand and said, "Grandma and your father are here today, so she doesn't dare to make a mistake."

Hua Wanyu was still a little scared and couldn't help but cast her eyes on Cui Xiulin. Cui Xiulin was fine on the face, but there was a huge wave in his heart. The people setting up the stage opposite were all martial arts masters. A three-foot-high flower tower arena had actually taken shape. Hua Jinglan was indeed heading towards the Hua family. !

"Don't cause trouble on your big day." She turned around and said.

"Yes, mother." Hua Bai responded.

Hua Que searched for it without leaving a trace, but did not see Hua Jinglan's figure. Looking at the face of Hua Baixiang next to him, he felt a little worried. He didn't know whether what Hua Jinglan said was true or not, but he provoked Hua Mansion. It's a fact. Hua Wanyu has already conveyed the original words to Hua Baixiang's ears.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, a flower-building arena was erected with fine corners and red silk. Even the wood used for stepping on it was of the highest quality, not to mention the decoration on the stand. The fruit snacks were exquisite and delicious, and the red blanket was spread all over the floor. There was a layer of pearl curtains separating the inside and outside, which also blocked everyone's curiosity: the real owner has not arrived yet.

Compared with the flower building of Linglong Building, the Hua Family Arena looked much inferior, and many onlookers were attracted there, which made Hua Wanyu bite her lip and secretly get angry.

"Hey! The sedan is coming over there!" Someone pointed to the distance of the long street.

What came was a girl wearing a red gauze bag. Through the red gauze, you could see a woman with a phoenix crown and a beautiful hat sitting inside. She must be the singing girl from Linglong Tower. After the soft chase, there was a green gauze carriage. The girls from Linglong Tower and the young men from the Clear Pavilion stood on one side and followed behind. They were all exquisite and clear people. They were particularly eye-catching when walking on the street. From Clear Pavilion, There were quite a few people coming from the pavilion. Those who heard the news were attracted by the scene and gathered around the Hualou Arena.

"Who is sitting in the carriage over there?!" Many people asked after him.

"I heard that he is the new owner of Linglong Tower and Tietou Pavilion, and he is also a handsome young man!" someone familiar with the matter replied.

"Young master who can buy the second floor, wow, what a generous act!" someone praised.

"Look at the splendid scene today. The young lady in Linglong Tower got married, and even the Hua Mansion was overshadowed. Isn't it a big deal?!"

"Go and see what that young man looks like?"

"Go, go, go!"

The crowd turned against him, and they rushed to the Hualou Arena, all wanting to see the young master's face.

"It's out, it's out!" someone shouted excitedly.

The bright moon opened the curtains, Mei Er moved the stool, Izumo went to hold Hua Jinglan's hand, her elegant white clothes were finally revealed to everyone!