Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 162: 162 The wind blows and the clouds roll, and the heaven and earth are revealed for the first time


Hua Jinglan's beautiful eyes curved into a crescent moon. She handed out the black copper token with a smile and said, "Do you want to see if it's true or not?"

Tang Fen looked at the thing in her hand, looked at her again and again, finally put away the Tiansi Soft Sword, knelt down on one knee, "Tang Fen, the leader of the first branch of the Tang Sect, has seen the sect master's token!"

As soon as he knelt down, the people behind him also knelt down. After a neat shout of "I've seen the gate master's token", the surroundings returned to silence.

Hua Jinglan looked at Tang Fen and said, "Is that the Tiansi Soft Sword you are holding in your hand? You had a fight with Yan Qing."

Tang Fen raised his head and didn't understand what she meant. However, Hua Jinglan had already stepped aside. Another young man in white came forward and raised his hand to him, "Please enlighten me."

After saying this, without waiting for his reaction, the flying needles in his sleeves flew out with a faint light. He raised his sword to block them, and several flying needles fell to the ground. Wen Zhuoyi didn't give him a chance to breathe. With every movement he made, several flying needles flew out of his sleeves and feet, seemingly endlessly.

Fei Ye Zhen focuses on surprise attacks, and the enemy is caught by surprise, and the open terrain here is very beneficial to Wen Zhuoyi. Tang Fen responded with the soft Tiansi sword. The soft sword drew a gentle arc and attacked Wen Zhuoyi's elbows and chest.

After about dozens of rounds, Hua Jinglan slapped her palms together and said, "Yan Qing, that's enough."

Wen Zhuoyi didn't want to fight at all, and quickly left the battle and retreated behind Hua Jinglan.

Tang Fen was confused by Hua Jinglan's attitude. He frowned at her and asked with probing eyes, "Who are you?"

Hua Jinglan smiled, "You can count as knowing Tang Jihe."

After a pause, she continued: "If you want to seize the Kuanglan Sword, your current swordsmanship and martial arts are simply not enough, and there is no need to waste any more time. Miss Zi Tu and Mr. Shuanghe are my friends. The Beast Taming Clan and the Beast Clan How about we cease the war today and go to Loulan City together?"

Tang Fen frowned deeper and said resolutely, "Tang is bound to win the Kuanglan Sword. Today he will definitely meet Young Master Xue Yue. As for the fight between the two clans, please don't interfere. The sect master gave the token to you, although Your Excellency can dispatch the disciples of the Tang Sect at will, but the grudges between the Beast Clan and the Beast Taming Clan, not even the sect master can..."

"Not to mention me, an outsider?" Hua Jinglan took his words and smiled nonchalantly, "What if I have to intervene?"

Tang Fen held onto the Tiansi Soft Sword and said in a deep voice, "Then don't blame me for being rude."

A sarcastic smile flashed across the deserted face, and the next second, the white shadow suddenly flashed and disappeared from in front of him!

Tang Fen tensed his nerves and was about to make a move when he heard someone chuckle behind him. He turned around in shock, and it was the young man in white!

Hua Jinglan fluttered her sleeves, raised her drooping eyelids, and stared at him coldly, "Be polite first and then fight, because I have absolute control. If you are confident that you can beat me, then go ahead!"

Tang Fen's hand holding the Tiansi Soft Sword stiffened for a while, and finally dropped it weakly. There was more than just one young master in white. There were more than a dozen masters around her. The most important thing was that she had a black copper token. She did not respect the black copper token. For disrespecting the sect master!

Seeing that he surrendered, Hua Jinglan finally smiled and said: "Su Huan, take off his soft Tiansi sword."

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Tang Fen actually handed over the Tiansi Soft Sword obediently. Su Huan came over holding the sword and asked: "Master, what should I do with the Soft Silk Sword?"

Hua Jinglan thought for a while and said, "It's better to put the table legs on."

"Cough cough cough!" Wen Ruyu wanted to laugh, but because the younger brother of the Tang Sect leader had a blue face, he could only cover it up with a fake cough.

"Mr. Shuanghe, Miss Zitu, the rules of the two clans are that you cannot retreat or avoid, and the winner must be determined. Now the two clans are going to Loulan City together. It does not count as retreat or avoidance. As for the outcome, it does not have to be immediate. Just separate them?" Hua Jinglan turned to look at the people in the tea shop.

Zi Tu didn't know that Hua Jinglan was helping them, so he simply nodded, but his eyes became more and more respectful. How could someone who could be on an equal footing with King Xiaoyao and master the Tang Sect's Black Bronze Token? Ordinary people

Hua Jinglan swept her wide sleeves, met the astonished gaze of "Mr. Xue Yue", and said, "Is it convenient for Mr. Xue Yue to go on his way?"

"Master Xue Yue" nodded casually, feeling at a loss under Hua Jinglan's gaze, so he quickly returned to the carriage.

When Hua Jinglan was about to get on the carriage, she was stopped by Zi Tu. She asked, "Who are you?" Her expression was firm, and she looked like she would not give up until she had an answer.

"Mr. Xuanji." Hua Jinglan laughed, deliberately not answering her question directly.

"I'm asking about her real name!" Zi Tu saw her about to leave and stopped her again.

Hua Jinglan turned around to face her, cleared her throat and said seriously: "There is a custom in my hometown. If a girl takes the initiative to ask a man's name, she is proposing to him. If the man answers, it means he agrees and tells you his name. , will you marry me?"

Zi Tu's eyes did hesitate, but Hua Jinglan took advantage of this moment to get into the carriage, and the rest was just laughter. Zi Tu knew that he had been tricked.

As Wen Zhuoyi walked past her, he whispered: "When she doesn't want to tell you, you won't get the answer no matter how you ask."

Zi Tu looked up at him and bit his lip, seemingly unwilling to do so.

Wen Zhuoyi smiled, "Don't worry, she will always tell you, wait until Loulan City."

Zi Tu looked at the green gauze and copper bell carriage, took a deep breath, turned to ask Shuanghe, "Brother, why do you think someone like him would help us?"

Shuanghe looked far away and said with deep meaning: "Everything in the world only has the word 'profit'. He has the Tang Sect's black copper token. Who can guarantee that he is not an orc?"

"No!" Zi Tu said firmly, "He will never be an orc!"

Shuanghe held her shoulders and said, "Sister, if he is really an orc, the meaning of this action will be different. You should understand."

Zi Tu bit her lower lip and got on the horse, grabbed the reins, and said firmly: "He cannot be from the beast tribe!"

Seeing her riding away, Shuanghe could only shake his head, but when he turned his head, his eyes became sharp and he ordered the people behind him: "Leave a mark and summon the nearby Reliance tribe members!"