Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 168: 168 The wind blows and the clouds roll, and the universe is revealed for the first time


The tall iron bridge slowly sank, covering the surging water of the moat, breaking the colored silks on the tower one by one, and sinking into the water.

Everyone held their breath and raised their eyes, only to see that the open city gate was filled with dust and wind, and no one could be seen!

How is this going? Hua Jinglan frowned. When she just left the city gate, it was still very busy inside. Then in the blink of an eye, no one could be found

The strange sound of the flute did not disappear, but got closer and closer. Just when everyone was suspicious, the roar of wild beasts came from the mountains, forests and cities!

"Roar...!" The roars of wild beasts were like rolling thunder, one after another, like thousands of troops galloping in, making people's ears hurt!

Everyone pricked up their ears and listened carefully. Many people's calves were trembling, but they resisted and did not dare to say a word.

Jiao Yue grabbed Hua Jinglan's clothes and looked around and said, "Master, what is this...?"

Hua Jinglan raised her head and looked beyond the crowd into the distance. This should be the roar of a liger, but how could ligers appear in groups in places where humans are densely populated

"Beasts!" The people standing on the edge finally saw clearly what was coming from the distance of the city gate. They were so frightened that they threw themselves on the ground with their legs weak, "Groups of wild beasts!"

"The Beast King! It's the Beast King!"

"The Beast King is here! Run!"

"No...! There's one from behind too!"

The person who rushed forward suddenly turned around, only to find that among the trees outside the city gate, ligers and tigers walked out one after another, accompanied by long roars, and they were standing in a dense crowd!

Suddenly, there were cries everywhere, everyone's legs weakened, they panicked, and they didn't know where to go even if they wanted to run. Except for the moat in front of them, all the roads were surrounded by wild beasts!

At this time, Zi Tu and Shuang He walked out of the crowd and walked toward the city gate. Hua Jinglan looked up and saw that the people leading the beast out were several people decorated similarly to Zi Tu. They all held flutes in their hands. The sound of the flute just now must have come from their mouths.

Wherever she looked, she couldn't help but look cold.

"Sir, that's the peach blossom!" Su Huan pointed to the cage held by one of them. Isn't that anxious black cat the missing peach blossom

Just as he was about to move, his arm was suddenly grabbed by someone. Hua Jinglan turned around and realized it was Chun Yuyan.

"Lan'er, I will lend you my inner strength to slay the beast." He said in a low voice.

Before she could answer, his palm pressed against her back, and with a slight exertion, a steady stream of power was injected into her body.

Tang Fen strode forward and said loudly: "The war between the two clans will not affect outsiders. Can the relying clan first dismiss the Beast King and allow the people in the city to take refuge?!"

Shuanghe walked onto the bridge and said, "Tangmen disciples, come out!"

Tang Fen glanced back, and the crowd automatically separated, separating the Tang Sect disciples.

Hua Jinglan followed the crowd and walked away. The surge of internal energy in her body made her internal organs hurt. She gritted her teeth and whispered: "Chun Yu..."

"These wild beasts are not domesticated beasts by the Yi Tuo tribe. Just a few people from the Yi Tuo tribe cannot control so many wild beasts. It's not that they don't want to retreat, but they can't retreat. Once the two tribes go to war and the wild beasts go wild, the people in the city will be littered with corpses. , Lan'er, hold on!" Chunyu Yan said these words in her ear, and then increased the flow of internal energy.

Hua Jinglan closed her eyes and tried to balance the huge internal force into her body and move it away. The surge of Qi was like boiling water, trying to tear her skin apart!

While she was trying to digest Chun Yuyan's internal strength, Zitu was frightened by the restless beasts. She grabbed Shuanghe's arm and asked in a low voice: "Brother, why did you leave the most urgent order? You We obviously know that Loulan City is full of people!"

Shuanghe said expressionlessly: "There are only five of us, but there are dozens of people in Tang Clan. If I don't gather my clan members, Loulan City may be the place where we die!"

Zi Tu threw away his arm and said: "You are talking nonsense! The battle between the two clans has always been open and aboveboard. If it really wants to start, the disciples of the Tang Sect will definitely give us time to summon the Beast King. You are obviously doing this for your own selfishness!"

Shuanghe clamped her arms and opened his eyes angrily, "Zi Tu, the Beast Controlling Clan and the Beast Clan cannot coexist. Either the Beast Controlling Clan will die, or the Beast Clan will die!"

Zi Tu's eyes were red with anger, but she couldn't break away from his hand, so she could only stare at him and said: "There are hundreds of wild beasts here, how can we control them? You just want the wild beasts to go wild and kill them regardless of right or wrong." Everyone!"

Shuanghe pushed her away and ordered the others: "Let the Beast King come out."

The "hissing" sound of the flute sounded again, and among the beasts, several huge tigers walked out and slowly approached the crowd. Such a ferocious beast, its breathing sound could be heard from a long distance, and its rough breath spurted out, Everyone was so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe.

The sound of the flute carried an unknown melody, and several tigers walked leisurely towards the disciples of the Tang Sect. One of them stopped halfway, and Zitu behind the two cranes couldn't help but pick up the flute and strengthen the melody. They are unified.

"Roar...!" The six tigers roared together, and the beast wind surged.

Tang Fen was surrounded by the Tang Sect disciples. He glanced at the ferocious beasts around him, pulled out the soft Tiansi sword, and said loudly: "Tang Sect disciples, you cannot retreat or evade, the beasts will win!"

"Tang Clan disciple!"

"No retreat, no avoidance!"

"The war beast will win!"

Dozens of Tang Sect disciples showed no signs of cowardice. They raised their swords high and shouted in unison. Their eyes were like torches and they pounced on the beast. What followed was a life-and-death fight!

"Tang Clan disciple!"

"No retreat, no avoidance!"

"The war beast will win!"

This shout seemed to be a demonstration, successfully arousing the bloodthirsty wildness of the six beast kings. They planted their paws on the ground, slightly lowered their heads and roared wildly at the wide-open beast mouths and fangs. Following their screams, they wandered a hundred meters away. The beasts outside also began to stir!

"Tang Clan disciple!"

"No retreat, no avoidance!"

"The war beast will win!"

After passing by three times, the Tang Sect disciples quickly set up their formations, with sharp blades in their hands, waiting for the beast to move first!

The sound of the flute changed again, and one of the tigers suddenly jumped up and pounced on the Tang Sect disciples. With agile speed and huge strength, it knocked down one person, stepped on his chest with its front paws, roared, opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards him. Tear off his neck...!

ps: There is still one chapter that I haven’t had time to write, so I’ll update it tomorrow morning!