Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 176: 176 The wind blows and the clouds roll, and the universe is revealed for the first time


Hua Jinglan has never thought that hero worship is a troublesome thing, but now she deeply understands it. Watching the person in front of her walking everywhere, eating her food and hugging her cat, she still acts like a guard against thieves. Staring at her, even the first thing he saw when he woke up from sleep was the lingering ghost of Chun Yuru!

Su Huan often pursed her lips and snickered, "Young Master is really charming."

Sorry, she is not interested in Chun Yuru.

"Why don't you take Izumo over? They both like storytelling the most." Su Huan suggested again.

Hua Jinglan agreed with both hands this time. She didn't understand why Chun Yuru's hatred for her suddenly turned into an outpouring of admiration, but at this time, getting rid of her was her most urgent need.

She hugged Sanya and wandered around the downtown area, and found that she actually liked eating fried fruits made from noodles. After she ate two of them at one go, she packed a few more and planned to take them back to Taohua. She just paid the money and turned around. When she saw people from the Yue family coming towards her and saw the little girl behind Yue Wei, Hua Jinglan was overjoyed, waved her hand and said, "Yue Zhuang!"

Yue Zhuang looked back at her, a little confused for a moment, and saw her blinking at him. She suddenly came to her senses, whispered to Yue Liang, and quickly withdrew from the Yue family's team, pulling her to the side. Said: "You're back so soon?"

"What, can't I come back?" Hua Jinglan asked inexplicably.

"Sister Hua," Yue Zhuang pursed her lips and looked at her, saying, "Two people in the Hua family have broken arms."

Hua Jinglan looked at her with a smile and said, "Yuezhuang thinks I'm cruel?"

Yue Zhuang did not answer immediately, but waited for a while before saying: "There is a cause and a result."

Hua Jinglan made a "puff" sound, looked at her with bent eyes and said: "The other three families cannot interfere with the Hua family's family affairs, but this time someone will inevitably propose to deal with you and Sang Bugui. After hearing about the Titou Pavilion, you left. Yecheng, Brother Fei'ao and I couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, but we didn't expect to see you again."

Brushing her cheek, Hua Jinglan said with imperceptible tenderness in her eyes, "I'll be fine."

Yue Zhuang bit her lip, but finally couldn't hold it back and blurted out, "But Brother Fei Ao is very worried about you!"

"Aren't you worried about me?" Hua Jinglan pretended to be disappointed.

Yue Zhuang lowered her head and whispered: "Of course I am worried about you, but brother Fei Ao..."

This little girl obviously likes someone else, but she insists on going against her will to make a match.

"I don't like him," Hua Jinglan said bluntly: "Yuezhuang, you have to fight for what you like."

Yue Zhuang's eyes were a little astringent. She blinked hard twice before she realized that her thoughts had been seen through by the other party. She whispered: "But brother Fei Ao... likes you. I'm not jealous. A strange woman like Sister Hua, if you change, If you marry me, I will fall in love with you..."

Hua Jinglan held her face, wiped away the moisture from the corners of her eyes, and said jokingly: "What? You just said a few words and your golden beans are falling?"

Yue Zhuang's face turned red and she said stubbornly: "I didn't!"

Hua Jinglan straightened her expression and said: "People from all walks of life gathered in Yecheng to resolve the issue of Sang Bu's return?"

Yue Zhuang nodded and said: "Sang Bugui sent a battle message to the four families half a month ago, and they want to decide the outcome on Qianmei Lake in Yecheng."

So that's it. Hua Jinglan pondered for a moment and then said, "You should go back first. Don't tell others that you have seen me."

Yue Zhuang hesitated, with a worried look on her face, "Sister Hua, why don't you stay away for a while and wait for people from the four families..."

"Yuezhuang, go back." Hua Jinglan interrupted her with a slight smile on her face.

Yue Zhuang hesitated for a moment, then nodded and quickly chased after the Yue family members.

Hua Jinglan turned her head and paused while caressing Sanya. A joyful smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth: How could she miss such a scene!

Quickly returning to the palace to change into men's clothes, Hua Jinglan grabbed the Kuanglan Sword and headed out.

"Sir, are you going to Qianmei Lake?" Mei Er asked as he followed her.

Hua Jinglan nodded, "Mei Er, come with me!"

Mei Er raised his eyes and looked at her with a serious look that Hua Jinglan had never seen before, "Sir, please try to stay out of this matter."

"Are you also afraid of causing public outrage in the martial arts world due to the incident of cutting off Hua Baixiang's left arm?" Hua Jinglan met his eyes as deep as a pond and as dark as the sea.

"Sang Bugui's father, Sang Buli, was forced to death by martial arts sixteen years ago. The tragic situation is still vivid in his mind. Mei Er just doesn't want the young lady to be involved in this whirlpool." He said.

"Sang Bugui picked on ten sects in a row without killing anyone, and today he openly challenged the four sects in Qianmei Lake. What do you think he did for?" Hua Jinglan asked.

Mei Er shook his head. If he wanted to avenge his father, he couldn't be so aboveboard.

Turning her head to look at the dying tree with all its yellow leaves outside the yard, she said solemnly: "Someone must resist this set of criticisms..."

"I'll go with you!" Chun Yuru came out from the side and said with a smile: "With this princess here, who dares to do anything to you!"

The words "watch the fun" clearly flashed in her eyes. Hua Jinglan smiled but acquiesced.

"Mei Er, take care of yourself now that you've come." Su Huan said as she walked past Mei Er.

Mei Er sighed, looked at Jinglan with eyes dazzled, and had no choice but to follow her, but the gloom in her chest was much lighter. As long as she knew what she was doing, what was there to fear if he risked his life to follow her

The shores of Qianmei Lake were already crowded with people. The four major families and other people from the world were also there. Everyone was talking about it, just waiting for Sang Bugui to appear.

Rong Pei had not been out for a long time since his hand was picked up, especially after he found out that Mr. Xue Yue was Hua Jinglan. He secretly hated it and worked hard to practice his left-handed sword. Only after he had achieved some success did he dare to follow Rong Heng. Sang Bugui challenges.

She glanced across the crowd, enjoying the feeling of being noticed, but when her eyes flickered, she accidentally caught a glimpse of the nightmare-like white color!

Taking a closer look, the person standing behind and to their left is Hua Jinglan, who is it? !

"Hua Jinglan... Young Master Xueyue!" she called through gritted teeth.

The eyes of the four families were attracted, and they all focused on the person who was so cruel that they wanted to cut her into pieces but had no consciousness.

"Hey! Long time no see." Hua Jinglan looked back and smiled, "It's the only place that's not crowded, so I came over."