Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 188: 188 The wind blows and the clouds roll, and the universe is revealed


Wen Zhuoyi put the peach blossom in a cage and brought it to Xiaoyao Prince's Mansion. He kicked the door where the decorations were being hung and said coldly: "Tell Chun Yuyan to come out and see me!"

The servants in the palace were stunned. Some came to chase them away with sticks, but Wen Zhuoyi beat them back one by one, so that no one else dared to move. Some people hurriedly ran into the palace to report to Chunyu Yan.

Unexpectedly, it was Zhui Feng who came out last. He said with a cold face: "The prince is preparing for the wedding and has no time to see you. If you have any words, I will convey them to you."

Wen Zhuoyi was furious, but felt that if he lost face here, he would lose Hua Jinglan's face over there, so he suppressed his anger, threw the peach blossom to the ground, and said: "I advise you, prince, to take good care of your cats." , don’t come up to pester him casually, even if Sanya is interested in it, it’s not like it can take Qiao’s capital!”

Peach Blossom rolled twice in the cage and howled twice with great grievance.

Zhui Feng opened the cage and let it out. He nodded expressionlessly, not sure if he understood what he said, and said, "I understand. I will report back to the prince verbatim. I won't send you far away."

Wen Zhuoyi only felt that a fist had hit the cotton, but there was no reason to make trouble unreasonably. He secretly took a breath in his heart and left Xiaoyao Prince's Mansion with a flick of his sleeves.

Zhui Feng held Tao Hua across the yard and knocked on the door of the study. Seeing a strange light in Chun Yuyan's eyes, he couldn't bear it for a moment, but he hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Highness, it was Wen Zhuoyi who sent Tao Hua back."

A flash of disappointment flashed through Chunyu Yan's heart, she waved and picked up Taohua, lowered her eyes and said, "Didn't he say anything else?"

"I just told Taohua not to go to Sanya in the future." Zhui Feng thought for a while and changed to a more euphemistic way of saying it.

Chunyu Yan lost interest and waved him away.

Chun Yuyan sat alone in the study, watching Peach Blossom licking his hand in every possible way, and then sighed. On the night he came back from the palace, he knew that Hua Jinglan had left. She could clearly hear what he said to the emperor. Was it because of this that she left

"Hua Jinglan, are you really not coming back?" He held Taohua's paw and asked in a low voice.


Five days later, Yuchi Jue received the good news that Mrs. Yuchi had been rescued and promised to owe Hua Jinglan a favor.

Hua Jinglan put away the flying pigeon letter, put the piece of paper in the book, and smiled softly, "It's not too late to say thank you after Yu Chi Yue's matter is resolved."

Su Huan and Jiao Yue came in with a plate of steamed dumplings, and the latter said: "Miss, the dumplings have just been steamed, come and try them!"

Su Huan also smiled, put down the small bowl of juice, and said: "Little leaf cabbage, wrapped with the best meat."

Jiao Yue picked one up, dipped it in some juice, and put it to her lips. She said eagerly, "Miss, try it!"

Hua Jinglan smiled at her appearance, opened her mouth to eat the dumpling, nodded and said, "It tastes good."

Jiao Yue's heart was shattered. She saw that she had no appetite these days, so she cooked snacks in various ways, just to make her happy. Now seeing her smiling, she felt much relieved.

"Miss, eat more. There will be fried ones later. They are crispy, tender, and so delicious!" She put down her chopsticks and hurried out.

Su Huan sat down at the table, mixed another one and pushed it in front of Hua Jinglan, saying, "Miss, please have one more."

Hua Jinglan swallowed the dumplings as she was told, yawned and said, "It's so late at night, let Gao Yue make it tomorrow. I won't be able to eat it even after it's made."

Su Huan paused and said, "We are all worried about you."

"I know," Hua Jinglan said with a smile on her lips, "Don't worry about me."

Su Huan chuckled and nodded, "I'm not in a hurry. It's just that Mr. Shangguan has had trouble sleeping and eating these past few days."

Hua Jinglan held up her chin and picked up a dumpling with chopsticks and took a bite. "Ask Jiao Yue to give him some dumplings. He practices martial arts all day long, which is also very hard."

Su Huan nodded and said, "Taohua has been away for the past few days. I think she went back to Prince Xiaoyao's Mansion."

"That heartless little thing," Hua Jinglan cursed, and finally asked, "Where's Sanya?"

"Leave early and come back late." Su Huan said concisely and concisely.

Hua Jinglan touched her chin and said thoughtfully, "Does this count as beating a mandarin duck?"

"Forget it," Su Huan nodded seriously, "but if we snatch King Xiaoyao out of the bridal chamber, it shouldn't be considered as beating a mandarin duck."

"A bad person's marriage will be struck by lightning," Hua Jinglan thought for a moment and then corrected: "A bad cat's marriage..."

"You have to be kind. I think it is necessary for these two fateful mandarin ducks to finally get married."

"I think so too." Su Huan said with a smile.

Hua Jinglan stretched and said, "Then it's decided. Su Huan, prepare a linen bag. I'll knock Chun Yuyan unconscious and drag him out of the bridal chamber tomorrow."

"Okay!" Su Huan stood up, opened the door and walked out. When she closed the door, she said to the people who were hiding by the door and listening in the corner: "The stronger the pocket, the better."

Gaoyue and Izumo cheered and quickly encouraged Hua Yin and Xiang Rong to prepare things.

Hua Jinglan heard the noise outside in the room, smiled silently, bowed her head and blew out the candle, and got into bed with her clothes on.

Zhuyu, who was hiding in a tree far away, heard the overwhelming joy in the courtyard, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom. He originally thought that Hua Jinglan liked their prince, but he didn't expect that she would be indifferent when she heard the news of his wedding. Xueyue Courtyard was just like holding a wedding, and it was more lively than their palace...

Then their prince, did he make the wrong calculation this time

"I said, does it look like the prince is a little pitiful?" He quietly asked Zhui Feng beside him.

Zhui Feng was also furious. In his eyes, Chunyu Yan holding peach blossoms and painting Hua Jinglan's portrait in the study room all day long clearly meant that he had a deep love for her. Such an infatuated seed would probably be difficult to see even in the world, let alone an emperor's home. When she found the second one, she, Hua Jinglan, was so blessed that she didn't know how to be blessed, so she just... abandoned him like that? !

"It's better to let the prince marry the princess of Qiongyu Kingdom," Zhui Feng gritted his teeth and said, "She is still a princess after all!"