Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 191: 191 The wind blows and the clouds roll, and the universe is revealed


"Your Majesty, Princess, we are happy!" Hua Jinglan was almost frightened by the situation just as she stepped out of the door. The servants in the palace lined up neatly in the courtyard, with bright smiles on their faces.

Chunyu Yan was like a spring breeze and said with a smile: "Take the silver as a reward."

After welcoming Zhu and sending Zhu off happily, Hua Jinglan realized that she was trying to please her.

"Zhui Feng, is the carriage ready?" Chunyu Yan asked again.

"I'll tell you, the prince, I'm ready." Zhui Feng was very curious, wondering what the bride who suddenly appeared last night looked like, but when he looked up, what he saw was Hua Jinglan's face, and his eyes suddenly opened in shock: This What's going on? !

Chun Yuyan was in a very good mood, hugged Hua Jinglan and walked out. After suffering many blows along the way, the two of them finally arrived at the gate of the palace safely.

Before I even stepped onto the carriage, a low voice came from my ears: "Master..."

Turning around, he met Wen Zhuoyi's bloodshot eyes. His hair was slightly messy and the corners of his clothes were slightly folded. It was obvious that he had stood here all night.

Intimidated by his sad eyes, Hua Jinglan subconsciously wanted to walk towards him, but Chun Yuyan grabbed her wrist, "Lan'er!"

Turning around in a daze, he was met with Chun Yuyan's eagerness.

Fear? Hua Jinglan actually saw this kind of thing in his eyes!

Just in that moment of hesitation, Wen Zhuoyi also understood who her heart was. Her kindness to herself and her tit-for-tat confrontation with Chun Yuyan were completely different. He had always been protected by her as a weakling, but Chun Yuyan was the one who could stand side by side with her.

He turned around, and even if he wanted to stay with her again, he could only leave resolutely. He only hoped that he could be the one to protect her in the future!

"What's wrong?" Hua Jinglan looked at Chun Yuyan, but saw him looking past her to the back. When she turned around, she realized that Wen Zhuoyi had disappeared.

Her eyes dimmed, Hua Jinglan pursed her lips and looked at the street in the distance.

The carriage started to move with a clatter. Chun Yuyan held Hua Jinglan's fingers tightly and refused to relax. She laughed as if she was facing a formidable enemy, "You don't have to do this, are you afraid that I will run away?"

Chunyu Yan smiled slightly, not sure whether it was true or not, "I'm really scared."

Hua Jinglan was noncommittal and turned her head towards the window, but her thoughts were already on Wen Zhuoyi. There was something and it was time to tell him. It was up to him to decide whether to stay or go.


In front of the majestic palace gate, Chun Yuyan's carriage happened to meet Chun Yuzhuang's carriage.

Chunyuzhuang was really surprised when he got off the carriage and saw Hua Jinglan, but Hua Jinglan's eyes fell on Murong Wei beside him.

Looking back at Chun Yuyan, who looked coldly, she didn't know how he did it. He actually pressed Murong Wei onto Chun Yuzhuang's body. Chun Yurao's move was just a test.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law." Chun Yuyan took a step forward and called them.

Chun Yuzhuang looked at Hua Jinglan with deep meaning and said to Chun Yuyan: "It turns out that the third brother is already pregnant with a beautiful woman." It was impossible for Chun Yurao to hide the matter of summoning him to the palace in the middle of the night from the people above and below him. My brother, who is so good at kung fu, married Hua Jinglan on the same day as him instead of the princess of Qiongyu Kingdom.

His scrutinizing eyes looked at the absent-minded Hua Jinglan again. Is this woman really so charming...

Hua Jinglan looked at them speechlessly, with big eyes and small eyes. What was even more speechless was the princess of Qiongyu Kingdom, whose watery eyes were scanning Chun Yuyan. Although Chun Yuyan was prettier than Chun Yuzhuang, You wouldn't be so obvious about it.

With her eyes narrowed, she opened her lips and said, "Wait a little longer, just in time for lunch."

Murong Wei then turned her eyes to look at Hua Jinglan. She and King Xiaoyao were also wearing crimson dresses, which made their skin as white as snow. King Xiaoyao wore red to look suave and uninhibited, but she wore red to look suave and uninhibited. Indifferent, even though she was dressed in bright and fiery red, she could not cover up her indifference that kept people away from thousands of miles away... It was this woman who snatched the Xiaoyao King, who was famous among the five countries, from her!

"Your Majesty, don't keep your father and mother waiting in a hurry, let's go in quickly." Murong Wei smiled dignifiedly, her voice was like an oriole emerging from the valley, delicate and sweet.

Chunyuzhuang seemed to be very satisfied with her virtuous and courteous character, so he responded and stepped into the palace gate.

The four of them accompanied each other, and Chun Yuyan talked to Hua Jinglan in detail about the beauty of the palace garden layout, quite leisurely. Hua Jinglan also kept smiling. When Chunyu Yan said something, she would pay attention to it.

"Although the palaces and gardens of Houyue are different from those of Qiongyu Kingdom, their layout is exquisite. In real comparison, Qiongyu Kingdom may be slightly inferior. The prince should really tell me about the skilled craftsmen and open my eyes." Murong Wei followed Chunyuzhuang and smiled gently.

"The gardens in the palace are all made by famous artists. Some of them are hundreds of years old. The people who created them may have passed away. If the princess likes these things, I will invite a few people to come and decorate the courtyard of the palace someday. Although it is not as good as the ones in the palace, it is small and beautiful and can be used as an ornament." Chunyuzhuang said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Murong Wei seemed to have received a great gift from heaven, with joy overflowing on her face.

"It's so sour." Hua Jinglan shrugged. The two strangers entered the bridal chamber without seeing their faces clearly. Who should show their affection this early in the morning

"What did my brother and sister just say?" Chunyuzhuang asked in a deep tone, threateningly. This is the palace. It doesn't matter if she is not in the royal family. If she enters Chunyu's house, there will be many opportunities to deal with her. !

Hua Jinglan looked indifferent and said flatly: "The prince and the princess have a deep love, which is enviable."

Murong Wei covered her lips and smiled, feeling extremely shy.

Hua Jinglan turned around to face Chun Yuyan, held his hand with the cover of her wide sleeves, and winked at him, "Your Majesty, it's getting late, why don't we go meet the father, emperor and mother earlier?"

After speaking, without waiting for his reply, or giving Chunyuzhuang and Murong Wei time to react, they grabbed his waist and moved quickly. From a distance, it looked like he was walking quickly, but the speed was staggering and blinking. In a short time, the two of them disappeared around the corner of Yuan Lin.