Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 202: 202 The wind blows and the clouds roll, and the universe is revealed for the first time


"I said, if he dares to leak a word, not only will he not be able to survive, but even his family will not be able to survive!" Hua Jinglan's eyes were like daggers, and Zhang Hai was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head and cowered aside. .

"Stop being so arrogant!" Feiyi reprimanded: "Don't think that because you are a member of the royal family, I dare not embarrass you. You threaten me in broad daylight. Based on this alone, I can think that you are colluding with the Yue family! "

Hua Jinglan wanted to laugh when she heard this, so she actually laughed. She clapped her hands together and walked downstairs, "I have to admire Mrs. Fei's endurance, and I have to admire Mr. Fei even more." Human scheming..."

She changed the topic and said sharply, "I'm afraid Zhang Hai has told Old Madam Fei about this matter a long time ago. Madam Fei held back until now and had to wait until Xia Shuicheng, where people from all walks of life gathered, let Zhang Hai act in this play. Then why don't you dare to say that you are protecting Yue Zhuang, the third young master of the Rong family, and the fourth young master of your Fei family?"

Rong's family members paused and looked at Rong Du.

Fei Yinong's expression was cold and he said: "Young people don't understand the stakes, and they only want to be loyal for a while. This behavior is excusable. Besides, the punishment is a matter for our four families. What does it have to do with you, Master Xueyue?"

"Why doesn't it matter?" Hua Jinglan grinned and turned around to ask Yue Zhuang, "In front of everyone, what did Zhang Hai do in your room?"

Yue Zhuang suppressed her thoughts and took a step forward: "I was going to ask my second brother to go downstairs for dinner, but Zhang Hai suddenly came. He threatened me with this matter, saying... that I didn't agree with him. I wanted to tell this matter... I was afraid for a moment, so... I hurt him... "

Yue Zhuang covered her face and cried, but Hua Jinglan walked up to Zhang Hai and looked at him coldly, "Tell me, who ordered you to do this?!"

"No!" Zhang Hai jumped up and retorted as if his acupoints were tapped: "No one ordered me, it was me...!"

He realized halfway through that he had fallen into Hua Jinglan's trap, and quickly turned his gaze to Fei Yinong, whose expression was extremely gloomy.

Hua Jinglan sneered, "I heard it all!"

Zhang Hai mumbled and didn't dare to speak, and he didn't dare to look at everyone's eyes.

At this time, Fei Yi Nong calmed down and said: "The Fei family's discipline is not strict, Zhang Hai will handle it on his own, and the most urgent task now is to deal with this hidden danger in the world first!"

"Grandma, Yue Zhuang didn't do anything wrong. Nothing has happened to her for so many years. Why can't we just let it go?!" Fei Ao stood up and spoke for Yue Zhuang.

Feinong didn't talk nonsense to him, and swung the crutch and hit him hard on the crook of the leg. Fei Ao knelt down in pain and heard her say again: "Xianyun, take Ao'er down!"

"Grandma!" Fei Ao was unwilling to give in, but Fei Xianyun knew that the trend was unavoidable and forcibly pulled him aside. At this time, the less involved with the Yue family, the better.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that everyone has begun to distance themselves from the Yue family.

"Grandma...!" Fei Ao was furious.

Hua Jinglan sneered, Fei Yinong sang well, if the Yue family protects Yue Zhuang now, they will become a public enemy in the martial arts world.

She walked up behind Zhang Hai and said coldly: "Why does Mrs. Fei wait until afterwards to deal with this person...?"

Everyone turned around and heard her say: "Zhang Hai, if you want to blame, blame the person who ordered you!"

She raised her hand, waved her white sleeves, and with a "click" sound, she broke Zhang Hai's neck cleanly. During this period, she looked at Fei Yinong with a stern look.

"You...!" Fei Yinong saw his confidant being killed and was furious, beyond words.

Hua Jinglan took the handkerchief handed over by Su Huan, wiped her hands, and said coldly: "On impulse, I accidentally twisted his neck, but such a scumbag deserves to die."

"Hua Jinglan!" Feiyi Nong stomped his cane and said, "Don't think that just because you are outstanding in martial arts, you think that I can do nothing to you. Is it possible that you want to be the enemy of the entire martial arts world?!"

"So what?!" Hua Jinglan asked firmly.

However, this sound shocked everyone in the Yue family. Unexpectedly, in the end, all the people who were usually brothers and sisters disappeared. Instead, Hua Jinglan, who was both good and evil, was willing to stand up for Yue Zhuang.

"Master Xue Yue," Yue Fuyao's eyes were slightly red, "You really don't have to wade through this muddy water..."

It's a foregone conclusion. She can't hide for a while. Even if she escapes by chance today, Yue Zhuang can't escape the pursuit of the entire martial arts world...

Feiyi Nong smiled sinisterly, "Get someone!"

Everyone was about to move, but Hua Jinglan jumped to the ground, blocked the front, and shouted in a deep voice, "Who dares?!"

Everyone was stunned, and for a moment some didn't dare to step forward.

"Sister Hua..." Yue Zhuang burst into tears and looked at her with tearful eyes.

Hua Jinglan didn't look back, she just said: "You call me sister, and I will protect you."

At this time, Fei Yi Nong's wishes are perfect. With the help of everyone in the world except Hua Jinglan, he can kill two birds with one stone!

"Those who enter the evil level must be punished by God, and those who kill must pay with their lives. All martial arts colleagues, let's work together to capture these two people and act on behalf of God!" She shouted loudly, and naturally there were hundreds of responses.

"Who dares to offend the young master!" Wen Zhuo threw down his sleeves, and a row of flying needles shot to the ground, shocking everyone in their footsteps.

Su Huan, Mei Er, Xiang Rong, Hua Yin and others also stepped forward and surrounded Hua Jinglan, vowing to stop everyone.

Hua Jinglan stood downstairs, her white clothes motionless in the wind. She said with a serious look, "You guys, step back."

Wen Zhuoyi looked back and saw the blood-red air gushing out from behind her. Her heart sank and she flew away first: She had made up her mind to rescue Yue Zhuang, and they couldn't go with her!

Seeing her servants retreating one after another, people in the world also held their breath and watched the movement behind her.

Hua Jinglan opened her eyes, and the wall of air behind her rose up like a waterfall. It was so powerful that it crashed through the roof of the inn before it stopped. The wind was so fast that it overturned all the tables and chairs around it!

Everyone hurriedly exited the inn and looked out. In the six-foot-high blood wall, there was a giant three-eyed dog with a voice like a tiger. It looked up to the sky and roared: "Roar...!"

The entire inn was crumbling, and the Yue family hurriedly retreated out. The next second, they felt a strong wind coming from behind. Yue Liang's hands were empty, and she turned around to look. The blood disappeared into the darkness with Yue Zhuang!

ps: Eight thousand words have been updated. It’s a new year. I hope everyone will support Chang Fan, give away more wallets, smash more gold medals, and try his best to update Chang Fan. Hehe, happy New Year!