Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 203: 203 The wind blows and the clouds roll, and the universe first appears on May Day


Fei Yi Nong looked at the person leaving Jue Chen. The two eyebrows on her old face were almost wrinkled together. She stamped her crutch angrily and pointed at Su Huan and others who ran out of the inn. shouted: "Catch them, they are in the same group as Hua Jinglan!"

Yue Wei stood up immediately and said loudly: "The person who has entered the evil level is Young Master Xue Yue. Why do I, a member of the martial arts world, need to use hostages to intimidate and resort to such cruel methods?! The old lady must be losing her temper by doing this!"

Fei Yinong snorted coldly, "Hua Jinglan has just killed members of my Fei family in front of the martial arts people. His methods are as vicious as those of Sang Buli back then. It is most important to catch her as early as possible. A man does not stick to trivial matters. Besides, I The Fei family are not ignorant people, and they will definitely not vent their anger on others, or is it that the Yue family deliberately let Hua Jinglan go in order to protect Yue Zhuang?!"

Yue Wei gritted his teeth. If he tried to stop him again, he would definitely be isolated by the people in the world. Not to mention helping Su Huan and others, even the Yue family might not be able to move forward!

Seeing his silence, Feinong raised his hand and said, "Take them down!"

Su Huan and his party quickly gathered together and calmly dealt with the eager people in the world.

Kyoyue and Izumo were protected by them. The former asked in a low voice: "Sister Suhuan, what should we do?"

"Just kill them!" Xiangrong said with a cold face: "This bunch of sanctimonious people in the world say one thing and do another. They are sanctimonious. Let's kill one by one, or kill two by two!"

"Xiang Rong, don't talk nonsense!" Mei Er scolded, saying this now will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire.

Fei Yi Nong wished that Hua Jinglan's people could be more crazy, so she said loudly: "Did all my colleagues in the world hear it clearly?!"

"Get them!" the crowd responded incessantly.

"Tap-tat-tat-tat...!" A chaotic and urgent sound of horse hoofs came from a distance, and a group of people walking at night in clothes rushed over and reined up their horses in front of the dilapidated inn.

About a dozen people jumped off their horses one after another. The leader strode into the crowd, raised his hand and pushed his hat off his head. He looked solemn and said coldly: "Who wants to embarrass the friends of Jiuxiao Villa?!"

"Master Yuchi." Su welcomed him and blessed himself slightly.

Wrapped in a black cloak, Yuchi Jue gave her a weak hand, then looked at the people around her, and finally set his eyes on Fei Yinong, "What is Mrs. Fei doing? People in the world bully the small with the more powerful. Are the old bullying the young?!"

Fei Yi Nong's face was cold and hard, "This matter has nothing to do with Jiuxiao Villa. I advise Master Yuchi not to interfere."

Yuchi Jue sneered, "What if I insist on intervening?"

Feiyi Nong did not expect that Yuchi Jue would be so determined, and felt a little embarrassed for a moment. To oppose Jiuxiao Villa might not be as simple as to denounce Hua Jinglan. The Yuchi family's prestige in the world is not low.

"Master Yuchi, why do you have to get involved in this muddy water?" Rong Hengyuan stepped forward and persuaded: "Hua Jinglan not only entered the vicious ranks, but also killed Zhang Hai and kidnapped the third young lady of the Yue family. She Now that he has become a public enemy, why bother making Jiuxiao Villa miserable?"

Yuchi Jue's expression did not change, and he was not moved at all, "The rules of the rivers and lakes are that all young people who enter the fierce level must be imprisoned in the Yitian Tower. The person who enters the fierce level is Hua Jinglan, what does it have to do with them? The person who killed Zhang Hai is Hua Jinglan. Lan, what does it have to do with them? The person who kidnapped the third lady of the Yue family was Hua Jinglan, what does it have to do with them?!"

"One person does things and one person takes responsibility. People in the world don't even understand this?!"

After repeated questioning, everyone fell silent. Fei Yi Nong's old face also turned green and white. He opened his mouth several times, but could not speak.

Yuchi Jue turned to Su Huan and said, "Let's go!"

Xiangrong and others put away their weapons and followed Su Huan out. The crowd separated into a path, but no one stopped them. Yuchi Jue led the people away.

On the way, Su Huan couldn't help but ask: "Has Master Yuchi met the young master?"

"I met her on the way down the mountain," Yuchi Jue paused and said, "She didn't say much, she just blamed everything on her to keep you safe."

Su Huan's heart sank when she heard this, and she quickly asked: "Master, have you told me where she went?"

Yuchi Jue shook his head, and finally comforted her, "Hua Jinglan actually made such a decision, then she must have a countermeasure. You can settle down at Jiuxiao Villa for the time being and wait for news about her."

Su Huan sighed, worry lingering on her eyebrows.


In fact, Hua Jinglan had no countermeasures at all, but she made a decision. After she put Yue Zhuang in place, the first thing she did was to destroy the shabby Sky Suppression Tower!

"Sister Hua, where are we going?" Yue Zhuang asked Qi Qiran as she followed behind her.

Hua Jinglan breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at the sky, and thought for a while: "I don't have any good place to go, so why not go find the old man!"

"Who is the old man?" Yue Zhuang asked curiously.

"The old man is just an old man," Hua Jinglan changed the subject and said, "Let me see if there is anything wrong with your martial arts?"

Yue Zhuang nodded and said: "Originally, after entering the divine level, martial arts practitioners can control the beast form on their own, but after I jumped to the level, I could no longer control my internal strength. Although the Qi wall came out, the beast form was unstable. If the inner strength is too great and cannot be controlled for a moment, it will affect innocent people... My father is afraid that I will cause trouble, so he will not let me show my martial arts in front of outsiders."

Hua Jinglan chuckled softly and said quietly: "In this case, you have to hide for the rest of your life?"

"It doesn't take a lifetime, in more than twenty years..." Yue Zhuang's tone was bitter, presumably this was what Yue Wei said to her back then.

"The idea of being imprisoned in the Sky-Repressing Tower is ridiculous. It's ridiculous that people in the world are following his lead!"

Yue Zhuang looked at her sadly, her eyes red, "What else can I do? Can I never go home?"

Hua Jinglan touched her head and said with a smile, "Is it enough to make you shed tears just because of this?"

"I will definitely let you go home, but now we must first solve the problem of your inability to control your internal power." She said seriously: "I guarantee that after you learn how to control your internal power, those who have entered the fierce level in the world will be able to suppress the sky. The rules of the tower will definitely no longer exist!”